989 resultados para ecological process


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Nearly 75% of all emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) that impact or threaten human health are zoonotic. The majority have spilled from wildlife reservoirs, either directly to humans or via domestic animals. The emergence of many can be attributed to predisposing factors such as global travel, trade, agricultural expansion, deforestation habitat fragmentation, and urbanization; such factors increase the interface and or the rate of contact between human, domestic animal, and wildlife populations, thereby creating increased opportunities for spillover events to occur. Infectious disease emergence can be regarded as primarily an ecological process. The epidemiological investigation of EIDs associated with wildlife requires a trans-disciplinary approach that includes an understanding of the ecology of the wildlife species, and an understanding of human behaviours that increase risk of exposure. Investigations of the emergence of Nipah virus in Malaysia in 1999 and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in China in 2003 provide useful case studies. The emergence of Nipah virus was associated with the increased size and density of commercial pig farms and their encroachment into forested areas. The movement of pigs for sale and slaughter in turn led to the rapid spread of infection to southern peninsular Malaysia, where the high-density, largely urban pig populations facilitated transmission to humans. Identifying the factors associated with the emergence of SARS in southern China requires an understanding of the ecology of infection both in the natural reservoir and in secondary market reservoir species. A necessary extension of understanding the ecology of the reservoir is an understanding of the trade, and of the social and cultural context of wildlife consumption. Emerging infectious diseases originating from wildlife populations will continue to threaten public health. Mitigating and managing the risk requires an appreciation of the connectedness between human, livestock and wildlife health, and of the factors and processes that disrupt the balance.


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- Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an evolutionary perspective on entrepreneurial learning, whilst also accounting for fundamental ecological processes, by focusing on the development of key recurring, knowledge components within nascent and growing small businesses. - Design/methodology/approach The paper relates key developments within the organizational evolution literature to research on entrepreneurial learning, with arguments presented in favor of adopting a multi‐level co‐evolutionary perspective that captures and explains hidden ecological process, such as niche‐construction. - Findings It is argued in the paper that such a multi‐level focus on key recurring knowledge components can shed new light on the process of entrepreneurial learning and lead to the cross‐fertilization of ideas across different domains of study, by offering researchers the opportunity to use the framework of variation‐selection‐retention to develop a multi‐level representation of organizational and entrepreneurial learning. - Originality/value Entrepreneurial learning viewed in this way, as a multi‐level struggle for survival amongst competing knowledge components, can provide entrepreneurs with a set of evolutionary heuristics as they re‐interpret their understanding of the evolution of their business.


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The health of the oceans and people are inextricably linked. For many years we focused research and policy on anthropogenic impacts to oceans and coasts. Recently we have started to think about how the health of the oceans affects us. In response to the Oceans and Human Health Act of 2004, a NOAA initiative was created to explore the “One Health” of the oceans and coasts. The Center of Excellence in Oceans and Human Health at Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML) is one of three Centers dedicated to understanding the connections and forecasting changes in ocean and coastal health and human health. The Center at HML is developing new tools and approaches, including sentinel habitats and sentinel species, to evaluate linkages between ecological process and human health and wellbeing. The results provide environmental and public health managers, policy-makers and communities forecasts and assessments to improve ecosystem-based management that protects health and mitigates risks for the oceans, coasts and people.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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利用传统及分子微生物生态学研究方法,研究了在乙草胺、甲胺磷、铜离子及二元组合胁迫下,黑土中六种类群微生物数量,细菌种群多样性,微生物碳源代谢(BloLoGGN)功能多样性及特征、土壤脱氢酶活性(DHA)、底物诱导呼吸强度(SIR)等土壤微生物特性的生态过程及变化规律。结果表明:所有农药处理,均对细菌、放线菌及磷细菌产生明显急性毒性效应;对土壤自生固氮菌及硅酸盐细菌生长产生长期的慢性毒性效应;对土壤真菌产生强烈的刺激效应,使土壤真菌数量显著升高。由165 ONA-PCR-DGGE方法对土壤细菌研究结果显示,所有农药胁迫均使土壤细菌多样度降低、细菌种群结构受到严重影响;土壤微生物群落代谢功能多样性及指纹特征因农药种类,浓度及组合不同,受到不同程度影响,功能多样性降低,代谢指纹特征被改变:所有农药组合处理均使土壤DHA受到长期抑制,对土壤底物诱导呼吸强度无显著影响,但改变了土壤DHA和S工R的动态变化规律。野外农药长期作用使土壤SIR与对照无显著差异,土壤DHA明显降低,土壤细菌、磷细菌、固氮菌及硅酸盐细菌数量明显减少,土壤真菌数量显著升高。由农药及其组合处理与土壤微生物群落生长剂量一效应关系,证明:三种农药对土壤微生物群落生长随投加农药种类、浓度和组合不同起促进或抑制双重作用;组合使相应单因子农药毒性增强,表现出协同或加和毒性效应;从清洁土壤中筛选出一株乙草胺耐受菌产酸克雷伯氏菌(Klebbsirlla oxytoca),在固体平板培养基上能耐受300omg·L-1乙草胺。


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作为复杂的生态过程之一,土壤侵蚀常常被空间景观异质性影响。深入地研究土壤侵蚀与植被景观的相关性对以减少水土流失为目的的河流中上游生态恢复工作来说十分重要。本文利用遥感和GIS 技术,对岷江源头区的植被景观和土壤侵蚀动态(1974年~2002 年)进行分析,并从景观生态学的角度,系统地研究了整体植被景观和不同的植被景观类型的景观特征与土壤侵蚀量、侵蚀模数以及土壤侵蚀强度的相关性,得出的结论主要有以下几个方面:1. 从植被景观特征与土壤侵蚀量和土壤侵蚀模数的相关性的角度出发,森林能最大限度地控制土壤侵蚀,草地对土壤侵蚀的控制能力不及森林,而且能在一定程度上增加土壤侵蚀。灌丛与土壤侵蚀量和土壤侵蚀模数的关系则比较复杂,还需要进一步地研究。农用地与森林、灌丛、草地等植被类型不同,它的增加将会明显地增加产沙量。随着各景观类型(灌丛除外)分布的镶嵌性的增强,土壤侵蚀量和侵蚀模数会减少。2. 从植被景观特征与土壤侵蚀强度的相关性的角度出发,在景观水平上,植被景观的景观多样性指数、景观破碎度指数、景观形状指数和景观聚集度指数均与土壤侵蚀强度有明显的相关性。在较轻侵蚀强度的区域中的植被景观具有更丰富的多样性和更低的破碎程度,景观的组分和结构都更加复杂,景观斑块的形状也比较复杂。同时,植被景观的空间异质性也较强。3. 从不同景观类型对土壤侵蚀强度的控制能力大小看:针叶林> 落叶阔叶林>针阔混交林> 灌丛> 草地> 农用地。同时,对于除农用地以外的其他植被景观类型来说,增加其平均斑块面积和形状的复杂性会在一定程度上减少土壤侵蚀强度。而对于农用地来说,斑块形状的简单化以及分布形式的均匀镶嵌化则是减少土壤侵蚀强度的有效手段。 As a complex ecological process, soil erosion is affected by the spatial landscape heterogeneity.The relation between soil erosion and landscape characteristic weights a lot in ecosystemrestoration that aim to control the soil erosion in watershed. By means of RS and GIStechniques, this study analyzed dynamic variations in landscape characteristic and soil erosionin the Minjiang headwater region over a period of 28 years to elucidate the interrelationshipsbetween landscape characteristics and soil erosion. The results are as follows:1. In terms of relation between landscape characteristics and soil erosion module, forest canmitigate the soil erosion much better than grass. The relation between shrub and soil erosionmodule is rather complicated that requests further more study to confirm how those two factorscorrelated with each other. Cultivated land differs from other landscape classes in creatingconditions most favorable for soil erosion. Moreover, the dispersion of all landscape classes,except for shrub, correlates with soil module negatively.II2. In terms of relation between landscape characteristics and soil erosion strength, the diversityindex, fragment index, shape index and contagion index of the vegetation in Minjiangheadwater region at landscape-level correlated with soil erosion clearly. Vegetation landscapein No and Slight erosion region is more diverse, fragmental and constructed in more complexway. The shape of those vegetation patches is also more complicated. The spatial heterogeneityof the vegetation landscape is much more evident than that located in moderate and strong erosion region too.3. At class-level, different landscape classes affected soil erosion strength in different ways.Taking the mitigating effect on erosion strength into consideration, landscape classes can bearranged in this turn: coniferous forest > Deciduous forest > Mixed forest > Shrub > Grassland > Cultivated land. At the same time, for most landscape classes, except for cultivated land,increase the mean patch size and complicate the shape of patch will help to relieve the erosionstrength. However, for cultivated land, simplifying the shape of patch and scattering thepatches have the same effect.


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Spatial and temporal distribution of vegetation net primary production (NPP) in China was studied using three light-use efficiency models (CASA, GLOPEM and GEOLUE) and two mechanistic ecological process models (CEVSA, GEOPRO). Based on spatial and temporal analysis (e.g. monthly, seasonally and annually) of simulated results from ecological process mechanism models of CASA, GLOPEM and CEVSA, the following conclusions could be made: (1) during the last 20 years, NPP change in China followed closely the seasonal change of climate affected by monsoon with an overall trend of increasing; (2) simulated average seasonal NPP was: 0.571 +/- 0.2 GtC in spring, 1.573 +/- 0.4 GtC in summer, 0.6 +/- 0.2 GtC in autumn, and 0.12 +/- 0.1 GtC in winter. Average annual NPP in China was 2.864 +/- 1 GtC. All the five models were able to simulate seasonal and spatial features of biomass for different ecological types in China. This paper provides a baseline for China's total biomass production. It also offers a means of estimating the NPP change due to afforestation, reforestation, conservation and other human activities and could aid people in using for-mentioned carbon sinks to fulfill China's commitment of reducing greenhouse gases.


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Australia’s temperate woodlands are environments of cultural and ecological importance and significant repositories of Australia’s biodiversity. Despite this, they have been heavily cleared, much remaining vegetation is in poor condition and many species of plants and animals are threatened. Here, we provide a brief overview of key issues relating to the ecology, management and policy directions for temperate woodlands, by identifying and discussing ten themes. When addressing issues relating to the conservation and management of temperate woodlands, spatial scale is very important, as are the needs for a temporal perspective and a complementary understanding of pattern and process. The extent of landscape change in many woodland environments means that woodland patches, linear networks and paddock trees are critical elements, and that there can be pervasive effects from ‘problem’ native species such as the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala). These consequences of landscape change highlight the challenge to undertake active management and restoration as well as effective monitoring and long-term data collection. In developing approaches for conservation and management of temperate woodlands, it is essential to move our thinking beyond reserves to woodland conservation and management on private land, and recognise the criticality of cross-disciplinary linkages. We conclude by identifying some emerging issues in woodland conservation and management. These include the need to further develop non-traditional approaches to conservation particularly off-reserve management; the value of documenting approaches and programmes that demonstrably lead to effective change; new lessons that can be learned from intact examples of temperate woodlands; and the need to recognise how climate change and human population growth will interact with conservation and management of temperate woodlands in future decades


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Fire is an important natural disturbance process within the Australian landscape, but the complex and hazardous nature of fire creates a conservation management dilemma. For landholders of private conservation lands, management for conservation of biodiversity and risk reduction is complicated. Private conservation landholders in eastern Australia directed far less effort towards fire management than other conservation management actions, despite clearly acknowledging the risk and associated responsibilities of fire management on their lands. Nonetheless, landholders did undertake actions to reduce fuel hazards and prepare for wildfire events on their land. Despite the established role and benefits of fire to many ecosystems in the region, landholder understanding of the ecological role of fire was generally poor. Few landholders were aware of ecologically appropriate fire regimes for the vegetation types on their property, and few undertook fire management actions to achieve ecological outcomes. Site-specific obstacles, lack of fire management knowledge and experience, and legal and containment concerns contributed to the low level of fire management observed. There is a need for property-specific fire management planning across all private conservation lands, to further integrate ecological fire requirements into biodiversity management, and prioritise actions that aim to improve conservation outcomes while safeguarding life and property.


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Fire is a widespread disturbance and an important ecological process in semi-arid mallee ecosystems of southern Australia. Understanding the effects of fire on plants and animals is a key challenge for the conservation and management of biodiversity in this ecosystem. Commenctngin2006, the Mallee Fire and Biodiversity Project is investigating the effects of fire on range of taxa (vascular plants, invertebrates, reptiles, birds and mammals), with a focus on the influence of the properties of 'fire mosaics' on biota. A 'whole of landscape' design was employed, in which the flora and fauna were sampled in 28 study landscapes, each4 km in diameter (12.5 km2) across a 104,000 km2 area of the Murray Mallee region of Victoria, SA and NSW. Here, we summarise some key results and outputs from this project to date. These include: detailed maps of fire history and major vegetation types; a method for predicting the age of mallee vegetation; novel information about the distribution of fire age-classes in the region; and changes to vegetation structure and in the occurrence of reptile, bird and mammal species over a century-long post-fire time-frame. We also present an overview of the effects of fire mosaics (extent of particular age classes, diversity of fire age-classes) on the richness of some mallee fauna. A wealth of knowledge has been developed through the Mallee Fire and Biodiversity Project that will assist the management of mallee ecosystems in southern Australia for the future.


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Summary: The composition of species pools can vary in space and time. While many studies are focused on understanding which factors influence the make-up of species pools, the question to which degree biogeographic variation in species composition propagates to biogeographic variation in ecological function is rarely examined. If different local species assemblages operate in ways that maintain specific ecological processes across continents, they can be regarded as functionally equivalent. Alternatively, variation in species assemblages might result in the loss of ecological function if different species fulfil different functions, and thereby fail to maintain the ecological process. Here, we test whether ecological function is affected by differences in the composition of species pools across a continental scale, comparing a tropical with a temperate pool. The model systems are assemblages of vertebrates foraging on ocean beaches, and the ecological function of interest is the consumption of wave-cast carrion, a pivotal process in sandy shore ecosystems. We placed fish carcasses (n = 179) at the beach-dune interface, monitored by motion-triggered cameras to record scavengers and quantify the detection and removal of carrion. Scavenging function was measured on sandy beaches in two distinct biogeographic regions of Australia: tropical north Queensland and temperate Victoria. The composition of scavenging assemblages on sandy beaches varied significantly across the study domain. Raptors dominated in the tropics, while invasive red foxes were prominent in temperate assemblages. Notwithstanding the significant biogeographic change in species composition, ecological function - as indexed by carcass detection and removal - was maintained, suggesting strong functional replacement at the continental scale. Species pools of vertebrate scavengers that are assembled from taxonomically distinct groups (birds vs. mammals) and located in distinct climatic regions (temperate vs. tropical) can maintain an ecological process via replacement of species with comparable functional traits.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Plant-frugivore interactions are essential elements in ecosystem and their knowledge can becomes an important tool for the biodiversity maintenance. This study focused on analyzing the trophic structure of volant frugivore community and its implications for conservation. Bats and birds interactions events with plants were taken from three studies realized in Mata da Bica, a fragment of semideciduous seasonal forest in Botucatu- SP, and arranged in a matrix. A total of 40 interactions with 14% of connectance were found and only one dietary overlap between birds and bats was registrated. Carollia perspicillata (Phyllostomidae) bat showed the highest importance index (I=0,33) among the animals and Pereskia aculeata (Cactaceae) was the most important plant species (I=0,42). Birds and bats complemented each other in a possible dispersal process emphasizing different classes of animals’ role in an unique ecological process


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)