999 resultados para equivalent layer
分析了倾斜入射条件下导致光学薄膜产生偏振的原因, 针对不同偏振态的等效导纳与等效相位进行了分析, 并计算了对称膜层在45°入射条件下不同偏振态的等效折射率与等效相位厚度, 采用等效层方法设计了光学性能良好的600~900 nm波段消偏振宽带减反膜。最后利用电子束蒸发技术制备了薄膜样品, 样品的光谱性能完全能够满足使用要求。其中在600~900 nm波段范围内, 平均反射率均小于1.38%, 反射率的偏振度均低于0.89%。另外, 通过对其理论及实验光学性能、角度敏感性、膜层厚度误差敏感性等方面的分析结果可
It is presently assumed that the Borborema Province resulted from a complex collisional process associated with the convergent movement of plates, possibly involving amalgamation and accretion of microplates. This process was consolidated at the end of the Brasiliano event. It is investigated the possible limits for the tectonostratigraphic terranes in the northern portion of the province based on an integrated study of geological and gravity data. The study area comprises the portion of the Borborema Province located north of the Patos Lineament, limited by longitudes 33º00 W and 43º29 44"W and latitudes 1º36 S and 8º00 S. A revision of the regional geology allowed to identify areas presenting contrasting geological attributes, possibly representing different terranes whose limits are always shear zones of Brasiliano-age. The Sobral-Pedro II shear zone is the only one undoubtedly presenting geological attributes of sutures zones. The other shear zones are very likely associated with a geodinymic context of accretion, involving oblique collisions (docking), transcurrent and/or transforming sutures, and deep intracrustal shear zones. The gravity data contributed as a tool to identify strong lateral contrasts of density inside the upper crust possibly associated with crustal blocks tectonically juxtaposed. The dominant long wavelength anomaly in the Bouguer anomaly map is an expressive gradient, grossly parallel to the continental margin, caused by density variation across the crust-mantle interface in the transition from the continental crust to the oceanic crust originated by the separation between South America and Africa. Medium to small wavelength anomalies are due to intracrustal heterogeneities such as different Precambrian crustal blocks, Brasiliano-age granites and Mesozoic sedimentary basins. A regional-residual separation of the Bouguer anomaly map was performed in order to enhance in the residual map the effect due to intracrustal heterogeneities. The methodology used for this separation was a robust polinomial fitting. The inversion of residual gravity field resulted in a density contrast map (Δρ), in an equivalent layer that provided more accurated anomalies contours and consolidated the model which the sources of residual anomalies are located in the upper part of the present crust. Based on the coincidence of gravity lineaments in the residual map and Brasiliano shear zones, and using additional geological information, the following shear zones are proposed as limits between terranes: Patos shear zone, Sobral-Pedro II shear zone, Picuí-João Câmara shear zone, Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone, Senador Pompeu shear zone, Tauá shear zone, and Portalegre shear zone. Based on the geological/geophysical information it is attributed a higher level of confidence to the first three proposed limits(Patos, Sobral Pedro II, and Picuí-João Câmara shear zones). From west to east, these shear zones individualize the following terranes: Northwest of Ceará terrane, Central Ceará terrane, Tauá terrane, Orós-Jaguaribe terrane, Seridó terrane, and São José de Campestre terrane. In our study, the Rio Piranhas and Patos terranes are questioned because their previously proposed limits do not present good geological and gravimetric evidences. On the other hand, the previously proposed Cearense terrane is now subdivided into Central Ceará and Tauá terranes. Two residual gravity profiles located in the Seridó belt were interpreted using 2 ½ D direct gravity modeling. The main result of the modeling process is that all anomalies, with the exception of one, can be explained by outcroppring bodies, therefore restricted to the upper part of the present crust
O uso da técnica da camada equivalente na interpolação de dados de campo potencial permite levar em consideração que a anomalia, gravimétrica ou magnética, a ser interpolada é uma função harmônica. Entretanto, esta técnica tem aplicação computacional restrita aos levantamentos com pequeno número de dados, uma vez que ela exige a solução de um problema de mínimos quadrados com ordem igual a este número. Para viabilizar a aplicação da técnica da camada equivalente aos levantamentos com grande número de dados, nós desenvolvemos o conceito de observações equivalentes e o método EGTG, que, respectivamente, diminui a demanda em memória do computador e otimiza as avaliações dos produtos internos inerentes à solução dos problemas de mínimos quadrados. Basicamente, o conceito de observações equivalentes consiste em selecionar algumas observações, entre todas as observações originais, tais que o ajuste por mínimos quadrados, que ajusta as observações selecionadas, ajusta automaticamente (dentro de um critério de tolerância pré-estabelecido) todas as demais que não foram escolhidas. As observações selecionadas são denominadas observações equivalentes e as restantes são denominadas observações redundantes. Isto corresponde a partir o sistema linear original em dois sistemas lineares com ordens menores. O primeiro com apenas as observações equivalentes e o segundo apenas com as observações redundantes, de tal forma que a solução de mínimos quadrados, obtida a partir do primeiro sistema linear, é também a solução do segundo sistema. Este procedimento possibilita ajustar todos os dados amostrados usando apenas as observações equivalentes (e não todas as observações originais) o que reduz a quantidade de operações e a utilização de memória pelo computador. O método EGTG consiste, primeiramente, em identificar o produto interno como sendo uma integração discreta de uma integral analítica conhecida e, em seguida, em substituir a integração discreta pela avaliação do resultado da integral analítica. Este método deve ser aplicado quando a avaliação da integral analítica exigir menor quantidade de cálculos do que a exigida para computar a avaliação da integral discreta. Para determinar as observações equivalentes, nós desenvolvemos dois algoritmos iterativos denominados DOE e DOEg. O primeiro algoritmo identifica as observações equivalentes do sistema linear como um todo, enquanto que o segundo as identifica em subsistemas disjuntos do sistema linear original. Cada iteração do algoritmo DOEg consiste de uma aplicação do algoritmo DOE em uma partição do sistema linear original. Na interpolação, o algoritmo DOE fornece uma superfície interpoladora que ajusta todos os dados permitindo a interpolação na forma global. O algoritmo DOEg, por outro lado, otimiza a interpolação na forma local uma vez que ele emprega somente as observações equivalentes, em contraste com os algoritmos existentes para a interpolação local que empregam todas as observações. Os métodos de interpolação utilizando a técnica da camada equivalente e o método da mínima curvatura foram comparados quanto às suas capacidades de recuperar os valores verdadeiros da anomalia durante o processo de interpolação. Os testes utilizaram dados sintéticos (produzidos por modelos de fontes prismáticas) a partir dos quais os valores interpolados sobre a malha regular foram obtidos. Estes valores interpolados foram comparados com os valores teóricos, calculados a partir do modelo de fontes sobre a mesma malha, permitindo avaliar a eficiência do método de interpolação em recuperar os verdadeiros valores da anomalia. Em todos os testes realizados o método da camada equivalente recuperou mais fielmente o valor verdadeiro da anomalia do que o método da mínima curvatura. Particularmente em situações de sub-amostragem, o método da mínima curvatura se mostrou incapaz de recuperar o valor verdadeiro da anomalia nos lugares em que ela apresentou curvaturas mais pronunciadas. Para dados adquiridos em níveis diferentes o método da mínima curvatura apresentou o seu pior desempenho, ao contrário do método da camada equivalente que realizou, simultaneamente, a interpolação e o nivelamento. Utilizando o algoritmo DOE foi possível aplicar a técnica da camada equivalente na interpolação (na forma global) dos 3137 dados de anomalia ar-livre de parte do levantamento marinho Equant-2 e 4941 dados de anomalia magnética de campo total de parte do levantamento aeromagnético Carauari-Norte. Os números de observações equivalentes identificados em cada caso foram, respectivamente, iguais a 294 e 299. Utilizando o algoritmo DOEg nós otimizamos a interpolação (na forma local) da totalidade dos dados de ambos os levantamentos citados. Todas as interpolações realizadas não seriam possíveis sem a aplicação do conceito de observações equivalentes. A proporção entre o tempo de CPU (rodando os programas no mesmo espaço de memória) gasto pelo método da mínima curvatura e pela camada equivalente (interpolação global) foi de 1:31. Esta razão para a interpolação local foi praticamente de 1:1.
Apresentamos dois métodos de interpretação de dados de campos potenciais, aplicados à prospecção de hidrocarbonetos. O primeiro emprega dados aeromagnéticos para estimar o limite, no plano horizontal, entre a crosta continental e a crosta oceânica. Este método baseia-se na existência de feições geológicas magnéticas exclusivas da crosta continental, de modo que as estimativas das extremidades destas feições são usadas como estimativas dos limites da crosta continental. Para tanto, o sinal da anomalia aeromagnética na região da plataforma, do talude e da elevação continental é amplificado através do operador de continuação analítica para baixo usando duas implementações: o princípio da camada equivalente e a condição de fronteira de Dirichlet. A maior carga computacional no cálculo do campo continuado para baixo reside na resolução de um sistema de equações lineares de grande porte. Este esforço computacional é minimizado através do processamento por janelas e do emprego do método do gradiente conjugado na resolução do sistema de equações. Como a operação de continuação para baixo é instável, estabilizamos a solução através do funcional estabilizador de primeira ordem de Tikhonov. Testes em dados aeromagnéticos sintéticos contaminados com ruído pseudo-aleatório Gaussiano mostraram a eficiência de ambas as implementações para realçar os finais das feições magnéticas exclusivas da crosta continental, permitindo o delineamento do limite desta com a crosta oceânica. Aplicamos a metodologia em suas duas implementações a dados aeromagnéticos reais de duas regiões da costa brasileira: Foz do Amazonas e Bacia do Jequitinhonha. O segundo método delineia, simultaneamente, a topografia do embasamento de uma bacia sedimentar e a geometria de estruturas salinas contidas no pacote sedimentar. Os modelos interpretativos consistem de um conjunto de prismas bidimensionais verticais justapostos, para o pacote sedimentar e de prismas bidimensionais com seções verticais poligonais para as estruturas salinas. Estabilizamos a solução, incorporando características geométricas do relevo do embasamento e das estruturas salinas compatíveis com o ambiente geológico através dos estabilizadores da suavidade global, suavidade ponderada e da concentração de massa ao longo de direções preferenciais, além de vínculos de desigualdade nos parâmetros. Aplicamos o método a dados gravimétricos sintéticos produzidos por fontes 2D simulando bacias sedimentares intracratônicas e marginais apresentando densidade do pacote sedimentar variando com a profundidade segundo uma lei hiperbólica e abrigando domos e almofadas salinas. Os resultados mostraram que o método apresenta potencial para delinear, simultaneamente, as geometrias tanto de almofadas e domos salinos, como de relevos descontínuos do embasamento. Aplicamos o método, também, a dados reais ao longo de dois perfis gravimétricos sobre as Bacias de Campos e do Jequitinhonha e obtivemos interpretações compatíveis com a geologia da área.
HRTEM has been used to examine illite/smectite from the Mancos shale, rectorite from Garland County, Arkansas; illite from Silver Hill, Montana; Na-smectite from Crook County, Wyoming; corrensite from Packwood, Washington; and diagenetic chlorite from the Tuscaloosa formation. Thin specimens were prepared by ion milling, ultra-microtome sectioning and/or grain dispersal on a porous carbon substrate. Some smectite-bearing clays were also examined after intercalation with dodecylamine hydrochloride (DH). Intercalation of smectite with DH proved to be a reliable method of HRTEM imaging of expanded smectite, d(001) 16 A which could then be distinguished from unexpanded illite, d(001) 10 A. Lattice fringes of basal spacings of DH-intercalated rectorite and illite/smectite showed 26 A periodicity. These data support XRD studies which suggest that these samples are ordered, interstratified varieties of illite and smectite. The ion-thinned, unexpanded corrensite sample showed discrete crystallites containing 10 A and 14 A basal spacings corresponding with collapsed smectite and chlorite, respectively. Regions containing disordered layers of chlorite and smectite were also noted. Crystallites containing regular alternations of smectite and chlorite were not common. These HRTEM observations of corrensite did not corroborate XRD data. Particle sizes parallel to the c axis ranged widely for each sample studied, and many particles showed basal dimensions equivalent to > five layers. -J.M.H.
Structural fire safety has become one of the key considerations in the design and maintenance of the built infrastructure. Conventionally the fire resistance rating of load bearing Light gauge Steel Frame (LSF) walls is determined based on the standard time-temperature curve given in ISO 834. Recent research has shown that the true fire resistance of building elements exposed to building fires can be less than their fire resistance ratings determined based on standard fire tests. It is questionable whether the standard time-temperature curve truly represents the fuel loads in modern buildings. Therefore an equivalent fire severity approach has been used in the past to obtain fire resistance rating. This is based on the performance of a structural member exposed to a realistic design fire curve in comparison to that of standard fire time-temperature curve. This paper presents the details of research undertaken to develop an energy based time equivalent approach to obtain the fire resistance ratings of LSF walls exposed to realistic design fire curves with respect to standard fire exposure. This approach relates to the amount of energy transferred to the member. The proposed method was used to predict the fire resistance ratings of single and double layer plasterboard lined and externally insulated LSF walls. The predicted fire ratings were compared with the results from finite element analyses and fire design rules for three different wall configurations exposed to both rapid and prolonged fires. The comparison shows that the proposed energy method can be used to obtain the fire resistance ratings of LSF walls in the case of prolonged fires.
The electrochemical properties of the film-covered anode/solution interface in the magnesium/ manganese dioxide dry cell have been evaluated. The most plausible electrical equivalent circuit description of the Mg/solution interface with the passive film intact, has been identified. These results are based on the analysis of ac impedance and voltage transient measurements made on the dry cell under conditions which cause no damage to the protective passive film on the anode. The study demonstrates the complementary character of impedance and transient measurements when widely different frequency ranges are sampled in each type of investigation. The values and temperature dependence of the anode-film resistance, film capacitance, double-layer capacitance and charge-transfer resistance of the film-covered magnesium/solution interface have been determined. The magnitude of these values and its implications in understanding the important performance aspects of the magnesium/manganese dioxide dry cell are discussed. The study may be extended, in principle, to Li, Al and Ca batteries.
The electrochemical properties of the film-covered anode/solution interface in the magnesium/ manganese dioxide dry cell have been evaluated. The most plausible electrical equivalent circuit description of the Mg/solution interface with the passive film intact, has been identified. These results are based on the analysis of ac impedance and voltage transient measurements made on the dry cell under conditions which cause no damage to the protective passive film on the anode. The study demonstrates the complementary character of impedance and transient measurements when widely different frequency ranges are sampled in each type of investigation. The values and temperature dependence of the anode-film resistance, film capacitance, double-layer capacitance and charge-transfer resistance of the film-covered magnesium/solution interface have been determined. The magnitude of these values and its implications in understanding the important performance aspects of the magnesium/manganese dioxide dry cell are discussed. The study may be extended, in principle, to Li, Al and Ca batteries.
The equivalent coefficient of permeability of a stratified soil system calculated theoretically has been observed to be not the same as that directly measured, when the flow is normal to the orientation of the bedding planes. A hypothesis has been proposed in this investigation to explain this deviation according to which the permeability of the exit layer controls whether the measured permeability is greater or lesser than the theoretically calculated value. The proposed hypothesis has been used to successfully and satisfactorily explain the experimental observations made with the two-layer systems. It has been shown that the coefficient of permeability of a soil in a layered system cannot be considered as its property and that it depends upon the permeabilities of adjoining layers, their thicknesses, and the flow direction.
In-situ impedance spectroscopy of layer-by-layer self-assembly of weak polyelectrolytes is presented. Interdigitated capacitors with active area of 1×1 mm2 and electrode spacing of 5 μm are fabricated and used for this purpose. Measurement results indicate that the impedance decreases with increase in number of polyelectrolyte layers. About 2.5% of relative change in magnitude of impedance at 104.7 KHz is seen for four bi-layers of Poly(Allylamine Hydrochloride) (PAH)/Poly(Acrylic acid) (PAA). An electrical equivalent for polyelectrolyte binding is obtained.
The bonding of glass wafer to aluminum foils in multi-layer assemblies was made by the common anodic bonding process. The bonding was performed at temperatures in the range 350-450 degrees C and with an applied voltage in the range 400-700 V under a pressure of 0.05 MPa. Residual stress and deformation in samples of two-layer (aluminum/glass) and three-layer (glass/aluminum/glass) were analyzed by nonlinear finite element simulation software MARC. The stress and strain varying with cooling time were obtained. The analyzed results show that deformation of the three-layer sample is significantly smaller than that of the two-layer sample, because of the symmetric structure of the three-layer sample. This has an important advantage in MEMS fabrication. The maximum equivalent stresses locate in the transition layer in both samples, which will become weakness in bonded sample.
The capacity degradation of bucket foundation in liquefied sand layer under cyclic loads such as equivalent dynamic ice-induced loads is studied. A simplified numerical model of liquefied sand layer has been presented based on the dynamic centrifuge experiment results. The ice-induced dynamic loads are modeled as equivalent sine cyclic loads, the liquefaction degree in different position of sand layer and effects of main factors are investigated. Subsequently, the sand resistance is represented by uncoupled, non-linear sand springs which describe the sub-failure behavior of the local sand resistance as well as the peak capacity of bucket foundation under some failure criterion. The capacity of bucket foundation is determined in liquefied sand layer and the rule of capacity degradation is analyzed. The capacity degradation in liquefied sand layer is analyzed comparing with that in non-liquefied sand layer. The results show that the liquefaction degree is 0.9 at the top and is only 0.06 at the bottom of liquefied sand layer. The numerical results are agreement well with the centrifugal experimental results. The value of the degradation of bucket capacity is 12% in numerical simulating whereas it is 17% in centrifugal experiments.
Bucket Foundations under Dynamic Loadings The liquefaction deformation of sand layer around a bucket foundation is simulated under equivalent dynamic ice-induced loadings. A simplified numerical model is presented by taking the bucket-soil interaction into consideration. The development of vertical and horizontal liquefaction deformations are computed under equivalent dynamic ice-induced loadings. Firstly, the numerical model and results are proved to be reliable by comparing them with the centrifuge testing results. Secondly, the factors and the development characteristics of liquefaction deformation are analyzed. Finally, the following numerical simulation results are obtained: the liquefaction deformation of sand layer increases with the increase of loading amplitude and with the decrease of loading frequency and sand skeleton’s strength. The maximum vertical deformation is located on the sand layer surface and 1/4 times of the bucket’s height apart from the bucket’s side wall (loading boundary). The maximum horizontal deformation occurs at the loading boundary. When the dynamic loadings is applied for more than 5 hours, the vertical deformation on the sand layer surface reaches 3 times that at the bottom, and the horizontal deformation at 2.0 times of the bucket height apart from the loading boundary is 3.3% of which on the loading boundary.
AlGaN/GaN heterostructure using unintentionally doped AlN/GaN superlattices (SLs) as barrier layer is grown on C-plane sapphire by metal organic vapor deposition (MOCVD). Compared with the conventional Si-doped structure, electrical property is improved. An average sheet resistance of 287.1 Omega/square and high resistance uniformity of 0.82% are obtained across the 2-inch epilayer wafer with an equivalent Al composition of 38%. Hall measurement shows that the mobility of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is 1852 cm(2)/V s with a sheet carrier density of 1.2 x 10(13) cm(-2) at room temperature. The root mean square roughness (RMS) value is 0.159 nm with 5 x 5 mu m(2) scan area and the monolayer steps are clearly observed. The reason for the property improvement is discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.