967 resultados para enzymatisch verändertes LDL (E-LDL), Granulozyten, Makrophagen, Endothelzellen, freie Fettsäuren, NFkB, AP-1, IL-8


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Low density lipoprotein (LDL) wird in der Arterienwand enzymatisch gespalten. Das Produkt, E-LDL, enthält neben freiem Cholesterol unveresterte Fettsäuren und induziert die Produktion von Interleukin 8 (IL-8) in Endothelzellen. Der Transkriptionsfaktor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB), der das IL-8-Gen normalerweise reguliert, wurde durch E-LDL jedoch nicht aktiviert: Das veränderte Lipoprotein bewirkte im Gegenteil eine Hemmung von NF-κB vor dessen Translokation in den Zellkern. In E-LDL enthaltene freie Fettsäuren waren für die Hemmung verantwortlich. Dagegen aktivierte E-LDL den Transkriptionsfaktor AP-1, wie durch Phosphorylierung von c-jun gezeigt wurde. IL-8 lockt polymorphkernige Granulozyten (PMN) an, die jedoch in der frühen atherosklerotischen Läsion nicht vorkommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet eine mögliche Erklärung für ihre Abwesenheit: PMN zeigten sich wesentlich empfindlicher gegenüber der Toxizität von E-LDL als Makrophagen. Es ist denkbar, daß sie in die Läsion zwar einwandern, nach ihrem raschen Tod dort jedoch nicht mehr detektiert werden können. E-LDL aktivierte PMN, wie durch Superoxidbildung und Peroxidasefreisetzung gezeigt wurde. Sowohl Aktivierung als auch Toxizität wurden von den in E-LDL enthaltenen freien Fettsäuren verursacht, die eine direkte Schädigung der Zellmembran bewirkten. Die E-LDL-bedingte Freisetzung proinflammatorischer Substanzen aus PMN könnte ein Grund dafür sein, daß die Depletion dieser Zellen die Läsionsentwicklung hemmt.


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Subendothelial in den Arterienwänden abgelagertes LDL kann einer enzymatischen Modifikation unterliegen, die es in einen cytotoxischen Partikel überführt. In vitro Behandlung von LDL mit Proteasen (Trypsin) und Cholesterinesterase führt zu einem dem läsionalen LDL ähnlichen Produkt. Die Behandlung von humanen Endothelzellen mit enzymatisch verändertem LDL (E-LDL), das einen hohen Gehalt an freiem Cholesterin und freien Fettsäuren aufweist, führt zur Auslösung der Apoptose via ASK1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1) –abhängiger p38-Phosphorylierung. Durch eine Aktivierung der Effektor-Caspasen-3/-7 kommt es zur Fragmentierung der DNA und zur Spaltung des nukleären Enzyms Poly-(ADP-ribose)-Polymerase. Phosphatidylserin ist an der äußeren Zellmembran mittels Annexin-Bindung detektierbar. Natives oder oxidiertes LDL induziert bei gleicher Konzentration keinen programmierten Zelltod. In Depletions- und Rekonstitutionsexperimenten wurden freie Fettsäuren aus E-LDL als Auslöser der Apoptose identifiziert. In nativem LDL ist der Anteil an freien Fettsäuren gering, deshalb ist das Lipoprotein nicht cytotoxisch. E-LDL induziert weiterhin eine Erhöhung bzw. eine Hemmung der transkriptionellen Aktivität eines AP-1- bzw. NF-κB-Luciferase Reporterplasmids. Die Ausschaltung von ASK1 mittels RNA-Interferenz bzw. die Hemmung von p38 mit dem Inhibitor SB203580 rettet die Zellen vor dem programmierten Zelltod. E-LDL kann in Endothelzellen oxidativen Stress auslösen. Durch Vorbehandlung mit N-Acetyl-Cystein wird die Aktivierung sowohl von ASK1 als auch von p38 unterdrückt.


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Diabetes may induce both quantitative and qualitative changes in lipoproteins, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Effects of LDL glycation on endothelial cell secretion of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) have not been fully elucidated. Human aortic endothelial cell (HAEC) tPA and PAI-1 production were determined after incubation with LDL (50 to 500 microg/mL protein, 24 h) from three sources: (1) nondiabetic LDL (N-LDL) modified in vitro to form six preparations: native, nonmodified (N); glycated (G); minimally oxidized (MO); minimally oxidized and glycated (MOG); heavily oxidized (HO); and heavily oxidized and glycated (HOG); (2) in vivo glycated and relatively nonglycated LDL subfractions from type 1 diabetic patients; (3) LDL from type 1 diabetic patients and matched controls, which was subfractionated using density gradient ultracentrifugation. In experiments using LDL modified in vitro, the rate of tPA release by HAECs incubated with N-LDL (83 +/- 4 ng/mg cell protein/24 h) did not differ significantly from those incubated with G-LDL (73 +/- 7), MO-LDL (74 +/- 13), or MOG-LDL (66 +/- 15) and was not influenced by LDL concentration. The rate of PAI-1 release was similar in HAECs incubated with N-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.6 mug/mg cell protein/24 h), G-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.7), MO-LDL (5.5 +/- 0.8), or MOG-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.9) and was not influenced by LDL concentration. In contrast, tPA release was significantly decreased in cells incubated with LDL (10 microg/mL) modified extensively by oxidation, and averaged 45.2 +/- 5.0 and 43.7 +/- 9.9 ng/mg/24 h for HO-LDL and HOG-LDL, respectively, and was further decreased with increasing concentrations of the heavily oxidized LDL preparations. PAI-1 release was not significantly decreased relative to N-LDL in cells incubated with low concentrations (5 to 50 microg/mL) of HO-LDL and HOG-LDL, but was decreased to 3.2 +/- 0.5 and 3.1 +/- 0.7 microg/mg/24 h for HO-LDL and HOG-LDL at 200 microg/mL, respectively. Results using in vivo glycated versus nonglycated LDL showed that tPA and PAI-1 release did not differ between subfractions. Release of tPA averaged 5.11 +/- 0.6 and 5.12 +/- 0.7 ng/mg/24 h, whereas release of PAI-1 averaged 666 +/- 27 ng/mg/24 h and 705 +/- 30 ng/mg/24 h for nonglycated and glycated LDL subfractions, respectively. Using LDL of different density subclasses, tPA and PAI-1 release in response to LDL from diabetic patients compared with control subjects did not differ when HAECs were incubated with LDLs of increasing density isolated from each subject pair. We conclude that oxidation of LDL, but not glycation, may contribute to the altered fibrinolysis observed in diabetes.


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PURPOSE. Limited mechanistic understanding of diabetic retinopathy (DR) has hindered therapeutic advances. Berberine, an isoquinolone alkaloid, has shown favorable effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in animal and human studies, but effects on DR are unknown. We previously demonstrated intraretinal extravasation and modification of LDL in human diabetes, and toxicity of modified LDL to human retinal M¨uller cells. We now explore pathogenic effects of modified LDL on M¨uller cells, and the efficacy of berberine in mitigating this cytotoxicity. METHODS. Confluent human M¨uller cells were exposed to in vitro–modified ‘highly oxidized, glycated (HOG-) LDL versus native-LDL (N-LDL; 200 mg protein/L) for 6 or 24 hours, with/ without pretreatment with berberine (5 lM, 1 hour) and/or the adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK) inhibitor, Compound C (5 lM, 1 hour). Using techniques including Western blots, reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection assay, and quantitative real-time PCR, the following outcomes were assessed: cell viability (CCK-8 assay), autophagy (LC3, Beclin-1, ATG-5), apoptosis (cleaved caspase 3, cleaved poly-ADP ribose polymerase), oxidative stress (ROS, nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2, glutathione peroxidase 1, NADPH oxidase 4), angiogenesis (VEGF, pigment epithelium-derived factor), inflammation (inducible nitric oxide synthase, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a), and glial cell activation (glial fibrillary acidic protein). RESULTS. Native-LDL had no effect on cultured human M¨uller cells, but HOG-LDL exhibited marked toxicity, significantly decreasing viability and inducing autophagy, apoptosis, oxidative stress, expression of angiogenic factors, inflammation, and glial cell activation. Berberine attenuated all the effects of HOG-LDL (all P < 0.05), and its effects were mitigated by AMPK inhibition (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Berberine inhibits modified LDL-induced M¨uller cell injury by activating the AMPK pathway, and merits further study as an agent for preventing and/or treating DR.


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BACKGROUND: LDL cholesterol has a causal role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Improved understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie the metabolism and regulation of LDL cholesterol might help to identify novel therapeutic targets. We therefore did a genome-wide association study of LDL-cholesterol concentrations. METHODS: We used genome-wide association data from up to 11,685 participants with measures of circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations across five studies, including data for 293 461 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency of 5% or more that passed our quality control criteria. We also used data from a second genome-wide array in up to 4337 participants from three of these five studies, with data for 290,140 SNPs. We did replication studies in two independent populations consisting of up to 4979 participants. Statistical approaches, including meta-analysis and linkage disequilibrium plots, were used to refine association signals; we analysed pooled data from all seven populations to determine the effect of each SNP on variations in circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations. FINDINGS: In our initial scan, we found two SNPs (rs599839 [p=1.7x10(-15)] and rs4970834 [p=3.0x10(-11)]) that showed genome-wide statistical association with LDL cholesterol at chromosomal locus 1p13.3. The second genome screen found a third statistically associated SNP at the same locus (rs646776 [p=4.3x10(-9)]). Meta-analysis of data from all studies showed an association of SNPs rs599839 (combined p=1.2x10(-33)) and rs646776 (p=4.8x10(-20)) with LDL-cholesterol concentrations. SNPs rs599839 and rs646776 both explained around 1% of the variation in circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations and were associated with about 15% of an SD change in LDL cholesterol per allele, assuming an SD of 1 mmol/L. INTERPRETATION: We found evidence for a novel locus for LDL cholesterol on chromosome 1p13.3. These results potentially provide insight into the biological mechanisms that underlie the regulation of LDL cholesterol and might help in the discovery of novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease.


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Objectives: To investigate the impact of apolipoprotein E (apoE) genotype on the response of the plasma lipoprotein profile to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) versus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intervention in humans. Methods and results: 38 healthy normolipidaemic males, prospectively recruited on the basis of apoE genotype (n = 20 E3/E3 and n = 18 E3/E4), completed a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial, consisting of 3 × 4 week intervention arms of either control oil, EPA-rich oil (ERO, 3.3 g EPA/day) or DHA-rich oil (DRO, 3.7 g DHA/day) in random order, separated by 10 week wash-out periods. A significant genotype-independent 28% and 19% reduction in plasma triglycerides in response to ERO and DRO was observed. For total cholesterol (TC), no significant treatment effects were evident; however a significant genotype by treatment interaction emerged (P = 0.045), with a differential response to ERO and DRO in E4 carriers. Although the genotype × treatment interaction for LDL-cholesterol (P = 0.089) did not reach significance, within DRO treatment analysis indicated a 10% increase in LDL (P = 0.029) in E4 carriers with a non-significant 4% reduction in E3/E3 individuals. A genotype-independent increase in LDL mass was observed following DRO intervention (P = 0.018). Competitive uptake studies in HepG2 cells using plasma very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) from the human trial, indicated that following DRO treatment, VLDL2 fractions obtained from E3/E4 individuals resulted in a significant 32% (P = 0.002) reduction in LDL uptake relative to the control. Conclusions: High dose DHA supplementation is associated with increases in total cholesterol in E4 carriers, which appears to be due to an increase in LDL-C and may in part negate the cardioprotective action of DHA in this population subgroup.


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Cruciferous-rich diets have been associated with reduction in plasma LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), which may be due to the action of isothiocyanates derived from glucosinolates that accumulate in these vegetables. This study tests the hypothesis that a diet rich in high glucoraphanin (HG) broccoli will reduce plasma LDL-C. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and thirty volunteers were recruited to two independent double-blind, randomly allocated parallel dietary intervention studies, and were assigned to consume either 400 g standard broccoli or 400 g HG broccoli per week for 12 weeks. Plasma lipids were quantified before and after the intervention. In study 1 (37 volunteers), the HG broccoli diet reduced plasma LDL-C by 7.1% (95% CI: -1.8%, -12.3%, p = 0.011), whereas standard broccoli reduced LDL-C by 1.8% (95% CI +3.9%, -7.5%, ns). In study 2 (93 volunteers), the HG broccoli diet resulted in a reduction of 5.1% (95% CI: -2.1%, -8.1%, p = 0.001), whereas standard broccoli reduced LDL-C by 2.5% (95% CI: +0.8%, -5.7%, ns). When data from the two studies were combined the reduction in LDL-C by the HG broccoli was significantly greater than standard broccoli (p = 0.031). CONCLUSION: Evidence from two independent human studies indicates that consumption of high glucoraphanin broccoli significantly reduces plasma LDL-C


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Die antioxidative Aktivität des Enzyms Glutathionperoxidase-1 (GPx-1) schützt vor Atherosklerose und ihren Folgeerkrankungen. In einer Vorstudie konnten wir zeigen, dass der Mangel an GPx-1 die Atheroskleroseentwicklung in Apolipoprotein E defizienten (ApoE-/-) Mäusen beschleunigt und modifiziert. Allerdings sind die Verteilung der GPx-1 in atherosklerotischen Läsionen und die Mechanismen für den erhöhten Makrophagengehalt in der Läsion noch nicht geklärt. Deshalb haben wir (1) die in-situ Expression der GPx-Isoformen in atherosklerotischen Läsionen von GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Mäusen und (2) den Einfluss der GPx-1 Defizienz auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation der Peritonealmakrophagen in ApoE-/- Mäusen untersucht. Die GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Weibchen wurden für 6 und 12 Wochen auf einer atherogenen „Western-type“ Diät gehalten. Die in situ-Hybridisierung zeigte, dass die verschiedenen Isoformen der GPx (GPx-1, GPx-3, GPx-4) vorwiegend in Makrophagen, nicht jedoch in glatten Muskelzellen der atherosklerotischen Läsionen von ApoE-/- Mäusen exprimiert wurden. Für die in vitro Untersuchungen wurden 5 Monate alte, GPx-1 defiziente und Wildtyp-Mäuse, gehalten auf Normaldiät, verwendet. Die Öl-Rot-O Färbung zeigte, dass die GPx-1 Defizienz die OxLDL (oxidiertes LDL) - und E-LDL (enzymatisch modifiziertes LDL) - induzierte Schaumzellbildung förderte. Darüber hinaus war die OxLDL-induzierte Cholesterinakkumulation (zellulärer Cholesterinester/ Cholesterin-Gehalt) in GPx-1 defizienten Makrophagen verstärkt, sodass ein Mangel an GPx-1 die Aufnahme von OxLDL durch Monozyten und damit die Umwandlung in Schaumzellen beschleunigt. Hinsichtlich der Proliferation zeigte sich, dass MCSF (Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Facotr) ein stärkerer Stimulus als OxLDL ist. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 fördert die Proliferation zusätzlich. Daran ist die ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2) - Kaskade beteiligt, denn es wurde eine schnelle Phosphorylierung der ERK1/2-Kaskade durch MCSF und/oder OxLDL nachgewiesen. Entsprechend reduzieren ERK1/2-Inhibitoren die proliferative Aktivität der Makrophagen. Die Hemmung der p38-MAPK (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) führt zur vermehrten Proliferation und bei gleichzeitig verringerter Caspase-3/7 Aktivität der Makrophagen unabhängig von der Expression der GPx-1. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 hat auch keinen Einfluss auf die MCSF-vermittelte Aktivierung der p38-MAPK und JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase). Zusammenfassend läßt sich feststellen, dass die GPx-1-Defizienz einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation von Makrophagen hat, was zur Beschleunigung der Atherosklerose und zu vermehrter Zellularität der entstehenden atherosklerotischen Läsionen führt. Die Proliferation wird über den ERK1/2 Signal-transduktionsweg positiv und über den p38-MAPK Weg negativ reguliert, wobei die ERK1/2-Kaskade empfindlich gegenüber oxidativem Stress bei GPx-1-Defizienz ist.


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Circulating low density lipoproteins (LDL) are thought to play a crucial role in the onset and development of atherosclerosis, though the detailed molecular mechanisms responsible for their biological effects remain controversial. The complexity of biomolecules (lipids, glycans and protein) and structural features (isoforms and chemical modifications) found in LDL particles hampers the complete understanding of the mechanism underlying its atherogenicity. For this reason the screening of LDL for features discriminative of a particular pathology in search of biomarkers is of high importance. Three major biomolecule classes (lipids, protein and glycans) in LDL particles were screened using mass spectrometry coupled to liquid chromatography. Dual-polarity screening resulted in good lipidome coverage, identifying over 300 lipid species from 12 lipid sub-classes. Multivariate analysis was used to investigate potential discriminators in the individual lipid sub-classes for different study groups (age, gender, pathology). Additionally, the high protein sequence coverage of ApoB-100 routinely achieved (≥70%) assisted in the search for protein modifications correlating to aging and pathology. The large size and complexity of the datasets required the use of chemometric methods (Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis, PLS-DA) for their analysis and for the identification of ions that discriminate between study groups. The peptide profile from enzymatically digested ApoB-100 can be correlated with the high structural complexity of lipids associated with ApoB-100 using exploratory data analysis. In addition, using targeted scanning modes, glycosylation sites within neutral and acidic sugar residues in ApoB-100 are also being explored. Together or individually, knowledge of the profiles and modifications of the major biomolecules in LDL particles will contribute towards an in-depth understanding, will help to map the structural features that contribute to the atherogenicity of LDL, and may allow identification of reliable, pathology-specific biomarkers. This research was supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Program (IEF 255076). Work of A. Rudnitskaya was supported by Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, through the European Social Fund (ESF) and "Programa Operacional Potencial Humano - POPH".


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Apolipoprotein J (ApoJ) ist ein heterodimeres sekretiertes Glycoprotein, welchem sowohl antiapoptotische als auch antiinflammatorische Eigenschaften zugeschrieben werden. Es wird unter vielen pathophysiologischen Zuständen verstärkt exprimiert. Dazu zählen viele Krankheiten wie z.B. Krebs, M. Alzheimer, Creuzfeldt Jakob und Atherosklerose. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich zum Einen mit der Funktion von ApoJ bei Atherosklerose und zum Anderen mit der Regulation von ApoJ durch in atherosklerotischen Läsionen vorkommende Bestandteile. Für die Untersuchungen der Funktion von ApoJ bei der Atherosklerose wurde die „Mainzer Hypothese“ zugrunde gelegt, die davon ausgeht, dass enzymatisch verdautes LDL (high density lipoprotein) (E-LDL) ursächlich für die Entstehung von atherosklerotischen Läsionen ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass ApoJ zwar an E-LDL bindet, nicht aber an natives LDL und dass durch diese Bindung die zytotoxische Wirkung von E-LDL auf glatte Muskelzellen der Ratte unterdrückt wird. Mittels Annexinfärbung und Caspase-Messung konnte gezeigt werden, dass ApoJ in diesem Fall eine antiapoptotische Funktion aufweist. Durch immunhistochemische Untersuchungen an humanen Gewebsschnitten aus frühen atherosklerotischen Läsionen konnte eine Kolokalisation von ApoJ und E-LDL nachgewiesen werden. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Mainzer Hypothese. Durch eine Behandlung von glatten Muskelzellen der Ratte mit den Lipoproteinen LDL/E-LDL und nekrotischen Zellen sollte die Regulation von ApoJ durch in atherosklerotischen Läsionen vorhandenen Stimuli untersucht werden. Frühere Arbeiten unserer Arbeitsgruppe konnten bereits zeigen, dass eine Behandlung mit nekrotischen Zellen zu einer vermehrten Expression der ApoJ-mRNA führt und dass diese Regulation in Korrelation mit der Expression von Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLR) der verschiedenen Zellen steht. In dieser Arbeit konnte RNA aus nekrotischen Zellen als ApoJ-induzierende Komponente identifiziert werden. Durch Inhibition der TLR3-Signalwege konnten erste Hinweise darüber gewonnen werden, über welche Signaltransduktionswege die ApoJ Regulation erfolgt. Eine Behandlung der Zellen mit E LDL und LDL hingegen führte zu einer Repression der ApoJ-Sekretion. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass in atherosklerotischen Läsionen sowohl ApoJ induzierende wie auch repremierende Stimuli vorhanden sind.


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Chronic stress is an important risk factor for atherosclerosis, which is a chief process in the development of cardiovascular disease. Increased circulating levels of corticosterone have been documented in several animal models of chronic stress. However, it remains to be established whether corticosterone is sufficient to exacerbate atherosclerosis. To test this hypothesis, apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-deficient mice were fed a high-fat diet for 13 weeks with exposure to either corticosterone or vehicle in the drinking water (CORT and Con). Corticosterone treatment significantly increased atherosclerotic plaque area at the aortic root. Such exacerbation of atherosclerosis was accompanied by significantly lower levels of circulating white blood cells and serum interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and significantly elevated serum concentrations of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and small dense low-density lipoprotein (sd-LDL) in CORT mice when compared to Con mice. These findings demonstrate that corticosterone is sufficient to exacerbate atherosclerosis in vivo despite its anti-inflammatory properties and that this marked pro-atherogenic phenotype is primarily associated with increased dyslipidaemia.


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Background To investigate potential cardiovascular and other effects of long-term pharmacological interleukin 1 (IL-1) inhibition, we studied genetic variants that produce inhibition of IL-1, a master regulator of inflammation. Methods We created a genetic score combining the effects of alleles of two common variants (rs6743376 and rs1542176) that are located upstream of IL1RN, the gene encoding the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra; an endogenous inhibitor of both IL-1α and IL-1β); both alleles increase soluble IL-1Ra protein concentration. We compared effects on inflammation biomarkers of this genetic score with those of anakinra, the recombinant form of IL-1Ra, which has previously been studied in randomised trials of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders. In primary analyses, we investigated the score in relation to rheumatoid arthritis and four cardiometabolic diseases (type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, ischaemic stroke, and abdominal aortic aneurysm; 453 411 total participants). In exploratory analyses, we studied the relation of the score to many disease traits and to 24 other disorders of proposed relevance to IL-1 signalling (746 171 total participants). Findings For each IL1RN minor allele inherited, serum concentrations of IL-1Ra increased by 0·22 SD (95% CI 0·18–0·25; 12·5%; p=9·3 × 10−33), concentrations of interleukin 6 decreased by 0·02 SD (−0·04 to −0·01; −1·7%; p=3·5 × 10−3), and concentrations of C-reactive protein decreased by 0·03 SD (−0·04 to −0·02; −3·4%; p=7·7 × 10−14). We noted the effects of the genetic score on these inflammation biomarkers to be directionally concordant with those of anakinra. The allele count of the genetic score had roughly log-linear, dose-dependent associations with both IL-1Ra concentration and risk of coronary heart disease. For people who carried four IL-1Ra-raising alleles, the odds ratio for coronary heart disease was 1·15 (1·08–1·22; p=1·8 × 10−6) compared with people who carried no IL-1Ra-raising alleles; the per-allele odds ratio for coronary heart disease was 1·03 (1·02–1·04; p=3·9 × 10−10). Per-allele odds ratios were 0·97 (0·95–0·99; p=9·9 × 10−4) for rheumatoid arthritis, 0·99 (0·97–1·01; p=0·47) for type 2 diabetes, 1·00 (0·98–1·02; p=0·92) for ischaemic stroke, and 1·08 (1·04–1·12; p=1·8 × 10−5) for abdominal aortic aneurysm. In exploratory analyses, we observed per-allele increases in concentrations of proatherogenic lipids, including LDL-cholesterol, but no clear evidence of association for blood pressure, glycaemic traits, or any of the 24 other disorders studied. Modelling suggested that the observed increase in LDL-cholesterol could account for about a third of the association observed between the genetic score and increased coronary risk. Interpretation Human genetic data suggest that long-term dual IL-1α/β inhibition could increase cardiovascular risk and, conversely, reduce the risk of development of rheumatoid arthritis. The cardiovascular risk might, in part, be mediated through an increase in proatherogenic lipid concentrations. Funding UK Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, UK National Institute for Health Research, National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, European Research Council, and European Commission Framework Programme 7.


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Complement-mediated killing of pathogens through lytic pathway is an important effector mechanism of innate immune response. C9 is the ninth member of complement components, creating the membrane attack complex (MAC). In the present study, a putative cDNA sequence encoding the 650 amino acids of C9 and its genomic organization were identified in grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. The deduced amino acid sequence of grass carp C9 (gcC9) showed 48% and 38.5% identity to Japanese flounder and human C9, respectively. Domain search revealed that gcC9 contains a LDL receptor domain, an EGF precursor domain, a MACPF domain and two TSP domain located in the N-terminal and C-terminal, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that gcC9 is clustered in a same clade with Japanese flounder, pufferfish and rainbow trout C9. The gcC9 gene consists of 11 exons with 10 introns, spacing over approximately 7 kb of genomic sequence. Analysis of gcC9 promoter region revealed the presence of a TATA box and some putative transcription factor such as C/EBP, HSF, NF-AT, CHOP-C, HNF-3B, GATA-2, IK-2, EVI- 1, AP-1, CP2 and OCT-1 binding sites. The first intron region contains C/EBPb, HFH-1 and Oct-1 binding sites. RT-PCR and Western blotting analysis demonstrated that the mRNA and protein of gcC9 gene have similar expression patterns, being constitutively expressed in all organs examined of healthy fish, with the highest level in hepatopancreas. By real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis, gcC9 transcripts were significantly up-regulated in head kidney, spleen, hepatopancreas and down-regulated in intestine from inactivated fish bacterial pathogen Flavobacterium columnare-stimulated fish, demonstrating the role of C9 in immune response. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: High plasma HDL cholesterol is associated with reduced risk of myocardial infarction, but whether this association is causal is unclear. Exploiting the fact that genotypes are randomly assigned at meiosis, are independent of non-genetic confounding, and are unmodified by disease processes, mendelian random isation can be used to test the hypothesis that the association of a plasma biomarker with disease is causal.
Methods: We performed two mendelian randomisation analyses. First, we used as an instrument a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the endothelial lipase gene (LIPG Asn396Ser) and tested this SNP in 20 studies (20 913 myocardial infarction cases, 95 407 controls). Second, we used as an instrument a genetic score consisting of 14 common SNPs that exclusively associate with HDL cholesterol and tested this score in up to 12 482 cases of myocardial infarction and 41 331 controls. As a positive control, we also tested a genetic score of 13 common SNPs exclusively associated with LDL cholesterol.
Findings: Carriers of the LIPG 396Ser allele (2·6% frequency) had higher HDL cholesterol (0·14 mmol/L higher p=8×10-13) but similar levels of other lipid and non-lipid risk factors for myocardial infarction compared with noncarriers. This difference in HDL cholesterol is expected to decrease risk of myocardial infarction by 13% (odds ratio [OR] 0·87, 95% CI 0·84-0·91). However, we noted that the 396Ser allele was not associated with risk of myocardial infarction (OR 0·99, 95% CI 0·88-1·11, p=0·85). From observational epidemiology, an increase of 1 SD in HDL cholesterol was associated with reduced risk of myocardial infarction (OR 0·62, 95% CI 0·58-0·66). However, a 1 SD increase in HDL cholesterol due to genetic score was not associated with risk of myocardial infarction (OR 0·93 95% CI 0·68-1·26, p=0·63). For LDL cholesterol, the estimate from observational epidemiology (a 1 SD increase in LDL cholesterol associated with OR 1·54, 95% CI 1·45-1·63) was concordant with that from genetic score (OR 2·13 95% CI 1·69-2·69, p=2×10 -10).
Interpretation: Some genetic mechanisms that raise plasma HDL cholesterol do not seem to lower risk of myocardial infarction. These data challenge the concept that raising of plasma HDL cholesterol will uniformly translate into reductions in risk of myocardial infarction.