978 resultados para dynamic source routing


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A fuzzy dynamic flood routing model (FDFRM) for natural channels is presented, wherein the flood wave can be approximated to a monoclinal wave. This study is based on modification of an earlier published work by the same authors, where the nature of the wave was of gravity type. Momentum equation of the dynamic wave model is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. Hence, the FDFRM gets rid of the assumptions associated with the momentum equation. Also, it overcomes the necessity of calculating friction slope (S-f) in flood routing and hence the associated uncertainties are eliminated. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on an equation for wave velocity, which is obtained in terms of discontinuities in the gradient of flow parameters. The channel reach is divided into a number of approximately uniform sub-reaches. Training set required for development of the fuzzy rule based model for each sub-reach is obtained from discharge-area relationship at its mean section. For highly heterogeneous sub-reaches, optimized fuzzy rule based models are obtained by means of a neuro-fuzzy algorithm. For demonstration, the FDFRM is applied to flood routing problems in a fictitious channel with single uniform reach, in a fictitious channel with two uniform sub-reaches and also in a natural channel with a number of approximately uniform sub-reaches. It is observed that in cases of the fictitious channels, the FDFRM outputs match well with those of an implicit numerical model (INM), which solves the dynamic wave equations using an implicit numerical scheme. For the natural channel, the FDFRM Outputs are comparable to those of the HEC-RAS model.


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In this paper, we propose an efficient source routing algorithm for unicast flows, which addresses the scalability problem associated with the basic source routing technique. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm indeed helps in reducing the message overhead considerably, and at the same time it gives comparable performance in terms of resource utilization across a wide range of workloads.


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Mobile ad-hoc networks are characterised by constant topology changes, the absence of fixed infrastructure and lack of any centralised control. Traditional routing algorithms prove to be inefficient in such a changing environment. Ad-hoc routing protocols such as dynamic source routing (DSR), ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV) and destination-sequence distance vector (DSDV) have been proposed to solve the multi hop routing problem in ad-hoc networks. Performance studies of these routing protocols have assumed constant bit rate (CBR) traffic. Real-time multimedia traffic generated by video-on demand and teleconferencing services are mostly variable bit rate (VBR) traffic. Most of these multimedia traffic is encoded using the MPEG standard. (ISO moving picture expert group). When video traffic is transferred over MANETs a series of performance issues arise. In this paper we present a performance comparison of three ad-hoc routing protocols - DSR, AODV and DSDV when streaming MPEG4 traffic. Simulation studies show that DSDV performs better than AODV and DSR. However all three protocols fail to provide good performance in large, highly mobile network environments. Further study is required to improve the performance of these protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks offering VBR services.


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SCOPUS: ed.j


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We present a new approach for creating and implementing an ad-hoc underwater acoustic sensor network based on connecting a small processor to the serial port of a commercial CDMA acoustic modem. The processor acts as a "node controller" providing the networking layer that the modems lack. The ad-hoc networking protocol is based on a modified dynamic source routing (DSR) approach and can be configured for maximising information throughput or minimising energy expenditure. The system was developed in simulation and then evaluated during field trials using a 10 node deployment. Experimental results show reliable multi-hop networking under a variety of network configurations, with the added ability to determine internode ranges to within 1.5 m for localisation.


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Next generation networks (3G & beyond) will support real-time multimedia applications through traditional wide-area networking concepts as well as hot-spot (WLAN) and ad hoc networking concepts. In order to fulfill the vision of next generation networks a method of maintaining a real-time flow despite frequent topology changes and irregularity in user movement is required. Mobility prediction has been identified as having applications in the areas of link availability estimation and pro-active routing in ad hoc networks. In this work we present the mobility prediction based algorithm for route maintenance in mobile ad hoc networks. Simulation study of the algorithm proves it to offer significant benefits to dynamic source routing (DSR)


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Wireless ad hoc networks, especially in the hostile environment, are vulnerable to traffic analysis which allows the adversary to trace the routing messages and the sensitive data packets. Anonymity mechanism in ad hoc networks is a critical securing measure method employed to mitigate these problems. In this paper, we propose a novel secure and anonymous source routing protocol, called SADSR, based on Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) for wireless ad hoc networks. In the proposed scheme, we use the pseudonym, pseudonym based cryptography and the bloom filter to establish secure and anonymous routing in wireless ad hoc networks. Compared to other anonymous routing protocol, SADSR is not only anonymous but also the secure in the routing discover process and data transmission process.


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In this paper, a simulation tool for assisting the deployment of wireless sensor network is introduced and simulation results are verified under a specific indoor environment. The simulation tool supports two modes: deterministic mode and stochastic mode. The deterministic mode is environment dependent in which the information of environment should be provided beforehand. Ray tracing method and deterministic propagation model are employed in order to increase the accuracy of the estimated coverage, connectivity and routing; the stochastic mode is useful for large scale random deployment without previous knowledge on geographic information. Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) and Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing protocol (AODV) are implemented in order to calculate the topology of WSN. Hence this tool gives direct view on the performance of WSN and assists users in finding the potential problems of wireless sensor network before real deployment. At the end, a case study is realized in Centro de Electronica Industrial (CEI), the simulation results on coverage, connectivity and routing are verified by the measurement.


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Los Sistemas de SHM o de monitorización de la integridad estructural surgen ante la necesidad de mejorar los métodos de evaluación y de test no destructivos convencionales. De esta manera, se puede tener controlado todo tipo de estructuras en las cuales su correcto estado o funcionamiento suponga un factor crítico. Un Sistema SHM permite analizar una estructura concreta capturando de manera periódica el estado de la integridad estructural, que en este proyecto se ha aplicado a estructuras aeronáuticas. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) es la denominación utilizada para definir una serie de equipos electrónicos para Sistemas SHM desarrollados por AERNOVA y los Grupos de Diseño Electrónico de las universidades UPV/EHU y UPM. Los dispositivos P.A.M.E.L.A. originalmente no cuentan con tecnología Wi-Fi, por lo que incorporan un módulo hardware independiente que se encarga de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, a los que se les denomina Nodos. Estos Nodos poseen un Sistema Operativo propio y todo lo necesario para administrar y organizar la red Mallada Wi-Fi. De esta manera se obtiene una red mallada inalámbrica compuesta por Nodos que interconectan los Sistemas SHM y que se encargan de transmitir los datos a los equipos que procesan los resultados adquiridos por P.A.M.E.L.A. Los Nodos son dispositivos empotrados que llevan instalados un firmware basado en una distribución de Linux para Nodos (o Routers), llamado Openwrt. Que para disponer de una red mallada necesitan de un protocolo orientado a este tipo de redes. Entre las opciones de protocolo más destacadas se puede mencionar: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking Advance), BMX (una versión de B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv), AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) y el DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). Además de la existencia de protocolos orientados a las redes malladas, también hay organizaciones que se dedican a desarrollar firmware que los utilizan, como es el caso del firmware llamado Nightwing que utiliza BMX, Freifunk que utiliza OLSR o Potato Mesh que utiliza B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv. La ventaja de estos tres firmwares mencionados es que las agrupaciones que las desarrollan proporcionan las imágenes precompiladas del sistema,listas para cargarlas en distintos modelos de Nodos. En este proyecto se han instalado las imágenes en los Nodos y se han probado los protocolos BMX, OLSR y B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv. Concluyendo que la red gestionada por B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv era la que mejor rendimiento obtenía en cuanto a estabilidad y ancho de banda. Después de haber definido el protocolo a usar, se procedió a desarrollar una distribución basada en Openwrt, que utilice B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv para crear la red mallada, pero que se ajuste mejor a las necesidades del proyecto, ya que Nightwing, Freifunk y Potato Mesh no lo hacían. Además se implementan aplicaciones en lenguaje ANSI C y en LabVIEW para interactuar con los Nodos y los Sistemas SHM. También se procede a hacer alguna modificación en el Hardware de P.A.M.E.L.A. y del Nodo para obtener una mejor integración entre los dos dispositivos. Y por ultimo, se prueba la transferencia de datos de los Nodos en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems arise from the need of improving assessment methods and conventional nondestructive tests. Critical structures can be monitored using SHM. A SHM system analyzes periodically a specific structure capturing the state of structural integrity. The aim of this project is to contribute in the implementation of Mesh network for SHM system in aircraft structures. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) is the name for electronic equipment developed by AERNOVA, the Electronic Design Groups of university UPV/EHU and the Instrumentation and Applied Acoustics research group from UPM. P.A.M.E.L.A. devices were not originally equipped with Wi-Fi interface. In this project a separate hardware module that handles wireless communications (nodes) has been added. The nodes include an operating system for manage the Wi-Fi Mesh Network and they form the wireless mesh network to link SHM systems with monitoring equipment. Nodes are embedded devices with an installed firmware based on special Linux distribution used in routers or nodes, called OpenWRT. They need a Mesh Protocol to stablish the network. The most common protocols options are: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), BATMAN-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Advance), BMX (a version of BATMAN-Adv) AODV (Ad hoc on-Demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). In addition, there are organizations that are dedicated to develope firmware using these Mesh Protocols, for instance: Nightwing uses BMX, Freifunk use OLSR and Potato Mesh uses BATMAN-Adv. The advantage of these three firmwares is that these groups develop pre-compiled images of the system ready to be loaded in several models of Nodes. In this project the images were installed in the nodes. In this way, BMX, OLSR and BATMAN-Adv have been tested. We conclude that the protocol BATMAN-Adv has better performance in terms of stability and bandwidth. After choosing the protocol, the objective was to develop a distribution based on OpenWRT, using BATMAN-Adv to create the mesh network. This distribution is fitted to the requirements of this project. Besides, in this project it has been developed applications in C language and LabVIEW to interact with the Nodes and the SHM systems. The project also address some modifications to the PAMELA hardware and the Node, for better integration between both elements. Finally, data transfer tests among the different nodes in different scenarios has been carried out.


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This paper introduces a joint load balancing and hotspot mitigation protocol for mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) termed by us as 'load_energy balance + hotspot mitigation protocol (LEB+HM)'. We argue that although ad-hoc wireless networks have limited network resources - bandwidth and power, prone to frequent link/node failures and have high security risk; existing ad hoc routing protocols do not put emphasis on maintaining robust link/node, efficient use of network resources and on maintaining the security of the network. Typical route selection metrics used by existing ad hoc routing protocols are shortest hop, shortest delay, and loop avoidance. These routing philosophy have the tendency to cause traffic concentration on certain regions or nodes, leading to heavy contention, congestion and resource exhaustion which in turn may result in increased end-to-end delay, packet loss and faster battery power depletion, degrading the overall performance of the network. Also in most existing on-demand ad hoc routing protocols intermediate nodes are allowed to send route reply RREP to source in response to a route request RREQ. In such situation a malicious node can send a false optimal route to the source so that data packets sent will be directed to or through it, and tamper with them as wish. It is therefore desirable to adopt routing schemes which can dynamically disperse traffic load, able to detect and remove any possible bottlenecks and provide some form of security to the network. In this paper we propose a combine adaptive load_energy balancing and hotspot mitigation scheme that aims at evenly distributing network traffic load and energy, mitigate against any possible occurrence of hotspot and provide some form of security to the network. This combine approach is expected to yield high reliability, availability and robustness, that best suits any dynamic and scalable ad hoc network environment. Dynamic source routing (DSR) was use as our underlying protocol for the implementation of our algorithm. Simulation comparison of our protocol to that of original DSR shows that our protocol has reduced node/link failure, even distribution of battery energy, and better network service efficiency.


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The purpose of this study was to design a preventive scheme using directional antennas to improve the performance of mobile ad hoc networks. In this dissertation, a novel Directionality based Preventive Link Maintenance (DPLM) Scheme is proposed to characterize the performance gain [JaY06a, JaY06b, JCY06] by extending the life of link. In order to maintain the link and take preventive action, signal strength of data packets is measured. Moreover, location information or angle of arrival information is collected during communication and saved in the table. When measured signal strength is below orientation threshold , an orientation warning is generated towards the previous hop node. Once orientation warning is received by previous hop (adjacent) node, it verifies the correctness of orientation warning with few hello pings and initiates high quality directional link (a link above the threshold) and immediately switches to it, avoiding a link break altogether. The location information is utilized to create a directional link by orienting neighboring nodes antennas towards each other. We call this operation an orientation handoff, which is similar to soft-handoff in cellular networks. ^ Signal strength is the indicating factor, which represents the health of the link and helps to predict the link failure. In other words, link breakage happens due to node movement and subsequently reducing signal strength of receiving packets. DPLM scheme helps ad hoc networks to avoid or postpone costly operation of route rediscovery in on-demand routing protocols by taking above-mentioned preventive action. ^ This dissertation advocates close but simple collaboration between the routing, medium access control and physical layers. In order to extend the link, the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and IEEE 802.11 MAC protocols were modified to use the ability of directional antennas to transmit over longer distance. A directional antenna module is implemented in OPNET simulator with two separate modes of operations: omnidirectional and directional. The antenna module has been incorporated in wireless node model and simulations are performed to characterize the performance improvement of mobile ad hoc networks. Extensive simulations have shown that without affecting the behavior of the routing protocol noticeably, aggregate throughput, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay (latency), routing overhead, number of data packets dropped, and number of path breaks are improved considerably. We have done the analysis of the results in different scenarios to evaluate that the use of directional antennas with proposed DPLM scheme has been found promising to improve the performance of mobile ad hoc networks. ^


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In this paper we introduce a theory of policy routing dynamics based on fundamental axioms of routing update mechanisms. We develop a dynamic policy routing model (DPR) that extends the static formalism of the stable paths problem (introduced by Griffin et al.) with discrete synchronous time. DPR captures the propagation of path changes in any dynamic network irrespective of its time-varying topology. We introduce several novel structures such as causation chains, dispute fences and policy digraphs that model different aspects of routing dynamics and provide insight into how these dynamics manifest in a network. We exercise the practicality of the theoretical foundation provided by DPR with two fundamental problems: routing dynamics minimization and policy conflict detection. The dynamics minimization problem utilizes policy digraphs, that capture the dependencies in routing policies irrespective of underlying topology dynamics, to solve a graph optimization problem. This optimization problem explicitly minimizes the number of routing update messages in a dynamic network by optimally changing the path preferences of a minimal subset of nodes. The conflict detection problem, on the other hand, utilizes a theoretical result of DPR where the root cause of a causation cycle (i.e., cycle of routing update messages) can be precisely inferred as either a transient route flap or a dispute wheel (i.e., policy conflict). Using this result we develop SafetyPulse, a token-based distributed algorithm to detect policy conflicts in a dynamic network. SafetyPulse is privacy preserving, computationally efficient, and provably correct.


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We introduce the Dynamic Policy Routing (DPR) model that captures the propagation of route updates under arbitrary changes in topology or path preferences. DPR introduces the notion of causation chains where the route flap at one node causes a flap at the next node along the chain. Using DPR, we model the Gao-Rexford (economic) guidelines that guarantee the safety (i.e., convergence) of policy routing. We establish three principles of safe policy routing dynamics. The non-interference principle provides insight into which ASes can directly induce route changes in one another. The single cycle principle and the multi-tiered cycle principle provide insight into how cycles of routing updates can manifest in any network. We develop INTERFERENCEBEAT, a distributed algorithm that propagates a small token along causation chains to check adherence to these principles. To enhance the diagnosis power of INTERFERENCEBEAT, we model four violations of the Gao-Rexford guidelines (e.g., transiting between peers) and characterize the resulting dynamics.