382 resultados para e-CRM
Organizations invest heavily in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems, and their related infrastructure, presumably expecting positive benefits to the organization. Assessing the benefits of such applications is an important aspect of managing such systems. Considering the salient differences between CRM and SCM applications with other intra-organizational applications, existing Information Systems benefits measurement models and frameworks are ill-suited to gauge benefits of inter-organizational systems. This paper reports the preliminary findings of a measurement model developed to assess benefits of CRM and SCM applications. The preliminary model, which reflects the characteristics of the Analytic Theory, is derived using a review of 55 academic studies and 44 papers from the practice. Six hundred and six identified benefits were then synthesized in to 74 non-overlapping benefits, arranged under six dimensions.
Organizations invest heavily in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems, and their related infrastructure, presumably expecting positive benefits to the organization. Assessing the benefits of such systems is an important aspect of managing such systems. Given the substantial differences between CRM and SCM systems with traditional intra-organizational applications, existing Information Systems benefits measurement models and frameworks are ill-suited to gauge CRM and SCM benefits. This paper reports the preliminary findings of a research that seeks to develop a measurement model to assess benefits of CRM and SCM applications. The a-priori benefits measurement model is developed reviewing the 55 academic studies and 40 practitioner papers. The review of related literature yielded 606 benefits, which were later synthesized into 74 mutually exclusive benefit measures of CRM and SCM applications arranged under five dimensions.
The skyrocketing trend for social media on the Internet greatly alters analytical Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Against this backdrop, the purpose of this paper is to advance the conceptual design of Business Intelligence (BI) systems with data identified from social networks. We develop an integrated social network data model, based on an in-depth analysis of Facebook. The data model can inform the design of data warehouses in order to offer new opportunities for CRM analyses, leading to a more consistent and richer picture of customers? characteristics, needs, wants, and demands. Four major contributions are offered. First, Social CRM and Social BI are introduced as emerging fields of research. Second, we develop a conceptual data model to identify and systematize the data available on online social networks. Third, based on the identified data, we design a multidimensional data model as an early contribution to the conceptual design of Social BI systems and demonstrate its application by developing management reports in a retail scenario. Fourth, intellectual challenges for advancing Social CRM and Social BI are discussed.
Large communities built around social media on the Internet offer an opportunity to augment analytical customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. The purpose of this paper is to provide direction to advance the conceptual design of business intelligence (BI) systems for implementing CRM strategies. After introducing social CRM and social BI as emerging fields of research, the authors match CRM strategies with a re-engineered conceptual data model of Facebook in order to illustrate the strategic value of these data. Subsequently, the authors design a multi-dimensional data model for social BI and demonstrate its applicability by designing management reports in a retail scenario. Building on the service blueprinting framework, the authors propose a structured research agenda for the emerging field of social BI.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) packaged software has become a key contributor to attempts at aligning business and IT strategies in recent years. Throughout the 1990s there was, in many organisations strategies, a shift from the need to manage transactions and toward relationship management. Where Enterprise Resource Planning packages dominated the management of transactions era, CRM packages lead in regard to relationships. At present, balanced views of CRM packages are scantly presented instead relying on vendor rhetoric. This paper uses case study research to analyse some of the issues associated with CRM packages. These issues include the limitations of CRM packages, the need for a relationship orientation and the problems of a dominant management perspective of CRM. It is suggested that these issues could be more readily accommodated by organisational detachment from beliefs in IT as utopia, consideration of prior IS theory and practice and a more informed approach to CRM package selection.
Knowing the cost of investment in coastal resources management (CRM) is important especially in understanding the cost of undertaking one and ascertaining whether the outcomes are worth the money spent. In the Philippines, various CRM projects have already been initiated and no studies have tried to account for the total level of investment. This paper provides an estimate of money spent or invested on CRM in the Philippines and examines the investment per km2 of coral reefs.
Philippine coastal communities can become capable fishery resource managers and that their management practices can become largely self-sustaining if the project approach focuses on assisting fishermen to learn how to help themselves. Community organization is an essential part of the process and should not be viewed as an end product in itself. There are also no quick fixes, and projects require a complex array of activities if large numbers of coastal residents are to be assisted. In some of these projects, the control of illegal fishing combined with limiting of commercial fishing to offshore areas and good coastal habitat management resulted in a doubling of daily fish catch and income for small-scale fishermen. However, even with the best of management, the total fishery harvest is limited and further increases in individual fishing income can only come from reducing total fishing effort. This will require a system of control on access to the resource to limit the number and kind of fishing gears and to divide the resource equitably. Assisting coastal communities to devise and implement realistic equitable access controls is the major challenge facing coastal resource co-management.
90年代Gartner Group提出客户关系管理(CRM)的概念,CRM可以说是针对一系列与客户有关的问题的处理方案。随着中国加入WTO,许多企业已经认识到了CRM的重要性,银行就是其中一个典型的例子。利用CRM的管理理论,建立适合银行的CRM系统是本文要研究的问题。 在CRM系统的实施过程中,涉及到几类必不可少的相关技术。数据仓库的实施是CRM系统实施的基石,为实现对客户资料的分析与知识的挖掘奠定了数据的组织基础。联机分析处理技术(OLAP)和数据挖掘技术的运用则是CRM系统有效实施的核心,合理的分析结果是CRM系统建设成功的关键。 按照辽宁省工商银行提出的需求,主要完成绩效考核管理、降低营销成本以及进行风险控制的目标。本文旨在通过将数据仓库技术、OLAP和数据挖掘技术的结合,构建一个完整的、高效的银行CRM系统,为银行的加快信息化建设提供帮助。 通过系统的设计与实现,本文完成的主要工作成果有: (1)根据可以获得的银行数据以及系统目标确立分析主题,以主题为依据组织数据,进行数据仓库的模型设计。 (2)设计并实现了银行数据仓库的ETL系统,改善了现有ETL工具的不足,实现了数据的自动抽取,使用配置文件增强了系统的灵活性,在系统恢复等几方面优化了系统的性能,完成了高效,准确,安全的ETL过程。 (3)结合具体分析目标,选择合适的统计学方法、OLAP技术和数据挖掘技术运用于系统中,设计并实现了系统的五个分析模型,分别为绩效考核管理模型,客户价值评价模型,客户分类模型,交叉销售模型以及信贷风险分析模型。并以实际数据为依据,得到了较好的分析结果。 (4)在信贷风险分析模型中,对现有决策树算法C45算法做出了改进。通过对测试属性选择的控制,在一定程度上提高了算法的准确性和预测性,并给出了模型结果的比较分析。 本文设计并实现了完整的基于数据仓库技术的银行CRM系统,较好的完成了系统的分析目标。本文的研究对商业银行充分利用客户资源,提高竞争力具有十分重要的意义。
Dissertação, Mestrado, Gestão Pública, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2015
Nota: 17 valores
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
RESUMO - Introdução: Na última década, inúmera literatura sobre temas de saúde, principalmente abordando a Segurança do Doente, foca a necessidade e a importância do conceito de trabalho em equipa e da sua implementação na atividade dos profissionais de saúde. É também referido, como exemplo a seguir, por analogia e com a devida adaptação, o conceito e a metodologia do Crew Resource Management (CRM) da aviação civil, em que vários autores reviram a evidência da sua aplicação à medicina e concluíram que era uma ferramenta útil em formação não-técnica para a prática da cirurgia segura. Porquê esta analogia entre a saúde e a aviação civil? Porquê este despertar na saúde para o trabalho em equipa e, principalmente, baseando-se na metodologia do CRM da aviação civil? Qual a importância da formação não-técnica e como pode esta ser adaptada à atividade dos profissionais da saúde, nomeadamente no bloco operatório? São estas as principais questões que irão ser investigadas e analisadas ao longo deste estudo. Objetivos: Na aviação civil, a segurança é uma das prioridades desta indústria e um dos pilares da sua sustentabilidade. Sendo a indústria da aviação civil, como a saúde, uma atividade complexa importa em primeiro lugar compreender como a segurança deve ser abordada nas organizações complexas. Depois de compreendermos os quatro pilares da segurança (política, risco, garantia e promoção) aplicados na aviação civil, analisaremos a necessidade da formação não-técnica, explicando a importância da metodologia do CRM na aviação civil e a possibilidade da “importação” dos seus conceitos pela saúde. Metodologia: Para aferirmos a necessidade de formação não-técnica pelos profissionais da saúde foi desenvolvido um inquérito aos alunos finalistas dos Cursos de Enfermagem e dos Cursos de Medicina e outro inquérito a profissionais da saúde, Enfermeiros e Médicos (Anestesista e Cirurgião) com funções no Bloco Operatório, para responderem às seguintes inquietações: Tiveram os profissionais de saúde formação formal na sua licenciatura ou pós-graduação em temas sobre comunicação, trabalho em equipa, gestão do erro, gestão do stress, liderança, atitudes e comportamentos para um trabalho em equipa eficiente e seguro? Tiveram formação inicial no início da sua carreira e formação recorrente equivalente sobre estes temas ao longo da sua carreira? Estão os profissionais de saúde preparados, com conhecimentos obtidos em formação formal, para trabalhar em equipa? Pretendeu-se igualmente, através de inquérito, saber se os alunos finalistas das licenciaturas acima identificadas consideram importante para a sua futura atividade como profissionais de saúde possuírem competências não-técnicas para o trabalho em equipa para evitarem os eventos adversos. No referido inquérito será também questionado quais as matérias a abordar nas licenciaturas (ou em outra etapa da formação), consideradas necessárias para se obterem competências de trabalho em equipa e qual a opinião sobre a frequência da formação recorrente sobre estes temas. Conclusão: O trabalho ficará concluído com uma proposta de conteúdos programáticos para a formação não-técnica dos profissionais de saúde, para a sua formação inicial e para a formação recorrente ao longo da carreira, baseada na metodologia do CRM da aviação civil. Objetivo final: Como objetivo final do estudo pretende-se contribuir, através da aplicação de formação não-técnicas aos profissionais de saúde, para a melhoria da Segurança do Doente nos cuidados em saúde.
Unilever Food Solutions new digital CRM1 Platform - What is the combination of tools, processes and content that will help Unilever Food Solutions grow his business? Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) intend to create a new online platform to enable it to communicate with segments of the markets, which have previously been too difficult to reach. Specifically targeted at Chefs and other food professionals, the aim is to create an interactive website, which delivers value to its intended users by providing a variety of relevant content and functions, while simultaneously opening up a potential transactional channel to those same users.