993 resultados para generalized solutions


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In [H. Brezis, A. Friedman, Nonlinear parabolic equations involving measures as initial conditions, J. Math. Pure Appl. (9) (1983) 73-97.] Brezis and Friedman prove that certain nonlinear parabolic equations, with the delta-measure as initial data, have no solution. However in [J.F. Colombeau, M. Langlais, Generalized solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with distributions as initial conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl (1990) 186-196.] Colombeau and Langlais prove that these equations have a unique solution even if the delta-measure is substituted by any Colombeau generalized function of compact support. Here we generalize Colombeau and Langlais` result proving that we may take any generalized function as the initial data. Our approach relies on recent algebraic and topological developments of the theory of Colombeau generalized functions and results from [J. Aragona, Colombeau generalized functions on quasi-regular sets, Publ. Math. Debrecen (2006) 371-399.]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Недю Иванов Попиванов, Алексей Йорданов Николов - През 1952 г. М. Протър формулира нови гранични задачи за вълновото уравнение, които са тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу в равнината. Задачите са разгледани в тримерна област, ограничена от две характеристични конуса и равнина. Сега, след като са минали повече от 50 години, е добре известно, че за безброй гладки функции в дясната страна на уравнението тези задачи нямат класически решения, а обобщеното решение има силна степенна особеност във върха на характеристичния конус, която е изолирана и не се разпространява по конуса. Тук ние разглеждаме трета гранична задача за вълновото уравнение с младши членове и дясна страна във формата на тригонометричен полином. Дадена е по-нова от досега известната априорна оценка за максимално възможната особеност на решенията на тази задача. Оказва се, че при по-общото уравнение с младши членове възможната сингулярност е от същия ред като при чисто вълновото уравнение.


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Недю Попиванов, Цветан Христов - Изследвани са някои тримерни аналози на задачата на Дарбу в равнината. През 1952 М. Протер формулира нови тримерни гранични задачи както за клас слабо хиперболични уравнения, така и за някои хиперболично-елиптични уравнения. За разлика от коректността на двумерната задача на Дарбу, новите задачи са некоректни. За слабо хиперболични уравнения, съдържащи младши членове, ние намираме достатъчни условия както за съществуване и единственост на обобщени решения с изолирана степенна особеност, така и за единственост на квази-регулярни решения на задачата на Протер.


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The finite element method in principle adaptively divides the continuous domain with complex geometry into discrete simple subdomain by using an approximate element function, and the continuous element loads are also converted into the nodal load by means of the traditional lumping and consistent load methods, which can standardise a plethora of element loads into a typical numerical procedure, but element load effect is restricted to the nodal solution. It in turn means the accurate continuous element solutions with the element load effects are merely restricted to element nodes discretely, and further limited to either displacement or force field depending on which type of approximate function is derived. On the other hand, the analytical stability functions can give the accurate continuous element solutions due to element loads. Unfortunately, the expressions of stability functions are very diverse and distinct when subjected to different element loads that deter the numerical routine for practical applications. To this end, this paper presents a displacement-based finite element function (generalised element load method) with a plethora of element load effects in the similar fashion that never be achieved by the stability function, as well as it can generate the continuous first- and second-order elastic displacement and force solutions along an element without loss of accuracy considerably as the analytical approach that never be achieved by neither the lumping nor consistent load methods. Hence, the salient and unique features of this paper (generalised element load method) embody its robustness, versatility and accuracy in continuous element solutions when subjected to the great diversity of transverse element loads.


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Exact N-wave solutions for the generalized Burgers equation u(t) + u(n)u(x) + (j/2t + alpha) u + (beta + gamma/x) u(n+1) = delta/2u(xx),where j, alpha, beta, and gamma are nonnegative constants and n is a positive integer, are obtained. These solutions are asymptotic to the (linear) old-age solution for large time and extend the validity of the latter so as to cover the entire time regime starting where the originally sharp shock has become sufficiently thick and the viscous effects are felt in the entire N wave.


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We deal with a single conservation law with discontinuous convex-concave type fluxes which arise while considering sign changing flux coefficients. The main difficulty is that a weak solution may not exist as the Rankine-Hugoniot condition at the interface may not be satisfied for certain choice of the initial data. We develop the concept of generalized entropy solutions for such equations by replacing the Rankine-Hugoniot condition by a generalized Rankine-Hugoniot condition. The uniqueness of solutions is shown by proving that the generalized entropy solutions form a contractive semi-group in L-1. Existence follows by showing that a Godunov type finite difference scheme converges to the generalized entropy solution. The scheme is based on solutions of the associated Riemann problem and is neither consistent nor conservative. The analysis developed here enables to treat the cases of fluxes having at most one extrema in the domain of definition completely. Numerical results reporting the performance of the scheme are presented. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Analytical solutions of the generalized Bloch equations for an arbitrary set of initial values of the x, y, and z magnetization components are given in the rotating frame. The solutions involve the decoupling of the three coupled differential equations such that a third-order differential equation in each magnetization variable is obtained. In contrast to the previously reported solutions given by Torrey, the present attempt paves the way for more direct physical insight into the behavior of each magnetization component. Special cases have been discussed that highlight the utility of the general solutions. Representative trajectories of magnetization components are given, illustrating their behavior with respect to the values of off-resonance and initial conditions. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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In this article, we obtain explicit solutions of a linear PDE subject to a class of radial square integrable functions with a monotonically increasing weight function |x|(n-1)e(beta vertical bar x vertical bar 2)/2, beta >= 0, x is an element of R-n. This linear PDE is obtained from a system of forced Burgers equation via the Cole-Hopf transformation. For any spatial dimension n > 1, the solution is expressed in terms of a family of weighted generalized Laguerre polynomials. We also discuss the large time behaviour of the solution of the system of forced Burgers equation.


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In this work we present nonlinear models in two-dimensional space-time of two interacting scalar fields in the Lorentz and CPT violating scenarios. We discuss the soliton solutions for these models as well as the question of stability for them. This is done by generalizing a model recently published by Barreto and collaborators and also by getting new solutions for the model introduced by them.


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In this work we solve the Dirac equation by constructing the exact bound state solutions for a mixing of vector and scalar generalized Hartmann potentials. This is done provided the vector potential is equal to or minus the scalar potential. The cases of some quasi-exactly solvable and Morse-like potentials are briefly commented. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we give sufficient conditions for the uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness of solutions of a class of retarded functional differential equations with impulse effects acting on variable times. We employ the theory of generalized ordinary differential equations to obtain our results. As an example, we investigate the boundedness of the solution of a circulating fuel nuclear reactor model.


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The Perk-Schultz model may be expressed in terms of the solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the fundamental representation of the untwisted affine extension of the general linear quantum superalgebra U-q (gl(m/n)], with a multiparametric coproduct action as given by Reshetikhin. Here, we present analogous explicit expressions for solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the fundamental representations of the twisted and untwisted affine extensions of the orthosymplectic quantum superalgebras U-q[osp(m/n)]. In this manner, we obtain generalizations of the Perk-Schultz model.


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In this paper, the problems of three carrier phase ambiguity resolution (TCAR) and position estimation (PE) are generalized as real time GNSS data processing problems for a continuously observing network on large scale. In order to describe these problems, a general linear equation system is presented to uniform various geometry-free, geometry-based and geometry-constrained TCAR models, along with state transition questions between observation times. With this general formulation, generalized TCAR solutions are given to cover different real time GNSS data processing scenarios, and various simplified integer solutions, such as geometry-free rounding and geometry-based LAMBDA solutions with single and multiple-epoch measurements. In fact, various ambiguity resolution (AR) solutions differ in the floating ambiguity estimation and integer ambiguity search processes, but their theoretical equivalence remains under the same observational systems models and statistical assumptions. TCAR performance benefits as outlined from the data analyses in some recent literatures are reviewed, showing profound implications for the future GNSS development from both technology and application perspectives.


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Generalized fractional partial differential equations have now found wide application for describing important physical phenomena, such as subdiffusive and superdiffusive processes. However, studies of generalized multi-term time and space fractional partial differential equations are still under development. In this paper, the multi-term time-space Caputo-Riesz fractional advection diffusion equations (MT-TSCR-FADE) with Dirichlet nonhomogeneous boundary conditions are considered. The multi-term time-fractional derivatives are defined in the Caputo sense, whose orders belong to the intervals [0, 1], [1, 2] and [0, 2], respectively. These are called respectively the multi-term time-fractional diffusion terms, the multi-term time-fractional wave terms and the multi-term time-fractional mixed diffusion-wave terms. The space fractional derivatives are defined as Riesz fractional derivatives. Analytical solutions of three types of the MT-TSCR-FADE are derived with Dirichlet boundary conditions. By using Luchko's Theorem (Acta Math. Vietnam., 1999), we proposed some new techniques, such as a spectral representation of the fractional Laplacian operator and the equivalent relationship between fractional Laplacian operator and Riesz fractional derivative, that enabled the derivation of the analytical solutions for the multi-term time-space Caputo-Riesz fractional advection-diffusion equations. © 2012.