935 resultados para free evocation of words


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This study aims to analyze the main social representations of law, justice and injustice preseneted by Argentinean and Brazilian youngsters. The Brazilian group consisted of 621 polled of three different regions-Floriano/PI, Erechim/RS, and Marilia/SP. From Argentina, 200 youngsters of Avellanedacity (Buenos Aires metropolitan region) participated. All the samples were proportionally divided according to the kind of school (public or private) and the school year attented (8(th) grade and 11(th) grade, considering the equivalent grade in Argentina). The data collection technique consisted of semi directed questionnaire composed by the free evocation of words technique. The procedure used to evaluate the results was the Analysis Correspondence Method (ANACOR). The results demonstrate important variations related to the youngster' nationality and they were discussed so that the preseneted representations were contextualized.


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A tese tem como objetivo geral analisar a ocorrência da síndrome de burnout e suas representações sociais entre profissionais de saúde de um hospital público universitário do Rio de Janeiro. Caracteriza-se como um estudo quanti-qualitativo, descritivo, transversal, a partir de uma amostra intencional, totalizando 101 participantes. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram um questionário contendo a técnica de evocações livres, a escala de caracterização do burnout (ECB) e um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise de dados se deu por meio do uso do software EVOC 2005 e da construção do quadro de quatro casas para as evocações livres; o software SPSS 20 e análises estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais para a ECB; e a análise de conteúdo temático categorial para as entrevistas semidiretivas. Os resultados apontam que os profissionais de saúde possuem uma representação social da síndrome de burnout alicerçada em duas dimensões, uma física e outra psicológica; observa-se a prevalência de conteúdos predominantemente negativos nessa representação, sobretudo, em relação ao contexto de trabalho no hospital. Também mostram a existência da representação social da síndrome de burnout estruturada a partir dos termos estresse e cansaço que fazem parte do provável núcleo central dessa representação. Observou-se que há ocorrência da síndrome de burnout entre enfermeiros e médicos do campo cirúrgico do hospital e que tal ocorrência apresenta relação com as variáveis psicossociais e sóciodemográficas. Releva-se a importância dessas variáveis, assinalando o seu papel regulador na ocorrência e desenvolvimento da síndrome. Conclui-se destacando as condições de trabalho para a construção das representações nas profissões de saúde e para a determinação da síndrome de burnout, sobretudo no campo cirúrgico. Os resultados poderão contribuir para a compreensão do campo teórico da síndrome de burnout, especialmente, no que se refere à sua determinação e ao seu desenvolvimento, lançando luz para o seu diagnóstico e sua prevenção


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as principais representações sociais de lei, justiça e injustiça apresentadas por jovens argentinos e brasileiros. O grupo de brasileiros constituiu-se de 621 pesquisandos, de três regiões distintas: Floriano/PI, Erechim/RS e Marília/SP. da Argentina, participaram 200 jovens da cidade de Avellaneda (região metropolitana de Buenos Aires). Os grupos foram proporcionalmente divididos conforme o tipo de escola (pública e particular) e o ano escolar freqüentado (8º ano do Ensino Fundamental e 3º ano do Ensino Médio, considerando-se os graus equivalentes na Argentina). O instrumento de coleta de dados constituiu-se de um questionário semidirigido, composto pela técnica de evocação livre de palavras. O procedimento utilizado para a avaliação dos resultados foi a Análise de Correspondência (ANACOR). Os resultados demonstraram variações importantes relacionadas à nacionalidade dos jovens e foram discutidos de forma a contextualizarem-se as representações apresentadas.


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Research in the field of recognizing unlimited vocabulary, online handwritten Indic words is still in its infancy. Most of the focus so far has been in the area of isolated character recognition. In the context of lexicon-free recognition of words, one of the primary issues to be addressed is that of segmentation. As a preliminary attempt, this paper proposes a novel script-independent, lexicon-free method for segmenting online handwritten words to their constituent symbols. Feedback strategies, inspired from neuroscience studies, are proposed for improving the segmentation. The segmentation strategy has been tested on an exhaustive set of 10000 Tamil words collected from a large number of writers. The results show that better segmentation improves the overall recognition performance of the handwriting system.


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Without a doubt, one of the biggest changes that affected XXth century art is the introduction of words into paintings and, in more recent years, in installations. For centuries, if words were part of a visual composition, they functioned as reference; strictly speaking, they were used as a guideline for a better perception of the subject represented. With the developments of the XXth century, words became a very important part of the visual composition, and sometimes embodied the composition itself. About this topic, American art critic and collector Russell Bowman wrote an interesting article called Words and images: A persistent paradox, in which he examines the American and the European art of the XXth century in almost its entirety, dividing it up in six “categories of intention”. The aforementioned categories are not based on the art history timeline, but on the role that language played for specific artists or movements. Taking inspiration from Bowman's article, this paper is structured in three chapters, respectively: words in juxtaposition and free association, words as means of exploration of language structures, and words as means for political and personal messages. The purpose of this paper is therefore to reflect on the role of language in contemporary art and on the way it has changed from artist to artist.


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Participation of two medial temporal lobe structures, the hippocampal region and the amygdala, in long-term declarative memory encoding was examined by using positron emission tomography of regional cerebral glucose. Positron emission tomography scanning was performed in eight healthy subjects listening passively to a repeated sequence of unrelated words. Memory for the words was assessed 24 hr later with an incidental free recall test. The percentage of words freely recalled then was correlated with glucose activity during encoding. The results revealed a striking correlation (r = 0.91, P < 0.001) between activity of the left hippocampal region (centered on the dorsal parahippocampal gyrus) and word recall. No correlation was found between activity of either the left or right amygdala and recall. The findings provide evidence for hippocampal involvement in long-term declarative memory encoding and for the view that the amygdala is not involved with declarative memory formation for nonemotional material.


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This paper was retracted by the Journal of Stem Cells and Development on February 15, 2013.


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Modelling how a word is activated in human memory is an important requirement for determining the probability of recall of a word in an extra-list cueing experiment. The spreading activation, spooky-action-at-a-distance and entanglement models have all been used to model the activation of a word. Recently a hypothesis was put forward that the mean activation levels of the respective models are as follows: Spreading � Entanglment � Spooking-action-at-a-distance This article investigates this hypothesis by means of a substantial empirical analysis of each model using the University of South Florida word association, rhyme and word norms.


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This paper examines a case of academic plagiarism and the subsequent treatment of the issues across several academic institutions. It calls for academic leaders in universities to act on what constitutes a serious breach of standards, engendered in part by broader institutional norms and values promoting the need for publications in a ‘publish or perish’ environment. While universities often promote high-sounding ideals and would generally wish to be seen to uphold high academic standards, it is argued that silence and complicity surround the way in which instances of plagiarism in academic publications are often dealt with. Actions (and inaction) by academic leaders in universities in dealing with cases of academic plagiarism speak volumes in terms of the values academic institutions profess, and those they actually uphold. The paper prompts readers to consider the need for a more consistent and proactive stance on the part of their own institutions to exercise ethical leadership in identifying and addressing academic plagiarism when it occurs.


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Time and space are fundamental to human language and embodied cognition. In our early work we investigated how Lingodroids, robots with the ability to build their own maps, could evolve their own geopersonal spatial language. In subsequent studies we extended the framework developed for learning spatial concepts and words to learning temporal intervals. This paper considers a new aspect of time, the naming of concepts like morning, afternoon, dawn, and dusk, which are events that are part of day-night cycles, but are not defined by specific time points on a clock. Grounding of such terms refers to events and features of the diurnal cycle, such as light levels. We studied event-based time in which robots experienced day-night cycles that varied with the seasons throughout a year. Then we used meet-at tasks to demonstrate that the words learned were grounded, where the times to meet were morning and afternoon, rather than specific clock times. The studies show how words and concepts for a novel aspect of cyclic time can be grounded through experience with events rather than by times as measured by clocks or calendars


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Invasion waves of cells play an important role in development, disease and repair. Standard discrete models of such processes typically involve simulating cell motility, cell proliferation and cell-to-cell crowding effects in a lattice-based framework. The continuum-limit description is often given by a reaction–diffusion equation that is related to the Fisher–Kolmogorov equation. One of the limitations of a standard lattice-based approach is that real cells move and proliferate in continuous space and are not restricted to a predefined lattice structure. We present a lattice-free model of cell motility and proliferation, with cell-to-cell crowding effects, and we use the model to replicate invasion wave-type behaviour. The continuum-limit description of the discrete model is a reaction–diffusion equation with a proliferation term that is different from lattice-based models. Comparing lattice based and lattice-free simulations indicates that both models lead to invasion fronts that are similar at the leading edge, where the cell density is low. Conversely, the two models make different predictions in the high density region of the domain, well behind the leading edge. We analyse the continuum-limit description of the lattice based and lattice-free models to show that both give rise to invasion wave type solutions that move with the same speed but have very different shapes. We explore the significance of these differences by calibrating the parameters in the standard Fisher–Kolmogorov equation using data from the lattice-free model. We conclude that estimating parameters using this kind of standard procedure can produce misleading results.