991 resultados para dissociation energy


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The vapor pressure of pure liquid indium, and the sum of pressures of (In) and (In2O) species over the condensed phase mixture {In} + , contained in a silica vessel, have been measured by Knudsen effusion and Langmuir free vaporization methods in the temperatue range 600 to 950°C. Mass spectrometric studies reported in the literature show that (In) and (In2O) are the important species in the vapor phase over the {In} + ; mixture. The vapor pressure of (In2O) corresponding to the reaction, deduced from the present measurements is given by the equation, The “apparent evaporation coefficient” for the condensed phase mixture is approximately 0.8. The energy for the dissociation (In2O) molecule into atoms calculated from the above equation is D°0 = 180.0 (± 1.0) kcal mol−1.


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A new approach to treating large Z systems by quantum Monte Carlo has been developed. It naturally leads to notion of the 'valence energy'. Possibilities of the new approach has been explored by optimizing the wave function for CuH and Cu and computing dissociation energy and dipole moment of CuH using variational Monte Carlo. The dissociation energy obtained is about 40% smaller than the experimental value; the method is comparable with SCF and simple pseudopotential calculations. The dipole moment differs from the best theoretical estimate by about 50% what is again comparable with other methods (Complete Active Space SCF and pseudopotential methods).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present paper we discuss and compare two different energy decomposition schemes: Mayer's Hartree-Fock energy decomposition into diatomic and monoatomic contributions [Chem. Phys. Lett. 382, 265 (2003)], and the Ziegler-Rauk dissociation energy decomposition [Inorg. Chem. 18, 1558 (1979)]. The Ziegler-Rauk scheme is based on a separation of a molecule into fragments, while Mayer's scheme can be used in the cases where a fragmentation of the system in clearly separable parts is not possible. In the Mayer scheme, the density of a free atom is deformed to give the one-atom Mulliken density that subsequently interacts to give rise to the diatomic interaction energy. We give a detailed analysis of the diatomic energy contributions in the Mayer scheme and a close look onto the one-atom Mulliken densities. The Mulliken density ρA has a single large maximum around the nuclear position of the atom A, but exhibits slightly negative values in the vicinity of neighboring atoms. The main connecting point between both analysis schemes is the electrostatic energy. Both decomposition schemes utilize the same electrostatic energy expression, but differ in how fragment densities are defined. In the Mayer scheme, the electrostatic component originates from the interaction of the Mulliken densities, while in the Ziegler-Rauk scheme, the undisturbed fragment densities interact. The values of the electrostatic energy resulting from the two schemes differ significantly but typically have the same order of magnitude. Both methods are useful and complementary since Mayer's decomposition focuses on the energy of the finally formed molecule, whereas the Ziegler-Rauk scheme describes the bond formation starting from undeformed fragment densities


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The Variational Method is applied within the context of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics to provide information about the energy and eigenfunction of the lowest levels of a Hamiltonian. The approach is illustrated by the case of the Morse potential applied to several diatomic molecules and the results are compared with stabilished results. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The observation of (A-X) system of BiF has been extended up to λ 5316 and twenty new bands belonging to this system have been recorded. The band heads could be represented by the following equation: {Mathematical expression} Seven other faint bands in the region λ 5316-5492 have also been reported, which, however, could not be classified. By our analysis of the present data and from known thermochemical data it has been deduced that the ground state dissociation energy is, in all probability, around 20000 cm.-1 (∼2·5 ev.) and that the dissociation products are the normal Bi and F atoms. The dissociation energy of the upper state and the correlation rules have been used to show that the dissociation products in the upper state are very likely to be Bi atom in the excited state2D3/2 and F atom in its ground state (2P3/2).


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Raman spectra of single crystals of adipic and sebacic acids have been photographed for the first time using λ 2537 excitation. The spectra have been divided into four regions: (a) internal frequencies; (b) summations and overtones; (c) external vibrations; and (d) low-frequency hydrogen bond oscillations. Tentative correlations have been given for all the internal frequencies and summations and overtones. A series of diffuse weak bands observed in the spectra of both these acids in the not, vert, similar2400–2800 cm−1 have been explained as a superposition of O---H frequencies lowered due to hydrogen bond formation over the summations and overtones of fundamentals mainly in the not, vert, similar1000–1500 cm−1 region. Rotatory type of external oscillations of the two formula units of these molecules in their unit cells have been identified at 76, 99, 118 and 165 cm−1 in adipic acid and 66, 95, 117 and 177 cm−1 in the spectrum of sebacic acid. A brief discussion of the low frequency hydrogen bond vibrations in these acids has been made. Making use of the Lippincott—Schroeder potential and assuming a highly anharmonic potential curve for the hydrogen bond, the vibrational frequencies of the bond have been theoretically evaluated. There is very good agreement between these and the experimental values. The results for adipic acid in cm−1 are: 304 (0 → 1), 270 (1 → 2), 241 (2 → 3), 222 (3 → 4) 201 (4 → 5), 183 (5 → 6). In the case of sebacic acid some of the intermediate and higher transitions are absent in the spectrum recorded by the author. From the above data for adipic acid the dissociation energy of the hydrogen bond was evaluated as 5·9 kcal/mole in fair agreement with the values derived from conventional methods.


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The emission spectrum of bismuth monobromide has been investigated and a vibrational analysis of the A→X system has been made. About 286 bands were recorded in the region λλ 4595–6063 and the isotope effect due to Br79 and Br81 was observed in about 87 bands. A value of 2·74 ev. for the dissociation energy of the excited state has been obtained and arguments have been given to show that the dissociation products in the excited state are Bi(4S3/2) and Br(2P3/2) and that those of the ground state are most probably Bi (4S3/2) and Br (2P1/2) atoms.


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在高超声速飞行条件下,流入冲压发动机燃烧室并降至低速的空气的温度随飞行马赫数增加而愈来愈高。燃料与高温空气混合燃烧释放的化学能中的一部分将转化为解离能。这些解离能在长度受限的尾喷管中难以充分复合形成推力,使冲压发动机推力在高超声速范围内随飞行马赫数增大而下降,难以满足高超声速飞行器的推进要求。 与亚燃冲压发动机相比,流入超燃冲压发动机燃烧室的空气的温度在同样飞行马赫数条件下将明显降低,上述困难可大大缓解。然而目前超燃冲压发动机还存在关键性难点有待克服。若保持现有亚燃冲压发动机的吸气与燃烧方式,通过催化促进燃气解离组分在尾喷管膨胀过程中复合,可以增大冲压发动机的推力,满足高超声速飞行器的推进要求,为高超声速飞行器推进提供新的选择。 本论文主要研究内容如下: (1) 研究了亚燃冲压发动机燃烧室内燃气解离能与飞行马赫数的关系。通过对冻结流、平衡流和有限化学反应速率的流动的数值计算,确定了回收解离能增大推力的潜力。 (2) 以双爆轰技术为基础,建立起一套地面燃气产生装置。所产生的燃气的组分、温度和压力均与冲压发动机在高空飞行时燃气完全相同。调试出总温3200K、总压20Bar(对应来流马赫数6)和试验时间17.5ms以及总温4000K、总压5Bar(对应来流马赫数8)和试验时间12.5ms两种状态参数的试验用燃气。 (3) 建立了基于动量守恒原理的通过皮托管测压力换算推力的测量方法。对催化复合增大推力的实验而言,一般要进行特定流动条件下喷水与未喷水两种情况下推力大小的比较,其精度可以达到2%甚至更高。 (4) 完成了尾喷管喉道下游管壁喷水试验,成功释放出高温燃气中的解离能,有效增大了推力,证实了催化增推的想法是可行的。在来流马赫数6的条件下获得了11.0%的推力增量;在来流马赫数8.0的条件下也获得了11.7%的推力增加。


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The electronic structure of a bounded intrinsic stacking fault in silicon is calculated. The method used is an LCAO-scheme (Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals) taking ten atomic orbitals of s-, p-, and d-type into account. The levels in the band gap are extracted using Lanczos' algorithm and a continued fraction representation of the local density of states. We find occupied states located up to 0.3 eV above the valence band maximum (E(v)). This significantly differs from the result obtained for the ideal infinite fault for which the interface state is located at E(v)+ 0.1 eV.


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The structural properties for various SiCO isomers in the singlet and triplet states have been investigated using CASSCF methods with a 6-311 +G* basis set and also using three DFT and MP2 with same basis set for those systems except for the linear singlet state. The detailed bonding character is discussed, and the state-state correlations and the isomerization mechanism are also determined. Results indicate that there are four different isomers for each spin state, and for all isomers, the triplet state is more stable than the corresponding singlet state. The most stable is the linear SiCO ((3)Sigma(-)) species and may be refer-red to the ground state. At the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level, the state-state energy separations of the other triplet states relative to the ground state are 43.2 (cyclic), 45.2 (linear SiOC), and 75.6 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively, whereas the triplet-singlet state excitation energies for each configuration are 17.3 (linear SiCO), 2.2 (cyclic SiCO), 10.2 (linear SiOC), and 18.5 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively. SiCo ((3)Sigma(-)) may be classified as silene (carbonylsilene), and its COdelta- moiety possesses CO- property. The dissociation energy of the ground state is 42.5 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and falls within a range of 36.5-41.5 kcal/mol at DFT level, and of 23.7-28.9 kcal/mol at the wave function-correlated level, whereas the vertical IP is 188.8 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and is very close to the first IP of Si atom. Three linear isomers (SiCO, SiOC, and CSiO) have similar structural bonding character. SiOC may be referred to the iso-carbonyl Si instead of the aether compound, whereas the CSiO isomer may be considered as the combination of C (the analogue of Si) with SiO (the analogue of CO). The bonding is weak for all linear species, and the corresponding potential energy surfaces are flat, and thus these linear molecules are facile. Another important isomer is of cyclic structure, it may be considered as the combination of CO with Si by the side pi bond. This structure has the smallest triplet state-singlet state excitation energy (similar to2.2 kcal/mol); the C-O bonds are longer, and the corresponding vibrational frequencies are significantly smaller than those of the other linear species. This cyclic species is not classified as an epoxy compound. State-state correlation analysis and the isomerization pathway searches have indicated that there are no direct correlations among three linear structures for each spin state, but they may interchange by experiencing two transition states and one cyclic intermediate. The easiest pathway is to break the Si-O bond to go to the linear SiCO, but its inverse process is very difficult. The most difficult process is to break the C-O bond and to go to the linear CSiO.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies, and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied using density functional method. Ground electronic state was assigned for each molecule. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that, besides ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d orbitals, and the p orbital of S, Se, and Te. For neutral and cationic molecules, the covalent character increases from ScX to CrX and from FeX to CuX with an exception of decrease at MnX and ZnX, while for anionic molecules, the trend is not obvious. For both neutral and charged molecules, the sulfides have the shortest bond distance and largest vibrational frequency, while tellurides have the largest bond distance and smallest vibrational frequency. For neutral and anionic molecules, the dissociation energy of sulfides is the largest, that of tellurides is the smallest, while this only remains true for cationic molecules from ScX+ to FeX+.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, dipole moments, dissociation energies, electron affinities, and ionization potentials of NIX (XM = Y-Cd, X = F, Cl, Br, I) molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied by density functional method, B3LYP. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that besides ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the 4d transition metal s, d orbitals, and the p orbital of halogen. For both neutral and charged molecules, the fluorides have the shortest bond distance, iodides the longest. Although the opposite situation is observed for vibrational frequency, that is, fluorides have the largest value, iodides the smallest. For neutral and anionic species, the dissociation energy tends to decrease with the increasing atomic number from Y to Cd, suggesting the decreasing or weakening of the bond strength. For cationic species, the trend is observed from Y to Ag.


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Bond distances, dissociation energies, ionization potentials and electron affinities of 4d transition metal monoxides from YO to CdO and their positive and negative ions were studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BPW91, B3P86, BP86, SVWN, MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE. It was found that calculated properties are highly dependent on the functionals employed, especially for dissociation energy. For most neutral species, pure density functionals BLYP, BPW91 and BP86 have good performance in predicting dissociation energy than hybrid density functionals B3LYP, B3PW91 and B3P86. In addition, BLYP gives the largest bond distance compared with other density functional methods, while SVWN gives shortest bond distance, largest dissociation energy and electron affinity. For the ground state, the spin multiplicity of the charged species can be obtained by +/- 1 of their corresponding neutral species.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, and dissociation energies of the diatomic 5d transition metal (except La) monoxides and their positively and negatively charged ions were studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BPW91, B3P86, BP86, MPW1PW91, PBE1PBE, and SVWN. Our calculation shows that for each individual species, the calculated properties are quite sensitive to the method used. Compared with hybrid density functional method B3PW91 (B3P86), pure density functional method BPW91 (BP86) gives longer bond distance (lower vibrational frequency) from HfO to PtO for neutral species, HfO+ to IrO+ for cationic species, and HfO- to AuO- for anionic species. While for B3LYP and BLYP, the trend was observed for cationic species from HfO+ to IrO+ and anionic species from HfO- to AuO- (except TaO-), but not for neutrals. Pure density function methods BLYP, BPW91, and BP86 give larger dissociation energy compared with hybrid density functional methods B3LYP, B3PW91, and B3P86. SVWN in most cases gives the smallest bond distance, while BLYP gives the largest value. MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE show the same performance in predicting the spectroscopic constants.