992 resultados para female entrepreneurship


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This paper is a ten-year follow-up on a study conducted in 1995 that profiled women entrepreneurs in Australia (Bennett and Dann 2000). The aim of the paper is to identify changes in demographic profile, motivation and personality traits of women entrepreneurs over the past ten years by replicating a study from1995 and reporting the results.


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In this working paper I discuss gendered entrepreneurship by exploring how the media writes about female entrepreneurship. The starting point is that the media when talking and writing about female entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurship, mould meanings of gender in entrepreneurship. I view entrepreneurship and gender as socially constructed, discursive phenomena. To uncover the processes of constructing gender in female entrepreneurship this paper applies a discursive framework, which treats language as a representational system producing and circulating meaning. The focus on language use as action implies that practises of writing and talking about female entrepreneurship ‘make’ gender as much as the women entrepreneurs) themselves: both involve working on culturally shared meanings to make reality intelligible. The data consists of articles published in Yrittäjä, a pro-SME magazine, in 1990-1997. In the analysis I show how gender is constructed in media talk. as a women’s issue Women entrepreneurs are constantly compared with men and with an implicitly masculine ideal of entrepreneurship and with strengths and weaknesses of women are displayed pointing out that the meaning making of gender taking place in the data refers to equality discourse. Finally I discuss possible consequences of the hegemonic equality discourse and suggest lines of further research.


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This paper compares the impact of institutions on men and women’s decisions to establish new business start-ups between 2001 and 2006. We use data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor survey (GEM) which cover at least 2,000 individuals per year in each of up to 55 countries and have merged it with country-level data, from the World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit, Polity IV and the Heritage Foundation. We find that women are less likely to undertake entrepreneurial activity in countries where the state sector is larger, but the rule of law is not generally found to have gender-specific effects. However, more detailed institutional components of discrimination against women, in particular, restrictions on freedom of movement away from home, make it less likely for women to have high entrepreneurial aspirations in terms of employment growth, even if their entry into entrepreneurial activities, including self-employment, is not affected by this.


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Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. Entrepreneurship includes creativity, innovation, risk taking, planning and management and is described as transferring ideas into action. Female entrepreneurship, in particular, is considered an important tool in enabling female empowerment and emancipation. In the light of recent world events, this has become a crucial area to study and understand, especially with respect to motivations, obstacles, constraints and consequences of female entrepreneurship. Having the previous framework in attention, this thesis focuses on female entrepreneurship in a developing country - Armenia – and proposes a conceptual framework of the phenomenon. A joint cooperation between the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development allowed to conduct an enterprise survey in the country and from that survey a microeconomic dataset was released and applied in this research study. A logistic regression econometric method is applied to the dataset to identify and measure the relationship between female entrepreneurship and several factors such as the location, size, legal status, market and obstacles faced by Armenian firms. The study concludes that women entrepreneurs in Armenia share many common features and obstacles with their male counterparts. Moreover, gender of the top managers, the firm’s location, size, main market type, the number of competitors and full-time employees, the adoption of new marketing methods, the access to land, the tax administration system and an inadequately educated workforce are found to be statistical significant factors in the explanation of female entrepreneurship in Armenia.


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Nowadays entrepreneurship is one of the main key objects in internal policy of each country. More and more women start doing their own business and thus become integral participants of entrepreneurial activities. However, despite of the abundance of various scientific publications, female entrepreneurship is poorly understood phenomenon, which is needed to be carefully scrutinized. The general purpose of this work is to describe and analyse such phenomenon as female entrepreneurship generally in the world and separately and mainly in Belarus. Indeed, it intends to determine the factors that drive women's entrepreneurship in Belarus. The findings are supported by literature, gathered from different scientific researches and actual statistical data. The data used in the empirical part was collected from World Bank Enterprise Surveys and comprises the responses of representatives of 360 companies selected randomly from the population of the Belarus companies. With the help of descriptive statistics and the application of logistic regression simple models to determine which economic, social, fiscal and legal environmental factors impact on female entrepreneurial activity was possible to understand the female involvement in business activities and society of the country.


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This study proposes a novel model of female entrepreneurship in rural areas of transitional countries. This model indicates indirect influences of various community contextual factors and highlights six individual qualities that largely determine the entrepreneurial propensity and behaviours of the females.


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This research work aims to discuss the gender issue concerning entrepreneurship in European Union countries in a period of nine years, from 2007 to 2015, identifying the factors which drive individuals to be entrepreneurs. The study mainly concentrates on identifying and quantifying the personal, social, political and economic features which are motivating individuals, especially women, to be entrepreneurs, as well as the main difficulties they feel during the process of business creation. In order to explore the entrepreneurial activity across a set of developed countries the econometric methodology of panel data (in particular the fixed effects and random effects models) is applied to a data set of entrepreneurial statistical indicators calculated and made available by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. The results show that the knowledge of other start-up entrepreneurs, a desired career choice, the governmental support and the existence of public policies that promote entrepreneurship (specially within the framework of small and medium sized firms) and the transfer of R&D are factors influencing negatively on the rate of female entrepreneurship. None of the observed variables are barriers for male entrepreneurs. The perceived capabilities and opportunities, the entrepreneurial intention, the policies to lower taxes and bureaucracy and the social and cultural norms are identified drives for women for engaging in a process of running their own ventures. These findings offer a set of valid knowledge to understand which measures could be implemented or should be changed and improved at a political and managerial level for stimulating entrepreneurship, especially for women.


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team and other international Entrepreneurship researchers. In this vignette, Associate Professor, Dr Michael Stuetzer and Professor Per Davidsson investigate where Australia ranks on the world stage in terms of female entrepreneurship, and discover that Australia is in a very healthy position.


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The study reported here addresses some issues on gender, entrepreneurship and finance that have been identified as problematic in the literature. For example, much of the research to date is based on the assumption of entrepreneurship as male entrepreneurship; few studies have controlled for structural characteristics that may impact on the relationship between owner gender and a venture's ability to raise finance; and women are less likely than men to seek growth and external financing. Through the conduct of in-depth semi-structured interviews, an attempt has been made to give `voice' to women's intrinsically interesting experiences as the enactment of a situated practice, and not just in comparison with the assumed norm of male entrepreneurial activity. The findings suggest that when variables such as individual and firm characteristics are controlled for, generalizations found in the literature may not be supported. Further, the paper highlights that neither women entrepreneurs nor their businesses are homogeneous in nature and that greater heterogeneity in the study of female entrepreneurship in general, and access to finance in particular, is required.


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Ao longo do tempo, diversos estudos foram realizados com a intenção de compreender as diferenças entre pessoas empreendedoras e não empreendedoras e, especialmente, o que leva tais pessoas a terem atitudes. No entanto tais estudos geralmente focam características isoladas, que podem ser compreendidas por meio de construtos, sem a capacidade efetiva de construir perfis empreendedores. Outro aspecto importante é que a maioria dos estudos sobre o empreendedorismo, por características sociais e históricas, tem como foco o empreendedor masculino. Neste último aspecto, por mais que haja muitos estudos já realizados e em curso com o objetivo de corrigir esta distorção no estudo do empreendedorismo, ao incluir e evidenciar a parte feminina do empreendedorismo, ainda há muito a fazer. Este estudo, portanto, tem vários objetivos e cursos de ação: enfocar o empreendedorismo feminino, selecionar os construtos de empreendedorismo mais importantes sob a ótica feminina e, finalmente, construir um perfil empreendedor. Isto é, construir um perfil em que os diversos construtos se relacionam entre si e se organizam hierarquicamente em termos de importância. Para tanto, este estudo contou com o apoio do Núcleo de Mulheres Empreendedoras (NME) da Associação Comercial e Industrial de Santo André, onde o estudo foi realizado, sendo este um grupo de mulheres inovadoras e pioneiras na organização do empreendedorismo feminino no Estado de São Paulo e atuantes no ABC Paulista. Para conseguir os objetivos definidos, este estudo contou com várias fases como a entrevista inicial, onde foram identificados construtos relevantes e o contraste com a literatura - pesquisa bibliométrica com o objetivo de amalgamar a visão do NME com o que já foi previamente publicado. De forma inovadora, buscou-se utilizar uma técnica da família da Análise de Decisão Multicritério, a PAPRIKA (sigla inglesa para Ranqueamento Pareado Potencial de todas as Alternativas Possíveis), como parte das entrevistas e questionários, de modo a ser possível organizar as relações hierárquicas entre os construtos, que se mostrou adequado e compatível com o propósito original. Finalmente, utilizando-se da PAPRIKA e das entrevistas, foi possível construir um perfil final relacionado hierarquicamente de quais construtos são mais importantes no sucesso empreendedor feminino, de acordo com a visão de um grupo de mulheres empreendedoras.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a temática do empreendedorismo, enquanto atividade de modificação, intervenção e criação de emprego à luz dos modelos teóricos de base. Reflete-se sobre a evolução deste conceito: desde a sua conceção como decisão para fazer qualquer coisa até à conceção de atividade do indivíduo que está na origem de uma empresa ou organização. Especificamente, o trabalho incide sobre as características específicas do empreendedorismo no feminino, procurando avaliar as diferenças entre homens e mulheres nas suas motivações, razões para optar pelo empreendedorismo e/ou motivos que sustentam essa sua decisão. A metodologia usada consiste num questionário e posterior análise quantitativa das respostas obtidas. Pretendeu aferir se as mulheres inquiridas admitem a hipótese de entrar no mundo do empreendedorismo, analisando as suas principais motivações e razões que as conduzem à entrada nessa via de negócio. De acordo com os dados recolhidos, as principais conclusões revelam que não existe uma noção concreta de características associadas ao empreendedor. Por outro lado, não são reconhecidas pelas respondentes a existência de características pessoais do empreendedor, encarando este apenas como tendo competências profissionais e de gestão. Os dados permitem concluir ainda acerca de algum desconhecimento relativamente aos apoios disponibilizados para empreendedores na criação do próprio negócio.