998 resultados para fibre rope


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Oil rig mooring lines have traditionally consisted of chain and wire rope. As production has moved into deeper water it has proved advantageous to incorporate sections of fibre rope into the mooring lines. However, this has highlighted torsional interaction problems that can occur when ropes of different types are joined together. This paper describes a method by which the torsional properties of ropes can be modelled and can then be used to calculate the rotation and torque for two ropes connected in series. The method uses numerical representations of the torsional characteristics of both the ropes, and equates the torque generated in each rope under load to determine the rotation at the connection point. Data from rope torsional characterization tests have been analysed to derive constants used in the numerical model. Constants are presented for: a six-strand wire rope; a torque-balanced fibre rope; and a fibre rope that has been designed to be torque-matched to stranded wire rope. The calculation method has been verified by comparing predicted rotations with measured test values. Worked examples are given for a six-strand wire rope connected, firstly, to a torque-balanced fibre rope that offers little rotational restraint, and, secondly, to a fibre rope whose torsional properties are matched to that of the wire rope.


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Es sollen hochfeste, gewichtreduzierte Zug- und Tragmittel aus hochmodularen (HM) und hochfesten (HT) Fasern validiert und dabei sowohl runde als auch flache, riemenartige Strukturen untersucht werden. Dadurch sind effizientere Fördersysteme und die Überwindung technischer Grenzen möglich. Darüber hinaus soll das Hauptkriterium für ein breites Anwendungsspektrum geschaffen werden: ein anerkanntes, zerstörungsfreies Prüfverfahren, mit dem der Austausch- bzw. Wartungszeitpunkt des textilen Tragmittels bestimmt werden kann. Können die o. g. Punkte erfolgreich bearbeitet werden, erfolgt eine Ausdehnung der textilen Strukturen in den Bereich kraftübertragender Maschinenelemente. Anhand von Feldversuchen in fördertechnischen Anlagen im Bergbau/ Intralogistik soll erstmals der vollständige Nachweis geführt werden, dass derartige textile Strukturen in technischen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden können. Der Nachweis umfasst die Validierung einer Vielzahl von Einzelschwerpunkten wie die Entwicklung einer Endlos-Herstellungstechnologie bzw. Endverbindung, die Tragmitteldimensionierung, die Erbringung von Festigkeitsnachweisen, die Erarbeitung von Vorschriften und die Erprobung der Verfahren zur Zustandsüberwachung.


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Energieeffiziente und leistungsfähige Zug- und Tragmittel aus hochmoduligen (HM) und hochfesten (HT) Fasern rücken seit einigen Jahren in den Fokus von Aufzugherstellern und Betreibern. Hauptgrund dafür ist, das die bisher eingesetzten Stahldrahtseile auf Grund ihrer vergleichsweise hohen Eigenmasse an technische Grenzen stoßen. Seile aus hochfesten Polymerfasern haben gegenüber Stahldrahtseilen eine vergleichbare oder sogar höhere Zugfestigkeit und ein vier- bis sechsfach geringeres Gewicht. Um das Potential dieser Fasern optimal auszunutzen, sind sowohl die Anordnung der Fasern als auch die Schmierstoffeinbringung zu untersuchen. Diesbezüglich wurden verschiedenen Seilkonstruktions- und Schmierstoffvarianten entwickelt und im Dauerbiegeversuch validiert.


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Hochfeste Faserseile sind aufgrund ihrer hohen spezifischen Festigkeit prädestiniert für dynamische Anwendungen in der Fördertechnik. Der Kenntnisstand über die Zeitfestigkeit zugehöriger Endverbindungen zur Krafteinleitung ist jedoch unzureichend. Gegenstand der vorgelegten Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer für die Anwendung von hochfesten Faserseilen geeigneten Prüfvorschrift sowie die vergleichende Untersuchung bekannter Endverbindungen für hochfeste Faserseile im Zugschwellversuch.


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Fire has been always a major concern for designers of steel and concrete structures. Designing fire-resistant structural elements is not an easy task due to several limitations such as the lack of fire-resistant construction materials. Concrete reinforcement cover and external insulation are the most commonly adopted systems to protect concrete and steel from overheating, while spalling of concrete is minimised by using HPFRC instead of standard concrete. Although these methodologies work very well for low rise concrete structures, this is not the case for high-rise and inaccessible buildings where fire loading is much longer. Fire can permanently damage structures that cost a lot of money. This is unsafe and can lead to loss of life. In this research, the author proposes a new type of main reinforcement for concrete structures which can provide better fire-resistance than steel or FRP re-bars. This consists of continuous braided fibre rope, generally made from fire-resistant materials such as carbon or glass fibre. These fibres have excellent tensile strengths, sometimes in excess of ten times greater than steel. In addition to fire-resistance, these ropes can produce lighter and corrosive resistant structures. Avoiding the use of expensive resin binders, fibres are easily bound together using braiding techniques, ensuring that tensile stress is evenly distributed throughout the reinforcement. In order to consider braided ropes as a form of reinforcement it is first necessary to establish the mechanical performance at room temperature and investigate the pull-out resistance for both unribbed and ribbed ropes. Ribbing of ropes was achieved by braiding the rope over a series of glass beads. Adhesion between the rope and concrete was drastically improved due to ribbing, and further improved by pre-stressing ropes and reducing the slacked fibres. Two types of material have been considered for the ropes: carbon and aramid. An implicit finite element approach is proposed to model braided fibres using Total Lagrangian formulation, based on the theory of small strains and large rotations. Modelling tows and strands as elastic transversely isotropic materials was a good assumption when stiff and brittle fibres such as carbon and glass fibres are considered. The rope-to-concrete and strand-to-strand bond interaction/adhesion was numerically simulated using newly proposed hierarchical higher order interface elements. Elastic and linear damage cohesive models were used effectively to simulate non-penetrative 'free' sliding interaction between strands, and the adhesion between ropes and concrete respectively. Numerical simulation showed similar de-bonding features when compared with experimental pull-out results of braided ribbed rope reinforced concrete.


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Reliability of the measuring devices is very important problem. Optical fibre sensors are very efficient. The use of optical fibre sensors for monitoring the physical and chemical parameters has been expanding over resent years. These sensors are applied for monitoring the structural integrity of long, parallel lay synthetic ropes. Such ropes are corrosion free, however, their operational lifetime under cyclic load is not well understood and premature failure can occur due to slippage and breakage of yarns within the rope. The monitoring system has been proposed which is based on acoustic detection of yarn breakage. Monitoring the strain and temperature is performed using the array of fibre gratings distributed along the rope length.


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This paper compares and reviews the recommendations and contents of the guide for the design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structures reported by ACI committee 440 and technical report of Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures (FIB 14) in application of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites in strengthening of an aging reinforced concrete headstock. The paper also discusses the background, limitations, strengthening for flexure and shear, and other related issues in use of FRP for strengthening of a typical reinforced concrete headstock structure such as durability, de-bonding, strengthening limits, fire and environmental conditions. A case study of strengthening of a bridge headstock using FRP composites is presented as a worked example in order to illustrate and compare the differences between these two design guidelines when used in conjunction with the philosophy of the Austroads (1992) bridge design code.


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This paper describes automation of the digging cycle of a mining rope shovel which considers autonomous dipper (bucket) filling and determining methods to detect when to disengage the dipper from the bank. Novel techniques to overcome dipper stall and the online estimation of dipper "fullness" are described with in-field experimental results of laser DTM generation, machine automation and digging using a 1/7th scale model rope shovel presented. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper describes automation of the digging cycle of a mining rope shovel which considers autonomous dipper (bucket) filling and determining methods to detect when to disengage the dipper from the bank. Novel techniques to overcome dipper stall and the online estimation of dipper “fullness” are described with in-field experimental results of laser DTM generation, machine automation and digging using a 1/7th scale model rope shovel presented.


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Patients with idiopathic small fibre neuropathy (ISFN) have been shown to have significant intraepidermal nerve fibre loss and an increased prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). It has been suggested that the dysglycemia of IGT and additional metabolic risk factors may contribute to small nerve fibre damage in these patients. Twenty-five patients with ISFN and 12 aged-matched control subjects underwent a detailed evaluation of neuropathic symptoms, neurological deficits (Neuropathy deficit score (NDS); Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS); Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) and Corneal Confocal Microscopy (CCM)) to quantify small nerve fibre pathology. Eight (32%) patients had IGT. Whilst all patients with ISFN had significant neuropathic symptoms, NDS, NCS and QST except for warm thresholds were normal. Corneal sensitivity was reduced and CCM demonstrated a significant reduction in corneal nerve fibre density (NFD) (Pb0.0001), nerve branch density (NBD) (Pb0.0001), nerve fibre length (NFL) (Pb0.0001) and an increase in nerve fibre tortuosity (NFT) (Pb0.0001). However these parameters did not differ between ISFN patients with and without IGT, nor did they correlate with BMI, lipids and blood pressure. Corneal confocal microscopy provides a sensitive non-invasive means to detect small nerve fibre damage in patients with ISFN and metabolic abnormalities do not relate to nerve damage.