961 resultados para forensic psychiatric care
The overall goal of this study was to explore and identify good aggression management methods and on that basis to produce recommendations for aggression management in the adolescent forensic setting. The study was conducted in three phases. In Phase I, staff’s (n = 58) perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour and methods to manage it was examined. In Phase II, staff’s (n = 30) perception of treatment settings and treatment interventions available were studied. In Phase III, the effectiveness of an aggression management programme was evaluated. The data were collected during the period 2004-2007. Participants perceived adolescent aggressive behaviour in a similar way and described aggressive behaviour as being a comprehensible phenomenon. Management methods used to control aggressive situations were alike, although the practical solutions varied between the study units, especially regarding coercive methods. Staff members proposed more time and better opportunities to discuss and evaluate the aggression situation in order to improve the methods used. The treatment settings were similar in studied forensic units and interventions were primarily focused on psychological aspects, including management of aggressive behavior. A comprehensive aggression management programme proved to be effective in decreasing incidents of violence. The use of coercive methods in aggression situations decreased and injuries to the staff became less frequent. If staff members intend to apply high quality management methods in aggression situations they have to share a consistent understanding of aggressive behaviour and need to be aware of the various methods available. In addition, they should learn more about assessment methods in order to improve aggression management. International comparison of aggression, methods for managing it and service provision creates a starting point for developing equal care provision and realization within and between European countries.
Here we present results of studies conducted by the Research Unit of Legal Psychiatry and Psychology of Lausanne about risk assessment and protective factors in the evaluation of violence recidivism. It aims to help experts in considering the relevance and use of tools at their disposal. Particular attention is given to the significance of protective factors and impulsive dimensions, as to the inter-raters process that leads to the final deliberations.
This study explores personal liberty in psychiatric care from a service user involvement perspective. The data were collected in four phases during the period 2000-2006 in psychiatric settings in Finland. Firstly, patient satisfaction and factors associated with user involvement were studied (n = 313). Secondly, patients’ experiences of deprivation of their liberty were explored (n = 51). Thirdly, an overview on patients’ options for lodging complaints was conducted, and all complaints (n = 4645) lodged in Finland from 2000 to 2004 were examined. Fourthly, the effects of different patient education methods on inpatients’ experiences of deprivation of liberty were tested (n = 311). It emerged that patients were quite satisfied, but reported dissatisfaction in restrictions, compulsory care and information dissemination. Patients experienced restrictions on leaving the ward and on communication, confiscation of property and coercive measures as deprivation of liberty. Patients’ experienced these interventions to be negative. In Finland, the patient complaint process is complicated and not easily accessible. In general, patient complaints increased considerably in Finland during the study period. In psychiatric care the number of complaints was quite stable and complaints led more seldom to consequences. An Internet-based patient education system was equivalent with traditional education and treatment as usual in supporting personal liberty during hospital care. This dissertation provides new information about the realization of patients' rights in psychiatric care. In order to improve patients' involvement, systematic methods to increase personal liberty during care need to be developed, the procedures for patients lodging complaints should be simplified, and patients' access to information needs to be ensured using multiple methods.
Rajoitetoimet, erityisesti sitominen, nuorisopsykiatrisessa hoitotyössä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata ja syventää tietoa rajoitetoimien, erityisesti sitomisen, käytöstä nuorisopsykiatrisessa vastentahtoisessa osastohoidossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata hoitajien, lääkäreiden ja potilaiden asenteita eri rajoittamiskeinoja kohtaan nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa, kerätä tietoa yhden vuoden aikana tapahtuneiden sitomisten määrästä ja luonteesta sekä kuvata potilaiden kokemuksia sitomisesta nuorisopsykiatrisen osastohoidon aikana. Tutkimus tuottaa arvokasta tietoa korkeatasoisten sitomiskäytäntöjen kehittämiseen nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa, sekä sitomisten määrää vähentämällä että sitomistapoja kehittämällä. Tavoitteena on parantaa sidottujen potilaiden kliinistä hoitoa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin suomalaisilla, pääkaupunkiseudulle sijoittuvilla, nuorisopsykiatrisilla osastoilla neljässä vaiheessa lokakuun 2009 ja huhtikuun 2012 välisenä aikana. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin (HUS) nuorisopsykiatrian erikoisalan seitsemän suljetun osaston hoitohenkilökunta sekä lääkärit suhtautuivat myönteisesti rajoittamistoimenpiteisiin. Nuorisopsykiatriset potilaat suhtautuivat rajoittamistoimenpiteisiin kriittisemmin kuin henkilökunta. Nuoret suhtautuivat myönteisimmin tarvittaessa annettavaan lääkitykseen, ajoittaiseen tarkkailuun ja kulun rajoittamiseen. Vähiten hyväksytty menetelmä oli verkkosänky. Nuoret arvioivat sitomisen kolmen vähiten hyväksytyn menetelmän joukkoon. Sitomisen esiintyvyys ja pitkien sitomisten määrä olivat korkeita tutkimukseen valituissa yksiköissä. Useimmat sidotut nuoret tiesivät syyn sitomiseensa, suhtautuivat siihen ambivalentisti nähden siinä sekä hyötyä että haittaa, pitäen sitä kuitenkin rangaistuksena. Huolimatta tästä, suurin osa haastatelluista nuorista koki, että joissain tilanteissa sitomista tarvitaan nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa. Nuorilla oli monia ehdotuksia, kuinka parantaa sitomista käytännön osastohoidossa. Tämä väitöskirja tuottaa uutta tietoa eri rajoittamistoimenpiteiden ja sitomisen toteuttamisesta nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa. Käytännön hoitotyön parantamiseksi nuorisopsykiatrisilla osastoilla tarvitaan laaja-alaista ja syvälle luotaavaa koulutusta, jotta rajoittamis-toimenpiteiden määrää voidaan vähentää. Myös kriisitilanteiden hallintaan tarvitaan uusia keinoja. Tietoa, kuvausta toimenpiteistä ja tilanteiden käsittelyä jälkikäteen tulee tarjota ala-ikäiselle potilaalle hänen kehitystasonsa huomioiden. Sitomisten määrää tulee vähentää ja niiden kestoa lyhentää. Nuorten tulee olla aktiivisesti mukana kehittämässä aggression hallintamenetelmiä suomalaisessa nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa.
The shift of psychiatric care from the hospital to the community has been accompanied by a reduction of hospital beds and shortened durations of inpatient treatment, but also by an increase in admissions. This evolution may be largely attributed to the prime focus of community mental health institutions on rehabilitation. The continued implementation of reforms in psychiatric care is contingent upon effectively halting the "revolving door phenomenon" by incorporating community-integrated treatment approaches into the care of acutely ill patients. Since the mid-1960s, a series of studies have established the efficacy of two community-integrated modalities for the treatment of acute psychiatric illness, i.e. home-based and day hospital treatment. In general, these approaches not only seem to be as effective as inpatient care for certain groups of patients but also reduce their need of hospitalisation, thereby contributing towards a cost effective, comprehensive psychiatric care system.
Mode of access: Internet.
Deliberate self harm as defined pathologically as well as socially is becoming an increasing phenomenon within forensic psychiatry. Nurses working with patients who have self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry face different challenges which affect their feelings and attitudes in different ways, in their nursing practice. Purpose: To explore nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry. Method: Qualitative semi- structured interview s from eight nurses working within the forensic psychiatric clinic. Interviews were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis. Results: They worked strategically and emphasized the importance of teamwork, good communication and urged for the need to get necessary education, staff focused tutoring and patient focused therapy. Conclusion: Need for necessary education, patient focused therapy and staff focused tutor is needed to empower staff working with patients who are confined within forensic psychiatry and suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour.
Denna studie handlar om den rättspsykiatriska personalens erfarenheter av patienternas återhämtningsprocesser. Studien syftar till att försöka belysa de erfarenheter som personalen besitter, med fokus på återhämtning. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och består av intervjuer som gjorts med personal som arbetar inom en av Sveriges rättspsykiatriska vårdkliniker. Resultatet visar att personalen har erfarenheter av att det finns både gynnsamma och hindrande faktorer som påverkar patienternas återhämtning. Resultatet visar även att relationerna mellan personalen och patienten är en viktig förutsättning för patienternas återhämtning.
Practice of psychiatric hospitalization has considerably changed: deinstitutionnalization, brief hospitalizations, opened units, partnership with patients and complementarity with community mental health services. These changes appear simultaneously in most of industrialized countries. They are the result of social changes, evolution of mental health care, and a sharper perception of deinsertion risks through long term hospitalizations. Values of psychiatric hospital were based on a closed and protective place, where community life prepared to life in the community; they are now founded on an opened place where care aims at resolving crisis and keeping closely in touch with the community. These modifications imply to rethink hospital psychiatric care and their connections with environment. This paper describe a model of care developed in a first admission psychiatric unit.
Psychotic patients to not access easily to psychiatric care. First, psychotic disorders are difficult to identify among a great number of non psychotic depressive and anxious disorders. Second, inpatient care has shortened and now focus on acute care rather than long stay. For some psychotic patients, desinstitutionalization means exclusion and marginalization. Intensive case management can answer these needs in collaboration with relatives and professionals of patient's social network. Results and care's steps of intensive case management as practiced in Lausanne are described and illustrated with cases vignettes.
This report has been written as part of the project “Toward improved quality – developing nurse’s continuing vocational training in hospitals and inpatient units”. Its overall goal is to ensure high quality, ethically appropriate and therapeutically effective interventions to enable nurses to manage distressed and disturbed patients in European psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units. In this large-scale, multinational projects there are all together six European countries involved: Finland, Ireland, England, Portugal, Italy and Lithuania. The project work plan were during autumn 2006 and spring 2007. The content of this publication was produced in the first stage of the project aiming to collect the preliminary source material for the project. The literature review was carried out in the project stage, providing the groundwork for the next steps for the project. This project aims to develop an interactive multinational portal with training material. Therefore, it is important to share an understanding of basic information, psychiatric nurse’s continuing vocational education, laws and ethical codes and patient restriction used in mental health care. In this publication, the purpose of the material produced here is to understand nurses’ educational need related to vocational continuing education and to be used in further project stages as an empirical data collection. The data were collected as a preliminary source material for latter phases where nurse’s perceptions of the current practice, nurse’s attitudes to mental illness, prevalence of use of seclusion room and existing and desired vocational training provision will be collected in six different European countries. The following organisations are involved in this project: University of Turku, Dublin City University, St. Vincent Hospital, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Padova, Klaipeda College - Health Faculty, Klaipeda Psychiatric Hospital, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Omnia Vocational Institution the Espoo Region, Kellokoski psychiatric hospital, Hyvinkää hospital area, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Kingston University & St. George’s Medical School and South West London & St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. A wide variety of different countries, organisations and individuals in this project give us a strong confidence that theoretical, practical, ethical and political issues around the topic of interest will be taken account during this project lifetime. We are aware the content of this book will be partially outdated almost as soon as it has been published. We still hope that this publication will encourage nurses and different professions working in mental health care field to have a basic understanding of similarities and differences between different European countries related in mental health care. We also hope that this publication will inspirate and motivate nurses in maintaining and developing the quality of psychiatric care in Europe.
Background Many countries have set targets for suicide reduction, and suggested that mental health care providers and general practitioners have a key role to play. Method Asystematic review of the literature. Results Among those in the general population who commit suicide, up to 41% may have contact with psychiatric inpatient care in the year prior to death and up-to 9% may commit suicide within one day of discharge. The corresponding figures are I I and 4% for community-based psychiatric care and 83 and 20% for general practitioners. Conclusions Among those who die by suicide. contact with health services is common before death. This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for clinicians to intervene. More work is needed to determine whether these people show characteristic patterns of care and/or particular risk factors which would enable a targeted approach to be developed to assist clinicians in detecting and managing high-risk patients.
PURPOSE. This study aimed to assess the discriminative validity of the Brazilian version of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and of its reduced version (PHQ-2). DESIGN AND METHODS. The sample consisted of 177 women (60 cases of depression and 117 noncases). The SCID-IV was used as the gold standard. FINDINGS. For the PHQ-9, a cutoff score equal to or higher than 10 proved to be the most adequate for the screening of depression, whereas the best cutoff score for the PHQ-2 was found to lie between 3 and 4. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. The systematic use of these instruments in nursing and in the context of primary health care could favor the early detection of depression.