940 resultados para graph cut


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A deep theoretical analysis of the graph cut image segmentation framework presented in this paper simultaneously translates into important contributions in several directions. The most important practical contribution of this work is a full theoretical description, and implementation, of a novel powerful segmentation algorithm, GC(max). The output of GC(max) coincides with a version of a segmentation algorithm known as Iterative Relative Fuzzy Connectedness, IRFC. However, GC(max) is considerably faster than the classic IRFC algorithm, which we prove theoretically and show experimentally. Specifically, we prove that, in the worst case scenario, the GC(max) algorithm runs in linear time with respect to the variable M=|C|+|Z|, where |C| is the image scene size and |Z| is the size of the allowable range, Z, of the associated weight/affinity function. For most implementations, Z is identical to the set of allowable image intensity values, and its size can be treated as small with respect to |C|, meaning that O(M)=O(|C|). In such a situation, GC(max) runs in linear time with respect to the image size |C|. We show that the output of GC(max) constitutes a solution of a graph cut energy minimization problem, in which the energy is defined as the a"" (a) norm ayenF (P) ayen(a) of the map F (P) that associates, with every element e from the boundary of an object P, its weight w(e). This formulation brings IRFC algorithms to the realm of the graph cut energy minimizers, with energy functions ayenF (P) ayen (q) for qa[1,a]. Of these, the best known minimization problem is for the energy ayenF (P) ayen(1), which is solved by the classic min-cut/max-flow algorithm, referred to often as the Graph Cut algorithm. We notice that a minimization problem for ayenF (P) ayen (q) , qa[1,a), is identical to that for ayenF (P) ayen(1), when the original weight function w is replaced by w (q) . Thus, any algorithm GC(sum) solving the ayenF (P) ayen(1) minimization problem, solves also one for ayenF (P) ayen (q) with qa[1,a), so just two algorithms, GC(sum) and GC(max), are enough to solve all ayenF (P) ayen (q) -minimization problems. We also show that, for any fixed weight assignment, the solutions of the ayenF (P) ayen (q) -minimization problems converge to a solution of the ayenF (P) ayen(a)-minimization problem (ayenF (P) ayen(a)=lim (q -> a)ayenF (P) ayen (q) is not enough to deduce that). An experimental comparison of the performance of GC(max) and GC(sum) algorithms is included. This concentrates on comparing the actual (as opposed to provable worst scenario) algorithms' running time, as well as the influence of the choice of the seeds on the output.


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L’échocardiographie et l’imagerie par résonance magnétique sont toutes deux des techniques non invasives utilisées en clinique afin de diagnostiquer ou faire le suivi de maladies cardiaques. La première mesure un délai entre l’émission et la réception d’ultrasons traversant le corps, tandis que l’autre mesure un signal électromagnétique généré par des protons d’hydrogène présents dans le corps humain. Les résultats des acquisitions de ces deux modalités d’imagerie sont fondamentalement différents, mais contiennent dans les deux cas de l’information sur les structures du coeur humain. La segmentation du ventricule gauche consiste à délimiter les parois internes du muscle cardiaque, le myocarde, afin d’en calculer différentes métriques cliniques utiles au diagnostic et au suivi de différentes maladies cardiaques, telle la quantité de sang qui circule à chaque battement de coeur. Suite à un infarctus ou autre condition, les performances ainsi que la forme du coeur en sont affectées. L’imagerie du ventricule gauche est utilisée afin d’aider les cardiologues à poser les bons diagnostics. Cependant, dessiner les tracés manuels du ventricule gauche requiert un temps non négligeable aux cardiologues experts, d’où l’intérêt pour une méthode de segmentation automatisée fiable et rapide. Ce mémoire porte sur la segmentation du ventricule gauche. La plupart des méthodes existantes sont spécifiques à une seule modalité d’imagerie. Celle proposée dans ce document permet de traiter rapidement des acquisitions provenant de deux modalités avec une précision de segmentation équivalente au tracé manuel d’un expert. Pour y parvenir, elle opère dans un espace anatomique, induisant ainsi une forme a priori implicite. L’algorithme de Graph Cut, combiné avec des stratégies telles les cartes probabilistes et les enveloppes convexes régionales, parvient à générer des résultats qui équivalent (ou qui, pour la majorité des cas, surpassent) l’état de l’art ii Sommaire au moment de la rédaction de ce mémoire. La performance de la méthode proposée, quant à l’état de l’art, a été démontrée lors d’un concours international. Elle est également validée exhaustivement via trois bases de données complètes en se comparant aux tracés manuels de deux experts et des tracés automatisés du logiciel Syngovia. Cette recherche est un projet collaboratif avec l’Université de Bourgogne, en France.


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Silhouettes are common features used by many applications in computer vision. For many of these algorithms to perform optimally, accurately segmenting the objects of interest from the background to extract the silhouettes is essential. Motion segmentation is a popular technique to segment moving objects from the background, however such algorithms can be prone to poor segmentation, particularly in noisy or low contrast conditions. In this paper, the work of [3] combining motion detection with graph cuts, is extended into two novel implementations that aim to allow greater uncertainty in the output of the motion segmentation, providing a less restricted input to the graph cut algorithm. The proposed algorithms are evaluated on a portion of the ETISEO dataset using hand segmented ground truth data, and an improvement in performance over the motion segmentation alone and the baseline system of [3] is shown.


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Existing texture synthesis-from-example strategies for polygon meshes typically make use of three components: a multi-resolution mesh hierarchy that allows the overall nature of the pattern to be reproduced before filling in detail; a matching strategy that extends the synthesized texture using the best fit from a texture sample; and a transfer mechanism that copies the selected portion of the texture sample to the target surface. We introduce novel alternatives for each of these components. Use of p2-subdivision surfaces provides the mesh hierarchy and allows fine control over the surface complexity. Adaptive subdivision is used to create an even vertex distribution over the surface. Use of the graph defined by a surface region for matching, rather than a regular texture neighbourhood, provides for flexible control over the scale of the texture and allows simultaneous matching against multiple levels of an image pyramid created from the texture sample. We use graph cuts for texture transfer, adapting this scheme to the context of surface synthesis. The resulting surface textures are realistic, tolerant of local mesh detail and are comparable to results produced by texture neighbourhood sampling approaches.


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This paper addresses the issue of fully automatic segmentation of a hip CT image with the goal to preserve the joint structure for clinical applications in hip disease diagnosis and treatment. For this purpose, we propose a Multi-Atlas Segmentation Constrained Graph (MASCG) method. The MASCG method uses multi-atlas based mesh fusion results to initialize a bone sheetness based multi-label graph cut for an accurate hip CT segmentation which has the inherent advantage of automatic separation of the pelvic region from the bilateral proximal femoral regions. We then introduce a graph cut constrained graph search algorithm to further improve the segmentation accuracy around the bilateral hip joint regions. Taking manual segmentation as the ground truth, we evaluated the present approach on 30 hip CT images (60 hips) with a 15-fold cross validation. When the present approach was compared to manual segmentation, an average surface distance error of 0.30 mm, 0.29 mm, and 0.30 mm was found for the pelvis, the left proximal femur, and the right proximal femur, respectively. A further look at the bilateral hip joint regions demonstrated an average surface distance error of 0.16 mm, 0.21 mm and 0.20 mm for the acetabulum, the left femoral head, and the right femoral head, respectively.


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We show a procedure for constructing a probabilistic atlas based on affine moment descriptors. It uses a normalization procedure over the labeled atlas. The proposed linear registration is defined by closed-form expressions involving only geometric moments. This procedure applies both to atlas construction as atlas-based segmentation. We model the likelihood term for each voxel and each label using parametric or nonparametric distributions and the prior term is determined by applying the vote-rule. The probabilistic atlas is built with the variability of our linear registration. We have two segmentation strategy: a) it applies the proposed affine registration to bring the target image into the coordinate frame of the atlas or b) the probabilistic atlas is non-rigidly aligning with the target image, where the probabilistic atlas is previously aligned to the target image with our affine registration. Finally, we adopt a graph cut - Bayesian framework for implementing the atlas-based segmentation.


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The aim of this paper is to develop a probabilistic modeling framework for the segmentation of structures of interest from a collection of atlases. Given a subset of registered atlases into the target image for a particular Region of Interest (ROI), a statistical model of appearance and shape is computed for fusing the labels. Segmentations are obtained by minimizing an energy function associated with the proposed model, using a graph-cut technique. We test different label fusion methods on publicly available MR images of human brains.


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Segmentation of novel or dynamic objects in a scene, often referred to as background sub- traction or foreground segmentation, is critical for robust high level computer vision applica- tions such as object tracking, object classifca- tion and recognition. However, automatic real- time segmentation for robotics still poses chal- lenges including global illumination changes, shadows, inter-re ections, colour similarity of foreground to background, and cluttered back- grounds. This paper introduces depth cues provided by structure from motion (SFM) for interactive segmentation to alleviate some of these challenges. In this paper, two prevailing interactive segmentation algorithms are com- pared; Lazysnapping [Li et al., 2004] and Grab- cut [Rother et al., 2004], both based on graph- cut optimisation [Boykov and Jolly, 2001]. The algorithms are extended to include depth cues rather than colour only as in the original pa- pers. Results show interactive segmentation based on colour and depth cues enhances the performance of segmentation with a lower er- ror with respect to ground truth.


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In this paper, we present an unsupervised graph cut based object segmentation method using 3D information provided by Structure from Motion (SFM), called Grab- CutSFM. Rather than focusing on the segmentation problem using a trained model or human intervention, our approach aims to achieve meaningful segmentation autonomously with direct application to vision based robotics. Generally, object (foreground) and background have certain discriminative geometric information in 3D space. By exploring the 3D information from multiple views, our proposed method can segment potential objects correctly and automatically compared to conventional unsupervised segmentation using only 2D visual cues. Experiments with real video data collected from indoor and outdoor environments verify the proposed approach.


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This thesis introduces improved techniques towards automatically estimating the pose of humans from video. It examines a complete workflow to estimating pose, from the segmentation of the raw video stream to extract silhouettes, to using the silhouettes in order to determine the relative orientation of parts of the human body. The proposed segmentation algorithms have improved performance and reduced complexity, while the pose estimation shows superior accuracy during difficult cases of self occlusion.


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This thesis investigates the fusion of 3D visual information with 2D image cues to provide 3D semantic maps of large-scale environments in which a robot traverses for robotic applications. A major theme of this thesis was to exploit the availability of 3D information acquired from robot sensors to improve upon 2D object classification alone. The proposed methods have been evaluated on several indoor and outdoor datasets collected from mobile robotic platforms including a quadcopter and ground vehicle covering several kilometres of urban roads.


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This paper addresses the problem of automatically obtaining the object/background segmentation of a rigid 3D object observed in a set of images that have been calibrated for camera pose and intrinsics. Such segmentations can be used to obtain a shape representation of a potentially texture-less object by computing a visual hull. We propose an automatic approach where the object to be segmented is identified by the pose of the cameras instead of user input such as 2D bounding rectangles or brush-strokes. The key behind our method is a pairwise MRF framework that combines (a) foreground/background appearance models, (b) epipolar constraints and (c) weak stereo correspondence into a single segmentation cost function that can be efficiently solved by Graph-cuts. The segmentation thus obtained is further improved using silhouette coherency and then used to update the foreground/background appearance models which are fed into the next Graph-cut computation. These two steps are iterated until segmentation convergences. Our method can automatically provide a 3D surface representation even in texture-less scenes where MVS methods might fail. Furthermore, it confers improved performance in images where the object is not readily separable from the background in colour space, an area that previous segmentation approaches have found challenging. © 2011 IEEE.


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图像分割是数字图像处理领域的重要研究内容。随着数字图像处理技术的发展和相关学科的进步,图像分割在图像编辑、计算机视觉、医疗影像、遥感图像等方面都取得了良好的应用,而且具有巨大的应用潜力。 图像分割是一个既很基础又很复杂的问题。经过多年的发展,研究者提出了很多优秀的算法,取得了令人鼓舞的成就。但由于图像分割本身的不确定性和复杂性,还没有一种算法能够解决好所有的分割问题。为了使图像分割的结果更加符合用户需求,交互式的分割方法逐渐成为了图像分割算法的主流。交互方式的简化也就成为了研究者努力的目标。 另一方面,图切分技术(Graph-Cut)是应用于图像分割算法的一种重要工具。Lazy Snapping方法利用人工交互操作来提取图像信息,然后使用图切分来分割图像,取得了较好的分割效果。而且该方法的交互界面简单易用,对模糊边界有较快的响应速度,引起了研究者的重视,是一种结合人工交互与图切分技术的重要分割方法。 鉴于Lazy Snapping方法在处理色彩丰富、对比强烈的图像时出现的交互操作过多、分割容易出错的问题,本文提出了一种基于亮度分析的图像分割方法。该方法在HSV空间下,以亮度为依据来提取前景和背景的特征,取代或简化了Lazy Snapping中的人工操作步骤,然后用图切分技术来进行分割。这种方法能够提取到较准确的图像特征,有效地减轻了用户操作量,明显地改善了分割结果。


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Nearest neighbor search is commonly employed in face recognition but it does not scale well to large dataset sizes. A strategy to combine rejection classifiers into a cascade for face identification is proposed in this paper. A rejection classifier for a pair of classes is defined to reject at least one of the classes with high confidence. These rejection classifiers are able to share discriminants in feature space and at the same time have high confidence in the rejection decision. In the face identification problem, it is possible that a pair of known individual faces are very dissimilar. It is very unlikely that both of them are close to an unknown face in the feature space. Hence, only one of them needs to be considered. Using a cascade structure of rejection classifiers, the scope of nearest neighbor search can be reduced significantly. Experiments on Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) version 1 data demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant speed up and an accuracy comparable with the brute force Nearest Neighbor method. In addition, a graph cut based clustering technique is employed to demonstrate that the pairwise separability of these rejection classifiers is capable of semantic grouping.