993 resultados para excitation-energies


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The two lowest T = 3/2 levels in 21Na have been studied in the 19F(3He, n), 20Ne (p,p) and 20Ne (p,p’) reactions, and their excitation energies, spins, parities and widths have been determined. In a separate investigation, branching ratios were measured for the isospin-nonconserving particle decays of the lowest T = 3/2 levels in 17O and 17F to the ground state and first two excited states of 16O, by studying the 15N(3He,n) 17F*(p) 16O and 18O(3He, α)17O*(n) 16O reactions.

The 19F(3He,n) 21Na reaction was studied at incident energies between 4.2 and 5.9 MeV using a pulsed-beam neutron-time-of-flight spectrometer. Two T = 3/2 levels were identified at excitation energies of 8.99 ± 0.05 MeV (J > ½) and 9.22 ± 0.015 MeV (J π = ½+, Γ ˂ 40 keV). The spins and parities were determined by a comparison of the measured angular distributions with the results of DWBA calculations.

These two levels were also obsesrved as isospin-forbidden resonances in the 20Ne(p,p) and 20Ne(p,p’) reactions. Excitation energies were measured and spins, parities, and widths were determined from a single level dispersion theory analysis. The following results were obtained:

Ex = 8.973 ± 0.007 MeV, J π = 5/2 + or 3/2+, Γ ≤ 1.2 keV,

Γpo = 0.1 ± 0.05 keV; Ex = 9.217 ± 0.007 MeV, Jπ = ½ +,

Γ = 2.3 ± 0.5 keV, Γpo = 1.1 ± 0.3 keV.

Isospin assignments were made on the basis of excitation energies, spins, parities, and widths.

Branching ratios for the isospin-nonconserving proton decays of the 11.20 MeV, T = 3/2 level in 17F were measured by the 15N(3He,n) 17 F*(p) 16O reaction to be 0.088 ± 0.016 to the ground state of 16O and 0.22 ± 0.04 to the unresolved 6.05 and 6.13 MeV levels of 16O. Branching ratios for the neutron decays of the analogous T = 3/2 level, at 11.08 MeV in 17O, were measured by the 16O(3He, α)17O*(n)16O reaction to be 0.91 ± 0.15 to the ground state of 16O and 0.05 ± 0.02 to the unresolved 6.05 and 6.13 MeV states. By comparing the ratios of reduced widths for the mirror decays, the form of the isospin impurity in the T = 3/2 levels is shown to depend on Tz.


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It is well known that shape corrections have to be applied to the local-density (LDA) and generalized gradient (GGA) approximations to the Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential in order to obtain reliable response properties in time dependent density functional theory calculations. Here we demonstrate that it is an oversimplified view that these shape corrections concern primarily the asymptotic part of the potential, and that they affect only Rydberg type transitions. The performance is assessed of two shape-corrected Kohn-Sham potentials, the gradient-regulated asymptotic connection procedure applied to the Becke-Perdew potential (BP-GRAC) and the statistical averaging of (model) orbital potentials (SAOP), versus LDA and GGA potentials, in molecular response calculations of the static average polarizability alpha, the Cauchy coefficient S-4, and the static average hyperpolarizability beta. The nature of the distortions of the LDA/GGA potentials is highlighted and it is shown that they introduce many spurious excited states at too low energy which may mix with valence excited states, resulting in wrong excited state compositions. They also lead to wrong oscillator strengths and thus to a wrong spectral structure of properties like the polarizability. LDA, Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP), and Becke-Perdew (BP) characteristically underestimate contributions to alpha and S-4 from bound Rydberg-type states and overestimate those from the continuum. Cancellation of the errors in these contributions occasionally produces fortuitously good results. The distortions of the LDA, BLYP, and BP spectra are related to the deficiencies of the LDA/GGA potentials in both the bulk and outer molecular regions. In contrast, both SAOP and BP-GRAC potentials produce high quality polarizabilities for 21 molecules and also reliable Cauchy moments and hyperpolarizabilities for the selected molecules. The analysis for the N-2 molecule shows, that both SAOP and BP-GRAC yield reliable energies omega(i) and oscillator strengths f(i) of individual excitations, so that they reproduce well the spectral structure of alpha and S-4.(C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a large-scale systematics of charge densities, excitation energies and deformation parameters For hundreds of heavy nuclei The systematics is based on a generalized rotation vibration model for the quadrupole and octupole modes and takes into account second-order contributions of the deformations as well as the effects of finite diffuseness values for the nuclear densities. We compare our results with the predictions of classical surface vibrations in the hydrodynamical approximation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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Coupled-cluster (CC) theory is one of the most successful approaches in high-accuracy quantum chemistry. The present thesis makes a number of contributions to the determination of molecular properties and excitation energies within the CC framework. The multireference CC (MRCC) method proposed by Mukherjee and coworkers (Mk-MRCC) has been benchmarked within the singles and doubles approximation (Mk-MRCCSD) for molecular equilibrium structures. It is demonstrated that Mk-MRCCSD yields reliable results for multireference cases where single-reference CC methods fail. At the same time, the present work also illustrates that Mk-MRCC still suffers from a number of theoretical problems and sometimes gives rise to results of unsatisfactory accuracy. To determine polarizability tensors and excitation spectra in the MRCC framework, the Mk-MRCC linear-response function has been derived together with the corresponding linear-response equations. Pilot applications show that Mk-MRCC linear-response theory suffers from a severe problem when applied to the calculation of dynamic properties and excitation energies: The Mk-MRCC sufficiency conditions give rise to a redundancy in the Mk-MRCC Jacobian matrix, which entails an artificial splitting of certain excited states. This finding has established a new paradigm in MRCC theory, namely that a convincing method should not only yield accurate energies, but ought to allow for the reliable calculation of dynamic properties as well. In the context of single-reference CC theory, an analytic expression for the dipole Hessian matrix, a third-order quantity relevant to infrared spectroscopy, has been derived and implemented within the CC singles and doubles approximation. The advantages of analytic derivatives over numerical differentiation schemes are demonstrated in some pilot applications.


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The excitation gaps in the singlet and triplet manifolds for finite Hubbard models in one, two and three dimensions have been obtained using different approximate configuration interaction (CI) schemes, as a function of the correlation strength, by using valence bond (VB) functions constructed over the molecular orbital (MO) basis. These are compared with numerically exact results and it is found that the scheme in which all particle hole excitations below a given threshold are included is the method of choice. The excitation energies are well reproduced, in trend as well as magnitude, particularly when the threshold equals the bandwidth of the corresponding noninteracting system.


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In this paper we report resonance Raman scattering from graphite covering excitation energies in the range 2.4 eV to 6 eV. The Raman excitation profile shows a maximum at 4.94 eV (lambda = 251nm) for the G - band (1582 cm(-1)). The D-band at similar to 1350 cm(-1), attributed to disorder activated Raman scattering, does not show up in Raman spectra recorded with excitation wavelengths smaller than 257.3 nm, revealing that the resonance enhancements of the G and D-modes are widely different. Earlier Raman measurements in carbon materials have also revealed a very large and unusual dependence of the D - mode frequency on excitation laser wavelength. This phenomenon is also observed in carbon nanotubes. In this paper we show for the first time that the above unusual dependence arises from the disorder - induced double resonance mechanism.


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Nonequilibrium spin distributions in single GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires are excited using resonant polarized excitation at 10 K. At all excitation energies, we observe strong photoluminescence polarization due to suppressed radiative recombination of excitons with dipoles aligned perpendicular to the nanowire. Excitation resonances are observed at 1- or 2-LO phonon energies above the exciton ground states. Using rate equation modeling, we show that, at the lowest energies, strongly nonequilibrium spin distributions are present and we estimate their spin relaxation rate.


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The dependence of the Raman spectrum on the excitation energy has been investigated for ABA-and ABC- stacked few-layer graphene in order to establish the fingerprint of the stacking order and the number of layers, which affect the transport and optical properties of few-layer graphene. Five different excitation sources with energies of 1.96, 2.33, 2.41, 2.54 and 2.81â €...eV were used. The position and the line shape of the Raman 2D, G*, N, M, and other combination modes show dependence on the excitation energy as well as the stacking order and the thickness. One can unambiguously determine the stacking order and the thickness by comparing the 2D band spectra measured with 2 different excitation energies or by carefully comparing weaker combination Raman modes such as N, M, or LOLA modes. The criteria for unambiguous determination of the stacking order and the number of layers up to 5 layers are established.


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We have applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Good agreements of the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps with the experimental band structures were achieved. We obtained the calculated fundamental gaps of Si and GaAs to be 1.22 and 1.42 eV in comparison to the experimental values of 1.17 and 1.52 eV, respectively. Ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies.


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We have applied the Green-function method in the GW approximation to calculate quasiparticle energies for the semiconductors GaP and GaAs. Good agreement between the calculated excitation energies and the experimental results was achieved. We obtained calculated direct band gaps of GaP and GaAs of 2.93 and 1.42 eV, respectively, in comparison with the experimental values of 2.90 and 1.52 eV, respectively. An ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wave functions and charge densities for calculating the dielectric matrix elements and self-enegies. To evaluate the dynamical effects of the screened interaction, the generalized-plasma-pole model has been utilized to extend the dielectric matrix elements from static results to finite frequencies. We presen the calculated quasiparticle energies at various high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone and compare them with the experimental results and other calculations.


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We successfully applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Ab initio pseudopotential method was adopted to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies. To evaluate dynamical effects of screened interaction, GPP model was utilized to extend dieletric matrix elements from static results to finite frequencies. We give a full account of the theoretical background and the technical details for the first principle pseudopotential calculations of quasiparticle energies in semiconductors and insulators. Careful analyses are given for the effective and accurate evaluations of dielectric matrix elements and quasiparticle self-energies by using the symmetry properties of basis wavefunctions and eigenenergies. Good agreements between the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps and the experimental band structures were achieved.


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The basic optical properties of PPV-based polymers have been extensively studied due to their potential technological applications. However, a detailed investigation of electronic processes following photoexcitation in the ultraviolet is still lacking. We report photoluminescence measurements on poly(1-methoxy-4-ethylhexyloxy-paraphenylenevinylene) - MEH-PPV in the 2.0-5.6 eV range, with excitation up to 5.6 eV. The photoluminescence spectra lineshape is independent of excitation energy. The photoluminescence efficiency is high for energies well below the absorption maximum due to near-resonant excitation of the longest conjugated segments which are responsible for the PL It decreases strongly for excitation energies in the range 2.1-2.5 eV (up to the absorption maximum) and slightly from 2.5 to 5.6 eV. The results indicate that states excited in the ultraviolet rapidly relax nonradiatively to the lowest state, from where the usual luminescence occurs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We use series expansion methods to calculate the dispersion relation of the one-magnon excitations for the spin-(1)/(2) triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet above a three-sublattice ordered ground state. Several striking features are observed compared to the classical (large-S) spin-wave spectra. Whereas, at low energies the dispersion is only weakly renormalized by quantum fluctuations, significant anomalies are observed at high energies. In particular, we find rotonlike minima at special wave vectors and strong downward renormalization in large parts of the Brillouin zone, leading to very flat or dispersionless modes. We present detailed comparison of our calculated excitation energies in the Brillouin zone with the spin-wave dispersion to order 1/S calculated recently by Starykh, Chubukov, and Abanov [Phys. Rev. B74, 180403(R) (2006)]. We find many common features but also some quantitative and qualitative differences. We show that at temperatures as low as 0.1J the thermally excited rotons make a significant contribution to the entropy. Consequently, unlike for the square lattice model, a nonlinear sigma model description of the finite-temperature properties is only applicable at temperatures < 0.1J. Finally, we review recent NMR measurements on the organic compound kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3). We argue that these are inconsistent with long-range order and a description of the low-energy excitations in terms of interacting magnons, and that therefore a Heisenberg model with only nearest-neighbor exchange does not offer an adequate description of this material.