994 resultados para energy states


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The ability of metals to store or trap considerable amounts of energy, and thus exist in a non-equilibrium or metastable state, is very well known in metallurgy; however, such behaviour, which is intimately connected with the defect character of metals, has been largely ignored in noble metal surface electrochemistry. Techniques for generating unusually high energy surface states for gold, and the unusual voltammetric responses of such states, are outlined. The surprisingly high (and complex) electrocatalytic activity of gold in aqueous media is attributed to the presence of a range of such non-equilibrium states as the vital entities at active sites on conventional gold surfaces. The possible relevance of these ideas to account for the remarkable catalytic activity of oxide-supported gold microparticles is briefly outlined.


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We have investigated the evolution of exciton state filling as a function of excitation power density in InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). In addition to the emission bands of exciton recombination corresponding to the atom-like S, P, and D, etc. shells of quantum dots, it was observed that some extra states, P-' (between the S and P shells) and D-' (between the P and D shells), appear in the spectra with increasing number of excitons occupying the QDs. The emergence of these intershell excitonic levels is an experimental demonstration of strong exciton-exciton exchange interaction and coupling as well as state mixing and hybridization of a multiexciton system in quantum dots.


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We have investigated the evolution of exciton state filling in InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures as a function of the excitation power density by using rnicro-photoluminescence spectroscopy at different temperatures. In addition to the emission bands of exciton recombination corresponding to the atom-like S, P and D, etc. shells of QDs, it was observed that some extra states V between the S and P shells, and D' between the P and D shells appear in the spectra with increasing number of excitons occupying the QDs at a certain temperature. The emergence of these inter-shell excitonic levels is power density and temperature dependent, which is an experimental demonstration of strong exciton-exciton exchange interaction, state hybridization, and coupling of a multi-exciton system in QDs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the evolution of exciton state filling in InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures as a function of the excitation power density by using rnicro-photoluminescence spectroscopy at different temperatures. In addition to the emission bands of exciton recombination corresponding to the atom-like S, P and D, etc. shells of QDs, it was observed that some extra states V between the S and P shells, and D' between the P and D shells appear in the spectra with increasing number of excitons occupying the QDs at a certain temperature. The emergence of these inter-shell excitonic levels is power density and temperature dependent, which is an experimental demonstration of strong exciton-exciton exchange interaction, state hybridization, and coupling of a multi-exciton system in QDs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of the energy states of the phosphorous donor in silicon with magnetic field has been the subject of previous experimental and theoretical studies to fields of 10 T. We now present experimental optical absorption data to 18 T in combination with theoretical data to the same field. We observe features that are not revealed in the earlier work, including additional interactions and anti-crossings between the different final states. For example, according to the theory, for the ""1s -> 2p (+)"" transition, there are anti-crossings at about 5, 10, 14, 16, and 18 T. In the experiments, we resolve at least the 5, 10, and 14 T anti-crossings, and our data at 16 and 18 T are consistent with the calculations.


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Results of crack growth observations on mica in water-containing environments are described. The study focuses on equilibrium crack states for reversed loading cycles, i.e., for initial propagation through virgin solid and subsequent retraction-repropagation through healed or misoriented-healed interfaces. Departures from these equilibrium states are manifest as steady-state forward or backward crack velocities at specific applied loads. The equilibria are thereby interpreted as quiescent, threshold configurations G = WE, with G the Griffith mechanical-energy-release rate and WE the Dupré work of adhesion, on crack velocity (v-G) diagrams. Generally, WE is found to decrease with concentration of water, in accordance with a Gibbs formalism. Hysteresis is observed in the forward-backward-forward crack propagation cycle, signifying a reduction in the adhesion energy on exposure of the open interface to environmental species prior to healing. This hysteresis is especially marked for those interfaces that are misoriented before healing, indicating that the structure of the underlying solid substrate as well as of the intervening fluid is an important consideration in the interface energetics. The equilibrium states for different environments can be represented on a simple energy-level diagram, as differences between thermodynamic end-point states: initial, closed-interface states refer to crystallographic bonding configurations ahead of the crack-tip adhesion zone; final, open interface states refer to configurations behind the crack-tip zone. The significance of this diagram in relation to the fundamental atomic structure of interfaces in fracture and other adhesion geometries, including implications concerning kinetics, is discussed.


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The evolution of the energy states of the phosphorous donor in silicon with magnetic field has been the subject of previous experimental and theoretical studies to fields of 10 T. We now present experimental optical absorption data to 18 T in combination with theoretical data to the same field. We observe features that are not revealed in the earlier work, including additional interactions and anti-crossings between the different final states. For example, according to the theory, for the "1s -> 2p (+)" transition, there are anti-crossings at about 5, 10, 14, 16, and 18 T. In the experiments, we resolve at least the 5, 10, and 14 T anti-crossings, and our data at 16 and 18 T are consistent with the calculations.


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We propose a novel mathematical approach for the calculation of near-zero energy states by solving potentials which are isospectral with the original one. For any potential, families of strictly isospectral potentials (with very different shape) having desirable and adjustable features are generated by supersymmetric isospectral formalism. The near-zero energy Efimov state in the original potential is effectively trapped in the deep well of the isospectral family and facilitates more accurate calculation of the Efimov state. Application to the first excited state in He-4 trimer is presented.


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na provide students with motivation for the study of quantum mechanics. That microscopic matter exists in quantized states can be demonstrated with modem versions of historic experiments: atomic line spectra (I), resonance potentials, and blackbody radiation. The resonance potentials of mercury were discovered by Franck and Hertz in 1914 (2). Their experiment consisted of bombarding atoms by electrons, and detecting the kinetic energy loss of the scattered electrons (3). Prior to the Franck-Hertz experiment, spectroscopic work bv Balmer and Rvdbere revealed that atoms emitted radiatibn at discrete ekergiis. The Franck-Hertz experiment showed directly that auantized enerm levels in an atom are real, not jist optiEal artifacts. atom can be raised to excited states by inelastic collisions with electrons as well as lowered from excited states by emission of photons. The classic Franck-Hertz experiment is carried out with mercury (4-7). Here we present an experiment for the study of resonance potentials using neon.


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Highly localized positive-energy states of the free Dirac electron are constructed and shown to evolve in a simple way under the action of Dirac's equation. When the initial uncertainty in position is small on the scale of the Compton wavelength, there is an associated uncertainty in the mean energy that is large compared with the rest mass of the electron. However, this does not lead to any breakdown of the one-particle description, associated with the possibility of pair-production, but rather leads to a rapid expansion of the probability density outwards from the point of localization, at speeds close to the speed of light.


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For the first time, the impact of energy quantisation in single electron transistor (SET) island on the performance of hybrid complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-SET transistor circuits has been studied. It has been shown through simple analytical models that energy quantisation primarily increases the Coulomb Blockade area and Coulomb Blockade oscillation periodicity of the SET device and thus influences the performance of hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. A novel computer aided design (CAD) framework has been developed for hybrid CMOS-SET co-simulation, which uses Monte Carlo (MC) simulator for SET devices along with conventional SPICE for metal oxide semiconductor devices. Using this co-simulation framework, the effects of energy quantisation have been studied for some hybrid circuits, namely, SETMOS, multiband voltage filter and multiple valued logic circuits. Although energy quantisation immensely deteriorates the performance of the hybrid circuits, it has been shown that the performance degradation because of energy quantisation can be compensated by properly tuning the bias current of the current-biased SET devices within the hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. Although this study is primarily done by exhaustive MC simulation, effort has also been put to develop first-order compact model for SET that includes energy quantisation effects. Finally, it has been demonstrated that one can predict the SET behaviour under energy quantisation with reasonable accuracy by slightly modifying the existing SET compact models that are valid for metallic devices having continuous energy states.


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We use the bulk Hamiltonian for a three-dimensional topological insulator such as Bi-2 Se-3 to study the states which appear on its various surfaces and along the edge between two surfaces. We use both analytical methods based on the surface Hamiltonians (which are derived from the bulk Hamiltonian) and numerical methods based on a lattice discretization of the bulk Hamiltonian. We find that the application of a potential barrier along an edge can give rise to states localized at that edge. These states have an unusual energy-momentum dispersion which can be controlled by applying a potential along the edge; in particular, the velocity of these states can be tuned to zero. The scattering and conductance across the edge is studied as a function of the edge potential. We show that a magnetic field in a particular direction can also give rise to zero energy states on certain edges. We point out possible experimental ways of looking for the various edge states.


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The energy spectrum of heavily-doped molecular crystals was treated in the Green’s function formulation. The mixed crystal Green’s function was obtained by averaging over all possible impurity distributions. The resulting Green’s function, which takes the form of an infinite perturbation expansion, was further approximated by a closed form suitable for numerical calculations. The density-of-states functions and optical spectra for binary mixtures of normal naphthalene and deuterated naphthalene were calculated using the pure crystal density-of-state functions. The results showed that when the trap depth is large, two separate energy bands persist, but when the trap depth is small only a single band exists. Furthermore, in the former case it was found that the intensities of the outer Davydov bands are enhanced whereas the inner bands are weakened. Comparisons with previous theoretical calculations and experimental results are also made.


The energy states and optical spectra of heavily-doped mixed crystals are investigated. Studies are made for the following binary systems: (1) naphthalene-h8 and d8, (2) naphthalene--h8 and αd4, and (3) naphthalene--h8 and βd1, corresponding to strong, medium and weak perturbations. In addition to ordinary absorption spectra at 4˚K, band-to-band transitions at both 4˚K and 77˚K are also analyzed with emphasis on their relations to cooperative excitation and overall density-of-states functions for mixed crystals. It is found that the theoretical calculations presented in a previous paper agree generally with experiments except for cluster states observed in system (1) at lower guest concentrations. These features are discussed semi-quantitatively. As to the intermolecular interaction parameters, it is found that experimental results compare favorably with calculations based on experimental density-of-states functions but not with those based on octopole interactions or charge-transfer interactions. Previous experimental results of Sheka and the theoretical model of Broude and Rashba are also compared with present investigations.


The phosphorescence, fluorescence and absorption spectra of pyrazine-h4 and d4 have been obtained at 4˚K in a benzene matrix. For comparison, those of the isotopically mixed crystal pyrazine-h4 in d4 were also taken. All these spectra show extremely sharp and well-resolved lines and reveal detailed vibronic structure.

The analysis of the weak fluorescence spectrum resolves the long-disputed question of whether one or two transitions are involved in the near-ultraviolet absorption of pyrazine. The “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission shows that the lowest singlet state is an allowed transition, properly designated as 1B3u1A1g. The forbidden component 1B2g, predicted by both “exciton” and MO theories to be below the allowed component, must lie higher. Its exact location still remains uncertain.

The phosphorescence spectrum when compared with the excitation phosphorescence spectra, indicates that the lowest triplet state is also symmetry allowed, showing a strong 0-0 band and a “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission. In accordance with previous work, the triplet state is designated as 3B3u.

The vibronic structure of the phosphorescence spectrum is very complicated. Previous work on the analysis of this spectrum all concluded that a long progression of v6a exists. Under the high resolution attainable in our work, the supposed v6a progression proves to have a composite triplet structure, starting from the second member of the progression. Not only is the v9a hydrogen-bending mode present as shown by the appearance of the C-D bending mode in the d4 spectrum, but a band of 1207 cm-1 in the pyrazine in benzene system and 1231 cm-1 in the mixed crystal system is also observed. This band is assigned as 2v6b and of a1g symmetry. Its anonymously strong intensity in the phosphorescence spectrum is interpreted as due to the Fermi resonance with the 2v6a and v9a band.

To help resolve the present controversy over the crystal phosphorescence spectrum of pyrazine, detailed vibrational analyses of the emission spectra were made. The fluorescence spectrum has essentially the same vibronic structure as the phosphorescence spectrum.


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Using micro-photoluminescence technique, we observed a new photoluminescence peak about 0.348 eV above the bandgap of GaAs (E-0). By analyzing its optical characteristics, we assigned this peak to the nonequilibrium luminescence emission from the E-0 + Delta(0) bandgap in semi-insulated GaAs, which was further verified by Raman results. The observed polarization, excitation power dependence and temperature dependence of the photoluminescence spectra from the E-0 + Delta(0) energy level were very similar to those from the E-0 of GaAs. This mainly resulted from the common conduction band around Gamma(6) that was involved in the two optical transition processes, and indicated that the optical properties of bulk GaAs were mainly determined by the intrinsic properties of the conduction band. Our results demonstrated that the micro-photoluminescence technique is a powerful tool to investigate the high energy states above the fundamental bandgap in semiconductor materials.