993 resultados para forward simulation


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Money is often a limiting factor in conservation, and attempting to conserve endangered species can be costly. Consequently, a framework for optimizing fiscally constrained conservation decisions for a single species is needed. In this paper we find the optimal budget allocation among isolated subpopulations of a threatened species to minimize local extinction probability. We solve the problem using stochastic dynamic programming, derive a useful and simple alternative guideline for allocating funds, and test its performance using forward simulation. The model considers subpopulations that persist in habitat patches of differing quality, which in our model is reflected in different relationships between money invested and extinction risk. We discover that, in most cases, subpopulations that are less efficient to manage should receive more money than those that are more efficient to manage, due to higher investment needed to reduce extinction risk. Our simple investment guideline performs almost as well as the exact optimal strategy. We illustrate our approach with a case study of the management of the Sumatran tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae, in Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), Indonesia. We find that different budgets should be allocated to the separate tiger subpopulations in KSNP. The subpopulation that is not at risk of extinction does not require any management investment. Based on the combination of risks of extinction and habitat quality, the optimal allocation for these particular tiger subpopulations is an unusual case: subpopulations that occur in higher-quality habitat (more efficient to manage) should receive more funds than the remaining subpopulation that is in lower-quality habitat. Because the yearly budget allocated to the KSNP for tiger conservation is small, to guarantee the persistence of all the subpopulations that are currently under threat we need to prioritize those that are easier to save. When allocating resources among subpopulations of a threatened species, the combined effects of differences in habitat quality, cost of action, and current subpopulation probability of extinction need to be integrated. We provide a useful guideline for allocating resources among isolated subpopulations of any threatened species. © 2010 by the Ecological Society of America.


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地震勘探的基本任务是测量由人工震源激发的各种地震波,通过对所得到的地震波场的数据记录进行必要的处理和解释而提取所需要的地质信息。不同的地震波场特征反应了不同的地质构造等信息,因此,对地震波场特征进行研究就显得非常重要。井间地震是在一口井中激发、另一口井中接收的一种特殊的地震勘探方法,其实际记录要比常规的地震记录复杂的多,其波场中的各种波也更丰富复杂,如何识别不同类型的波并研究它们的响应特征是一个非常必要的任务。正演模拟可以为地震数据采集、处理、解释提供理论依据,是井间地震波场特征分析的一种有效方法。 本文主要研究了井间地震的数值正演模拟问题,系统地介绍了射线追踪正演模拟和波动方程正演模拟方法,利用Visual Basic 6.0语言编写了相应的射线追踪正演模拟程序,而且分两种方法详细分析了井间地震数值模型的地震响应特征,为直观的井间地震波场识别和勘探地震数据反演提供了必要的依据。本文取得的主要成果如下: 1)在前人的VSP正演模拟的基础上,改进并总结出了一套井间地震射线追踪正演模型的制作方法。 2)编制了井间地震射线追踪正演模拟程序V1.0。 3)利用编写的井间地震正演模拟程序,作了两种射线追踪数值模拟试算;利用Tesseral声波方程正演模拟试算了含有楔形体和丘状体的理论模型;取得了较好的模拟数据。


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Prediction of Carbonate Reservoir Based on the Elastic Parameter Analysis Zhang Guangzhi (Solid Geophysics) Directed by Professor Liu Hong Abstract With the exploration and development of Puguang Oilfield, oil-gas exploration of carbonate rock in China has shown good prospects. Research on earthquake prediction methods for carbonate reservoir becomes the key of oil and gas exploration. Starting with analysis of geological characteristics of carbonate rock, prestack AVO inversion method, prestack elastic impedance inversion and parameter calculation method and seismic attribute extraction and optimization method were studied based on the analysis of rock physics in this work. First, variation characteristic and law of carbonate rock reservoir parameters were studied based on experimental data of rock physics, log data, analysis assay data, mud logging data and seismic data, so as to lay a foundation for the further reservoir identification and description. Then, the structure, type and propagation law of seismic wave field were analyzed through seismic forward modeling of the reservoir, and contact between information from log and geology data with elastic parameters, such as compressional wave and shear wave velocity and density were established, so as to provide a standard for reservoir identification and hydrocarbon detection using seismic reflection characteristics of the research area. Starting with the general concept of inverse problem, through analysis of Zoeppritz equation, three kinds of pre-stack inversion methods were derived and analyzed in detail, the AVO 3-parameter inversion based on Bayesian theory, the prestack AVO waveform inversion method and the simultaneous inversion method, based on the statistical hypothesis of inversion parameters and observation data and the Gauss distribution assumption of noise. The three methods were validated by model data and real data. Then, the elastic wave impedance inversion method of carbonate reservoir was investigated and the method of elastic parameter extraction from elastic impedance data was put forward. Based on the analysis of conventional methods of seismic attribute extraction and optimization, the time-frequency attributes and the wavelet attributes with time and amplitude feature were presented, and the prestack seismic attribute calculation method which can characterize the reservoir rock and fluid characteristic was presented. And the optimization of seismic attribute using the nonlinear KPCA method was also put forward. A series of seismic prediction technologies for carbonate reservoir were presented based on analysis of rock physics and seismic forward simulation technology. Practical application of these technologies was implemented in A oil field of Southern China and good effect has been achieved. Key words: carbonate rock; reservoir prediction; rock physics, prestack seismic inversion; seismic attribute


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In this paper, the detailed analysis of fundamental seismic data and theoretical method are given, and the tests of some new technologies are performed. For seismic data processing assembly, some key technologies are developed and applied, such as global static correction, amplitude consistency processing, wavelet consistency shaping, fine velocity model establishing and prestack time migration. These technologies can efficiently settle the problems during the course of multiple- block– jointed prestack time migration processing, and it is highly significant for holding the oil output of 40,000,000 tons for Daqing oilfield. Through the research of this dissertation, the following important contributions are shown: (1) The combination of near-surface model method and refraction static correction method is developed, and is applied to solve global static correction for the whole merging area. (2) Prestack amplitude normalization processing method based on fold is developed. The method eliminates the effects of fold on amplitude uniformity, and solves the problem of energy uniformity for tie-area prestack migration processing. (3) Wavelet consistency is investigated. For multiple survey blocks existing in the area, the optimum method of wavelet shaping is developed, which removes the waveform variance between two adjacent blocks. (4) Controlled velocity inversion (CVI) technique is used to establish migration velocity field. It can largely shorten the period of velocity modeling, and improve velocity analysis precision. (5) Float datum level technique is employed, and is able to guarantee prestack migration results of subsurface shallow layers. (6) The static partition of seismic data volume relating to migration aperture is firstly developed. And the precious imaging for huge data volume by prestack time migration is realized. (7) The numerical forward simulation and prestack migration processing is primarily combined to discuss the migration technique for a complex geology structure from practical field information. The combination of numerical simulation and prestack migration is a feasible way to solve the fine imaging of complex volcanic structure. And the combination approach can help to select appropriate migration parameters.


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At present the main object of the exploration and development (E&D) of oil and gas is not the structural oil-gas pools but the subtle lithological oil-gas reservoir. Since the last 90's, the ratio of this kind of pools in newly-added oil reserves is becoming larger and larger, so is the ratio in the eastern oilfields. The third oil-gas resource evaluation indicates the main exploration object of Jiyang depression is the lithological oil-gas pools in future. However, lack of effective methods that are applied to search for this kind of pool makes E&D difficult and the cost high. In view of the urgent demand of E&D, in this paper we deeply study and analyze the theory and application in which the seismic attributes are used to predict and describe lithological oil-gas reservoirs. The great results are obtained by making full use of abundant physics and reservoir information as well as the remarkable lateral continuity involved in seismic data in combination with well logging, drilling-well and geology. ①Based on a great deal of research and different geological features of Shengli oilfield, the great progresses are made some theories and methods of seismic reservoir prediction and description. Three kinds of extrapolation near well seismic wavelet methods-inverse distance interpolation, phase interpolation and pseudo well reflectivity-are improved; particularly, in sparse well area the method of getting pseudo well reflectivity is given by the application of the wavelet theory. The formulae for seismic attributes and coherent volumes are derived theoretically, and the optimal method of seismic attributes and improved algorithms of picking up coherent data volumes are put forward. The method of making sequence analysis on seismic data is put forward and derived in which the wavelet transform is used to analyze not only qualitatively but also quantitatively seismic characteristics of reservoirs.② According to geologic model and seismic forward simulation, from macro to micro, the method of pre- and post-stack data synthetic analysis and application is put forward using seismic in close combination with geology; particularly, based on making full use of post-stack seismic data, "green food"-pre-stack seismic data is as possible as utilized. ③ In this paper, the formative law and distributing characteristic of lithologic oil-gas pools of the Tertiary in Jiyang depression, the knowledge of geological geophysics and the feasibility of all sorts of seismic methods, and the applied knowledge of seismic data and the geophysical mechanism of oil-gas reservoirs are studied. Therefore a series of perfect seismic technique and software are completed that fit to E&D of different categories of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs. ④ This achievement is different from other new seismic methods that are put forward in the recent years, that is multi-wave multi-component seismic, cross hole seismic, vertical seismic, and time-lapse seismic etc. that need the reacquisition of seismic data to predict and describe the oil-gas reservoir. The method in this paper is based on the conventional 2D/3D seismic data, so the cost falls sharply. ⑤ In recent years this technique that predict and describe lithologic oil-gas reservoirs by seismic information has been applied in E&D of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs on glutenite fans in abrupt slop and turbidite fans in front of abrup slop, slump turbidite fans in front of delta, turbidite fans with channel in low slope and channel sanbody, and a encouraging geologic result has been gained. This achievement indicates that the application of seismic information is one of the most effective ways in solving the present problem of E&D. This technique is significant in the application and popularization, and positive on increasing reserves and raising production as well as stable development in Shengli oilfield. And it will be directive to E&D of some similar reservoirs


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When conducting a randomized comparative clinical trial, ethical, scientific or economic considerations often motivate the use of interim decision rules after successive groups of patients have been treated. These decisions may pertain to the comparative efficacy or safety of the treatments under study, cost considerations, the desire to accelerate the drug evaluation process, or the likelihood of therapeutic benefit for future patients. At the time of each interim decision, an important question is whether patient enrollment should continue or be terminated; either due to a high probability that one treatment is superior to the other, or a low probability that the experimental treatment will ultimately prove to be superior. The use of frequentist group sequential decision rules has become routine in the conduct of phase III clinical trials. In this dissertation, we will present a new Bayesian decision-theoretic approach to the problem of designing a randomized group sequential clinical trial, focusing on two-arm trials with time-to-failure outcomes. Forward simulation is used to obtain optimal decision boundaries for each of a set of possible models. At each interim analysis, we use Bayesian model selection to adaptively choose the model having the largest posterior probability of being correct, and we then make the interim decision based on the boundaries that are optimal under the chosen model. We provide a simulation study to compare this method, which we call Bayesian Doubly Optimal Group Sequential (BDOGS), to corresponding frequentist designs using either O'Brien-Fleming (OF) or Pocock boundaries, as obtained from EaSt 2000. Our simulation results show that, over a wide variety of different cases, BDOGS either performs at least as well as both OF and Pocock, or on average provides a much smaller trial. ^


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The necessity of installing a forward tracking detector stack is discussed for the Hadron Physics LanzhoU Spectrometer(HPLUS). A local tracker is developed to solve the multi-track finding problem. The track candidates are searched iteratively via Hough Transform. The fake tracks are removed by a least square fitting process. With this tracker we have studied the feasibility of pp -> pp + phi(-> K+K-), a typical physical channel proposed on HPLUS. The single track momentum resolution due to the uncertainty of the positioning in FTD is 1.3%. The multiple scattering effect contributes about 20% to the momentum resolution in the FTD coverage. The width and the signal-to-background ratio of the reconstructed phi are 1.51 MeV and 4.36, respectively, taking into account the direct Kaon channel pp -> pp + K+K- as background. The geometry coverage of FTD for phi events is about 85.4%. Based on the current fast simulation and estimation, the geometrical configuration of FTD meets the physical requirement of HPLUS under the current luminosity and multiplicity conditions. The tracker is applicable in the full simulation coming next and is extendable to other tracking component of HPLUS.


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A method for bone strain estimation is examined in this article. The flexibility of a single bone in an otherwise rigid human skeleton model has been studied previously by various authors. However, in the previous studies, the effect of the flexibility of multiple bones on the musculoskeletal model behavior was ignored. This study describes a simulation method that can be used to estimate the bone strains at both tibias and femurs of a 65-year old Caucasian male subject. The verification of the method is performed by the comparison of the results with other studies available in literature. The results of the study show good correlation with the results of previous empirical studies. A damping effect of the flexible bones on the model is also studied in this paper.


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The Savonius turbine, although simple in construction, typically has a maximum power coefficient (cP) of about 0.2. This is significantly lower than the cP of the axial flow propeller-type turbine which typically can be as high as 0.5. However, a simple means to improve the cP of a Savonius turbine is to install it above a forward facing step, for example, a cliff or a building. In this work, prior experimental results of the tow testing of a Savonius turbine installed above a finite-width bluff body were used to validate computational fluid dynamics simulation of the same experimental conditions. The validated simulation settings were then used to obtain the maximum cP of a similar turbine of finite width but installed above an infinite-width forward facing step over a range of installation positions above and behind the step.


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This paper describes the development and evaluation of a tactical lane change model using the forward search algorithm, for use in a traffic simulator. The tactical lane change model constructs a set of possible choices of near-term maneuver sequences available to the driver and selects the lane change action at the present time to realize the best maneuver plan. Including near term maneuver planning in the driver behavior model can allow a better representation of the complex interactions in situations such as a weaving section and high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane systems where drivers must weave across several lanes in order to access the HOV lanes. To support the investigation, a longitudinal control model and a basic lane change model were also analyzed. The basic lane change model is similar to those used by today's commonly-used traffic simulators. Parameters in all models were best-fit estimated for selected vehicles from a real-world freeway vehicle trajectory data set. The best-fit estimation procedure minimizes the discrepancy between the model vehicle and real vehicle's trajectories. With the best fit parameters, the proposed tactical lane change model gave a better overall performance for a greater number of cases than the basic lane change model.


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In this paper we analyze the performance degradation of slotted amplify-and-forward protocol in wireless environments with high node density where the number of relays grows asymptotically large. Channel gains between source-destination pairs in such networks can no longer be independent. We analyze the degradation of performance in such wireless environments where channel gains are exponentially correlated by looking at the capacity per channel use. Theoretical results for eigenvalue distribution and the capacity are derived and compared with the simulation results. Both analytical and simulated results show that the capacity given by the asymptotic mutual information decreases with the network density.


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In this paper, we review the sequential slotted amplify-decode-and-forward (SADF) protocol with half-duplex single-antenna and evaluate its performance in terms of pairwise error probability (PEP). We obtain the PEP upper bound of the protocol and find out that the achievable diversity order of the protocol is two with arbitrary number of relay terminals. To achieve the maximum achievable diversity order, we propose a simple precoder that is easy to implement with any number of relay terminals and transmission slots. Simulation results show that the proposed precoder achieves the maximum achievable diversity order and has similar BER performance compared to some of the existing precoders.


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In this paper, we propose a novel relay ordering and scheduling strategy for the sequential slotted amplify-and-forward (SAF) protocol and evaluate its performance in terms of diversity-multiplexing trade-off (DMT). The relays between the source and destination are grouped into two relay clusters based on their respective locations. The proposed strategy achieves partial relay isolation and decreases the decoding complexity at the destination. We show that the DMT upper bound of sequential-SAF with the proposed strategy outperforms other amplify and forward protocols and is more practical compared to the relay isolation assumption made in the original paper [1]. Simulation result shows that the sequential-SAF protocol with the proposed strategy has better outage performance compared to the existing AF and non-cooperative protocols in high SNR regime.