842 resultados para ecosystem services


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Potential conflicts exist between biodiversity conservation and climate-change mitigation as trade-offs in multiple-use land management. This study aims to evaluate public preferences for biodiversity conservation and climate-change mitigation policy considering respondents uncertainty on their choice. We conducted a choice experiment using land-use scenarios in the rural Kushiro watershed in northern Japan. The results showed that the public strongly wish to avoid the extinction of endangered species in preference to climate-change mitigation in the form of carbon sequestration by increasing the area of managed forest. Knowledge of the site and the respondents awareness of the personal benefits associated with supporting and regulating services had a positive effect on their preference for conservation plans. Thus, decision-makers should be careful about how they provide ecological information for informed choices concerning ecosystem services tradeoffs. Suggesting targets with explicit indicators will affect public preferences, as well as the willingness of the public to pay for such measures. Furthermore, the elicited-choice probabilities approach is useful for revealing the distribution of relative preferences for incomplete scenarios, thus verifying the effectiveness of indicators introduced in the experiment.


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This thesis deals with the issues of quantifying economic values of coastal and marine ecosystem services and assessing their use in decision-making. The first analytical part of the thesis focuses on estimating non-market use and non-use values, with an application in New-Caledonia using Discrete Choice Experiment. The second part examines how and to what extent the economic valuation of ecosystem services is used in coastal management decision-making with an application in Australia. Using a multi-criteria analysis, the relative importance of ecological, social and economic evaluation criteria is also assessed in the context of coastal development.


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Non-use values (i.e. economic values assigned by individuals to ecosystem goods and services unrelated to current or future uses) provide one of the most compelling incentives for the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. Assessing the non-use values of non-users is relatively straightforward using stated preference methods, but the standard approaches for estimating non-use values of users (stated decomposition) have substantial shortcomings which undermine the robustness of their results. In this paper, we propose a pragmatic interpretation of non-use values to derive estimates that capture their main dimensions, based on the identification of a willingness to pay for ecosystem protection beyond one's expected life. We empirically test our approach using a choice experiment conducted on coral reef ecosystem protection in two coastal areas in New Caledonia with different institutional, cultural, environmental and socio-economic contexts. We compute individual willingness to pay estimates, and derive individual non-use value estimates using our interpretation. We find that, a minima, estimates of non-use values may comprise between 25 and 40% of the mean willingness to pay for ecosystem preservation, less than has been found in most studies.


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The use and influence of ecosystem services valuation in management decision-making, particularly as it relates to coastal zone management, remains largely unexplored in the academic literature. A recent Australia-wide survey of decision-makers involved in coastal zone management examined if, how and to what extent economic valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services is used in, and influences, decision-making in Australia. The survey also identified a set of cases where economic valuation of ecosystem services was used for decision-making, and reasons why economic values may or may not be considered in the decision-making process. This paper details the method and results from this survey. Overall, there is strong empirical evidence that economic valuation of ecosystem services is used, but with important variation across coastal and marine management contexts. However, the impact of ecosystem services valuation on policy appears to be globally weak.


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Spatially explicit information on local perceptions of ecosystem services is needed to inform land use planning within rapidly changing landscapes. In this paper we spatially modelled local people's use and perceptions of benefits from forest ecosystem services in Borneo, from interviews of 1837 people in 185 villages. Questions related to provisioning, cultural/spiritual, regulating and supporting ecosystem services derived from forest, and attitudes towards forest conversion. We used boosted regression trees (BRTs) to combine interview data with social and environmental predictors to understand spatial variation of perceptions across Borneo. Our results show that people use a variety of products from intact and highly degraded forests. Perceptions of benefits from forests were strongest: in human-altered forest landscapes for cultural and spiritual benefits; in human-altered and intact forests landscapes for health benefits; intact forest for direct health benefits, such as medicinal plants; and in regions with little forest and extensive plantations, for environmental benefits, such as climatic impacts from deforestation. Forest clearing for small scale agriculture was predicted to be widely supported yet less so for large-scale agriculture. Understanding perceptions of rural communities in dynamic, multi-use landscapes is important where people are often directly affected by the decline in ecosystem services.


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Ecosystem based management requires the integration of various types of assessment indicators. Understanding stakeholders' information preferences is important, in selecting those indicators that best support management and policy. Both the preferences of decision-makers and the general public may matter, in democratic participatory management institutions. This paper presents a multi-criteria analysis aimed at quantifying the relative importance to these groups of economic, ecological and socio-economic indicators usually considered when managing ecosystem services in a coastal development context. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied within two nationwide surveys in Australia, and preferences of both the general public and decision-makers for these indicators are elicited and compared. Results show that, on average across both groups, the priority in assessing a generic coastal development project is for the ecological assessment of its impacts on marine biodiversity. Ecological assessment indicators are globally preferred to both economic and socio-economic indicators regardless of the nature of the impacts studied. These results are observed for a significantly larger proportion of decision-maker than general public respondents, questioning the extent to which the general public's preferences are well reflected in decision-making processes.


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Economic valuation of ecosystem services is widely advocated as a useful decision-support tool for ecosystem management. However, the extent to which economic valuation of ecosystem services is actually used or considered useful in decision-making is poorly documented. This literature blindspot is explored with an application to coastal and marine ecosystems management in Australia. Based on a nation-wide survey of eighty-eight decision-makers representing a diversity of management organizations, the perceived usefulness and level of use of ecosystem services economic valuation in support of coastal and marine management are examined. A large majority of decision-makers are found to be familiar with economic valuation and consider it useful - even necessary - in decision-making, although this varies across decision-makers groups. However, most decision-makers never or rarely use it. The perceived level of importance and trust in estimated dollar values differ across ecosystem services, and are especially high for values that relate to commercial activities. A number of factors are also found to influence respondents use of economic valuation. Such findings concur with conclusions from other existing works, and are instructive to reflect on the issue of the usefulness of ESV in environmental management decision-making. They also confirm that the survey-based approach developed in this application represents a sound strategy to examine this issue at various scales and management levels.


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Continuing urbanization is a crucial driver of land transformation, having widespread impacts on virtually all ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystems, including disturbed ones, are dependent on soils, which provide a multitude of ecosystem services. As soils are always directly and/or indirectly impacted through land transformation, land cover change causes soil change. Knowledge of ecosystem properties and functions in soils is increasing in importance as humans continue to concentrate into already densely-populated areas. Urban soils often have hampered functioning due to various disturbances resulting from human activity. Innovative solutions are needed to bring the lacking ecosystem services and quality of life to these urban environments. For instance, the ecosystem services of the urban green infrastructure may be substantially improved through knowledge of their functional properties. In the research forming this thesis, the impacts of four plant species (Picea abies, Calluna vulgaris, Lotus corniculatus and Holcus lanatus) on belowground biota and regulatory ecosystem services were investigated in two different urban soil types. The retention of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant-soil system, decomposition of plant litter, primary production, and the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were examined in the field and under laboratory conditions. The main objective of the research was to determine whether the different plant species (representing traits with varying litter decomposability) will give rise to dissimilar urban belowground communities with differing ecological functions. Microbial activity as well as the abundance of nematodes and enchytraeid worm biomass was highest below the legume L. corniculatus. L. corniculatus and the grass H. lanatus, producing labile or intermediate quality litter, enhanced the proportion of bacteria in the soil rhizosphere, while the recalcitrant litter-producing shrub C. vulgaris and the conifer P. abies stimulated the growth of fungi. The loss of nitrogen from the plant-soil system was small for H. lanatus and the combination of C. vulgaris + P. abies, irrespective of their energy channel composition. These presumably nitrogen-conservative plant species effectively diminished the leaching losses from the plant-soil systems with all the plant traits present. The laboratory experiment revealed a difference in N allocation between the plant traits: C. vulgaris and P. abies sequestered significantly more N in aboveground shoots in comparison to L. corniculatus and H. Lanatus. Plant rhizosphere effects were less clear for phosphorus retention, litter decomposition and the degradation of PAH compounds. This may be due to the relatively short experimental durations, as the maturation of the plant-soil system is likely to take a considerably longer time. The empirical studies of this thesis demonstrated that the soil communities rapidly reflect changes in plant coverage, and this has consequences for the functionality of soils. The energy channel composition of soils can be manipulated through plants, which was also supported by the results of the separate meta-analysis conducted in this thesis. However, further research is needed to understand the linkages between the biological community properties and ecosystem services in strongly human-modified systems.


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Folgende Kernbehauptungen bzw. Hypothesen werden in dem Worm-et-al.-Artikel aufgestellt: -Der Verlust an Biodiversitt (Artenzahl) in einem Meeresgebiet reduziert tief greifend seine Produktivitt und seine Stabilitt in Stressperioden, hervorgerufen u.a. durch berfischung und Klimanderung. -Die Zahl der kollabierten Arten nimmt zu. Dieser Trend projeziert den Kollaps aller wildlebenden Arten und Bestnde, die gegenwrtig befischt werden, auf das Jahr 2048. -Diese Entwicklung ist zum gegenwrtigen Zeitpunkt reversibel, denn das Meer besitzt noch ein groes Potential sich zu regenerieren. Dazu ist aber mehr Umweltschutz notwendig.


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This panel will discuss the research being conducted, and the models being used in three current coastal EPA studies being conducted on ecosystem services in Tampa Bay, the Chesapeake Bay and the Coastal Carolinas. These studies are intended to provide a broader and more comprehensive approach to policy and decision-making affecting coastal ecosystems as well as provide an account of valued services that have heretofore been largely unrecognized. Interim research products, including updated and integrated spatial data, models and model frameworks, and interactive decision support systems will be demonstrated to engage potential users and to elicit feedback. It is anticipated that the near-term impact of the projects will be to increase the awareness by coastal communities and coastal managers of the implications of their actions and to foster partnerships for ecosystem services research and applications. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Efficient and effective coastal management decisions rely on knowledge of the impact of human activities on ecosystem integrity, vulnerable species, and valued ecosystem servicescollectively, human impact on environmental quality (EQ). Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is an emerging approach to address the dynamics and complexities of coupled social-ecological systems. EBM is intended to directly address the long-term sustainable delivery of ecosystem services and the resilience of marine ecosystems to perturbations (Rosenberg and Sandifer, 2009). The lack of a tool that integrates human choices with the ecological connections between contributing watersheds and nearshore areas, and that incorporates valuation of ecosystem services, is a critical missing piece needed for effective and efficient coastal management. To address the need for an integrative tool for evaluation of human impacts on ecosystems and their services, Battelle developed the EcoVal Environmental Quality Evaluation System. The EcoVal system is an updated (2009) version of the EQ Evaluation System for Water Resources developed by Battelle for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Dee et al., 1972). The Battelle EQ evaluation system has a thirty-year history of providing a standard approach to evaluate watershed EQ. This paper describes the conceptual approach and methodology of the updated EcoVal system and its potential application to coastal ecosystems. (PDF contains 4 pages)