137 resultados para equivariant cohomology


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The category of rational O(2)-equivariant cohomology theories has an algebraic model A(O(2)), as established by work of Greenlees. That is, there is an equivalence of categories between the homotopy category of rational O(2)-equivariant spectra and the derived category of the abelian model DA(O(2)). In this paper we lift this equivalence of homotopy categories to the level of Quillen equivalences of model categories. This Quillen equivalence is also compatible with the Adams short exact sequence of the algebraic model.


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Il formalismo Mathai-Quillen (MQ) è un metodo per costruire la classe di Thom di un fibrato vettoriale attraverso una forma differenziale di profilo Gaussiano. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di formulare una nuova rappresentazione della classe di Thom usando aspetti geometrici della quantizzazione Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV). Nella prima parte del lavoro vengono riassunti i formalismi BV e MQ entrambi nel caso finito dimensionale. Infine sfrutteremo la trasformata di Fourier “odd" considerando la forma MQ come una funzione definita su un opportuno spazio graduato.


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We give a new proof that for a finite group G, the category of rational G-equivariant spectra is Quillen equivalent to the product of the model categories of chain complexes of modules over the rational group ring of the Weyl group of H in G, as H runs over the conjugacy classes of subgroups of G. Furthermore, the Quillen equivalences of our proof are all symmetric monoidal. Thus we can understand categories of algebras or modules over a ring spectrum in terms of the algebraic model.


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Let M^{2n} be a symplectic toric manifold with a fixed T^n-action and with a toric K\"ahler metric g. Abreu asked whether the spectrum of the Laplace operator $\Delta_g$ on $\mathcal{C}^\infty(M)$ determines the moment polytope of M, and hence by Delzant's theorem determines M up to symplectomorphism. We report on some progress made on an equivariant version of this conjecture. If the moment polygon of M^4 is generic and does not have too many pairs of parallel sides, the so-called equivariant spectrum of M and the spectrum of its associated real manifold M_R determine its polygon, up to translation and a small number of choices. For M of arbitrary even dimension and with integer cohomology class, the equivariant spectrum of the Laplacian acting on sections of a naturally associated line bundle determines the moment polytope of M.


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Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q and let K/Q be a finite Galois extension with Galois group G. The equivariant Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for h(1)(E x(Q) K)(1) viewed as amotive over Q with coefficients in Q[G] relates the twisted L-values associated with E with the arithmetic invariants of the same. In this paper I prescribe an approach to verify this conjecture for a given data. Using this approach, we verify the conjecture for an elliptic curve of conductor 11 and an S-3-extension of Q.


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Corepresentations of a coalgebra over a quadratic operad are defined, and various characterizations of them are given. Cohomology of such an operadic coalgebra with coefficients in a corepresentation is then studied.


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Small covers were introduced by Davis and Januszkiewicz in 1991. We introduce the notion of equilibrium triangulations for small covers. We study equilibrium and vertex minimal 4-equivariant triangulations of 2-dimensional small covers. We discuss vertex minimal equilibrium triangulations of RP3#RP3, S-1 x RP2 and a nontrivial S-1 bundle over RP2. We construct some nice equilibrium triangulations of the real projective space RPn with 2(n) + n 1 vertices. The main tool is the theory of small covers.


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We extend Alvarez-Consul and King description of moduli of sheaves over projective schemes to moduli of equivariant sheaves over projective Gamma-schemes, for a finite group Gamma. We introduce the notion of Kronecker-McKay modules and construct the moduli of equivariant sheaves using a natural functor from the category of equivariant sheaves to the category of Kronecker-McKay modules. Following Alvarez-Consul and King, we also study theta functions and homogeneous co-ordinates of moduli of equivariant sheaves.


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Lovelock terms are polynomial scalar densities in the Riemann curvature tensor that have the remarkable property that their Euler-Lagrange derivatives contain derivatives of the metric of an order not higher than 2 (while generic polynomial scalar densities lead to Euler-Lagrange derivatives with derivatives of the metric of order 4). A characteristic feature of Lovelock terms is that their first nonvanishing term in the expansion g λμ = η λμ + h λμ of the metric around flat space is a total derivative. In this paper, we investigate generalized Lovelock terms defined as polynomial scalar densities in the Riemann curvature tensor and its covariant derivatives (of arbitrarily high but finite order) such that their first nonvanishing term in the expansion of the metric around flat space is a total derivative. This is done by reformulating the problem as a BRST cohomological one and by using cohomological tools. We determine all the generalized Lovelock terms. We find, in fact, that the class of nontrivial generalized Lovelock terms contains only the usual ones. Allowing covariant derivatives of the Riemann tensor does not lead to a new structure. Our work provides a novel algebraic understanding of the Lovelock terms in the context of BRST cohomology. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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In the paper we give an exposition of the major results concerning the relation between first order cohomology of Banach algebras of operators on a Banach space with coefficients in specified modules and the geometry of the underlying Banach space. In particular we shall compare the properties weak amenability and amenability for Banach algebras A(X), the approximable operators on a Banach space X. Whereas amenability is a local property of the Banach space X, weak amenability is often the consequence of properties of large scale geometry.


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We investigate the simplicial cohomology of certain Banach operator algebras. The two main examples considered are the Banach algebra of all bounded operators on a Banach space and its ideal of approximable operators. Sufficient conditions will be given forcing Banach algebras of this kind to be simplicially trivial.


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We consider non-standard totalisation functors for double complexes, involving left or right truncated products. We show how properties of these imply that the algebraic mapping torus of a self map h of a cochain complex of finitely presented modules has trivial negative Novikov cohomology, and has trivial positive Novikov cohomology provided h is a quasi-isomorphism. As an application we obtain a new and transparent proof that a finitely dominated cochain complex over a Laurent polynomial ring has trivial (positive and negative) Novikov cohomology.


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We prove that if G is S1 or a profinite group, then all of the homotopical information of the category of rational G-spectra is captured by the triangulated structure of the rational G-equivariant stable homotopy category.

That is, for G profinite or S1, the rational G-equivariant stable homotopy category is rigid. For the case of profinite groups this rigidity comes from an intrinsic formality statement, so we carefully relate the notion of intrinsic formality of a differential graded algebra to rigidity.


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Let k be a quadratic imaginary field, p a prime which splits in k/Q and does not divide the class number hk of k. Let L denote a finite abelian extention of k and let K be a subextention of L/k. In this article we prove the p-part of the Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture for the pair (h0(Spec(L)),Z[Gal(L/K)]).