1000 resultados para epidemiología molecular


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Desde hace mucho tiempo las enfermedades diarreicas y linfoproliferativas constituyen un importante problema de Salud Pública. Sin embargo hasta el momento no existen datos sobre la prevalencia de los virus emergentes entericos y los retrovirus humanos HTLV-I y HTLV-II en la ciudad de Córdoba, información imprescindible para conocer la magnitud del problema y para la implementación de programas preventivos y asistenciales que reduzcan la diseminación y morbi mortalidad por estas patologías. Los objetivos generales de este proyecto son: * Establecer la prevalencia y perfil local de las infecciones producidas por los retrovirus humanos HTLV-I y HTLV-II en la Provincia de Córdoba. * Identificar, caracterizar y determinar la frecuencia etiológica de agentes virales emergentes asociados a gastroenteritis en la provincia de Córdoba. * Desarrollar, estandarizar e implementar metodologías moleculares suplementarias para el diagnóstico confirmatorio de la infección por retrovirus humanos y virus asociados a gastroenteritis. * Realizar estudios de epidemiología molecular para caracterizar las cepas circulantes en Córdoba. La importancia de la estandarización e implementación de metodologías serológicas y moleculares para los virus en estudio se fundamenta en la necesidad de disponer de técnicas sensibles y específicas que permitan realizar estudios continuados de la circulación de estos virus en nuestra comunidad. (...) Siendo la sangre vía transfusión una de las principales formas de transmisión de estos agentes y cuyo control a tiempo evitaría la diseminación de los mismos, creemos que nuestros resultados serán de fundamental importancia para ilustrar a las autoridades de salud sobre cuál es la situación en nuestro medio y poder así evaluar la necesidad de iniciar el control de los virus HTLV-I y HTLV-II en los bancos de sangre de nuestra ciudad, como se está haciendo en otros países no endémicos del mundo. Los resultados del proyecto informarán sobre la magnitud del problema en nuestro medio, los grupos más expuestos al riesgo de infección, la época del año en la que prevalecen las diferentes infecciones y otros datos que servirán para la aplicación de eventuales medidas preventivas (control de Bancos de Sangre, control de pacientes inmunodeprimidos hospitalizados por diarreas, etc.).


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología Médica) UANL, 2012.


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Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL


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Programa de doctorado: Microbiología y parasitología.


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Los carbapenémicos son los antibióticos β-lactámicos de más amplio espectro activos frente a microorganismos grampositivos, gramnegativos y anaerobios. Estos agentes mantienen su actividad frente a enterobacterias productoras de β-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) o de cefalosporinasas AmpC. Dentro de las enterobacterias, la resistencia a los carbapenémicos está mediada principalmente por la producción de diferentes tipos de carbapenemasas, aunque esta resistencia también puede ser debida a una combinación pérdida de porinas más enzimas BLEE o una hiperexpresión de AmpC. Las carbapenemasas representan la familia de β-lactamasas más versátil, con un amplio espectro. La mayoría de estas enzimas reconocen e hidrolizan a casi todos los β- lactámicos y son resistentes a la acción de los inhibidores de los β-lactámicos. Dentro de las enterobacterias, las carbapenemasas se aíslan principalmente en K. pneumoniae y en menor medida en E. coli y otras especies, con una prevalencia más alta en el sur de Europa y Asia que en otras partes del mundo. Las carbapenemasas de la clase A, que pertenecen al grupo 2f de Bush-Jacoby, se pueden dividir en 5 grupos en base a su filogenética: GES, KPC, SME, IMI y NMCA. Las enzimas SME, NMC e IMI están codificadas en cromosómas mientras que las enzimas GES y KPC se encuentran codificadas en plásmidos. El gen blaKPC está asociado el transposón Tn4401. Clínicamente, el grupo que más interés tiene es el de las enzimas KPC. Existen 11 tipos descritos...


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En la provincia de Córdoba, estudios serológicos demostraron una alta tasa de infección para el Virus Sincitial Respiratorio Bovino (VSRB). Paralelamente nuestro grupo de investigación aisló por primera vez en Argentina el VSRB (cepa RC-98) dando un paso importante en el reconocimiento de esta enfermedad. En los últimos años se ha incrementado la importancia de este agente debido a la intensificación de los sistemas ganaderos, impulsados y desplazados por la agriculturización. La detección viral en muestras clínicas aún es pobre por inadecuadas técnicas de laboratorio. Por estas razones es necesario optimizar otro método diagnóstico utilizado mundialmente, no desarrollado en nuestro país hasta el presente. Con el advenimiento de la biología molecular se introducen nuevas técnicas como la RT-PCR para el diagnóstico rápido del VSRB, siendo más sensible y específica que el ensayo de ELISA, Inmunofluorescencia, Inmunoperoxidasa y aislamiento viral, además permite detectar la eliminación viral por un período más prolongado en muestras clínicas. La glicoproteína G (Gp G) del VSRB es la proteína menos conservada entre los aislamientos de VSRB y es la que presenta la mayor variabilidad, tanto antigénica como genética. Por secuenciamiento de la Gp G se propusieron seis subgrupos genéticos. La importancia de esta glicoproteína esta representada en el rol que desempeña en la respuesta inmune. La generación de anticuerpos frente a esta es capaz de neutralizar la infección viral. La hipótesis de trabajo se basa en que pueden existir diferencias genómicas importantes de la cepa autóctona, respecto a cepas bovinas de referencia internacional. Se plantean como objetivos conocer las características moleculares (genómicas) de la Gp G de la cepa RC-98 para el futuro desarrollo de inmunógenos y estandarizar una técnica diagnóstica que complemente y enriquezca el diagnóstico de este virus. Se utilizará la cepa RC-98 la cuál se propagará en células MDBK. Para desarrollar la técnica de RT-PCR se extraerá el ARN viral con un kit comercial, a partir del mismo se obtendrá el ADNc y para la PCR se utilizarán 2 juegos de primers que amplifiquen un fragmento del gen de la Gp G. Una vez estandarizada la técnica se trabajará con muestras clínicas, hisopados nasales, lavados broncoalveolares y muestras pulmonares de animales necroipsiados. Al finalizar la investigación se espera conocer las características genómicas de la cepa RC-98. Se contará con una nueva herramienta diagnóstica para la detección rápida y sensible del VSRB. La misma será transferida a laboratorios de diagnostico. Adicionalmente se contará con el secuenciamiento de la Gp G, lo cuál permitirá clasificar la cepa en estudio dentro de los subgrupos genéticos. Este proyecto pretende sentar bases para investigaciones futuras ya que la técnica de PCR posibilita una nueva aproximación al estudio de la patogénesis de la infección viral y permite estudiar la epidemiología molecular de los aislamientos de campo.


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Background. During the last few years, PCR-based methods have been developed to simplify and reduce the time required for genotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) by standard approaches based on IS6110-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). Of these, MIRU-12-VNTR (Mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units- variable number of tandem repeats) (MIRU-12) has been considered a good alternative. Nevertheless, some limitations and discrepancies with RFLP, which are minimized if the technique is complemented with spoligotyping, have been found. Recently, a new version of MIRU-VNTR targeting 15 loci (MIRU-15) has been proposed to improve the MIRU-12 format. Results. We evaluated the new MIRU-15 tool in two different samples. First, we analyzed the same convenience sample that had been used to evaluate MIRU-12 in a previous study, and the new 15-loci version offered higher discriminatory power (Hunter-Gaston discriminatory index [HGDI]: 0.995 vs 0.978; 34.4% of clustered cases vs 57.5%) and better correlation (full or high correlation with RFLP for 82% of the clusters vs 47%). Second, we evaluated MIRU-15 on a population-based sample and, once again, good correlation with the RFLP clustering data was observed (for 83% of the RFLP clusters). To understand the meaning of the discrepancies still found between MIRU-15 and RFLP, we analyzed the epidemiological data for the clustered patients. In most cases, splitting of RFLP-clustered patients by MIRU-15 occurred for those without epidemiological links, and RFLP-clustered patients with epidemiological links were also clustered by MIRU-15, suggesting a good epidemiological background for clustering defined by MIRU-15. Conclusion. The data obtained by MIRU-15 suggest that the new design is very efficient at assigning clusters confirmed by epidemiological data. If we add this to the speed with which it provides results, MIRU-15 could be considered a suitable tool for real-time genotyping.


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BACKGROUND: Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing members of the Enterobacteriaceae family are important nosocomial pathogens. Escherichia coli producing a specific family of ESBL (the CTX-M enzymes) are emerging worldwide. The epidemiology of these organisms as causes of nosocomial infection is poorly understood. The aims of this study were to investigate the clinical and molecular epidemiology of nosocomial infection or colonization due to ESBL-producing E. coli in hospitalized patients, consider the specific types of ESBLs produced, and identify the risk factors for infection and colonization with these organisms. METHODS: All patients with nosocomial colonization and/or infection due to ESBL-producing E. coli in 2 centers (a tertiary care hospital and a geriatric care center) identified between January 2001 and May 2002 were included. A double case-control study was performed. The clonal relatedness of the isolates was studied by repetitive extragenic palindromic-polymerase chain reaction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. ESBLs were characterized by isoelectric focusing, polymerase chain reaction, and sequencing. RESULTS: Forty-seven case patients were included. CTX-M-producing E. coli were clonally unrelated and more frequently susceptible to nonoxyimino-beta-lactams. Alternately, isolates producing SHV- and TEM-type ESBL were epidemic and multidrug resistant. Urinary catheterization was a risk factor for both CTX-M-producing and SHV-TEM-producing isolates. Previous oxyimino-beta-lactam use, diabetes, and ultimately fatal or nonfatal underlying diseases were independent risk factors for infection or colonization with CTX-M-producing isolates, whereas previous fluoroquinolone use was associated with infection or colonization with SHV-TEM-producing isolates. CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiology of ESBL-producing E. coli as a cause of nosocomial infection is complex. Sporadic CTX-M-producing isolates coexisted with epidemic multidrug-resistant SHV-TEM-producing isolates. These data should be taken into account for the design of control measures.


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There is strong evidence suggesting the presence of a genetic component in the aetiology of multiple myeloma (MM). However no genetic risk factors have been unequivocally established so far. To further our understanding of the genetic determinants of MM risk, a promising strategy is to collect a large set of patients in a consortium, as successfully done for other cancers. In this article, we review the main findings in the genetic susceptibility and pharmacogenetics of MM and present the strategy of the IMMEnSE (International Multiple Myeloma rESEarch) consortium in contributing to determine the role of genetic variation in pharmacogenetics and in MM risk.


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The use of molecular tools for genotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in epidemiological surveys in order to identify clustered and orphan strains requires faster response times than those offered by the reference method, IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genotyping. A method based on PCR, the mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat (MIRU-VNTR) genotyping technique, is an option for fast fingerprinting of M. tuberculosis, although precise evaluations of correlation between MIRU-VNTR and RFLP findings in population-based studies in different contexts are required before the methods are switched. In this study, we evaluated MIRU-VNTR genotyping (with a set of 15 loci [MIRU-15]) in parallel to RFLP genotyping in a 39-month universal population-based study in a challenging setting with a high proportion of immigrants. For 81.9% (281/343) of the M. tuberculosis isolates, both RFLP and MIRU-VNTR types were obtained. The percentages of clustered cases were 39.9% (112/281) and 43.1% (121/281) for RFLP and MIRU-15 analyses, and the numbers of clusters identified were 42 and 45, respectively. For 85.4% of the cases, the RFLP and MIRU-15 results were concordant, identifying the same cases as clustered and orphan (kappa, 0.7). However, for the remaining 14.6% of the cases, discrepancies were observed: 16 of the cases clustered by RFLP analysis were identified as orphan by MIRU-15 analysis, and 25 cases identified as orphan by RFLP analysis were clustered by MIRU-15 analysis. When discrepant cases showing subtle genotypic differences were tolerated, the discrepancies fell from 14.6% to 8.6%. Epidemiological links were found for 83.8% of the cases clustered by both RFLP and MIRU-15 analyses, whereas for the cases clustered by RFLP or MIRU-VNTR analysis alone, links were identified for only 30.8% or 38.9% of the cases, respectively. The latter group of cases mainly comprised isolates that could also have been clustered, if subtle genotypic differences had been tolerated. MIRU-15 genotyping seems to be a good alternative to RFLP genotyping for real-time interventional schemes. The correlation between MIRU-15 and IS6110 RFLP findings was reasonable, although some uncertainties as to the assignation of clusters by MIRU-15 analysis were identified.


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Pediatric parapneumonic empyema (PPE) has been increasing in several countries including Spain. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major PPE pathogen; however, antimicrobial pretreatment before pleural fluid (PF) sampling frequently results in negative diagnostic cultures, thus greatly underestimating the contribution of pneumococci, especially pneumococci susceptible to antimicrobial agents, to PPE. The study aim was to identify the serotypes and genotypes that cause PPE by using molecular diagnostics and relate these data to disease incidence and severity. A total of 208 children with PPE were prospectively enrolled; blood and PF samples were collected. Pneumococci were detected in 79% of culture-positive and 84% of culture-negative samples. All pneumococci were genotyped by multilocus sequence typing. Serotypes were determined for 111 PPE cases; 48% were serotype 1, of 3 major genotypes previously circulating in Spain. Variance in patient complication rates was statistically significant by serotype. The recent PPE increase is principally due to nonvaccine serotypes, especially the highly invasive serotype 1.


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We conducted a prospective multicenter study in Spain to characterize the mechanisms of resistance to amoxicillin-clavulanate (AMC) in Escherichia coli. Up to 44 AMC-resistant E. coli isolates (MIC ≥ 32/16 μg/ml) were collected at each of the seven participant hospitals. Resistance mechanisms were characterized by PCR and sequencing. Molecular epidemiology was studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and by multilocus sequence typing. Overall AMC resistance was 9.3%. The resistance mechanisms detected in the 257 AMC-resistant isolates were OXA-1 production (26.1%), hyperproduction of penicillinase (22.6%), production of plasmidic AmpC (19.5%), hyperproduction of chromosomic AmpC (18.3%), and production of inhibitor-resistant TEM (IRT) (17.5%). The IRTs identified were TEM-40 (33.3%), TEM-30 (28.9%), TEM-33 (11.1%), TEM-32 (4.4%), TEM-34 (4.4%), TEM-35 (2.2%), TEM-54 (2.2%), TEM-76 (2.2%), TEM-79 (2.2%), and the new TEM-185 (8.8%). By PFGE, a high degree of genetic diversity was observed although two well-defined clusters were detected in the OXA-1-producing isolates: the C1 cluster consisting of 19 phylogroup A/sequence type 88 [ST88] isolates and the C2 cluster consisting of 19 phylogroup B2/ST131 isolates (16 of them producing CTX-M-15). Each of the clusters was detected in six different hospitals. In total, 21.8% of the isolates were serotype O25b/phylogroup B2 (O25b/B2). AMC resistance in E. coli is widespread in Spain at the hospital and community levels. A high prevalence of OXA-1 was found. Although resistant isolates were genetically diverse, clonality was linked to OXA-1-producing isolates of the STs 88 and 131. Dissemination of IRTs was frequent, and the epidemic O25b/B2/ST131 clone carried many different mechanisms of AMC resistance.


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A total of 1,021 extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBLEC) isolates obtained in 2006 during a Spanish national survey conducted in 44 hospitals were analyzed for the presence of the O25b:H4-B2-ST131 (sequence type 131) clonal group. Overall, 195 (19%) O25b-ST131 isolates were detected, with prevalence rates ranging from 0% to 52% per hospital. Molecular characterization of 130 representative O25b-ST131 isolates showed that 96 (74%) were positive for CTX-M-15, 15 (12%) for CTX-M-14, 9 (7%) for SHV-12, 6 (5%) for CTX-M-9, 5 (4%) for CTX-M-32, and 1 (0.7%) each for CTX-M-3 and the new ESBL enzyme CTX-M-103. The 130 O25b-ST131 isolates exhibited relatively high virulence scores (mean, 14.4 virulence genes). Although the virulence profiles of the O25b-ST131 isolates were fairly homogeneous, they could be classified into four main virotypes based on the presence or absence of four distinctive virulence genes: virotypes A (22%) (afa FM955459 positive, iroN negative, ibeA negative, sat positive or negative), B (31%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN positive, ibeA negative, sat positive or negative), C (32%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN negative, ibeA negative, sat positive), and D (13%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN positive or negative, ibeA positive, sat positive or negative). The four virotypes were also identified in other countries, with virotype C being overrepresented internationally. Correspondingly, an analysis of XbaI macrorestriction profiles revealed four major clusters, which were largely virotype specific. Certain epidemiological and clinical features corresponded with the virotype. Statistically significant virotype-specific associations included, for virotype B, older age and a lower frequency of infection (versus colonization), for virotype C, a higher frequency of infection, and for virotype D, younger age and community-acquired infections. In isolates of the O25b:H4-B2-ST131 clonal group, these findings uniquely define four main virotypes, which are internationally distributed, correspond with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles, and exhibit distinctive clinical-epidemiological associations.


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Programa de Doctorado en Clínica e Investigación Terapéutica. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado, rama de Ciencias de la Salud