1000 resultados para esophagus pressure


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The Brazilian Consensus on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease considers gastroesophageal reflux disease to be a chronic disorder related to the retrograde flow of gastroduodenal contents into the esophagus and/or adjacent organs, resulting in a variable spectrum of symptoms, with or without tissue damage. Considering the limitations of classifications currently in use, a new classification is proposed that combines three criteria - clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric - providing a comprehensive and more complete characterization of the disease. The diagnosis begins with the presence of heartburn, acid regurgitation, and alarm manifestations (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, GI bleeding, nausea and/or vomiting, and family history of cancer). Also, atypical esophageal, pulmonary, otorhinolaryngological, and oral symptoms may occur. Endoscopy is the first approach, particularly in patients over 40 yr of age and in those with alarm symptoms. Other exams are considered in particular cases, such as contrast radiological examination, scyntigraphy, manometry, and prolonged pH measurement. The clinical treatment encompasses behavioral modifications in lifestyle and pharmacological measures. Proton pump inhibitors in manufacturers' recommended doses are indicated, with doubling of the dose in more severe cases of esophagitis. The minimum time of administration is 6 wk. Patients who do not respond to medical treatment, including those with atypical manifestations, should be considered for surgical treatment. Of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's esophagus presents a potential development of adenocarcinoma; biopsies should be performed, independent of Barrett's esophagus extent or location. In this regard the designation short Barrett's is not important in terms of management and prognosis. © 2002 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology.


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A ingestão de substâncias cáusticas constitui importante situação de emergência, tendo em vista a gravidade de suas seqüelas. OBJETIVO: Estudar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais do esôfago de coelhos submetidos à infusão esofágica com soda cáustica (NaOH). MÉTODOS: 88 coelhos foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 (n=22) foi submetido à infusão esofágica com água destilada; G2, G3 e G4 foram submetidos a infusão esofágica com NaOH a 2%, 4% e 6%, respectivamente. Alterações morfológicas foram estudadas em 12 animais de cada grupo e as alterações manométricas, nos 10 animais restantes. Foram feitas análises do esfíncter inferior do esôfago (EIE), número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago. Estes estudos foram realizados antes (momento 1 - M1) e aos 30 minutos, 6 horas e 24 horas após a infusão esofágica (momentos M2, M3 e M4, respectivamente). RESULTADOS: Avaliação macroscópica: G1 - sem alterações; G2 - edema, hiperemia e descamação; G3 - aumento do calibre do esôfago, úlceras, descamação da mucosa; G4 - lesões semelhantes as do G3, porém mais intensas, áreas de extensa hemorragia. Avaliação funcional: a pressão no EIE foi mais elevada em M2 no grupo 2; o número das contrações no terço distal do esôfago foi menor em G3 e G4, e a amplitude das contrações foi menor em G4. CONCLUSÕES: 1) a infusão esofágica com NaOH constitui excelente modelo experimental de esofagite cáustica no coelho; 2) a infusão esofágica com NaOH causa lesões na parede do esôfago, com gravidade proporcional a concentração da solução; 3) a infusão causou espasmo do EIE em M2 e redução do número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago.


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Electromanometric measures of the gastroesophageal junction were performed in 20 adult, male and female, anesthetised opossums. The electromanometric examinations were performed according the intermitent pull through technique. The research was divided in four groups, according to the drug to be analysed: group 1 (20 animals) IM injection of physiological solution (control group); group 2 (20 animals) IM injection of metoclopramide; group 3 (20 animals) IM injection of ranitidine; group 4 (20 animals) IM injection of droperidol. Electromanometry was done 15 minutes before the drug injection, just after the injection and 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after the injection. In each one of the moments the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES-mmHg) was analysed. Considering LES pressure the results observed were: in group 1 it was not observed any significative alteration after IM injection of physiologic solution; in group 2 it was observed significative pressure increase, 15 minutes after metoclopramide IM injection; in group 3 it was observed pressure increase, being significative at 15 and 30 minutes after IM injection; in group 4 it was observed significative increase in LES pressure in every moment, 15 minutes after droperidol IM injection.


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Given the function of the esophagus to transport orally ingested solids and liquids into the stomach there are several medications with adverse effect on esophageal structures and function. Various pharmacologic agents can induce esophageal injury, promote gastroesophageal reflux by decreasing lower esophageal sphincter tone or affect esophageal perception and motility. The risks of bisphosphonates, doxycycline, ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid, aspirin/NSAIDs and chemotherapeutic agents to induce esophageal lesions have been documented in case reports and short series. In addition to direct mucosal injury, many commonly used medications including nitroglycerins, anticholinergics, beta-adrenergic agonists, aminophyllines, and benzodiazepines promote/facilitate gastroesophageal reflux by reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure. Additional evidence accumulates on the adverse effects of various medications on esophageal motility and perception. The treatment of medication-induced esophageal lesions includes (1) identifying and discontinuing the causative medication, (2) promoting healing of esophageal injury by decreasing esophageal acid exposure or coating already existing esophageal lesions, (3) eventual use of protective compounds.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Mechanisms that ultimately lead to dysphagia are still not totally clear. Patients with laparoscopic gastric banding (LAGB) often complain about dysphagia, regurgitation and heartburn. Our aim was to evaluate the contribution of intrabolus pressure to symptoms of gastric banding. METHODS This study investigated 30 patients with LAGB before and 3 months after conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), evaluating symptoms with a 7-point-Likert-scale and esophageal peristalsis, esophageal bolus transit and intrabolus pressure changes using combined impedance-manometry. RESULTS Conversion from LAGB to RYGB leads to a significant reduction in dysphagia (1.9 +/- 0.4 vs. 0.0 +/- 0.0; p< 0.01) and regurgitation (4.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 0.1 +/- 0.1; p< 0.01) symptom scores. For liquid swallows we found a modest but significant correlation between the intensity of dysphagia and intrabolus pressure (r=0.11; p<0.05) and the intensity of regurgitation and intrabolus pressure for viscous swallows (r=0.12, p<0.05) in patients with LAGB. There was a significant (p< 0.05) reduction in intrabolus pressure at 5 cm above LES before (liquid 10.6 +/-1.0; viscous 13.5 +/- 1.5) and after (liquid 6.4 +/- 0.6; viscous 10.5 +/- 0.9) conversion from LAGB to RYGB. CONCLUSION Current data suggest that intraesophageal pressure during bolus presence in the distal esophagus contributes to the development but not to the intensity of dysphagia and regurgitation.