985 resultados para financial leverage


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Past research has documented a substitution effect between real earnings management (RM) and accrual-based earnings management (AM), depending on relative costs. This study contributes to this research by examining whether levels of (and changes in) financial leverage have an impact on this empirically documented trade-off. We hypothesise that in the presence of high leverage, firms that engage in earnings manipulation tactics will exhibit a preference for RM due to a lower possibility—and subsequent costs—of getting caught. We show that leverage levels and increases positively and significantly affect upward RM, with no significant effect on income-increasing AM, while our findings point towards a complementarity effect between unexpected levels of RM and AM for firms with very high leverage levels and changes. This is interpreted as an indication that high leverage could attract heavy outsider scrutiny, making it necessary for firms to use both forms of earnings management in order to achieve earnings targets. Furthermore, we document that equity investors exhibit a significantly stronger penalising reaction to AM vs. RM, indicating that leverage-induced RM is not as easily detectable by market participants as debt-induced AM, despite the fact that the former could imply deviation from optimal business practices.


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In this paper, we characterize the asymmetries of the smile through multiple leverage effects in a stochastic dynamic asset pricing framework. The dependence between price movements and future volatility is introduced through a set of latent state variables. These latent variables can capture not only the volatility risk and the interest rate risk which potentially affect option prices, but also any kind of correlation risk and jump risk. The standard financial leverage effect is produced by a cross-correlation effect between the state variables which enter into the stochastic volatility process of the stock price and the stock price process itself. However, we provide a more general framework where asymmetric implied volatility curves result from any source of instantaneous correlation between the state variables and either the return on the stock or the stochastic discount factor. In order to draw the shapes of the implied volatility curves generated by a model with latent variables, we specify an equilibrium-based stochastic discount factor with time non-separable preferences. When we calibrate this model to empirically reasonable values of the parameters, we are able to reproduce the various types of implied volatility curves inferred from option market data.


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This paper describes the aggregate rural capital markets of the EU and the main differences between the markets of its member countries. The results of our study suggest that the agricultural credit markets are still quite segmented and the segments are country- rather than currency- or region specific. Financial instability in Europe is also penetrating the agricultural sector and the variation of interest rates for agricultural credit is increasing across countries. Perhaps the most dramatic signal of growing financial instability is that the financial leverage (gearing rate) of European farms rose in 2008 by almost 4 percentage points, from 14 to 18%. The 4 percentage-point annual rise was twice the 2 percentage-point rise observed during the economic recession in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The distribution of the financial leverage of agriculture across countries does not, however, reflect the distribution of country-specific risk premiums in the manner that they are observed in government bond yields. Therefore, in those countries that have the weakest financial situation in the public sector and in which the bond markets are encumbered with high country-specific risk premiums, the agricultural sector is not directly exposed to a very large risk of increasing interest rates, since it is not so highly leveraged. For example in Greek and Spanish agriculture, the financial leverage (gearing) rate is only 0.6% and 2.2% respectively, while the highest gearing rates are found elsewhere (in Denmark), reaching 50%.


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This Factor Markets Working Paper describes and highlights the key issues of farm capital structures, the dynamics of investments and accumulation of farm capital, and the financial leverage and borrowing rates on farms in selected European countries. Data collected from the Farm Account Data Network (FADN) suggest that the European farming sector uses quite different farm business strategies, capabilities to generate capital revenues, and segmented agricultural loan market regimes. Such diverse business strategies have substantial, and perhaps more substantial than expected, implications for the financial leverage and performance of farms. Different countries adopt different approaches to evaluating agricultural assets, or the agricultural asset markets simply differ substantially depending on the country in question. This has implications for most of the financial indicators. In those countries that have seen rapidly increasing asset prices at the margin, which were revised accordingly in the accounting systems for the whole stock of assets, firm values increased significantly, even though the firms had been disinvesting. If there is an asset price bubble and it bursts, there may be serious knock-on effects for some countries.


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Using artificial neural networks (ANN) and ordinal regression (OR) as alternative methods to predict LPT bond ratings, we examine the role that various financial and industry variables have on Listed Property Trust (LPT) bond ratings issued by Standard and Poor’s from 1999-2006. Our study shows that both OR and ANN provide robust alternatives to rating LPT bonds and that there are no significant differences in results between the two full models. OR results show that of the financial variables used in our models, debt coverage and financial leverage ratios have the most profound effect on LPT bond ratings. Further, ANN results show that 73.0% of LPT bond rating is attributable to financial variables and 23.0% to industry-based variables with office LPT sector accounting for 2.6%, retail LPT 10.9% and stapled management structure 13.5%.


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This paper addresses several questions in the compensation literature by examining stock option compensation practices of Finnish firms. First, the results indicate that principal-agent theory succeeds quite well in predicting the use of stock options. Proxies for monitoring costs, growth opportunities, ownership structure, and risk are found to determine the use of incentives consistent with theory. Furthermore, the paper examines whether determinants of stock options targeted to top management differ from determinants of broad-based stock option plans. Some evidence is found that factors driving these two types of incentives differ. Second, the results reveal that systematic risk significantly increases the likelihood that firms adopt stock option plans, whereas total firm risk and unsystematic risk do not seem to affect this decision. Third, the results show that growth opportunities are related to time-dimensional contracting frequency, consistent with the argument that incentive levels deviate more rapidly from optimum in firms with high growth opportunities. Finally, the results suggest that vesting schedules are decreasing in financial leverage, and that contract maturity is decreasing in firm focus. In addition, both vesting schedules and contract maturity tend to be longer in firms involving state ownership.


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Esta dissertação analisou as Empresas Promotoras de Salud (EPS), seguradoras de saúde introduzidas no sistema de saúde colombiano através da reforma sanitária instaurada com a Lei n 100/1993, desde uma perspectiva de economia política crítica, através do método de análise documental. A maioria delas são empresas privadas com finalidade lucrativa que conformaram rapidamente um oligopólio que reproduziu problemas dos modelos de Managed Care e Managed Competition já conhecidos internacionalmente. Esta dissertação analisou as relações entre os processos de financeirização do sistema capitalista e o processo de ajuste estrutural na Colômbia, com a reforma sanitária e a dinâmica financeira das EPS. Também foi analisada a introdução de mecanismos próprios do processo de financeirização na gestão financeira das EPS, como: a alavancagem; a reprodução ampliada de capital através da dívida pública; e os investimentos em ativos securitizados. Dado que o sistema de saúde atual se caracteriza por altos níveis de inequidade e injustiça, as consequências da finalidade lucrativa neste, com suas expressões concretas de sofrimento e morte na população, foram preocupações transversais deste trabalho. Os resultados desta dissertação demonstraram a concentração oligopólica do mercado de seguros privados de saúde, cujas empresas se organizaram como um cartel, dificultando o acesso aos serviços de saúde para seus segurados, o que contribuiu para a piora de indicadores de saúde da população. Quando a mobilização social obrigou a aumentar o controle sobre as EPS, estas começaram a sair do mercado declarando-se em falência, ou entrando subitamente em balanços financeiros negativos.


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Critics claim that short-term profit orientation and high deal price strategies of private equity (PE) firms can negatively affect the ability of management buyouts to initiate and sustain entrepreneurial management. This study investigates this claim by comparing effects of majority PE backed and other buy-outs at different levels of financial leverage on post buy-out increases in entrepreneurial management. We propose that PE can be used as an organizational refocusing device that simultaneously increases entrepreneurial and administrative management. We find that majority PE-backed buy-outs significantly increase entrepreneurial management practices. Furthermore, the increased financial leverage positively affects administrative management in management buy-outs. However, the effect of high financial leverage is larger for majority PE-backed buy-outs. These results support the notion that PE firms help buy-out companies develop ambidextrous organizational change: i.e. simultaneously develop entrepreneurial and administrative management practices. The findings have important implications for practitioners and policy makers.


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To make an analytical description of the considerations for the capital structure decision and to explain the patterns of capital structure prevailing in the state, private and central sector manufacturing concerns in Kerala. To evaluate the capital structure highlighting the effect of financial leverage in an EBIT-EPS tangle. To find out the effect of capital structure on the returns and liquidity and solvency of the firms.


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La empresa Carnexport en busca de llegar a nuevos mercados con producto de mayor valor agregado, participó del programa del CIDEM, Maloka y Alcaldía Mayor de Bogota para realizar su plan exportador. Con el apoyo del equipo directivo de la empresa el proceso de consultaría da como resultado la exportación de sus productos a tres mercados posibles, para cada uno de ellos se realizó un estudio de mercados y elaboración de estrategias para la introducción de los mismos, soportado en dos estudios de costos y logísticos que permitieron definir el precio de venta y costos promedios de transporte para determinar si el precio de venta del producto es competitivo y logre la utilidad esperada por la empresa. También se realizó un presupuesto para poder dar inicio al plan exportador que está estructurado por mercados para conocer la inversión inicial y la manera para apalancar financieramente la propuesta


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La crisis financiera hipotecaria de 2008 en la que se declaró en quiebra el banco de inversión Lehman Brothers, se desarrolló en un ambiente que contemplaba apalancamientos financieros excesivos y el uso de derivados financieros de crédito innovadores. Razón por la cual, a partir del estudio de caso de quiebra de este banco de inversión y el análisis de las causas y consecuencias del ambiente desregulatorio que surgió en Estados Unidos desde la década de los 30 hasta el 2000, se orienta la investigación a indagar sobre lo que sucede en términos regulatorios y empresariales en el mercado de valores colombiano y así lograr definir objetivos que permitan el crecimiento del mercado de derivados exóticos en Colombia bajo un marco de responsabilidad financiera y ética empresarial.


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En las grandes ciudades, la disposición de residuos se ha convertido en un problema ambiental de magnitud mundial con impacto negativo por el manejo inadecuado de los residuos sólidos diarios. El propósito es utilizar el sistema de transporte publico de Bogotá (Transmilenio) como punto de recolección de botellas plásticas y latas, para crear un proyecto de responsabilidad ambiental el cual tendrá resultados positivos a nivel cultural, social, y a largo plazo, financieramente. A través del estudio de diferentes propuestas tanto locales como internacionales, fueron identificados los principales factores de éxito de estos proyectos los cuales se incluyeron para adecuar la presente propuesta para la ciudad de Bogotá teniendo en cuenta sus actuales condiciones. Después de identificar las características requeridas para Bogotá, se realizó un estudio demográfico para poder saber cuántos ciudadanos estarían dispuestos a participar. Como resultado, muchos pasajeros de Transmilenio esperan una retribución económica en el costo del pasaje del sistema. La prueba piloto se diseñó de acuerdo con la cantidad de envases recolectados, incluyendo el tipo de vehículos, como también la cantidad de personas y maquinas necesarias para el éxito del proyecto. Con la propuesta del proyecto completa, se realiza una evaluación financiera y económica para identificar los costos y gastos. La conclusión final de esta propuesta es que el modelo propuesto puede ser aplicado en Bogotá dadas sus características. Los beneficios sociales y ambientales también se destacan, como también el cambio cultural por parte de los ciudadanos hacia las prácticas ecológicas.


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An unlisted property fund is a private investment vehicle which aims to provide direct property total returns and may also employ financial leverage which will accentuate performance. They have become a far more prevalent institutional property investment conduit since the early 2000’s. Investors have been primarily attracted to them due to the ease of executing a property exposure, both domestically and internationally, and for their diversification benefits given the capital intensive nature of constructing a well diversified commercial property investment portfolio. However, despite their greater prominence there has been little academic research conducted on the performance and risks of unlisted property fund investments. This can be attributed to a paucity of available data and limited time series where it exists. In this study we have made use of a unique dataset of institutional UK unlisted non-listed property funds over the period 2003Q4 to 2011Q4, using a panel modelling framework in order to determine the key factors which impact on fund performance. The sample provided a rich set of unlisted property fund factors including market exposures, direct property characteristics and the level of financial leverage employed. The findings from the panel regression analysis show that a small number of variables are able to account for the performance of unlisted property funds. These variables should be considered by investors when assessing the risk and return of these vehicles. The impact of financial leverage upon the performance of these vehicles through the recent global financial crisis and subsequent UK commercial property market downturn was also studied. The findings indicate a significant asymmetric effect of employing debt finance within unlisted property funds.


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The Australian listed property sector has experienced substantial growth over the past decade. Relative to international property markets, Australia has the highest percentage of listed real estate and the highest proportion that makes up the total equity market in the world, hence, making it an important component of domestic financial markets. This study employs the Stone (1974) two factor asset pricing model to investigate the sensitivity of Listed Property Trust (LPT) returns to market and interest rate returns from 2000 to 2005, and the characteristics (namely, management structure, specialisation and the degree of financial leverage) that may be driving these sensitivities. Our results indicate an increase in the market risk profile of LPTs, suggesting an erosion of the defensive benefits of LPTs against stockmarket volatilities.


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Este estudo exploratório objetivou investigar aspectos contábeis-financeiros relacionados ao processo de capitalização de empresas através dos recursos provenientes da conversão da dívida externa brasileira. Procurou-se conhecer os motivos da captação e a utilização dada aos recursos da conversão da divida, as modificações ocorridas no grau de alavancagem financeira (GAF) após a utilização desses recursos e a forma pela qual as emeresas evidenciaram seu recebimento, em suas demonstrações contábeis (Capitulo I). A revisão da literatura buscou contextualizar a conversão da divida externa. Adicionalmente foram abordados assuntos relacionados à estrutura de capital de uma empresa e à evidenciação de informações contábeis (Capítulo II). O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o "estudo de casos". Como instrumentos de pesquisa foram usados o questionário e o exame das demonstrações contábeis (Capitulo III). Os casos pesquisados foram descritos separadamente (Capitulo IV) e posteriormente foi feita a análise dos resultados (Capitulo V) . Finalmente são apresentados o sumário e as conclusões da pesquisa à luz dos fundamentos teóricos e são formuladas recomendações e sugestões para novas pesquisas (Capítulo VI.