945 resultados para filamentous forms
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The dimorphic fungus Candida albicans is able to trigger a cytokine-mediated pro-inflammatory response that increases tumor cell adhesion to hepatic endothelium and metastasis. To check the intraspecific differences in this effect, we used an in vitro murine model of hepatic response against C. albicans, which made clear that tumor cells adhered more to endothelium incubated with blastoconidia, both live and killed, than germ tubes. This finding was related to the higher carbohydrate/protein ratio found in blastoconidia. In fact, destruction of mannose ligand residues on the cell surface by metaperiodate treatment significantly reduced tumor cell adhesion induced. Moreover, we also noticed that the effect of clinical strains was greater than that of the reference one. This finding could not be explained by the carbohydrate/protein data, but to explain these differences between strains, we analyzed the expression level of ten genes (ADH1, APE3, IDH2, ENO1, FBA1, ILV5, PDI1, PGK1, QCR2 and TUF1) that code for the proteins identified previously in a mannoprotein-enriched pro-metastatic fraction of C. albicans. The results corroborated that their expression was higher in clinical strains than the reference one. To confirm the importance of the mannoprotein fraction, we also demonstrate that blocking the mannose receptor decreases the effect of C. albicans and its mannoproteins, inhibiting IL-18 synthesis and tumor cell adhesion increase by around 60%. These findings could be the first step towards a new treatment for solid organ cancers based on the role of the mannose receptor in C. albicans-induced tumor progression and metastasis.
A célula epitelial é o primeiro contato entre os micro-organismos e o hospedeiro. Essa interação pode levar a produção de diversas citocinas, quimiocinas, moléculas inflamatórias e também estimular a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). Neste trabalho avaliamos se a interação com as células HEp-2 poderia ser genotóxica para os mutantes derivados de Escherichia coli K-12 deficientes em algumas enzimas que fazem parte do sistema de reparo por excisão de base (BER). Além disto, avaliamos a expressão do sistema SOS, que é induzido pela presença de danos no genoma bacteriano. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de filamentos, na interação com células HEp-2, principalmente, no mutante xthA (BW9091) e no triplo mutante xthA nfo nth (BW535). Quando a interação foi quantificada na ausência da D-manose, observamos um aumento das bactérias aderidas. Além disto, a quantidade e o tamanho dos filamentos também aumentaram, mostrando que as adesinas manose-sensíveis estavam envolvidas na filamentação bacteriana. Para comprovar se o aumento da filamentação observada neste ensaio foram uma consequência da indução do sistema SOS, desencadeada pela interação com as células HEp-2, quantificamos a expressão do SOS, na presença e na ausência da D-manose. De fato, observamos que a indução do SOS na ausência da D-manose foi maior, quando comparada, com o ensaio realizado na presença de D-manose. Além disto, observamos que a ausência de xthA foi importante para o aumento da filamentação observada na ausência de D-manose. Diante destes resultados, verificamos se a resposta de filamentação ocorreria quando as bactérias interagiam com uma superfície abiótica como o vidro. Observamos também inúmeros filamentos nos mutantes BER, BW9091 e BW535, quando comparados a cepa selvagem AB1157. Essa filamentação foi associada à indução do SOS, em resposta a interação das bactérias com o vidro. Em parte a filamentação e a indução do SOS observadas na interação ao vidro, foram associadas à produção de ERO. Quantificamos também o número de bactérias aderidas e observamos que as nossas cepas formavam biofilmes moderados. Contudo, a formação de biofilme dependia da capacidade da bactéria induzir o sistema SOS, tanto em aerobiose como em anaerobiose. A tensão do oxigênio foi importante para interação dos mutantes BER, uma vez que os mutantes BW9091 e BW535 apresentaram uma quantidade de bactérias aderidas menor em anaerobiose. Contudo, a diminuição observada não estava vinculada a morte dos mutantes BER. Também realizamos microscopia de varredura na cepa selvagem e nos mutantes, BW9091 e BW535 e confirmamos que as três cepas formavam biofilmes tanto em aerobiose como em anaerobiose. Observamos uma estrutura sugestiva de matriz extracelular envolvendo os biofilmes da cepa selvagem AB1157 e do mutante BW9091. No entanto, a formação desta estrutura por ambas as cepas dependia da tensão de oxigênio, pois nos biofilmes formados em anaerobiose essa estrutura estava ausente. Em conclusão, mostramos que na interação das bactérias com a superfície biótica e abiótica, ocorreu lesão no genoma, com indução do SOS e a resposta de filamentação associada.
As alterações climáticas favorecem a ocorrência global de episódios de precipitação e seca extremas, colocando em risco a qualidade da água em sistemas aquáticos usados consumo humano ou recreação. O fenómeno de seca, em particular, será mais frequente e severo, alterando toda a hidrodinâmica dos sistemas aquáticos e, consequentemente, a ecologia das comunidades aquáticas. A ocorrência de blooms de cianobactérias intensificarse- á sob este novo cenário climático. Em Portugal, estudos parcelares em rios e barragens têm sido realizados com enfoque em cianobactérias tóxicas e outras bactérias patogénicas, mas não há trabalhos publicados acerca da composição da comunidade bacteriana (CCB). O presente trabalho pretende colmatar esta falha, com particular atenção para a ocorrência de blooms cianobacterianos, em vários sistemas aquáticos portugueses lóticos e lênticos. Este objectivo foi alcançado utilizando metodologias moleculares, como a técnica rDNA 16S-DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis), independente do cultivo, e a sequenciação. Dados ambientais foram também determinados para correlacionar com as variações sazonais ou espaciais da diversidade da CCB. O impacto da seca na distribuição espacial da CCB foi também investigado. A lagoa da Vela é um caso de estudo especial, devido à vasta documentação sobre a ocorrência de blooms de cianobactérias durante os últimos anos, e várias estirpes isoladas de blooms foram estudadas em mais detalhe. Os resultados mostraram, em geral, perfis de DGGE típicos de verão vs. inverno nos sistemas aquáticos estudados. Nos sistemas lênticos, os filótipos dominantes afiliaram com Cyanobacteria (formas unicelulares, coloniais e filamentosas), eucariotas fototróficos e Actinobacteria, enquanto nos rios, Bacteroidetes e Betaproteobacteria foram dominantes. Nos sistemas lênticos, os factores mais significativos para a sazonalidade da CCB incluíram a temperatura da água, a condutividade e a clorofila a, apesar da variação extrema dos níveis de precipitação, sugerindo que a BCC poderá resistir a mudanças severas causadas pela seca. Nos rios, a sazonalidade da CCB foi principalmente definida pela temperatura e os níveis de amónia. No verão seco de 2005, as barragens do Alentejo (Sul de Portugal) mostraram similaridade na CCB, com filótipos comuns de Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria e Alphaproteobacteria. No entanto, os perfis de DGGE sugerem filótipos ubíquos em sistemas portugueses geograficamente distantes. Na Lagoa da Vela, a seca conduziu à redução drástica do nível da água e à variação na diversidade espacial da CCB (e cianobactérias dominantes) e potencial tóxico, o que pode ter impacto directo nos utilizadores da lagoa. Os resultados também mostraram a presença de estirpes tóxicas de Microcystis na lagoa e um bloom não clonal de estirpes de Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides, com diferentes morfótipos, genótipos e ecótipos.
Candida albicans est une levure pathogène qui, à l’état commensal, colonise les muqueuses de la cavité orale et du tractus gastro-intestinal. De nature opportuniste, C. albicans cause de nombreuses infections, allant des candidoses superficielles (muguet buccal, vulvo-vaginite) aux candidoses systémiques sévères. C. albicans a la capacité de se développer sous diverses morphologies, telles que les formes levures, pseudohyphes et hyphes. Des stimuli environnementaux mimant les conditions retrouvées chez l’hôte (température de 37°C, pH neutre, présence de sérum) induisent la transition levure-à-hyphe (i.e. morphogenèse ou filamentation). Cette transition morphologique contribue à la pathogénicité de C. albicans, du fait que des souches présentant un défaut de filamentation sont avirulentes. Non seulement la morphogenèse est un facteur de virulence, mais elle constituerait aussi une cible pour le développement d’antifongiques. En effet, il a déjà été démontré que l’inhibition de la transition levure-à-hyphe atténuait la virulence de C. albicans lors d’infections systémiques. Par ailleurs, des études ont démontré que de nombreuses molécules pouvaient moduler la morphogenèse. Parmi ces molécules, certains acides gras, dont l’acide linoléique conjugué (CLA), inhibent la formation d’hyphes. Ainsi, le CLA posséderait des propriétés thérapeutiques, du fait qu’il interfère avec un déterminant de pathogénicité de C. albicans. Par contre, avant d’évaluer son potentiel thérapeutique dans un contexte clinique, il est essentiel d’étudier son mode d’action. Ce projet vise à caractériser l’activité anti-filamentation des acides gras et du CLA et à déterminer le mécanisme par lequel ces molécules inhibent la morphogenèse chez C. albicans. Des analyses transcriptomiques globales ont été effectuées afin d’obtenir le profil transcriptionnel de la réponse de C. albicans au CLA. L’acide gras a entraîné une baisse des niveaux d’expression de gènes encodant des protéines hyphes-spécifiques et des régulateurs de morphogenèse, dont RAS1. Ce gène code pour la GTPase Ras1p, une protéine membranaire de signalisation qui joue un rôle important dans la transition levure-à-hyphe. Des analyses de PCR quantitatif ont confirmé que le CLA inhibait l’induction de RAS1. De plus, le CLA a non seulement causé une baisse des niveaux cellulaires de Ras1p, mais a aussi entraîné sa délocalisation de la membrane plasmique. En affectant les niveaux et la localisation cellulaire de Ras1p, le CLA nuit à l’activation de la voie de signalisation Ras1p-dépendante, inhibant ainsi la morphogenèse. Il est possible que le CLA altère la structure de la membrane plasmique et affecte indirectement la localisation membranaire de Ras1p. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence le mode d’action du CLA. Le potentiel thérapeutique du CLA pourrait maintenant être évalué dans un contexte d’infection, permettant ainsi de vérifier qu’une telle approche constitue véritablement une stratégie pour le traitement des candidoses.
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common causes of vaginitis and affects about 75% of women of reproductive age. The majority of cases (80 to 90%) are due to C. albicans, the most virulent species of the genus Candida. Virulence attributes are scarcely investigated and the source of infection remains uncertain. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the virulence factors and genotypes of clinical isolates of C. albicans sequentially obtained from the anus and vagina of patients with sporadic and recurrent VVC. Materials and methods: We analyzed 62 clinical isolates of C. albicans (36 vaginal and 26 anal strains). Direct examination of vaginal and anal samples and colony forming units (CFU) counts were performed. Yeasts were identified using the chromogenic media CHROMagar Candida® and by classical methodology, and phenotypically characterized regarding to virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells, proteinase activity, morphogenesis and biofilm formation. The genotypes of the strains were investigated with ABC genotyping, microsatellite genotyping with primer M13 and RAPD. Results: We found 100% agreement between direct examination and culture of vaginal samples. Filamentous forms were present in most of the samples of vaginal secretion, which presented CFU counts significantly higher than the samples of anal secretion. There was no statistically significant difference between virulence factors of infecting vaginal isolates and those presented by colonizing anal isolates; as well as for the comparison of the vaginal isolates from patients with different clinical conditions (sporadic or recurrent VVC). There was a decrease in the ability to adhere to HBEC, morphogenesis and biofilm formation of the vaginal isolates during the progress of infection. There was an association between the ability to express different virulence factors and the clinical manifestations presented by the patients. Genotype A was the most prevalent (93.6%), followed by genotype C (6.4%). We found maintenance of the same ABC genotype and greater prevalence of microevolution for the vaginal strains of C. albicans sequentially obtained. Vaginal and anal isolates of C. albicans obtained simultaneously from the same patient presented the same ABC genotype and high genetic relatedness. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the proliferation of yeast and bud-to-hypha transition are important for the establishment of CVV. The expression of virulence factors is important for the pathogenesis of VVC, although it does not seem to be determinant in the transition from colonization to infection or to the installation of recurrent condition. Genotype A seems to be dominant over the others in both vaginal and anal isolates of patients with VVC. The most common scenario was microevolution of the strains of C. albicans in the vaginal environment. It is suggested that the anal reservoir constituted a possible source of vaginal infection, in most cases assessed
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, intracelular facultativa, nãoesporulante, não-capsulada e sem mobilidade, contudo possui fímbria, e pode assumir formas cocóides e filamentosas (pleomórfica), além disto, apresenta crescimento ótimo à 37°C. Este patógeno apresenta dois biovares: ovis que geralmente acomete pequenos ruminantes, e causa a doença linfadenite caseosa, e biovar equi, mais comum em equinos, bovinos, camelídeos, e bubalinos causando a Linfangite ulcerativa. A infecção por esta bactéria pode levar a condenação das carcaças e redução de lã (em ovinos e caprinos), leite e carne destes animais, e consequentemente a perdas econômicas para a indústria agropecuária mundial. Atualmente, ainda não existe uma vacina eficaz para estas doenças. A fim de obter um maior entendimento biológico entre as espécies o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar, por meio da genômica comparativa a linhagem C. pseudotuberculosis 226 biotipo ovis isolada de um caprino na Califórnia com outras linhagens do biovarar ovis e equi. Na análise de sintenia entre as linhagens foi possível identificar que a linhagem 226 apresenta alta conservação da ordem gênica entre as linhagens do biótipo ovis. Através de análises filogenômicas foi possível identificar que as linhagens I19 e 267 apresentaram maior e menor proximidade filogenética com a linhagem 226. A linhagem 1/06-A foi a que apresentou maior proximidade filogenômica entre as linhagens do biovar equi, quando comparadas a linhagem 226. Foram preditas 8 ilhas de patogenicidade, estando presente na ilha 1 os genes relacionados a virulência de C. pseudotuberculosis mais bem descritos na literatura. Não houveram regiões novas relacionadas a genes de virulência entre nenhuma das linhagens. Foram identificados 248 genes ortólogos entre as linhagens I19, 267 e 226 e 282 genes ortólogos entre as linhagens 258,1/06-A e 226. Com base nesse estudo é possível inferir que as linhagens do biovar ovis possuem um repertório gênico pouco variado e que as linhagens do biovar equi apresentam uma quantidade menor de genes compartilhados com a linhagem 226, corroborando com a diversidade gênica entre os biovares.
El presente estudio describe la comunidad de macroalgas epizóicas de Pinctada mazatlanica y la compara con la del substrato rocoso. Colectamos un total de 36 muestras de la comunidad de macroalgas, 18 muestras sobre ostras y otras tantas sobre substrato rocoso en la Península San Juan Nepomuceno, bahía de La Paz, México. Las algas fueron colectadas mediante buceo SCUBA raspando las distintas superficies (25 cm2 de substrato rocoso). El tamaño de muestra fue ajustado por curva de acumulación de especies y expresado con un modelo polinomial. Comparamos las comunidades de algas con análisis multivariantes de similitud basados en el índice de Bray-Curtis, entre substratos, diferentes alturas de ostras perleras y profundidades. Encontramos 27 especies de algas epizóicas (15.4% Clorophyta, 3.8% Phaeophyta y 80.8% Rhodophyta) con una disimilitud de 71.16% con respecto al substrato rocoso. El dendrograma mostró tres agrupaciones de macroalgas en P. mazatlanica. El primero caracterizado por Chondria, Jania, Herposiphonia tenella y Gracilaria. El segundo compuesto por Jania, Polysiphonia acuminata, P. decusata y Spyridia filamentosa. El tercero constituido por Polysiphonia sp., Jania, Herposiphonia tenella, Ceramium canouii y Amphiroa sp. Estas agrupaciones y los talos filamentosos de las algas epizóicas corresponden a estados iniciales de sucesión.
In plants, cortical microtubules (MTs) occur in characteristically parallel groups maintained up to one microtubule diameter apart by fine filamentous cross-bridges. However, none of the plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) so far purified accounts for the observed separation between MTs in cells. We previously isolated from carrot cytoskeletons a MAP fraction including 120- and 65-kDa MAPs and have now separated the 65-kDa carrot MAP by sucrose density centrifugation. MAP65 does not induce tubulin polymerization but induces the formation of bundles of parallel MTs in a nucleotide-insensitive manner. The bundling effect is inhibited by porcine MAP2, but, unlike MAP2, MAP65 is heat-labile. In the electron microscope, MAP65 appears as filamentous cross-bridges, maintaining an intermicrotubule spacing of 25–30 nm. Microdensitometer-computer correlation analysis reveals that the cross-bridges are regularly spaced, showing a regular axial spacing that is compatible with a symmetrical helical superlattice for 13 protofilament MTs. Because MAP65 maintains in vitro the inter-MT spacing observed in plants and is shown to decorate cortical MTs, it is proposed that this MAP is important for the organization of the cortical array in vivo.
Kinesins are motor proteins that convert chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis into mechanical energy used to generate force along microtubules, transporting organelles, vesicles, and proteins within the cell. Kar3 kinesins are microtubule minus-end-directed motors with pleiotropic functions in mating and mitosis of budding and fission yeast. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kar3 is multifunctionalized by two non-catalytic companion proteins, Vik1 and Cik1. A Kar3-like kinesin and a single Vik1/Cik1 ortholog are also expressed by the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii, which exhibits different nuclear movement challenges and unique microtubule dynamics from its yeast relatives. We hypothesized that these differences in A. gossypii physiology could translate into interesting and novel differences in its versions of Kar3 and Vik1/Cik1. Presented here is a structural and functional analysis of recombinantly expressed and purified forms of these motor proteins. Compared to the previously published S. cerevisiae Kar3 motor domain structure (ScKar3MD), AgKar3MD displays differences in the conformation of the ATPase pocket. Perhaps it is not surprising then that we observed the maximal microtubule-stimulated ATPase rate (kcat) of AgKar3MD to be approximately 3-fold slower than ScKar3MD, and that the affinity of AgKar3MD for microtubules (Kd,MT) was lower than ScKar3MD. This may suggest that elements that compose the ATPase pocket and that participate in conformational changes required for efficient ATP hydrolysis or products release work differently for AgKar3 and ScKar3. There are also subtle structural differences in the disposition of the secondary structural elements in the small lobe (B1a, B1b, and B1c) at the edge of the motor domain of AgKar3 that may reflect the enhanced microtubule-depolymerization activity that we observed for this motor, or they could relate to its interactions with a different regulatory companion protein than its budding yeast counterpart. Although we were unable to gain experimentally determined high-resolution information of AgVik1, the results of Phyre2-based bioinformatics analyses may provide a structural explanation for the limited microtubule-binding activity we observed. These and other fundamental differences in AgKar3/Vik1 could explain divergent functionalities from the ScKar3/Vik1 and ScKar3/Cik1 motor assemblies.
Cartilage matrix protein (CMP) is the prototype of the newly discovered matrilin family, all of which contain von Willebrand factor A domains. Although the function of matrilins remain unclear, we have shown that, in primary chondrocyte cultures, CMP (matrilin-1) forms a filamentous network, which is made up of two types of filaments, a collagen-dependent one and a collagen-independent one. In this study, we demonstrate that the collagen-independent CMP filaments are enriched in pericellular compartments, extending directly from chondrocyte membranes. Their morphology can be distinguished from that of collagen filaments by immunogold electron microscopy, and mimicked by that of self-assembled purified CMP. The assembly of CMP filaments can occur from transfection of a wild-type CMP transgene alone in skin fibroblasts, which do not produce endogenous CMP. Conversely, assembly of endogenous CMP filaments by chondrocytes can be inhibited specifically by dominant negative CMP transgenes. The two A domains within CMP serve essential but different functions during network formation. Deletion of the A2 domain converts the trimeric CMP into a mixture of monomers, dimers, and trimers, whereas deletion of the A1 domain does not affect the trimeric configuration. This suggests that the A2 domain modulates multimerization of CMP. Absence of either A domain from CMP abolishes its ability to form collagen-independent filaments. In particular, Asp22 in A1 and Asp255 in A2 are essential; double point mutation of these residues disrupts CMP network formation. These residues are part of the metal ion–dependent adhesion sites, thus a metal ion–dependent adhesion site–mediated adhesion mechanism may be applicable to matrilin assembly. Taken together, our data suggest that CMP is a bridging molecule that connects matrix components in cartilage to form an integrated matrix network.
RanBP2, a protein containing FG repeat motifs and four binding sites for the guanosine triphosphatase Ran, is localized at the cytoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and is believed to play a critical role in nuclear protein import. We purified RanBP2 from rat liver nuclear envelopes and examined its structural and biochemical properties. Electron microscopy showed that RanBP2 forms a flexible filamentous molecule with a length of ∼36 nm, suggesting that it comprises a major portion of the cytoplasmic fibrils implicated in initial binding of import substrates to the NPC. Using in vitro assays, we characterized the ability of RanBP2 to bind p97, a cytosolic factor implicated in the association of the nuclear localization signal receptor with the NPC. We found that RanGTP promotes the binding of p97 to RanBP2, whereas it inhibits the binding of p97 to other FG repeat nucleoporins. These data suggest that RanGTP acts to specifically target p97 to RanBP2, where p97 may support the binding of an nuclear localization signal receptor/substrate complex to RanBP2 in an early step of nuclear import.
Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites are the defining neuropathological characteristics of Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. They are made of abnormal filamentous assemblies of unknown composition. We show here that Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites from Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies are stained strongly by antibodies directed against amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal sequences of α-synuclein, showing the presence of full-length or close to full-length α-synuclein. The number of α-synuclein-stained structures exceeded that immunoreactive for ubiquitin, which is currently the most sensitive marker of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. Staining for α-synuclein thus will replace staining for ubiquitin as the preferred method for detecting Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. We have isolated Lewy body filaments by a method used for the extraction of paired helical filaments from Alzheimer’s disease brain. By immunoelectron microscopy, extracted filaments were labeled strongly by anti-α-synuclein antibodies. The morphologies of the 5- to 10-nm filaments and their staining characteristics suggest that extended α-synuclein molecules run parallel to the filament axis and that the filaments are polar structures. These findings indicate that α-synuclein forms the major filamentous component of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites.
The Nup98 gene codes for several alternatively spliced protein precursors. Two in vitro translated and autoproteolytically cleaved precursors yielded heterodimers of Nup98-6kDa peptide and Nup98-Nup96. TPR (translocated promoter region) is a protein that forms filamentous structures extending from nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) to intranuclear sites. We found that in vitro translated TPR bound to in vitro translated Nup98 and, via Nup98, to Nup96. Double-immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies to TPR and Nup98 showed colocalization. In confocal sections the nucleolus itself was only weakly stained but there was intensive perinucleolar staining. Striking spike-like structures emanated from this perinucleolar ring and attenuated into thinner structures as they extended to the nuclear periphery. This characteristic staining pattern of the TPR network was considerably enhanced when a myc-tagged pyruvate kinase-6kDa fusion protein was overexpressed in HeLa cells. Double-immunoelectron microscopy of these cells using anti-myc and anti-TPR antibodies and secondary gold-coupled antibodies yielded row-like arrangements of gold particles. Taken together, the immunolocalization data support previous electron microscopical data, suggesting that TPR forms filaments that extend from the NPC to the nucleolus. We discuss the possible implications of the association of Nup98 with this intranuclear TPR network for an intranuclear phase of transport.