988 resultados para folding


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We used in vivo (biological), in silico (computational structure prediction), and in vitro (model sequence folding) analyses of single-stranded DNA sequences to show that nucleic acid folding conservation is the selective principle behind a high-frequency single-nucleotide reversion observed in a three-nucleotide mutated motif of the Maize streak virus replication associated protein (Rep) gene. In silico and in vitro studies showed that the three-nucleotide mutation adversely affected Rep nucleic acid folding, and that the single-nucleotide reversion [C(601)A] restored wild-type-like folding. In vivo support came from infecting maize with mutant viruses: those with Rep genes containing nucleotide changes predicted to restore a wild-type-like fold [A(601)/G(601)] preferentially accumulated over those predicted to fold differently [C(601)/T(601)], which frequently reverted to A(601) and displaced the original population. We propose that the selection of native nucleic acid folding is an epigenetic effect, which might have broad implications in the evolution of plants and their viruses.


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Since its discovery in 1991, the bacterial periplasmic oxidative folding catalyst DsbA has been the focus of intense research. Early studies addressed why it is so oxidizing and how it is maintained in its less stable oxidized state. The crystal structure of Escherichia coli DsbA (EcDsbA) revealed that the oxidizing periplasmic enzyme is a distant evolutionary cousin of the reducing cytoplasmic enzyme thioredoxin. Recent significant developments have deepened our understanding of DsbA function, mechanism, and interactions: the structure of the partner membrane protein EcDsbB, including its complex with EcDsbA, proved a landmark in the field. Studies of DsbA machineries from bacteria other than E. coli K-12 have highlighted dramatic differences from the model organism, including a striking divergence in redox parameters and surface features. Several DsbA structures have provided the first clues to its interaction with substrates, and finally, evidence for a central role of DsbA in bacterial virulence has been demonstrated in a range of organisms. Here, we review current knowledge on DsbA, a bacterial periplasmic protein that introduces disulfide bonds into diverse substrate proteins and which may one day be the target of a new class of anti-virulence drugs to treat bacterial infection. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 14, 1729–1760.


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SecB is a cytosolic, tetrameric chaperone of Escherichia coli which maintains precursor proteins in a translocation competent state. We have investigated the effect of SecB on the refolding kinetics of the small protein barstar in I M guanidine hydrochloride at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C using fluorescence spectroscopy. We show that SecB does not bind either the native or the unfolded states of barstar but binds to a late near-native intermediate along the folding pathway. For barstar, polypeptide collapse and formation of a hydrophobic surface are required for binding to SecB. SecB does not change the apparent rate constant of barstar refolding. The kinetic data for SecB binding to barstar are not consistent with simple kinetic partitioning models.


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SecB, a soluble cytosolic chaperone component of the Secexport pathway, binds to newly synthesized precursor proteins and prevents their premature aggregation and folding and subsequently targets them to the translocation machinery on the membrane. PreMBP, the precursor form of maltose binding protein, has a 26-residue signal sequence attached to the N-terminus of MBP and is a physiological substrate of SecB. We examine the effect of macromolecular crowding and SecB on the stability and refolding of denatured preMBP and MBP. PreMBP was less stable than MBP (ΔTm =7( 0.5 K) in both crowded and uncrowded solutions. Crowding did not cause any substantial changes in the thermal stability ofMBP(ΔTm=1(0.4 K) or preMBP (ΔTm=0(0.6 K), as observed in spectroscopically monitored thermal unfolding experiments. However, both MBP and preMBP were prone to aggregation while refolding under crowded conditions. In contrast to MBP aggregates, which were amorphous, preMBP aggregates form amyloid fibrils.Under uncrowded conditions, a molar excess of SecB was able to completely prevent aggregation and promote disaggregation of preformed aggregates of MBP. When a complex of the denatured protein and SecB was preformed, SecB could completely prevent aggregation and promote folding of MBP and preMBP even in crowded solution. Thus, in addition to maintaining substrates in an unfolded, export-competent conformation, SecB also suppresses the aggregation of its substrates in the crowded intracellular environment. SecB is also able to promote passive disaggregation of macroscopic aggregates of MBP in the absence of an energy source such as ATP or additional cofactors. These experiments also demonstrate that signal peptide can reatly influence protein stability and aggregation propensity.


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This paper describes a switching theoretic algorithm for the folding of programmable logic arrays (PLA). The algorithm is valid for both column and row folding, although it has been presented considering only the simple column folding. The pairwise compatibility relations among all the pairs of the columns of the PLA are mapped into a square matrix, called the compatibility matrix of the PLA. A foldable compatibility matrix (FCM), a new concept introduced by the author, is then derived from the compatibility matrix. A new theorem called the folding theorem is then proved. The theorem states that the existence of an m by 2m FCM is both necessary and sufficient to fold 2m columns of the n column PLA (2m ≤ n). Once an FCM is obtained, the ordered pairs of foldable columns and the re-ordering of the rows are readily determined.


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The letter reports an algorithm for the folding of programmable logic arrays. The algorithm is valid for both column and row folding, although it has been presented considering only the simple column folding. The pairwise compatibility relations among all the pairs of the columns of the PLA are plotted in a matrix called the compatibility matrix of the PLA. A foldable compatibility matrix (FCM), a new concept defined in the letter, is then derived from the compatibility matrix. Once an FCM is obtained, the ordered pairs of fold-able columns and the reordering of the rows are readily determined


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The present study analyses the traffic of Hsp150 fusion proteins through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of yeast cells, from their post-translational translocation and folding to their exit from the ER via a selective COPI-independent pathway. The reporter proteins used in the present work are: Hsp150p, an O-glycosylated natural secretory protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as well as fusion proteins consisting of a fragment of Hsp150 that facilitates in the yeast ER proper folding of heterologous proteins fused to it. It is thought that newly synthesized polypeptides are kept in an unfolded form by cytosolic chaperones to facilitate the post-translational translocation across the ER membrane. However, beta-lactamase, fused to the Hsp150 fragment, folds in the cytosol into bioactive conformation. Irreversible binding of benzylpenicillin locked beta-lactamase into a globular conformation, and prevented the translocation of the fusion protein. This indicates that under normal conditions the beta-lactamase portion unfolds for translocation. Cytosolic machinery must be responsible for the unfolding. The unfolding is a prerequisite for translocation through the Sec61 channel into the lumen of the ER, where the polypeptide is again folded into a bioactive and secretion-competent conformation. Lhs1p is a member of the Hsp70 family, which functions in the conformational repair of misfolded proteins in the yeast ER. It contains Hsp70 motifs, thus it has been thought to be an ATPase, like other Hsp70 members. In order to understand its activity, authentic Lhs1p and its recombinant forms expressed in E. coli, were purified. However, no ATPase activity of Lhs1p could be detected. Nor could physical interaction between Lhs1p and activators of the ER Hsp70 chaperone Kar2p, such as the J-domain proteins Sec63p, Scj1p, and Jem1p and the nucleotide exchange factor Sil1p, be demonstrated. The domain structure of Lhs1p was modelled, and found to consist of an ATPase-like domain, a domain resembling the peptide-binding domain (PBD) of Hsp70 proteins, and a C-terminal extension. Crosslinking experiments showed that Lhs1p and Kar2p interact. The interacting domains were the C-terminal extension of Lhs1p and the ATPase domain of Kar2p, and this interaction was independent of ATPase activity of Kar2p. A model is presented where the C-terminal part of Lhs1p forms a Bag-like 3 helices bundle that might serve in the nucleotide exchange function for Kar2p in translocation and folding of secretory proteins in the ER. Exit of secretory proteins in COPII-coated vesicles is believed to be dependent of retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER in COPI-coated vesicles. It is thought that receptors escaping to the Golgi must be recycled back to the ER exit sites to recruit cargo proteins. We found that Hsp150 leaves the ER even in the absence of functional COPI-traffic from the Golgi to the ER. Thus, an alternative, COPI-independent ER exit pathway must exists, and Hsp150 is recruited to this route. The region containing the signature guiding Hsp150 to this alternative pathway was mapped.


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Background: Targeting the biosynthetic pathway of Coenzyme A (CoA) for drug development will compromise multiple cellular functions of the tubercular pathogen simultaneously. Structural divergence in the organization of the penultimate and final enzymes of CoA biosynthesis in the host and pathogen and the differences in their regulation mark out the final enzyme, dephosphocoenzyme A kinase (CoaE) as a potential drug target. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report here a complete biochemical and biophysical characterization of the M. tuberculosis CoaE, an enzyme essential for the pathogen's survival, elucidating for the first time the interactions of a dephosphocoenzyme A kinase with its substrates, dephosphocoenzyme A and ATP; its product, CoA and an intrinsic yet novel inhibitor, CTP, which helps modulate the enzyme's kinetic capabilities providing interesting insights into the regulation of CoaE activity. We show that the mycobacterial enzyme is almost 21 times more catalytically proficient than its counterparts in other prokaryotes. ITC measurements illustrate that the enzyme follows an ordered mechanism of substrate addition with DCoA as the leading substrate and ATP following in tow. Kinetic and ITC experiments demonstrate that though CTP binds strongly to the enzyme, it is unable to participate in DCoA phosphorylation. We report that CTP actually inhibits the enzyme by decreasing its Vmax. Not surprisingly, a structural homology search for the modeled mycobacterial CoaE picks up cytidylmonophosphate kinases, deoxycytidine kinases, and cytidylate kinases as close homologs. Docking of DCoA and CTP to CoaE shows that both ligands bind at the same site, their interactions being stabilized by 26 and 28 hydrogen bonds respectively. We have also assigned a role for the universal Unknown Protein Family 0157 (UPF0157) domain in the mycobacterial CoaE in the proper folding of the full length enzyme. Conclusions/Significance: In view of the evidence presented, it is imperative to assign a greater role to the last enzyme of Coenzyme A biosynthesis in metabolite flow regulation through this critical biosynthetic pathway.


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The molecular mechanism of helix nucleation in peptides and proteins is not yet understood and the question of whether sharp turns in the polypeptide backbone serve as nuclei for protein folding has evoked controversy1,2. A recent study of the conformation of a tetrapeptide containing the stereochemically constrained residue alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, both in solution and the solid state, yielded a structure consisting of two consecutive beta-turns, leading to an incipient 310 helical conformation3,4. This led us to speculate that specific tri- and tetra-peptide sequences may indeed provide a helical twist to the amino-terminal segment of helical regions in proteins and provide a nucleation site for further propagation. The transformation from a 310 helical structure to an alpha-helix should be facile and requires only small changes in the phi and psi conformational angles and a rearrangement of the hydrogen bonding pattern5. If such a mechanism is involved then it should be possible to isolate an incipient 310 helical conformation in a tripeptide amide or tetrapeptide sequence, based purely on the driving force derived from short-range interactions. We have synthesised and studied the model peptide pivaloyl-Pro-Pro-Ala-NHMe (compound I) and provide here spectroscopic evidence for a 310 helical conformation in compound I.


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In a series of polymers containing alternately placed electron-rich dialkoxyilaphthalene (DAN) donors and electron-deficient pyromellitic diimide (PDI) acceptors linked by hexa(oxyethylene) (OE-6) segments, the ability to form a folded D-A stack was intentionally disrupted by random inclusion of varying amounts of a comonomer that is devoid of DAN donor units. NMR spectroscopic studies of folding in these copolymers, induced by NH4SCN that coordinates with the OE-6 segments and facilitates the charge-transfer (C-T) induced D-A stacking, clearly reveals the presence of PDI units that are isolated and those that are located at the ends of (D-A),, stacks. Similar conclusions regarding the presence of stacked and unstacked regions along the polymer chain were also inferred from UV-vis spectroscopic studies that probe the evolution of charge-transfer band. One fascinating aspect of these copolymers wits their ability to undergo it two-step folding: first, short (D-A),, stacks are formed by the interaction of the NH4+ ion with some specific regions of the polymer chain, and subsequently these Stacks are further stacked via a two-point interaction with it suitably designed external folding agent that carries a DAN unit and all ammonium group. In the second step, the interaction first occurs by the coordination of the ammonium group of the folding agent with the OE-6 segment, which in turn facilitates the C-T interaction of the DAN unit with the adjacent uncomplexed PDI units along the polymer chain, leading to an increase ill the slacking. Variations of several spectral features, during both UV-vis and NMR spectroscopic titrations, clearly reveal this novel two-step folding process.


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BTK-2, a 32 residue scorpion toxin initially identified in the venom of red Indian scorpion Mesobuthus tamulus was cloned, overexpressed and purified using Cytochrome 155 fusion protein system developed in our laboratory. The synthetic gene coding for the peptide was designed taking into account optimal codon usage by Escherichia coli. High expression levels of the fusion protein enabled facile purification of this peptide. The presence of disulfide bonded isomers, occurring as distinctly populated states even in the fusion protein, were separated by gel filtration chromatography. The target peptide was liberated from the host protein by Tev protease cleavage and subsequent purification was achieved using RP-HPLC methods. Reverse phase HPLC clearly showed the presence of at least two isomeric forms of the peptide that were significantly populated. The oxidative folding of BTK-2 was achieved under ambient conditions during the course of purification. Structural characterization of the two forms, by solution homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR methods, has shown that these two forms exhibit significantly different structural properties, and represent the natively folded and a "misfolded" form of the peptide. The formation of properly folded BTK-2 as a major fraction without the use of in vitro oxidative refolding methods clearly indicate the versatility of the Cytochrome b(5) fusion protein system for the efficient production of peptides for high resolution NMR studies.