934 resultados para floating frame of reference


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The human motion study, which relies on mathematical and computational models ingeneral, and multibody dynamic biomechanical models in particular, has become asubject of many recent researches. The human body model can be applied to different physical exercises and many important results such as muscle forces, which are difficult to be measured through practical experiments, can be obtained easily. In the work, human skeletal lower limb model consisting of three bodies in build using the flexible multibody dynamics simulation approach. The floating frame of reference formulation is used to account for the flexibility in the bones of the human lower limb model. The main reason of considering the flexibility inthe human bones is to measure the strains in the bone result from different physical exercises. It has been perceived the bone under strain will become stronger in order to cope with the exercise. On the other hand, the bone strength is considered and important factors in reducing the bone fractures. The simulation approach and model developed in this work are used to measure the bone strain results from applying raising the sole of the foot exercise. The simulation results are compared to the results available in literature. The comparison shows goof agreement. This study sheds the light on the importance of using the flexible multibody dynamic simulation approach to build human biomechanical models, which can be used in developing some exercises to achieve the optimalbone strength.


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This thesis introduces a real-time simulation environment based on the multibody simulation approach. The environment consists of components that are used in conventional product development, including computer aided drawing, visualization, dynamic simulation and finite element software architecture, data transfer and haptics. These components are combined to perform as a coupled system on one platform. The environment is used to simulate mobile and industrial machines at different stages of a product life time. Consequently, the demands of the simulated scenarios vary. In this thesis, a real-time simulation environment based on the multibody approach is used to study a reel mechanism of a paper machine and a gantry crane. These case systems are used to demonstrate the usability of the real-time simulation environment for fault detection purposes and in the context of a training simulator. In order to describe the dynamical performance of a mobile or industrial machine, the nonlinear equations of motion must be defined. In this thesis, the dynamical behaviour of machines is modelled using the multibody simulation approach. A multibody system may consist of rigid and flexible bodies which are joined using kinematic joint constraints while force components are used to describe the actuators. The strength of multibody dynamics relies upon its ability to describe nonlinearities arising from wearing of the components, friction, large rotations or contact forces in a systematic manner. For this reason, the interfaces between subsystems such as mechanics, hydraulics and control systems of the mechatronic machine can be defined and analyzed in a straightforward manner.


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Modern machine structures are often fabricated by welding. From a fatigue point of view, the structural details and especially, the welded details are the most prone to fatigue damage and failure. Design against fatigue requires information on the fatigue resistance of a structure’s critical details and the stress loads that act on each detail. Even though, dynamic simulation of flexible bodies is already current method for analyzing structures, obtaining the stress history of a structural detail during dynamic simulation is a challenging task; especially when the detail has a complex geometry. In particular, analyzing the stress history of every structural detail within a single finite element model can be overwhelming since the amount of nodal degrees of freedom needed in the model may require an impractical amount of computational effort. The purpose of computer simulation is to reduce amount of prototypes and speed up the product development process. Also, to take operator influence into account, real time models, i.e. simplified and computationally efficient models are required. This in turn, requires stress computation to be efficient if it will be performed during dynamic simulation. The research looks back at the theoretical background of multibody dynamic simulation and finite element method to find suitable parts to form a new approach for efficient stress calculation. This study proposes that, the problem of stress calculation during dynamic simulation can be greatly simplified by using a combination of floating frame of reference formulation with modal superposition and a sub-modeling approach. In practice, the proposed approach can be used to efficiently generate the relevant fatigue assessment stress history for a structural detail during or after dynamic simulation. In this work numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed approach in practice. The results show that approach is applicable and can be used as proposed.


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The assembly and maintenance of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) vacuum vessel (VV) is highly challenging since the tasks performed by the robot involve welding, material handling, and machine cutting from inside the VV. The VV is made of stainless steel, which has poor machinability and tends to work harden very rapidly, and all the machining operations need to be carried out from inside of the ITER VV. A general industrial robot cannot be used due to its poor stiffness in the heavy duty machining process, and this will cause many problems, such as poor surface quality, tool damage, low accuracy. Therefore, one of the most suitable options should be a light weight mobile robot which is able to move around inside of the VV and perform different machining tasks by replacing different cutting tools. Reducing the mass of the robot manipulators offers many advantages: reduced material costs, reduced power consumption, the possibility of using smaller actuators, and a higher payload-to-robot weight ratio. Offsetting these advantages, the lighter weight robot is more flexible, which makes it more difficult to control. To achieve good machining surface quality, the tracking of the end effector must be accurate, and an accurate model for a more flexible robot must be constructed. This thesis studies the dynamics and control of a 10 degree-of-freedom (DOF) redundant hybrid robot (4-DOF serial mechanism and 6-DOF 6-UPS hexapod parallel mechanisms) hydraulically driven with flexible rods under the influence of machining forces. Firstly, the flexibility of the bodies is described using the floating frame of reference method (FFRF). A finite element model (FEM) provided the Craig-Bampton (CB) modes needed for the FFRF. A dynamic model of the system of six closed loop mechanisms was assembled using the constrained Lagrange equations and the Lagrange multiplier method. Subsequently, the reaction forces between the parallel and serial parts were used to study the dynamics of the serial robot. A PID control based on position predictions was implemented independently to control the hydraulic cylinders of the robot. Secondly, in machining, to achieve greater end effector trajectory tracking accuracy for surface quality, a robust control of the actuators for the flexible link has to be deduced. This thesis investigates the intelligent control of a hydraulically driven parallel robot part based on the dynamic model and two schemes of intelligent control for a hydraulically driven parallel mechanism based on the dynamic model: (1) a fuzzy-PID self-tuning controller composed of the conventional PID control and with fuzzy logic, and (2) adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-PID (ANFIS-PID) self-tuning of the gains of the PID controller, which are implemented independently to control each hydraulic cylinder of the parallel mechanism based on rod length predictions. The serial component of the hybrid robot can be analyzed using the equilibrium of reaction forces at the universal joint connections of the hexa-element. To achieve precise positional control of the end effector for maximum precision machining, the hydraulic cylinder should be controlled to hold the hexa-element. Thirdly, a finite element approach of multibody systems using the Special Euclidean group SE(3) framework is presented for a parallel mechanism with flexible piston rods under the influence of machining forces. The flexibility of the bodies is described using the nonlinear interpolation method with an exponential map. The equations of motion take the form of a differential algebraic equation on a Lie group, which is solved using a Lie group time integration scheme. The method relies on the local description of motions, so that it provides a singularity-free formulation, and no parameterization of the nodal variables needs to be introduced. The flexible slider constraint is formulated using a Lie group and used for modeling a flexible rod sliding inside a cylinder. The dynamic model of the system of six closed loop mechanisms was assembled using Hamilton’s principle and the Lagrange multiplier method. A linearized hydraulic control system based on rod length predictions was implemented independently to control the hydraulic cylinders. Consequently, the results of the simulations demonstrating the behavior of the robot machine are presented for each case study. In conclusion, this thesis studies the dynamic analysis of a special hybrid (serialparallel) robot for the above-mentioned special task involving the ITER and investigates different control algorithms that can significantly improve machining performance. These analyses and results provide valuable insight into the design and control of the parallel robot with flexible rods.


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This dissertation describes an approach for developing a real-time simulation for working mobile vehicles based on multibody modeling. The use of multibody modeling allows comprehensive description of the constrained motion of the mechanical systems involved and permits real-time solving of the equations of motion. By carefully selecting the multibody formulation method to be used, it is possible to increase the accuracy of the multibody model while at the same time solving equations of motion in real-time. In this study, a multibody procedure based on semi-recursive and augmented Lagrangian methods for real-time dynamic simulation application is studied in detail. In the semirecursive approach, a velocity transformation matrix is introduced to describe the dependent coordinates into relative (joint) coordinates, which reduces the size of the generalized coordinates. The augmented Lagrangian method is based on usage of global coordinates and, in that method, constraints are accounted using an iterative process. A multibody system can be modelled as either rigid or flexible bodies. When using flexible bodies, the system can be described using a floating frame of reference formulation. In this method, the deformation mode needed can be obtained from the finite element model. As the finite element model typically involves large number of degrees of freedom, reduced number of deformation modes can be obtained by employing model order reduction method such as Guyan reduction, Craig-Bampton method and Krylov subspace as shown in this study The constrained motion of the working mobile vehicles is actuated by the force from the hydraulic actuator. In this study, the hydraulic system is modeled using lumped fluid theory, in which the hydraulic circuit is divided into volumes. In this approach, the pressure wave propagation in the hoses and pipes is neglected. The contact modeling is divided into two stages: contact detection and contact response. Contact detection determines when and where the contact occurs, and contact response provides the force acting at the collision point. The friction between tire and ground is modelled using the LuGre friction model, which describes the frictional force between two surfaces. Typically, the equations of motion are solved in the full matrices format, where the sparsity of the matrices is not considered. Increasing the number of bodies and constraint equations leads to the system matrices becoming large and sparse in structure. To increase the computational efficiency, a technique for solution of sparse matrices is proposed in this dissertation and its implementation demonstrated. To assess the computing efficiency, augmented Lagrangian and semi-recursive methods are implemented employing a sparse matrix technique. From the numerical example, the results show that the proposed approach is applicable and produced appropriate results within the real-time period.


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Includes bibliography


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Työn tavoitteena oli tuottaa rakenteellisen jouston huomioiva monikappaledynmiikan simulointiohjelma Matlab-ympäristöön. Rakenteellinen jousto huomioitiin kelluvan koordinaatiston menetelmällä ja joustavuutta kuvaavat muodot ratkaistiin elementtimenetelmällä. Tehdyn ohjelman avulla voidaan koostaa joustavista kappaleista koostuvia avaruusmekanismeja ja tutkia niiden dynaamista käyttäytymistä. Simulointitulosta verrattiin kaupallisen ohjelmiston tuottamaan tulokseen. Työssä havaittiin, että kelluvan koordinaatiston menetelmä on käyttökelpoinen reaaliaikaiseen simulointiin. Työssä toteutetun ohjelman tulokset vastasivat kaupallisen simulointiohjelman tuloksia.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Patria Land & Armament Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Patria Land & Armament Oy:n tuotteisiin kuuluvat vaativiin maasto-olosuhteisiin soveltuvat sotilasajoneuvot. Tuotesuunnittelussa otetaan huomioon ajoneuvon koko elinkaari, joten väsymismitoitus ja kestoikäanalyysit ovat suunnittelun tärkeitä osa-alueita. Kestoikäanalyysit ovat perinteisesti pohjautuneet mittausten avulla määritettyyn jännityshistoriaan. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia tietokonesimuloinnin soveltuvuutta maastoajoneuvon jännityshistorian määrittämiseen. Selvityksen perusteella muodostettiin kohdeyrityksen tarpeisiin soveltuva ja kestoikäanalyysiä helpottava simulointiympäristö. Tietokonesimuloinnin tuloksien tarkkuutta tutkittiin mittaamalla todellisen ajoneuvon käyttäytymistä. Simulointiympäristö toteutettiin analysoimalla joustavia kappaleita ADAMS dynamiikkaohjelmistolla. Kappaleiden joustavuus mallinnettiin kelluvan koordinaatiston menetelmällä ja siihen käytettiin PATRAN/NASTRAN elementtimenetelmäohjelmistoa. Simulointiympäristön toimivuus testattiin case-esimerkin avulla. Esimerkissä tutkittiin AMV:n alatukivarren rasituksia. Tuloksista havaittiin, että simuloimalla on mahdollista tuottaa maastoajoneuvon rakenteiden jännityshistoria. Eri parametrien tutkiminen onnistuu vaivattomasti, mutta simuloimalla määritetyn kestoiän absoluuttisiin arvoihin tulee suhtautua varauksella.