857 resultados para essential concepts
Optical tweezers are an innovative technique for the non-contact, all-optical manipulation of small material samples, which has extraordinarily expanded and evolved since its inception in the mid-80s of the last century. Nowadays, the potential of optical tweezers has been clearly proven and a wide range of applications both from the physical and biological sciences have solidly emerged, turning the early ideas and techniques into a powerful paradigm for experimentation in the micro- and nanoworld. This review aims at highlighting the fundamental concepts that are essential for a thorough understanding of optical trapping, making emphasis on both its manipulation and measurement capabilities, as well as on the vast array of important biological applications appeared in the last years.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Matemática para Professores, 1 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
The electricity market restructuring, along with the increasing necessity for an adequate integration of renewable energy sources, is resulting in an rising complexity in power systems operation. Various power system simulators have been introduced in recent years with the purpose of helping operators, regulators, and involved players to understand and deal with this complex environment. This paper focuses on the development of an upper ontology which integrates the essential concepts necessary to interpret all the available information. The restructuring of MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets), and this system’s integration with MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform), and ALBidS (Adaptive Learning Strategic Bidding System) provide the means for the exemplification of the usefulness of this ontology. A practical example is presented, showing how common simulation scenarios for different simulators, directed to very distinct environments, can be created departing from the proposed ontology.
The electricity market restructuring, and its worldwide evolution into regional and even continental scales, along with the increasing necessity for an adequate integration of renewable energy sources, is resulting in a rising complexity in power systems operation. Several power system simulators have been developed in recent years with the purpose of helping operators, regulators, and involved players to understand and deal with this complex and constantly changing environment. The main contribution of this paper is given by the integration of several electricity market and power system models, respecting to the reality of different countries. This integration is done through the development of an upper ontology which integrates the essential concepts necessary to interpret all the available information. The continuous development of Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets platform provides the means for the exemplification of the usefulness of this ontology. A case study using the proposed multi-agent platform is presented, considering a scenario based on real data that simulates the European Electricity Market environment, and comparing its performance using different market mechanisms. The main goal is to demonstrate the advantages that the integration of various market models and simulation platforms have for the study of the electricity markets’ evolution.
This research concentrates to find out whether service employees' customer orientation has positive consequences relating to job attitudes in international context. A literature review is conducted in order to define the essential concepts and to see what kind of results researchers have found between customer orientation and job attitudes. The job attitudes researched in this research arejob satisfaction, role ambiguity, role conflict and commitment. This research differs from the previous customer orientation and job attitudes researchers with its international context. International services are thus discussed. Upon the previous literature and findings, four hypotheses are formed. They are tested with data from Finnish service exporters. Three hypotheses are supported, indicating that customer orientation has positiveeffect on job attitudes also in international context. Upon this research and literature review, future research recommendations are presented as well as managerial implications.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää talouden ohjauksen tila case -yrityksessä, pyrkiä tunnistamaan kehityskohteita ohjauksessa ja ehdottaa mallia, joka huomioi tunnistetut kehittämiskohteet. Teoriaosassa analysoidaan yrityksen ohjausta aiemman teoreettisen kirjoittelun perusteella ja esitetään käsitteet sekä viitekehys. Empiirisessä osassa analysoidaan case -yrityksen ohjauksen nykytilaa ja tunnistetaan kehityskohteita ohjauksessa. Tutkielmassa on käytetty sekä hermeneuttista että normatiivista tutkimusotetta Tutkimuksessa havaittiin strategian jalkautumisen jäävän puutteelliseksi ja tämän vaikeuttavan tavoitteiden takana olevan ajattelun ymmärtämistä. Tavoitteisiin sitoutumista vaikeutti myös näkemys, jonka mukaan tavoitteet tulivat liikaa annettuina tekijöinä. Tutkielman lopuksi kehitettiin case-yritykselle tavoiteasetantamalli, jonka nähtiin auttavan strategian jalkauttamista ja sitouttamista yrityksen myyntitavoitteisiin.
We live in a context in which knowledge develops continuously and rapidly. This generates a social dynamics that demands constant adaptation from those living in society and also from educational institutions. Education for this new society needs to be rethought. Universities, anchored in tradition, still use a transmission/reception model of education. A data-collecting instrument applied to undergraduate chemistry students at the end of the course in organic chemistry investigated some concepts essential to the education of a chemist, such as interatomic and intermolecular interactions and Lewis structure. We observed that students have difficulty dealing with these concepts, and we believe that this is related to the type of class they had/have and to the way the concepts are presented in the college textbooks.
This work intends to show some aspects of antitrust policy that are relevant to the Brazilian case. For this purpose, it has five parts. Chapter I - Introduction, as the title suggests, simultaneously introduces and emphasizes what will be shown in the next chapters. Chapter II - General view or understanding the antitrust gives a comprehensive view of the historical evolution on antitrust matters, explores the relationship between State action, globalization and competitiveness and presents some of the essential concepts on antitrust field. Chapter III - The antitrust policy in Brazil focuses on the legal evolution of antitrust institutes in Brazil - highlighting its strategic dimension and insertion on "Plano Plurianual - PPA", the Brazilian official long-run plan - and presents the "Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência - SBDC", the Brazilian system for defence of competition. Chapter IV - Antitrust policy, connections and consequences shows the relevant links and inferences to the Brazilian case such as the development of competitive advantages, the formulation of competitive strategies, the well-known objectives and instruments of antitrust policy, the acceptable principles to an antitrust institutional design and, finally, the critical aspects of the Brazilian current model together with the suggestions to improve it. To finish, Chapter V - Final considerations outlines some reflections regarding the previous exposed antitrust matters.
A presente dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a cultura da empresa familiar Santos Atacadista, naquilo que diz respeito à gestão desta empresa que foi feita sem levar em consideração os conceitos essenciais de Administração. No caso ilustrado nesta dissertação, a família Santos se preocupa mais em ganhar dinheiro, do que desenvolver de forma sustentada o crescimento da empresa, que teve o seu ápice no ano de 1994 ao atingir um faturamento de US$342,960,OOO.OO/ano, vendendo do estado do Espírito Santo para todo o Brasil. O certo é que a família não atentou para a necessidade de se preparar para gerenciar um negócio que cresceu de forma desordenada, insistindo em não profissionalizar a empresa, seja capacitando todos os membros da família que já ocupavam cargos gerenciais, ou contratando administradores de reconhecida competência técnica. Assim sendo, este estudo investiga e analisa as causas e efeitos do sucesso e fracasso da gestão da empresa familiar Santos Atacadista, ressaltando a necessidade de se profissionalizar a condução dos negócios da família por gestores preparados para tal atribuição, sendo membro ou não da família proprietária da empresa.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Este estudo se propõe a investigar o contexto da transgressão e violência no espaço de Ocupação Riacho Doce e suas implicações no contexto social. Nele buscamos demonstrar uma série de arranjos que resultam nas múltiplas sociabilidades que favorecem ações criminosas entre infratores da área e Agentes de Segurança Pública. Além desses aspectos pontuais, o mesmo expõe algumas discussões teóricas sobre conceitos essenciais para a compreensão do fenômeno da violência como todo. Dentre eles, pobreza e exclusão social, estigma e medo, sociedade de risco global, violência urbana, direitos humanos, crime e relações de poder. Ressaltando ainda, a trajetória histórica das Instituições de Segurança Pública, dando ênfase para as Polícias Militar do Brasil e do Pará e suas respectivas características, no intuito de demonstrar que a conjunção de todos os elementos apresentados tem favorecido um lucrativo comércio de drogas no local e conseqüentemente aumentado à criminalidade com participação de alguns Policiais acostumados a práticas ilícitas, adolescentes e criminosos da área.
Neste trabalho, investiga-se qual a relação entre arte, formação e política na obra República, de Platão, e estuda-se de que modo os pressupostos gnosiológicos platônicos esclarecem as tensões nessa relação. Busca-se reconstruir os argumentos centrais de Platão que sustentam a sua crítica à educação mitopoética. Defende-se a hipótese de que Platão, na República, reconhece o potencial formativo da arte, especialmente da poesia, embora, por razões de fundamentação ontológica e gnosiológica, tenha de subordiná- -lo à filosofia. A natureza dos questionamentos e os objetivos da pesquisa exigiram a consulta de fontes bibliográficas, sendo que para análise e interpretação foram utilizadas técnicas hermenêuticas de leitura de textos, com destaque para a apreensão dos sentidos dos conceitos essenciais na sua proveniência grega. Procedeu-se à explicação e ao comentário da obra República, mas também de Íon e Hípias Maior e da literatura crítica, que foram selecionadas como mais significativas entre as fontes levantadas, tendo em vista o problema de pesquisa. A análise conceitual e reflexiva mostrou ser a cultura mitopoética um componente indispensável à formação na obra platônica analisada, embora insuficiente, por si, para atingir o ideal de educação que se expressa pelos conceitos de verdade, bondade e beleza. Conclui-se que somente a filosofia, por superar os encantos da linguagem, da sensibilidade e do mundo sensível, poderá entender os limites e possibilidades da arte, especialmente daquela que usa a palavra. Assim como a cidade justa só seria possível pelo equacionamento do rei e do filósofo, não é admissível um verdadeiro poeta que não seja filósofo.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Genome-wide association studies have failed to establish common variant risk for the majority of common human diseases. The underlying reasons for this failure are explained by recent studies of resequencing and comparison of over 1200 human genomes and 10 000 exomes, together with the delineation of DNA methylation patterns (epigenome) and full characterization of coding and noncoding RNAs (transcriptome) being transcribed. These studies have provided the most comprehensive catalogues of functional elements and genetic variants that are now available for global integrative analysis and experimental validation in prospective cohort studies. With these datasets, researchers will have unparalleled opportunities for the alignment, mining, and testing of hypotheses for the roles of specific genetic variants, including copy number variations, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and indels as the cause of specific phenotypes and diseases. Through the use of next-generation sequencing technologies for genotyping and standardized ontological annotation to systematically analyze the effects of genomic variation on humans and model organism phenotypes, we will be able to find candidate genes and new clues for disease’s etiology and treatment. This article describes essential concepts in genetics and genomic technologies as well as the emerging computational framework to comprehensively search websites and platforms available for the analysis and interpretation of genomic data.