940 resultados para healthy organizational practices
El concepto de organización saludable cada vez toma más fuerza en el ámbito empresarial y académico, a razón de su enfoque integral y al impacto generado en distintos grupos de interés. Debido a su reciente consolidación como concepto, existe un limitado cuerpo de investigación en torno al tema. Para contribuir a la generación de conocimiento en este sentido, se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio el cual tenía como objetivo identificar la relación existente entre la implementación de prácticas saludables en las organizaciones y los valores culturales. En el estudio participaron 66 sujetos a quienes se les administró un cuestionario compuesto por nueve variables, cinco provenientes del modelo de Hofstede (1980) y cuatro más que evaluaban la implementación de prácticas organizacionales saludables. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los valores culturales predicen la implementación de prácticas saludables.
Fifty percent of the European Union’s population suffers from an oral disease. Studies have repeatedly shown that while acquiring healthy toothbrushing practices early on in one’s life is of significance, children and adults often fail to adhere to those. In this thesis we attempt to design and prototype interactive technologies that motivate healthy tooth brushing habits on individuals. Rather than focusing on the technologies’ persuasive power over individuals, we tap on the social mechanisms employed by families. In this sense, we think of these technologies as social translucent rather than persuasive, whose goal is to raise awareness within the family on each other’s habits and that aim at leveraging families’ existing social mechanisms for behavior change, rather than replacing them. More specifically, we aim to gain insights with respect to the following questions: a) What are the drivers and barriers towards adhering to healthy tooth brushing behaviors? b) Can we effectively measure toothbrushing behaviors? c) How can technologies leverage family communication practices in motivating proper toothbrushing behaviors? First, we present two studies about children and adults’ tooth brushing behaviors and how these are influenced by social interactions within the family. Secondly, we present the design and prototyping of two systems that sense toothbrushing practices and provide feedback, using the Social Translucence Framework as a design lens. We conclude with an overview of lessons learnt from the prototyping of these systems supported by an analysis of the strengths and pitfalls of the developed technologies.
Mode of access: Internet.
El bienestar de los trabajadores es un imperativo categórico para las organizaciones tanto por razones éticas como por razones de competitividad. La creación de organizaciones o entornos laborales que promuevan el bienestar de los trabajadores constituye un gran reto para las organizaciones y un ámbito de estudio académico. En el presente artículo se describe la relación que existe entre un conjunto de factores organizacionales y su impacto en el bienestar de un grupo de trabajadores, expresado a través del engagement, la satisfacción con el trabajo y la ansiedad relacionada con el trabajo. Para probar las relaciones hipotetizadas se empleó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y los resultados obtenidos señalan que las acciones de promoción de la salud organizacional tiene un impacto significativo en los valores culturales y en la adopción de prácticas organizacionales
Despite improvements over the years, accidents continue to be a scourge in the construction sector, leading to an increase in the number of journal articles addressing the issue, in an attempt to help construction industry to increase safety performance [1]. This paper aims to, helping construction industry and particulary tunneling community, describe the Portuguese approach to most typical health and safety problems in underground excavations performed with the Sequential Excavation Method (SEM). The article will address various topics, from safety management and organizational practices, to collective and personal protection equipment, to emergency planning. nt problems in safety and health matters are similar to several other countries, the paper will expose a compilation of Portuguese best practices used to solve that problems. This enunciation of best practices describes experience from most important and recognized Project Owners and Contractors in Portugal. In a second phase it will be analysed Portuguese weaknesses, identifying preventive measures, and their comparative importance, that should be adopted in Portugal in order to reduce accidents and health diseases.
The objective of this research was to analyze the organizational culture of a Brazilian public hospital. It is a descriptive study with quantitative approach of data, developed in a public hospital of São Paulo State, Brazil. The sample was composed by 52 nurses and 146 nursing technicians and auxiliaries. Data were collected from January to June 2011 using the Brazilian Instrument for Assessing Organizational Culture – IBACO. The analysis of the organizational values showed the existence of hierarchical rigidity and centralization of power within the institution, as well as individualism and competition, which hinders teamwork. The values concerning workers’ well-being, satisfaction and motivation were not highly valued. In regard to organizational practices, the promotion of interpersonal relationship, continuous education, and rewarding practices were not valued either. It becomes apparent that traditional models of work organization support work practices and determine the organizational culture of the hospital.
SUMMARY Organizational creativity – hegemonic and alternative discourses Over the course of recent developments in the societal and business environment, the concept of creativity has been brought into new arenas. The rise of ‘creative industries’ and the idea of creativity as a form of capital have attracted the interests of business and management professionals – as well as academics. As the notion of creativity has been adopted in the organization studies literature, the concept of organizational creativity has been introduced to refer to creativity that takes place in an organizational context. This doctoral thesis focuses on organizational creativity, and its purpose is to explore and problematize the hegemonic organizational creativity discourse and to provide alternative viewpoints for theorizing about creativity in organizations. Taking a discourse theory approach, this thesis, first, provides an outline of the currently predominant, i.e. hegemonic, discourse on organizational creativity, which is explored regarding themes, perspectives, methods and paradigms. Second, this thesis consists of five studies that act as illustrations of certain alternative viewpoints. Through these exemplary studies, this thesis sheds light on the limitations and taken-for-granted aspects of the hegemonic discourse and discusses what these alternative viewpoints could offer for the understanding of and theorizing for organizational creativity. This study leans on an assumption that the development of organizational creativity knowledge and the related discourse is not inevitable or progressive but rather contingent. The organizational creativity discourse has developed in a certain direction, meaning that some themes, perspectives, and methods, as well as assumptions, values, and objectives, have gained a hegemonic position over others, and are therefore often taken for granted and considered valid and relevant. The hegemonization of certain aspects, however, contributes to the marginalization of others. The thesis concludes that the hegemonic discourse on organizational creativity is based on an extensive coverage of certain themes and perspectives, such as those focusing on individual cognitive processes, motivation, or organizational climate and their relation to creativity, to name a few. The limited focus on some themes and the confinement to certain prevalent perspectives, however, results in the marginalization of other themes and perspectives. The negative, often unintended, consequences, implications, and side effects of creativity, the factors that might hinder or prevent creativity, and a deeper inquiry into the ontology and epistemology of creativity have attracted relatively marginal interest. The material embeddedness of organizational creativity, in other words, the physical organizational environment as well as the human body and its non-cognitive resources, has largely been overlooked in the hegemonic discourse, although thereare studies in this area that give reason to believe that they might prove relevant for the understanding of creativity. The hegemonic discourse is based on an individual-centered understanding of creativity which overattributes creativity to an individual and his/her cognitive capabilities, while simultaneously neglecting how, for instance, the physical environment, artifacts, social dynamics and interactions condition organizational creativity. Due to historical reasons, quantitative as well as qualitative yet functionally- oriented studies have predominated the organizational creativity discourse, although studies falling into the interpretationist paradigm have gradually become more popular. The two radical paradigms, as well as methodological and analytical approaches typical of radical research, can be considered to hold a marginal position in the field of organizational creativity. The hegemonic organizational creativity discourse has provided extensive findings related to many aspects of organizational creativity, although the con- ceptualizations and understandings of organizational creativity in the hegemonic discourse are also in many respects limited and one-sided. The hegemonic discourse is based on an assumption that creativity is desirable, good, necessary, or even obligatory, and should be encouraged and nourished. The conceptualiza- tions of creativity favor the kind of creativity which is useful, valuable and can be harnessed for productivity. The current conceptualization is limited to the type of creativity that is acceptable and fits the managerial ideology, and washes out any risky, seemingly useless, or negative aspects of creativity. It also limits the possible meanings and representations that ‘creativity’ has in the respective discourse, excluding many meanings of creativity encountered in other discourses. The excessive focus on creativity that is good, positive, productive and fits the managerial agenda while ignoring other forms and aspects of creativity, however, contributes to the dilution of the notion. Practices aimed at encouraging the kind of creativity may actually entail a risk of fostering moderate alterations rather than more radical novelty, as well as management and organizational practices which limit creative endeavors, rather than increase their likelihood. The thesis concludes that although not often given the space and attention they deserve, there are alternative conceptualizations and understandings of organizational creativity which embrace a broader notion of creativity. The inability to accommodate the ‘other’ understandings and viewpoints within the organizational creativity discourse runs a risk of misrepresenting the complex and many-sided phenomenon of creativity in organizational context. Keywords: Organizational creativity, creativity, organization studies, discourse theory, hegemony
Este estudio examina la relación existente entre prácticas saludables dentro de la organización y el compromiso organizacional. Para evaluar estos dos aspectos se utilizaron dos cuestionarios. Por un lado en el compromiso organizacional, se utilizó una versión adaptada del cuestionario de Meyer y Allen (1993), que evalúa el compromiso en 3 componentes. Afectivo, normativo y continuo. Con respecto a prácticas saludables, se utilizo un instrumento que evalúa la percepción que tienen los sujetos en cuanto 4 practicas saludables que para este caso, fue necesario dividir uno de los componentes teniendo como resultado 5 practicas saludables orientadas, al plan de desarrollo, empleados, cuidado del medio interno, cuidado del medio externo y proveedores y compradores. Para el estudio de empleó una muestra de 80 sujetos de una multinacional de producción dedicada a las artes graficas y se aplicaron los instrumentos de manera aleatoria. Los resultados muestran que existe relación entre el compromiso afectivo y el compromiso normativo con las prácticas saludables; por otro lado, no se encontró relación directa entre el compromiso continuo y las practicas saludables en ninguna de sus orientaciones.
Un gran número de empresas están inmersas actualmente en espacios de mercado conocidos y saturados de competidores. La innovación constituye una de las principales alternativas de las empresas para encontrar su posicionamiento estratégico y adaptarse a los cambios del entorno (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Igualmente, Demirci (2013) asegura que la cultura es un factor clave en la innovación, dado que está fuertemente asociada con los valores, actitudes, comportamientos y prácticas organizacionales. Esta investigación abarca el estudio de la cultura organizacional y la innovación en el marco de estrategias de cooperación inter-organizacional donde se plantea que el grado de cooperación que existe entre las empresas tiene un efecto sobre los valores culturales y la incorporación de innovaciones en cada organización. Para esto se llevó a cabo una investigación cuantitativa con un alcance de tipo descriptivo y de carácter no experimental y trans seccional, cuya unidad de análisis fueron 20 empresas de la red ParqueSoft Manizales. Para la medición de las variables de innovación se aplicó un instrumento basado en el Manual de Oslo de la OECD y Eurostat (2005) el cual contempla la innovación de producto, proceso, mercadotecnia y organización. A nivel de los valores culturales, la medición se realizó a través de un cuestionario inspirado en el modelo de Hofstede (1980). Los resultados obtenidos permiten demostrar que existe un grado de relación entre la cooperación y los valores culturales ‘distancia al poder’ y ‘tolerancia a la incertidumbre´, sin poder determinar la relación con la generación de innovación de producto, proceso, mercadotecnia y organización, así como con las otras dimensiones del modelo de valores de Hofstede.
This edited book is intended for use by students, academics and practitioners who take interest in the outsourcing and offshoring of information technology and business services and processes. The book offers a review of the key topics in outsourcing and offshoring, populated with practical frameworks that serve as a tool kit for practitioners, academics and students. The range of topics covered in this book is wide and diverse, and represents both client and supplier perspectives on sourcing of global services. Various aspects related to the decision making process (e.g., asset transfer), learning mechanisms and organizational practices for managing outsourcing relationships are discussed in great depth. Contemporary sourcing models, including cloud services, are examined. Client dependency on the outsourcing provider, and social aspects, such as identity, are discussed in detail. Furthermore, resistance in outsourcing and failures are investigated to derive lessons as to how to avoid them and improve efficiency in outsourcing. Topics discussed in this book combine theoretical and practical insights regarding challenges that both clients and vendors face. Case studies from client and vendor organizations are used extensively throughout the book. Last but not least, the book examines current and future trends in outsourcing and offshoring, placing particular attention on the centrality of innovation in sourcing arrangements, and how innovation can be realized in outsourcing. The book is based on a vast empirical base brought together through years of extensive research by leading researchers in information systems, strategic management and operations.
Research on organizational spaces has not considered the importance of collective memory for the process of investing meaning in corporate architecture. Employing an archival ethnography approach, practices of organizational remembering emerge as a way to shape the meanings associated with architectural designs. While the role of monuments and museums are well established in studies of collective memory, this research extends the concept of spatiality to the practices of organizational remembering that focus on a wider selection of corporate architecture. By analyzing the historical shift from colonial to modernist architecture for banks and retailers in Ghana and Nigeria in the 1950s and 1960s on the basis of documents and photographs from three different companies, this article shows how archival sources can be used to untangle the ways in which companies seek to ascribe meaning to their architectural output. Buildings allude to the past and the future in a range of complex ways that can be interpreted more fully by reference to the archival sources and the historical context of their creation. Social remembering has the potential to explain why and how buildings have meaning, while archival ethnography offers a new research approach to investigate changing organizational practices.
This research explored the thesis that organizational personality is related to applicants’ attraction to an organization through a process which involves need motivation, expectancy beliefs, and applicants’ perceptions of person-organization fit. Organizational personality may be defined as a collection of trait-like characteristics that individuals use to describe organizational practices, policies, values, and culture. Specifically, this research investigated the hypothesis that organizational personality information is useful to applicants because it helps individuals to determine their perceptions of fit. A sample of students (N = 198) and working adults (N = 198) participated in an online experiment. Findings indicated that individuals’ beliefs about the instrumentality of desirable work related outcomes are essential to determining their perceptions of fit and organizational attraction. Additionally, organizational personality perceptions interacted with need motivation to affect perceptions of fit and organizational attraction. For instance, perceptions of fit mediated the influence of the interaction between need for achievement and perceptions of innovativeness on organizational attraction. The interaction of need motivation and perceptions of organizational personality helped individuals to better determine their perceptions of fit and subsequent attraction toward organizations.^
As artes culinárias, os seus intervenientes e a envolvente associada às mesmas, assumem hoje um interesse crescente por parte dos consumidores, podendo funcionar como uma ferramenta de educação, tornando os consumidores mais recetivos à influência da alimentação na saúde. Por outro lado, o entretenimento direcionado para alimentação poderá conduzir o consumidor a um desvio das suas práticas alimentares saudáveis, envolvendo os espetadores numa fantasia e glamour, de cenários encenados que parecem reais em particular para pessoas sem qualificações em artes culinárias. Esta investigação pretende aferir a perceção dos Chefs sobre o conceito de alimentação saudável e a sua influência no bem-estar das pessoas na região da grande Lisboa. Metodologicamente, realizaram-se entrevistas a Chefs, privilegiando o método qualitativo. A informação recolhida foi tratada recorrendo-se à análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se o software QSR Nvivo 10®. As entrevistas seguiram um guião pré-estabelecido, incidindo sobre os seguintes temas: i) hábitos alimentares dos Chefs em casa; ii) perceção sobre alimentação saudável; iii) práticas em contexto de trabalho. Os Chefs percecionaram corretamente o conceito de alimentação saudável e associaram o bem-estar como o principal benefício associado à sua prática. Porém, nos seus locais de trabalho, os Chefs referem que se sentem pressionados pelas questões economicistas aquando da elaboração das suas receitas. Importa pois promover uma oferta alimentar atrativa e simultaneamente saudável, contribuindo para o bem-estar das pessoas.
A maioria das nações mais desenvolvidas deve, em larga medida, a sua prosperidade à produtividade da sua força de trabalho. Esta produtividade relaciona-se, fundamentalmente, com dois aspectos essenciais. Por um lado, com o nível e adequação das qualificações e competências da população activa, as quais permitem desenvolver o empreendedorismo e criar riqueza e, por outro, com a qualidade e grau de sofisticação dos equipamentos, tecnologias, modelos de organização e sistemas de gestão de que as empresas dispõem. Nesta comunicação, elaborada por convite para apresentação na sessão comemorativa do 20º aniversário da AFTEM, no Porto, após a contextualização das exigências do mercado de trabalho em resultado da inovação empresarial e da emergência das economias baseadas no conhecimento, apresentam-se alguns estudos recentemente concluídos em diversos países e regiões da OCDE, nomeadamente, Austrália, Irlanda, Reino Unido e Escócia – nos quais se foca a necessidade de incrementar o nível de qualificações para responder às necessidades do tecido produtivo por forma a manter a competitividade da indústria e serviços desses países e regiões à escala global; em particular realça-se a importância de se aumentar a percentagem de população activa com nível 4 de qualificação profissional. Aborda-se, ainda, a situação da formação pós secundária não superior em Portugal (nível 4). Conclui-se, formulando algumas recomendações em termos de estratégias e de trabalho futuro com vista a dinamizar as oportunidades de qualificação de nível 4, em estreita articulação com as empresas, como forma de o tecido produtivo nacional dispor de níveis de qualificação de recursos humanos que permitam a mobilidade para novas actividades com maior valor acrescentado e, por esta via, atingir níveis de rentabilidade semelhante à dos restantes estados membros da UE e de outros países da OCDE.
Na presente comunicação apresentamos parte dos resultados de um estudo de caso desenvolvido pelos autores no âmbito do Observatório de Segurança Escolar (OSE). A investigação a que nos propusemos resulta do desenvolvimento e aprofundamento de estudos que a equipa do OSE tem vindo a realizar nos últimos 6 anos (Sebastião, Campos, Alves e Merlini: 2010; Sebastião, Campos e Merlini: 2011) e justifica-se pela necessidade de análises contextualizadas da problemática de violência na escola, no sentido de contribuir para futuras estratégias e mecanismos de intervenção e prevenção sobre esta forma de violência. Tendo como ponto de partida os dados estatísticos nacionais sobre os incidentes de violência nas escolas1, procurámos compreender como os traços identificados a nível nacional se traduzem e são reconfigurados territorialmente. Em particular, saber porque é que escolas situadas em territórios com condições sociais idênticas apresentam níveis de violência e abordagens de regulação diferenciadas. Partindo de uma abordagem meso analítica do fenómeno de violência na escola, que engloba as perspetivas organizacional (Burns e Flam: 2000; Mouzelis: 2000; Torres e Palhares: 2010; Lima: 2001) e ecológica (Fuchs: 2008; Machado: 2008; Carvalho, 2010; Leal: 2010), o estudo privilegiou uma estratégia metodológica intensiva e desenvolveu-se em três territórios do Concelho de Sintra. Nesta apresentação o foco analítico incide sobre as estratégias e mecanismos acionados pelas escolas nos processos de regulação (prevenção e intervenção) das ocorrências de violência na escola, considerando a diversidade de condições contextuais e organizacionais. Ou seja, analisamos o modo como as escolas respondem aos incidentes e procuram pacificar os seus quotidianos e as condições em que o fazem. Tendo em conta as possibilidades de ação encontradas, identificámos um conjunto de fatores significativos nos processos de regulação da violência, entre os quais destacamos: as lideranças e práticas organizacionais; as orientações para a intervenção e a importância da priorização da violência e os instrumentos para intervir, como a constituição de gabinetes de mediação de conflitos. Face às condições para agir, verificámos que as escolas demonstram ter margem para adequar, planear e implementar estratégias de resposta, adotando modalidades de resolução da conflitualidade/violência, diversificadas, independentemente desta ter origem, ou não, em condições externas à escola.