934 resultados para evening courses
There are three distinct and complementary objectives in this article in order to clarify the higher education outline in Brazil, specifically evening courses (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm) and thesecurrent sector policies. The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil, including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education in Brazil, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. This expansion is due to the growing need of many students who must work while attending college, to defray costs of the study as well as personal and family costs. The reality of the working student is hostile considering external factors, such as transport problems, public security and lack of legislation for flexible working hours. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand eveningopenings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes, including federal (6.8%), state (7.0%) and municipal (2.3%) institutions. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The methodology applied was to rescue historical information on the establishment and the expansion of evening courses in Brazil, analyzing the current general Brazilian policies and the specific ones from the State of São Paulo. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the student’s needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.
This article presents the conception, principles and academic structure of the evening course leading to the formation of a Licentiate in Chemistry, at the University of Brasília. The curriculum has been carried out since the beginning of 1993. This curriculum has as its basic axis the graduation of future teachers integrated with the conceptual formation in Chemistry. Interdisciplinary actions are planned between the Chemistry Department, the Psychology Institute and the Faculty of Education so as to provide mechanisms which would allow the licenciate to acquire teaching experience along the course.
There are three distinct and complementary objectives The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm), including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand evening openings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the student’s needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.
The Hungarian media shows very contradictory pictures of women today: Successful career women enjoying material well-being is one picture, while the careful mother not working outside the home, keeping together the family is another one. Between these two contradictory poles there are almost no other female actors in the media. Life produces something different. In spite of the fact that there was a big loss of jobs in 1990s, and women’s activity rate decreased while the unemployment rate increased compared to before the 1990s, woman with duel roles are still accepted and common. The first female task is looking after the family and the second one is working outside the home and earning money. In many cases there is a third role: studying in distant or evening courses. In the next chapters we go deeper into this topic. We analyse the different aspects of female labour market positions, and show some relevant characteristics of governmental parental benefits and childcare support, and examine how the new pension system effects women. We also have a quick look at trade unions and show their lack of activity around gender issues. In the labour market analysis of the position of women we use labour force surveys, institution-based labour statistics, and unemployment registers. The Appendix 1 contains short descriptions of these data sources.
Catalogue of the officers, faculty and students for the academic year 1859-60 / Ypsilanti Union School -- Biennial catalogue and circular of the officers, teachers and pupils of the Ypsilanti Union Seminary : together with the courses of study, rules and regulations for the school year 1868-69 -- Union Lyceum, public, Ypsilanti Seminary, Saturday eve., Feb. 26, '70 [program] : order of exercises -- Ninth annual commencement of the Ypsilanti Union Seminary, Friday evening, June 24, 1870 -- Circular containing organization, courses of study and rules and regulations of the public schools of Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1885 -- Circular of the Ypsilanti high school for the academic year 1885-86 -- Annual report and circular containing courses of study of the public schools of Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1892 -- Announcement, Ypsilanti public schools, 1892-93 -- Circular of information, August, 1895 / Ypsilanti High School -- Catalog of the officers, instructors, and students of the Ypsilanti High School for the school year 1898-99 -- Catalog of the officers, instructors, and students of the Ypsilanti High School, for the school year 1899-1900 -- Catalog of the officers, teachers, and students of the Ypsilanti High School for the school year 1900-1901 -- Commemoration exercises celebrating the close of the nineteenth century high school hall, Thursday evening, Dec. 20, 1900 / Ypsilanti High School -- Annual report of the Superintendent of the public schools of Ypsilanti, Michigan for the school year 1908-1909 -- The public schools, Ypsilanti, Michigan : course of study, rules and regulations, reports for 1910-11 and general information -- Annual catalogue, 1911-12 / high school, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Previous studies have revealed that students who work and study build up sleep deficits during the wrkweek, which can trigger a sleep rebound during days off. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of working on sleepiness during days off working / non-working on sleepiness days off among high school students. The study population, aged 14-21 years, attended evening classes in São Paulo, Brazil. For the study, the students completed questionaires on living conditions, health, and work; wore actigraphs; and completed the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). To predict sleepiness, a logistic regression analysis was performed. Excessive sleepiness was observed on the first day off among working students. Results suggest that working is a significant predictor for sleepiness and that two shifts of daily systematic activities, study and work, might lead to excessive daytime sleepiness on the first day off. Further, this observed excessive sleepiness may reflect the sleep debt accumulated during the workweek
The catalytic properties of enzymes are usually evaluated by measuring and analyzing reaction rates. However, analyzing the complete time course can be advantageous because it contains additional information about the properties of the enzyme. Moreover, for systems that are not at steady state, the analysis of time courses is the preferred method. One of the major barriers to the wide application of time courses is that it may be computationally more difficult to extract information from these experiments. Here the basic approach to analyzing time courses is described, together with some examples of the essential computer code to implement these analyses. A general method that can be applied to both steady state and non-steady-state systems is recommended. (C) 2001 academic Press.
Learning is not a spectator’s sport. Students do not learn much by just sitting in class listening their teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments and spitting out answers. The teaching-learning process has been a constant target of studies, particularly in Higher Education, in consequence of the annual increase of new students. The concern with maintaining a desired quality level in the training of these students, conjugated with the will to widen the access to all of those who finish Secondary School Education, has triggered a greater intervention from the education specialists, in partnership with the teachers of all Higher Education areas, in the analysis of this problem. Considering the particular case of Engineering, it has been witnessed a rising concern with the active learning strategies and forms of assessment. Research has demonstrated that students learn more if they are actively engaged with the material they are studying. In this presentation we describe, present and discuss the techniques and the results of Peer Instruction method in an introductory Calculus courses of an Engineering Bach
Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, N. 1, pp. 261-267