957 resultados para film i kyrkan


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine how some Swedish teachers use film and movies as a resource when they teach religious studies in upper secondary school. Three questions were created to define the main focus of the thesis namely how the teachers perceived how they used film, how they justified there use and which advantages and disadvantages they see with using film in their teaching. To be able to answer them correctly the empirical data was collected by two methods; a survey and three interviews. The empirical data was then related to previous research in the same field. The thesis concludes that the teachers use film in the classroom in many ways, including as a way to present facts about religions to the students and as a way to make it easier to understand difficult parts of the subject. They also use film as way to make the students better at understanding and discussing different perspectives of religion and ethics. The main disadvantages film has is that it take a lot of time to show a film and use it in a meaningful way. The teachers also sometimes finds it hard to find a film that suits the purpose of showing it.


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Syftet med denna studie har varit att, utifrån aktuell forskning, urskilja vilken didaktisk betydelse film kan ha i undervisning i ämnet historia i grundskolan. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har en systematisk litteraturstudie genomförts i vilken vetenskaplig forskning inom området har sökts, granskats och analyserats. Resultaten visar att filmens betydelse som pedagogiskt verktyg i historie-undervisning kan delas in i tre kategorier; film som betydelse för elevers motivation, film som betydelse för elevers ökade förståelse för ämnet, samt film som betydelse för elevers kritiska tänkande. Vidare har möjligheter och svårigheter med film som pedagogiskt verktyg utifrån de tre kategorierna urskilts. Resultatet visar på olika aspekter av möjligheter och svårigheter med film, där fokus ligger på förförståelse och elevers meningsskapande.


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Guest host polymer thin films of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) incorporated with (4'-nitrobenzene)-3-azo-9-ethylcarbazole (NAEC) were fabricated by spin coating and then poled by the method of corona-onset poling at elevated temperature. The absorption mechanism of the polymeric film, which is very important for the optical transmission losses and directly relates to the orientation of chromophore NAEC in polymer PMMA, was investigated in detail. From the UV-visible absorption spectra for NAEC/PMMA film before and after being poled, we determined the change of absorption coefficient kappa with the wavelength and approximately calculated the maximum absorption A(parallel tomax) as 3.46 for incident light propagating parallel through the film, i.e. the ordinary polarized light, which cannot be directly measured in the spectro photometer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka bänkrummets betydelse för vidmakthållandet av hierarkier och status i 1700-talets Falun. Materialet som används för att uppfylla detta syfte består främst av kyrkorådsprotokoll ifrån Kristine församling i Falun mellan 1744-1784. Utöver dessa kyrkorådsprotokoll används stundtals biografier för att kunna ge en djupare bild av vissa individer. Resultatet visar att det under den undersökta perioden råder en strikt uppdelning av kyrko-rummet. Det mest uppenbara är uppdelningen mellan kvinnor och män. Uppdelningen av kyr-korummet följer emellertid inte bara könstillhörighet utan även ett mönster för över- och un-derordning. Inflytelserika personer satt långt fram i kyrkan och detta gällde både på manssi-dan som kvinnosidan i kyrkan. Ju längre bak i kyrkan man satt desto lägre social status hade man. Att sitta utmed en vägg verkar inte heller ha varit förknippat med hög status i Falun. Bänkplaceringen i kyrkan blev ett sätt att upprätthålla skillnad mellan människor, dock inte helt utan utmaningar och undantag.


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I denna uppsats har en audiovisuell analys gjorts på de inledande minuterna till filmen 9 med ett stort fokus på ljudet. Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva och skapa en ökad förståelse för ljudets funktioner i filmen samt se på hur ljudet påverkade filmupplevelsen. Förhoppningen med detta var också att bidra till en bättre förståelse av filmljud och ljuddesign i helhet och vad det bidrar till berättarfunktionen i film. I uppsatsen granskades först ljud och bild för sig och slogs sedan ihop till sin helhet och analyserades utifrån en teoribildning av franska författaren Michel Chion.Ljudets viktigaste funktioner i filmen 9 var att ge en trovärdighet och äkthet, att beskriva föremål och speciellt huvudkaraktärens fysiska attribut samt att ge en respons på det som sker i bild. Vidare fyller ljudet funktioner som att beskriva rum och miljö som ger åskådaren en tydlig känsla för omgivningen filmen. Filmljudet hjälper även till att leda åskådarens uppmärksamhet och beskriva föremål eller personers innebörd. Den kanske absolut viktigaste funktion som ljudet har är att ge åskådaren en djupare förståelse för handlingen.


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In this paper I examine two particular aspects of sounding science fiction film: first, the ulterior, Othering sounds of the alien, whether it is creature, object, technology or environment; and second, the soundscape that accompanies or underscores the type of space travel that crosses temporal and spatial thresholds. In both instances of sounding science fiction film I suggest that human limits are reached and breached, leading to a deterritorialization of the self and a hearing that touches the future which is a moment of pure becoming. I focus on the womanly sonority of the alien to suggest that patriarchal and heterosexist sound devices can be ultimately corrupted. In the analysis of sounding space travel I suggest that science film can create a series of moments in which one experiences the double sublime. This spectacular rendering of a liquid chaos enables the viewer to experience the logic of sensation beyond bodily integrity. In this paper my over-arching position is one that hears in science fiction film the profound potential of a radical alterity that exists beyond the sonorous limit.


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The purpose of this article has been made through a Marxist analysis of the US film "Captain Phillips" (PaulGreengrass, 2013), based on a true story. I have found how the evolution of capitalism in the West continuesto consolidate the belief reified in a historical and geographical superiority of the political and socioeconomicwestern models regarding Africa and Asia lowers models. At the same time, through categories like dialecticalmaterialism, criticism of diffusionist theory and application of cognitive mapping to large geopoliticalspaces located in most poor areas of the world, I have realized a remark about currently being articulatingthe political unconscious of working class in rich countries and the poor in poor countries, establishing arelationship between the ideological representation that takes an individual from his historical reality (ona scale that moves from local to global), and how he has developed a mental ability to escape of the responsibilityto make a critical review of what's happening around him in all areas. Finally, through physicalspace captured in the film, I have realized a materialist critique of globalized business process that takesplace through the carriage of goods, outlining spatial and cognitively limits of the mentality of our time, bothamong "winners"as among the "losers", based on the spatial movement of capital.


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Dissolved CO2 measurements are usually made using a Severinghaus electrode, which is bulky and can suffer from electrical interference. In contrast, optical sensors for gaseous CO2, whilst not suffering these problems, are mainly used for making gaseous (not dissolved) CO2 measurements, due to dye leaching and protonation, especially at high ionic strengths (>0.01 M) and acidity (<pH 4). This is usually prevented by coating the sensor with a gas-permeable, but ion-impermeable, membrane (GPM). Herein, we introduce a highly sensitive, colourimetric-based, plastic film sensor for the measurement of both gaseous and dissolved CO2, in which a pH-sensitive dye, thymol blue (TB) is coated onto particles of hydrophilic silica to create a CO2-sensitive, TB-based pigment, which is then extruded into low density polyethylene (LDPE) to create a GPM-free, i.e. naked, TB plastic sensor film for gaseous and dissolved CO2 measurements. When used for making dissolved CO2 measurements, the hydrophobic nature of the LDPE renders the film: (i) indifferent to ionic strength, (ii) highly resistant to acid attack and (iii) stable when stored under ambient (dark) conditions for >8 months, with no loss of colour or function. Here, the performance of the TB plastic film is primarily assessed as a dissolved CO2 sensor in highly saline (3.5 wt%) water. The TB film is blue in the absence of CO2 and yellow in its presence, exhibiting 50% transition in its colour at ca. 0.18% CO2. This new type of CO2 sensor has great potential in the monitoring of CO2 levels in the hydrosphere, as well as elsewhere, e.g. food packaging and possibly patient monitoring.


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This thesis presents measurements of wall heat flux and flow structure in a canonical film cooling configuration with Mach 2.3 core flow in which the coolant is injected parallel to the wall through a two-dimensional louver. Four operating conditions are investigated: no film (i.e. flow over a rearward-facing step), subsonic film, pressure-matched film, and supersonic film. The overall objective is to provide a set of experimental data with well characterized boundary conditions that can be used for code validation. The results are compared to RANS and LES simulations which overpredict heat transfer in the subsonic film cases and underpredict heat transfer in supersonic cases after film breakdown. The thesis also describes a number of improvements that were made to the experimental facility including new Schlieren optics, a better film heater, more data at more locations, and a verification of the heat flux measurement hardware and data reduction methods.


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A successful micronization of water-insoluble poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) into narrowly distributed nanoparticles stable in water has not only enabled us to study the enzymatic biodegradation of PCL in water at 25 degrees C by a combination of static and dynamic laser light scattering (LLS), but also to shorten the biodegradation time by a factor of more than 10(3) compared with using a thin PCL film, i.e. a 1 week conventional experiment becomes a 4 min one. The time-average scattering intensity decreased linearly. It was interesting to find that the decrease of the scattering intensity was not accompanied by a decrease of the average size of the PCL nanoparticles, indicating that the enzyme, Lipase Pseudomonas (PS), ''eats'' the PCL nanoparticles one-by-one, so that the biodegradation rate is determined mainly by the: enzyme concentration. Moreover, we found that using anionic sodium lauryl sulphate instead of cationic hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide as surfactant in the micronization can prevent the biodegradation, suggesting that the biodegradation involves two essential steps: the adsorption of slightly negatively charged Lipase PS onto the PCL nanoparticles and the interaction between Lipase PS and PCL. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work for chamber orchestra explores the relationship between music and architecture, specifically that of the Guggenheim Museum, NYC. It was commissioned by the Edinburgh Contemporary Music Ensemble who gave the first performance in June 2008. Subsequent performances in 2011 by the National Youth Orchestra of Scotland have been accompanied by a film I created exploring the surfaces and profiles of the Guggenheim NYC.