21 resultados para gossypol
Effect of gossypol on survival and reproduction of the zoophytophagous stinkbug Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas). Gossypol is a sesquiterpene aldehyde found in cotton plants conferring resistance against herbivory. Although the effect of this sesquiterpenoid on insect pests of cotton is known, the interaction of this compound with zoophytophagous predators such as Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) has not been studied so far. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the purified gossypol on nymphs and adults of P. nigrispinus. Nymphs and adults of this predator were fed on Tenebrio molitor pupae and supplemented with solutions of gossypol at concentrations of 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20% (w/v) during the nymphal and adult stages or, only during the adult stage of P. nigrispinus. The nymphal stage of the predator was, on average, two days longer when suplemmented with gossypol. Emerged adults had lower fecundity and egg hatching, especially at the highest gossypol concentration (0.20%) ingested during the nymphal and adult stages. However, this predator was not affected when it ingested the compound only during the adult stage. P. nigrispinus can have delayed nymphal development and lower reproductive performance when ingesting the gossypol during the nymphal and adult stages, but only at higher concentrations of gossypol than that produced by cotton plants.
Previous work in our laboratory revealed that the pubertal period of reproductive development in the male rat was particularly vulnerable to gossypol exposure, with a higher frequency of round structures in the lumen of the cauda epididymidis in the treated rats. Herein, we utilized hemicastration and electron microscopy to confirm that the epididymis is a definitive target of gossypol. Although exposure to gossypol from weaning through puberty caused a significant decrease in daily sperm production, as well as in the concentration of sperm in the epididymis, serum testosterone levels and reproductive organ weights were not altered. In gossypol treated rats, sperm morphology was compromised severely, but the epithelium in testis and epididymis appeared morphologically normal. Ultrastructural examination revealed that round structures, present only in gossypol exposed males, represented: (1) principal cells exfoliated from the epididymal epithelium; (2) epididymal epithelial cell cytoplasm containing degenerating sperm; and (3) degenerating epithelial cells, consisting of vesicles and particles of different sizes, forms and densities. Taken together, the data confirm that gossypol targets the epididymis, disturbing both the structure and function of this organ, and presumably disrupts sperm maturation.
Gossypol, a yellow pigment found in cottonseeds, well known for its antifertility properties in animals, has been used as a contraceptive by men. The aims of this work were to evaluate the effects of gossypol throughout sexual development of male rats and to provide additional data to clarify the target site or sites of this compound in the male reproductive system, Gossypol (15 mg/kg per day) was given to animals from weaning through prepuberty (41 days), early puberty (51 days), puberty (61 days), and sexual maturity (91 days). Ventral prostate weight and fructose levels were similar in control and treated rats, suggesting that androgen levels were normal. No histological effects on the testis were detected, but there was a significant decrease in the sperm concentration in the cauda epididymidis of gossypol-treated animals killed at 61 and 91 days, as well as a significant increase in abnormal sperm in the vas deferens of treated animals. Moreover, the histology of the cauda epididymidis of the rats treated throughout puberty (ie, until days 51 and 61) showed a great number of round bodies in the lumen of the epididymis. These structures stained for the epididymis-specific protein E. Collectively, the data demonstrate that the epididymis is a target of gossypol when postweaning exposure extends throughout pubertal development, and that whereas more subtle histological effects commence around puberty, indicators reproductive competence are compromised in adulthood.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Gossypol, a binaphthalene compound, possesses male infertility effects. However, its mechanism of action and effects on somatic cells are not yet understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of gossypol on mammalian cell growth and DNA replication, using tissue culture cells (HeLa) as an in vivo model.^ Gossypol inhibited DNA synthesis in HeLa cells at low doses, without affecting RNA or protein synthesis. This caused cells to accumulate in S phase without affecting cells in other phases of the cell cycle. The inhibition of DNA synthesis was both dose- and time-dependent. This irreversible block was associated with a decrease in HeLa plating efficiency. Gossypol did bind to DNA but did not measurably affect its ability to serve as a template for DNA polymerase $\alpha$, the major replicative enzyme. Only in the absence of serum could gossypol induce single-strand DNA breaks in HeLa cells; no DNA-DNA or DNA-protein crosslinks were formed.^ Gossypol exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of a number of eukaryotic and prokaryotic replicative DNA polymerases both in vitro and in vivo. This inhibition was kinetically non-competitive with respect to the DNA template and dNTP substrates. Both a filter binding assay and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to study gossypol binding to DNA polymerase. Inhibition resulted from drug binding to two adjacent amino acid residues on the enzyme. Binding was found to be irreversible and mediated through either non-covalent interactions or by Schiff's base formation between the aldehyde groups of gossypol and the $\varepsilon$-NH$\sb2$ groups of amino acid residues on the polymerase. Structure-function studies using eleven gossypol derivatives revealed that both aldehyde and hydroxyl groups function independently to effect inhibition of DNA polymerase and DNA replication. The activities of DNA polymerase $\beta$ and ribonucleotide reductase were also inhibited by increasing gossypol concentrations.^ These studies demonstrate that the gossypol-mediated inhibition of DNA replication is due in part to inhibition of key replicative enzymes, such as DNA polymerase $\alpha$. The study of DNA polymerase may serve as a model for the interaction of enzymes with gossypol, a drug which may prove useful as a chemotherapeutic agent. ^
Background: Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder triggered by an expanded polyglutamine tract in huntingtin that is thought to confer a new conformational property on this large protein. The propensity of small amino-terminal fragments with mutant, but not wild-type, glutamine tracts to self-aggregate is consistent with an altered conformation but such fragments occur relatively late in the disease process in human patients and mouse models expressing full-length mutant protein. This suggests that the altered conformational property may act within the full-length mutant huntingtin to initially trigger pathogenesis. Indeed, genotypephenotype studies in HD have defined genetic criteria for the disease initiating mechanism, and these are all fulfilled by phenotypes associated with expression of full-length mutant huntingtin, but not amino-terminal fragment, in mouse models. As the in vitro aggregation of amino-terminal mutant huntingtin fragment offers a ready assay to identify small compounds that interfere with the conformation of the polyglutamine tract, we have identified a number of aggregation inhibitors, and tested whether these are also capable of reversing a phenotype caused by endogenous expressionof mutant huntingtin in a striatal cell line from the HdhQ111/Q111 knock-in mouse. Results: We screened the NINDS Custom Collection of 1,040 FDA approved drugs and bioactive compounds for their ability to prevent in vitro aggregation of Q58-htn 1¿171 amino terminal fragment. Ten compounds were identified that inhibited aggregation with IC50 < 15 ¿M, including gossypol, gambogic acid, juglone, celastrol, sanguinarine and anthralin. Of these, both juglone and celastrol were effective in reversing the abnormal cellular localization of full-length mutant huntingtin observed in mutant HdhQ111/Q111 striatal cells. Conclusions: At least some compounds identified as aggregation inhibitors also prevent a neuronal cellular phenotype caused by full-length mutant huntingtin, suggesting that in vitro fragment aggregation can act as a proxy for monitoring the disease-producing conformational property in HD. Thus, identification and testing of compounds that alter in vitro aggregation is a viable approach for defining potential therapeutic compounds that may act on the deleterious conformational property of full-length mutant huntingtin.
An experiment was carried out to establish the effect on the growth of pigs of including blood meal or lysine in diets containing gossypol from cottenseed cake. Forty Landrace x Large White pigs (20 of each sex) were randomly allocated to 5 treatments of 8 pigs each in a 2x2 factorial design with two levels of lysine or two levels of blood meal in the diets plus a control diet. The pigs were fed different diets and slaughtered at 75.0+/-2.0 kg live weight for carcase analysis. Supplementing the diets with blood meal resulted in higher live weight gains (p<0.001) and improved feed conversion ratios (p<0.001) than supplementing with lysine. Pigs fed the higher level of cottonseed cake showed a significant (p<0.001) depression in live weight gain and feed conversion ratio compared to those fed a low level of the cake. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in intake in the pigs fed diets with cottonseed cake including blood meal or synthetic lysine. The kidney and liver weights of the pigs fed the diets with a higher level of cottonseed cake were significantly greater (p<0.001) than in those fed the lower level, but when the diets containing cottonseed cake were supplemented with blood meal or lysine at the same level there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the weights of these organs. Lysine or other factors derived from blood meal appear to be more efficient than synthetic lysine in reducing the adverse effects of gossypol.
An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of including cottonseed cake in rations for weaned growing pigs. Thirty-two Landrace x Large White pigs, weighing 20-24 kg, were included in four blocks formed on the basis of initial weight within sex in an otherwise completely randomized block design. The pigs were killed when they reached a live weight of 75.0 +/- 2.0 kg and the half careases were analysed into cuts and the weights of the organs were recorded. An estimate of the productivity of the pigs on each diet was calculated. Cottonseed cake reduced the voluntary feed intake (p < 0.001) and live weight gains (p < 0.001) and increased the heart, kidney and liver weights (p < 0.01). The pigs on the soya bean-based control diet took the shortest time to reach slaughter weight. The result was probably in part due to lysine deficiency and in part to the effect of free gossypol. It was found that it is at present cost-effective to include cottonseed cake in pig weaner grower diets up to 300 g/kg in Cameroon.
Considerada importante praga do algodoeiro, a mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B pode através de sua alimentação, diminuir o vigor das plantas, trasmitir vírus e prejudicar a qualidade da fibra. Visando avaliar a resistência de genótipos de algodoeiro, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), à mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B, realizaram-se testes de atratividade e não-preferência para oviposição, com e sem chance de escolha, em telado, a temperatura ambiente. Verificou-se baixa atratividade das plantas dos genótipos Fabrika, CNPA Ita 90, Makina, Coodetec 407 e IAC 01-639 CPA 02-24 a adultos dessa mosca-branca, o que pode representar um componente de resistência destes materiais genéticos ao inseto. Os genótipos BRS Aroeira, Coodetec 406, Fabrika e Coodetec 401 apresentaram resistência do tipo não-preferência para oviposição, nos testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os números de tricomas e de glândulas de gossipol por cm² não foram adequados para se avaliar a não-preferência para oviposição de adultos da mosca-branca em genótipos de algodoeiro.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar o efeito do farelo e da farinha de algodão no comportamento reprodutivo e na atividade testicular de reprodutores de tilápia do Nilo. Vinte e cinco peixes receberam dietas contendo 0; 2; 4; e 6% de semente de algodão descorticada e moída e 24,0% de farelo de algodão. O comportamento reprodutivo foi observado e a construção de ninhos, corte e desova, avaliadas. Aos 90 dias, as gônadas dos machos foram avaliadas microscopicamente. O grupo controle (farelo de algodão) obteve maior número de desovas. Os peixes alimentados com semente ou farelo de algodão, apesar de não terem apresentado o mesmo número de desovas, construíram ninhos e fizeram a corte. A análise histológica dos testículos demonstrou que a adição de 24,0% de farelo ou níveis de 2,0% ou superiores da farinha influiu na atividade testicular. O gossipol presente na farinha ou farelo de algodão teve efeito negativa nas gônadas destes animais.
Este trabalho avaliou o efeito do farelo e da farinha de semente de algodão no ganho de peso e na atividade testicular de alevinos de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Cento e cinqüenta alevinos com peso médio inicial de 1,26 g foram mantidos em aquários de 45 L, com renovação contínua d'água, e alimentados por 120 dias com dietas isoprotéicas (28% PB) e isocalóricas (4.030 kcal EB/kg de ração) contendo 0%, 2%, 4% e 6% de semente de algodão descorticada e moída, e 24% de farelo de algodão. Foi observado que os níveis avaliados interferem na atividade testicular, diminuindo a espermatogênese, embora não tenham comprometido de forma significativa o ganho de peso dos alevinos.