957 resultados para genuine savings
Genuine Savings has emerged as a widely-used indicator of sustainable development. In this paper, we use long-term data stretching back to 1870 to undertake empirical tests of the relationship between Genuine Savings (GS) and future well-being for three countries: Britain, the USA and Germany. Our tests are based on an underlying theoretical relationship between GS and changes in the present value of future consumption. Based on both single country and panel results, we find evidence supporting the existence of a cointegrating (long run equilibrium) relationship between GS and future well-being, and fail to reject the basic theoretical result on the relationship between these two macroeconomic variables. This provides some support for the GS measure of weak sustainability. We also show the effects of modelling shocks, such as World War Two and the Great Depression.
Genuine Savings (GS), also known as ‘net adjusted savings’, is a composite indicator of the sustainability of economic development. Genuine Savings reflects year-on-year changes in the total wealth or capital of a country, including net investment in produced capita, investment in human capital, depletion of natural resources, and damage caused by pollution. A negative Genuine Savings rate suggests that the stock of national wealth is declining and that future utility must be less than current utility, indicating that economic development is non-sustainable (Hamilton and Clemens, 1999). We make use of data over a 150 year period to examine the relationship between Genuine Savings and a number of indicators of well-being over time, and compare the relative changes in human, produced, and components of natural capital over the period. Overall, we find that the magnitude of genuine savings is positively related to changes in future consumption, with some evidence of a cointegrating relationship. However, the relationships between genuine savings and infant mortality or average heights are less clear.
This article shows how macroeconomic indicators of sustainable development can be applied to the Queensland economy. While recognising the complex and contentious theoretical and practical issues in deriving the Genuine Savings Rate (GSR) to serve as such an indicator, we use the World Bank's methodology, which includes only mineral depletion, deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions as environmental terms, to estimate GSRs for Queensland for the period 1989 to 1999, and compare these to World Bank estimates of Australia's GSR for the same period. We find that Queensland has a higher rate of natural resource depletion and a lower GSR than the whole of Australia. We also examine how well the World Bank GSR performs as a 'headline' measure of overall sustainability, review criticisms of the GSR, and compare its implicit policy implications with those of net state savings, and of the GSR plus a suite of other indicators.
This chapter traces the long-run development of Genuine Savings (GS) using a panel of eleven countries during the twentieth century. This panel covers a number of developed countries (Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, the US, and Australia) as well as a set of resource-abundant countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico). These countries represent approximately 50 percent of the world’s output in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 1950, and include large economies and small open economies, and resource-rich and resource-scarce countries, thus allowing us to compare their historical experiences. Components of GS considered include physical and human capital as well as resource extraction and pollution damages. Generally, we find evidence of positive GS over the course of the twentieth century, although the two World Wars and the Great Depression left considerable marks. Also, we found striking differences between Latin American and developed countries when Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is included; this could be a signal of natural resource curse or technological gaps unnoticed in previous works.
The rapid growth of China's economy has brought about huge losses of natural capital in the form of natural resource depletion and damages from carbon emissions. This paper recalculates value added, capital formation, capital stock, and related multifactor productivity in China's industrial sectors by further developing the genuine savings method of the World Bank. The sector-level natural capital loss was calculated using China's official input–output table and their extensions for tracing final consumers. The capital output elasticity in the productivity estimation was adjusted based on these tables. The results show that although the loss of natural capital in China's industrial sectors in terms of value added has slowed, the impacts on their productivity during the past decades is still quite clear.
In principle, a country can not endure negative genuine savings for longperiods of time without experiencing declining consumption. Nevertheless,theoreticians envisage two alternatives to explain how an exporter ofnon-renewable natural resources could experience permanent negativegenuine savings and still ensure sustainability. The first one allegesthat the capital gains arising from the expected improvement in theterms of trade would suffice to compensate for the negative savings ofthe resource exporter. The second alternative points at technologicalchange as a way to avoid economic collapse. This paper uses the dataof Venezuela and Mexico to empirically test the first of these twohypotheses. The results presented here prove that the terms oftrade do not suffice to compensate the depletion of oil reservesin these two open economies.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Qualidade e Tecnologias da Saúde.
RESUMO - Contexto Os indivíduos, tal como as instituições, não são imunes a incentivos. No entanto, enquanto os modelos de incentivos das instituições têm sido alvo de diferentes evoluções, o mesmo não se verificou ao nível dos profissionais. Esta situação não se figura compatível com a complexidade de gestão de recursos humanos, devendo ser obviada para potenciar o alinhamento entre os interesses institucionais e os dos próprios profissionais. Objectivos Estudar a atribuição de incentivos a profissionais de saúde no contexto de organizações com integração vertical de cuidados. Metodologia A metodologia adoptada compreendeu três fases. Numa primeira procedeu-se à revisão sistemática de literatura relativa à: (1) construção de modelos de incentivo a profissionais em diferentes sistemas de saúde e tipo de prestadores; e (2) identificação de medidas de custo-efectividade comprovada. Tendo por base esta evidência, a par de documentação oficial ao nível do modelo de financiamento das ULS, procedeu-se, numa segunda fase, à construção de um modelo de incentivo base com recurso à ferramenta Microsoft Excel. Por último, numa terceira etapa, procedeu-se à adaptação do modelo base construído na etapa transacta tendo por base informação obtida mediante a realização de um estudo retrospectivo in loco na ULS do Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA). Em adição, procedeu-se à estimativa do impacto na perspectiva da ULS e dos profissionais para o cenário base e diversas análises de sensibilidade. Resultados No que respeita à estrutura, o modelo base de incentivos a profissionais apresenta 44 indicadores, distribuídos por cinco dimensões de análise, sendo que 28 indicadores (63,6%) são de processo e 14 (31,8%) de resultado. Relativamente às dimensões em análise, verifica-se uma predominância de indicadores ao nível da dimensão eficiência e qualidade assistencial, totalizando 35 (i.e. 79,5% dos 44 indicadores). No que respeita ao destinatário, 14 indicadores (31,8%) apresentam uma visão holística da ULS, 17 (38,6%) encontram-se adstritos unicamente aos cuidados primários e os remanescentes 13 (29,5%) aos cuidados hospitalares. Cerca de 85% dos actuais incentivos da ULSBA decorre da unidade de pagamento salarial secundada pelo pagamento de suplementos (12%). Não obstante, o estudo retrospectivo da ULSBA confirmou o cenário expectável de ausência de um modelo de incentivo homogéneos e transversal à ULS, transparecendo importantes assimetrias entre diferentes unidades prestadoras e/ou profissionais de saúde. De forma relevante importa apontar a insuficiência de incentivos capitacionais (ao contrário do que sucede com o modelo de incentivo da própria ULSBA) ou adstritos a índices de desempenho. Tendo em consideração o modelo de incentivo concebido e adaptado à realidade da ULSBA, a par do plano de implementação, estima-se que o modelo de incentivos gere: (1) poupanças na perspectiva da ULS (entre 2,5% a 3,5% do orçamento global da ULSBA); e (2) um incremento de remuneração ao nível dos profissionais (entre 5% a 15% do salario base). O supracitado – aparentemente contraditório - decorre da aposta em medidas de custo-efectividade contrastada e um alinhamento entre o modelo proposto e o vigente para o próprio financiamento da unidade, apostando numa clara estratégia de ganhos mútuos. As análises de sensibilidade realizadas permitem conferir a solidez e robustez do modelo a significativas variações em parâmetros chave.
The Spanish savings banks attracted quite a considerable amount of interest within the scientific arena, especially subsequent to the disappearance of the regulatory constraints during the second decade of the 1980s. Nonetheless, a lack of research identified with respect to mainstream paths given by strategic groups, and the analysis of the total factor productivity. Therefore, on the basis of the resource-based view of the firm and cluster analysis, we make use of changes in structure and performance ratios in order to identify the strategic groups extant in the sector. We attain a threeways division, which we link with different input-output specifications defining strategic paths. Consequently, on the basis of these three dissimilar approaches we compute and decompose a Hicks-Moorsteen total factor productivity index. Obtained results put forward an interesting interpretation under a multi-strategic approach, together with the setbacks of employing cluster analysis within a complex strategic environment. Moreover, we also propose an ex-post method of analysing the outcomes of the decomposed total factor productivity index that could be merged with non-traditional techniques of forming strategic groups, such as cognitive approaches.
In this paper we re-examine the long standing and puzzling correlation between national savings and investment in industrial countries. We apply an econometric methodology that allows us to separate idiosyncratic correlation at the country level from correlation at the global level. In a major break with the existing literature, we find no evidence of a long run relationship in the idiosyncratic components of savings and investment. We also find that the global components in savings and investments comove, indicating that they react to shocks of a global nature.
The World Bank has published estimates of sustainability of consumption paths by adjusting saving rates to take account of the depletion of non-renewable resources. During the period of North Sea oil production Scotland has been in a fiscal union with the rest of the UK. The present paper adjusts the World Bank data to produce separate genuine saving estimates for Scotland and the rest of the UK for 1970-2009, based on a ‘derivation’ principle for oil revenues. The calculations indicate that Scotland has had a negative genuine saving rate for most of the period of exploitation of North Sea oil resources, with genuine saving being positive in the rest of the UK during this period.
The World Bank has published estimates of sustainability of consumption paths by adjusting saving rates to take account of the depletion of non-renewable resources. During the period of North Sea oil production Scotland has been in a fiscal union with the rest of the UK. The present paper adjusts the World Bank data to produce separate genuine saving estimates for Scotland and the rest of the UK for 1970-2009, based on a ‘derivation’ principle for oil revenues. The calculations indicate that Scotland has had a negative genuine saving rate for most of the period of exploitation of North Sea oil resources, with genuine saving being positive in the rest of the UK during this period.