912 resultados para fundamental principles and applications
Scintillation counting is one of the most important developments in the application of radioisotopes to procedures needed by scientists, physicians, engineers, and technicians from many diverse discipline for the detection and quantitative measurement of radioactivity. In fact, Scintillation is the most sensitive and versatile technique for the detection and quantification ofradioactivity. Particularly, Solid and Liquid scintillation measurement are,nowadays, standard laboratory methods in the life-sciences for measuringradiation from gamma- and beta-emitting nuclides, respectively. Thismethodology is used routinely in the vast majority of diagnostic and/or researchlaboratories from those of biochemistry and biology to clinical departments.
This article summarizes the basic principles of electron probe microanalysis, with examples of applications in materials science and geology that illustrate the capabilities of the technique.
This article summarizes the basic principles of Paleomagnetism, with examples of applications in geology that illustrate the capabilities of the technique.
This article outlines the basis of the technique and shows some examples of applications in order to exhibit the expectations of this technique invaried scientific fields.
The study of proteins has been a key element in biomedicine and biotechnology because of their important role in cell functions or enzymatic activity. Cells are the basic unit of living organisms, which are governed by a vast range of chemical reactions. These chemical reactions must be highly regulatedin order to achieve homeostasis. Proteins are polymeric molecules that havetaken on the evolutionary process the role, along with other factors, of controlthese chemical reactions. Learning how proteins interact and control their up anddown regulations can teach us how living cells regulate their functions, as well asthe cause of certain anomalies that occur in different diseases where proteins areinvolved. Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical widely used technique to studythe protein content inside the cells as a biomarker point, which describesdysfunctions in diseases and increases knowledge of how proteins are working.All the methodologies involved in these descriptions are integrated in the fieldcalled Proteomics.
Para los estudiantes de nivel avanzado en biología, geografía y ciencias de la Tierra, que necesitan una introducción a la ecología. El texto comienza con la ecología de los distintos organismos y se mueve, a través de las comunidades y los ecosistemas, a las consideraciones globales de la biogeografía, la co-evolución y la conservación. Destacan historias de casos, perspectivas históricas y polémicas teorías. Esta edición se ha puesto al día con los actuales planes de estudio mediante la adición de más material sobre la cuestión de la conservación, dando cobertura a los principios de la conservación y la utilización de estudios de casos para dar ejemplos de las políticas de conservación en la práctica. Tiene glosario, bibliografía, índice.
Printed in Great Britain.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
1. Principles, by H. Jermain Creighton.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
"October 1961."