43 resultados para glucantime
Os autores apresentam caso de Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana em paciente de 60 anos, que desenvolveu quadro de insuficiência renal aguda não oligúrica e reversível associada a erupção urticariforme na pele após início de tratamento com Glucantime®. A diagnose do quadro renal foi estabelecida por biópsia renal que revelou nefrite intersticial aguda e necrose tubular aguda. Após a suspensão da droga houve restabelecimento da função renal, sendo a mesma tratada com Anfotericina B, evoluindo com cicatrização completa das lesões, não tendo apresentado alterações significantes da função renal, controlada semanalmente pela dosagem sérica de uréia, creatinina, sódio e potássio.
Background: Pentavalent antimonials have became of basic importance for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Their most severe side effects have been reported to be increased hepatic enzyme levels and electrocardiographic abnormalities. Nephrotoxicity has been rarely related. Observations: We report a case of generalized cutaneous leishmaniasis involving a 50-year old male patient who was submitted to treatment with meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime). He developed acute renal failure (ARF) due to acute tubular necrosis (ATN), followed by death after receiving a total of 53 ampoules of Glucantime. Conclusions: The treatment with Glucantime was responsible by ARF diagnosed in this patient. The previous urine osmolarity and serum creatinine levels were normal and the autopsy showed ATN. It should be pointed out if ARF may also be explained by massive deposits of immunocomplexes by leishmania antibodies and antigens due to the antigenic break by the antimonial compound, since our patient presented countless lesions covering the entire tegument, similar to the Hexheimer phenomenon, but at the autopsy no glomerular alterations were seen.
Response to treatment with antimonial drugs varies considerably depending on the parasite strain involved, immune status of the patient and clinical form of the disease. Therapeutic regimens with this first line drug have been frequently modified both, in dose and duration of therapy. A regimen of 20 mg/kg/day of pentavalent antimony (Sb5+) during four weeks without an upper limit on the daily dose is currently recommended for mucosal disease ("espundia"). Side-effects with this dose are more marked in elderly patients, more commonly affected by this form of leishmaniasis. According to our experience, leishmaniasis in Rio de Janeiro responds well to antimony and, in cutaneous disease, high cure rates are obtained with 5 mg/kg/day of Sb5+ during 30 to 45-days. In this study a high rate of cure (91.4%) employing this dose was achieved in 36 patients with mild disease in this same geographic region. Side-effects were reduced and no antimony refractoriness was noted with subsequent use of larger dose in patients that failed to respond to initial schedule.
In this study we investigated the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy, alone or combined with the pentavalent antimonial glucantime on Leishmania amazonensis infection. In parallel, the effect of Brazilian red propolis gel (propain) alone or combined with glucantime on L. amazonensis infection was evaluated. The inhibition of the infection in macrophages treated with glucantime in combination with HBO exposition was greater than that of macrophages treated with glucantime alone or HBO alone. The susceptible mouse strain BALB/c infected in the shaved rump with L. amazonensis treated with glucantime and exposed to HBO showed: time points in the course of the disease in which lesions were smaller than those of mice treated with glucantime alone and revascularization of the skin in the lesion site; interferon-gamma (IFN-g) levels were not elevated in lymph node cells from these animals. Propain alone was not efficient against lesions, although less exudative lesions were observed in animals treated with propain alone or combined with glucantime. These results reveal the potential value of HBO and red propolis in combination with glucantime for treating cutaneous leishmaniasis and encourage further studies on the effect of more aggressive HBO, propolis and glucantime therapies on different mouse models of leishmaniasis.
Os autores relatam o resultado de um ensaio terapêutico em sagüis com uma cepa de Leishmania donovani isolada de um caso humano fatal de calazar, clinicamente resistente aos antimoniais (Glucantime e Pentostam), Anfotericina B ePentamidina. Os testes cutâneos realizados no paciente para avaliação da imunidade celular foram negativos à exceção do DNCB a 2%. Quatro sangüis adultos (Callithrix jacchus) foram inoculados por via intraperitoneal com uma suspensão deformas amastigotas de L. donovani. Duzentos e dez dias após, todos os animais mostravam formas amastigotas do protozoário, evidenciadas através de punção hepática por aspiração. Iniciou-se então um esquema terapêutico com glucantime (28 mgSb v/kg/dia) em três séries de 10 dias com cinco dias de intervalo entre elas em três dosprimatas,ficando o quarto animal como controle. Nos três animais tratados houve curaparasitológica da doença, o mesmo não ocorrehdo com o controle. O fato de a amostra de L. donovani ter sido, no paciente, resistente aos vários tratamentos e ter sido sensível em modelo experimental à terapêutica com glucantime, sugere a possibilidade de que fatores imunológicos do paciente possam ter contribuído para a evolução fatal da doença.
Growth inhibition in vitro tests were used to study the susceptibility to pentostam of different Leishmania strains involved in cutaneous and mucocutaneos leishmaniasis - one glucantime sensitive strain, three naturally glucantime resistant strains and one glucantime resistant line developed by in vitro drug exposure. Contrasting with the high degree , of glucantime resistance, all strains were sensitive to pentostam. These differences suggest that there is some relationship between chemical structure and in vitro activity for these antimonial compounds. These data justify a clinical re-evaluation to compare therapeutic efficacy of glucantime and pentostam in the treatment of leishmaniasis.
Tratamos com ambisome (2 a 5g totais de dose) seis pacientes com leishmaniose mucosa sem resposta a tratamento com glucantime (20mg SbV/kg/dia). A dose diária usada foi 2 a 3mg/kg/dia, aplicada por um mínimo de 20 dias. Após 26 a 38 meses de acompanhamento, cinco pacientes estão clinicamente curados. Um recidivou aos 6 meses. Não foram observados efeitos colaterais além de cefaléia, após a injeção. O ambisome constitue uma opção terapêutica para os pacientes com leishmaniose mucosa sem resposta aos antimoniais.
Epidermal changes from 32 cutaneous and 3 mucosal American leishmaniasis (ACL) active lesions were studied for HLA-DR, -DP expression, Lanerhans cells and lymphocyte infiltration. In addition to a DR and DQ positivity at the surface of the cells of the inflammatory infiltrate, a strong reaction for DR antigens was detected on keratinocytes. Hyperplasia of Langerhans cells was present in al cutaneous lesions and epidermis was infiltrated by T lymphocytes. When healed lesions of 14 of these subjects were re-biopsied 1 to 12 months after the end of pentavalent antimonial therapy, MHC class antigens could no longer be seen on keratinocytes. Our data represrn evidence for hhe reversibility of the abnormal HLA-DR expression by keratinocytes in ACL after Glucantime therapy or spontaneous scar formation, demonstrating that this expresion is restricted to the period of active lesions. The present findings can be regarded as an indirect evidence that keratinocytes may be involved in the immunopathology of ACL.
Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) is a rare form of tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL) and 350 cases have been reported world wide. Presently in Brazil, there were 31 cases reported corresponding to 8.9% of the world cases. The state of Maranhao contributed with ten cases (32.3%) of national reports. Recently the authors had opportunity to follow two new cases of DCL, both from the countryside of that state totaling 12 cases. The parasite Leishmania L. amazonensis was incriminated in the disease, confirming the available data as being the unique species to produce DCL in this state. The therapy associating meglumine anthimoniate with paramomicine sulphate (Gabbrox®) during 90 days, showed good tolerance and favorable response, being another option for fills form of DCL that constituted a challenge to science so far.
Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease and endemic in developing countries. A lack of adequate and definitive chemotherapeutic agents to fight against this infection has led to the investigation of numerous compounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of RT-01, an organotellurane compound presenting biological activities, in 2 experimental systems against Leishmania amazonensis. The in vitro system consisted of promastigotes and amastigotes forms of the parasite, and the in vivo system consisted of L. amazonensis infected BALB/c mice, an extremely susceptible mouse strain. The compound proved to be toxic against promastigotes and amastigotes. The study also showed that treatment with RT-01 produces an effect similar to that treatment with the reference antimonial drug, Glucantime, in L. amazonensis infected mice. The best results were obtained following RT-01 intralesional administration (720 mu g/kg/day); mice showed significant delay in the development of cutaneous lesions and decreased numbers of parasites obtained from the lesions. Significant differences in tissue pathology consisted mainly of no expressive accumulation of inflammatory cells and well-preserved structures in the skin tissue of RT-01-treated mice compared with expressive infiltration of infected cells replacing the skin tissue in lesions of untreated mice. These findings highlight the fact that the apparent potency of organotellurane compounds, together with their relatively simple structure, may represent a new avenue for the development of novel drugs to combat parasitic diseases.
The in vitro antileishmanial activity of Brazilian green propolis hydroalcoholic extract (BPE) were carried out on Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis against both promastigote (doses ranging from 1 to 750 mu g mL(-1)) and amastigote (10, 100, and 250 mu g mL(-1)) assays in comparison with the positive (amphotericin B) and negative (dimethyl sulfoxide at 1% in physiologic solution) control groups. BPE displayed in vitro antileishmanial activities against promastigote forms of the parasite (p<0.05). However, it was inactive against its amastigote ones. In the in vitro cytotoxicity assay against Vero cells, BPE showed no cytotoxicity in the maximum doses tested. The high-performance liquid chromatography analysis allowed the identification of caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, aromadendrine-4`-methyl-ether, 3-prenyl-p-coumaric acid (drupanin), and 3,5-diprenil-p-cumarico acid (artepillin C) as major compounds of BPE. In the in vivo assay, using a Balb/C lineage of Mus musculus male mice, groups of ten animals each were treated (1.5 mg kg day(-1)) with BPE orally (group 1), BPE topically (group 2), BPE orally and topically (group 3), and glucantime (group 4), using NaCl 0.9% (group 5) as the negative control group. Groups 1, 2, and 3 displayed a decrease on lesion development, after 90 days of treatment, by 78.6%, 84.3%, and 90.0%, respectively, while the glucantime-treated group showed 57.7% of decrease, all in comparison with the negative control group. It is the first time that the in vivo antileishmanial activity has been reported for Brazilian green propolis.
Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by the intramacrophage protozoa Leishmania spp. and may be fatal if left untreated. Although pentavalent antimonials are toxic and their mechanism of action is unclear, they remain the first-line drugs for treatment of leishmaniasis. An effective therapy could be achieved by delivering antileishmanial drugs to the site of infection. Compared with free drugs, antileishmanial agent-containing liposomes are more effective, less toxic and have fewer adverse side effects. The aim of this study was to develop novel meglumine antimoniate (MA)-containing liposome formulations and to analyse their antileishmanial activity and uptake by macrophages. Determination of the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values showed that MA-containing liposomes were >= 10-fold more effective than the free drug, with a 5-fold increase in selectivity index, higher activity and reduced macrophage toxicity. The concentration required to kill 100% of intracellular amastigotes was >= 40-fold lower when MA was encapsulated in liposomes containing phosphatidylserine compared with the free drug. Fluorescence microscopy analysis revealed increased uptake of fluorescent liposomes in infected macrophages after short incubation times compared with non-infected macrophages. In conclusion, these data suggest that MA encapsulated in liposome formulations is more effective against Leishmania-infected macrophages than the non-liposomal drug. Development of liposome formulations is a valuable approach to the treatment of infectious diseases involving the mononuclear phagocyte system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
The complexes trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)L](X)(3) (X = BF(4)(-), PF(6)(-) or Cl(-) and L = N-heterocyclic ligands, P (OEt)(3), SO(3)(-2)), and [Ru(NO)Hedta)] were shown to exhibit IC(50pro) in the range of 36 (L = imN) to 5000 mu M (L = imC). The inhibitory effects of trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)imN](BF(4))(3) and of the Angeli`s salt on the growth of the intramacrophage amastigote form studied were found to be similar while the trans-[Ru(NH(3))(4)imN(H(2)O)](2+) complex was found not to exhibit any substantial antiamastigote effect. The trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)imN](BF(4))(3) compound, administered (500 nmol kg(-1) day(-1)) in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major, was found to exhibit a 98% inhibition on the parasite growth. Furthermore, this complex proved to be at least 66 times more efficient than glucantime in in vivo experiments. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.