996 resultados para disposition effect


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The disposition effect predicts that investors tend to sell winning stocks too soon and ride losing stocks too long. Despite the wide range of research evidence about this issue, the reasons that lead investors to act this way are still subject to much controversy between rational and behavioral explanations. In this article, the main goal was to test two competing behavioral motivations to justify the disposition effect: prospect theory and mean reversion bias. To achieve it, an analysis of monthly transactions for a sample of 51 Brazilian equity funds from 2002 to 2008 was conducted and regression models with qualitative dependent variables were estimated in order to set the probability of a manager to realize a capital gain or loss as a function of the stock return. The results brought evidence that prospect theory seems to guide the decision-making process of the managers, but the hypothesis that the disposition effect is due to mean reversion bias could not be confirmed.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia, käyttäytyvätkö suomalaiset rahastosijoittajat dispositioefektin mukaisesti realisoimalla mieluummin voitollisia kuin tappiollisia sijoituksia. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat sijoittajien käyttäytyminen ja mandolliset sijoittajien psykologiset taipumukset ja käytösharhat. Aineistona on erään suomalaisen rahastoyhtiön henkilöasiakastietokanta vuosilta 2000 — 2007. Tutkimustulosten mukaan dispositioefekti ei ilmene niin selvästi rahastosijoittamisessa kuin suorissa osakesijoituksissa. Lääketieteellisessä rahastossa ei voida havaita viitteitä dispositioefektistä. Dispositioefekti havaitaan yhdistelmärahastossa sekä globaalissa osakerahastossa, mutta sen vaikutus näyttää häviävän tai jopa katoavan laskevilla markkinoilla. Verohyöty vaikuttaa euromääräisiin lunastuksiin joulukuussa vähentäen dispositioefektin ilmenemistä. Sijoituksen pitoajalla on selvä vaikutus sijoittajan saamiin tuottoihin. Sijoittajat näyttävät menettävän tuottoja pitämällä liian kauan tappiollisia sijoituksia ja realisoimalla liian nopeasti voitollisia sijoituksia. Kaikkien aikojen kurssihuiput markkinaindeksissä lisäävät lisäävät lunastuksia, kun taas kaikkien aikojen kurssipohjat vähentävät lunastuksia. Kuukauden takaisella kurssihuipulla tai notkolla näyttää olevan suurin merkitys lunastusten määrään


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kotitalouksien sijoituskohteiden valinnan rationaalisuutta Helsingin pörssissä. Lisäksi pyrkimyksenä on ymmärtää kotitalouksien sijoituspäätösten taustalla vaikuttavia ilmiöitä. Tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa selvitetään, korreloivatko kotitalouksien sijoitusmäärät Helsingin pörssissä yhtiöiden tunnuslukuperusteisen kannattavuuden kanssa. Lisäksi selvitetään, miten kotitalouksien sijoitukset ovat aktuaalisesti tuottaneet verrattuna rahoitus- ja vakuutuslaitoksiin ja miten kotitaloudet ovat allokoineet varallisuuttaan sijoituskohteiden välillä.


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Este documento es el resultado de una investigación bajo el enfoque de Finanzas Corporativas del Comportamiento, disciplina relevante en el mundo financiero desde el 2002 y que hasta el momento poco se ha investigado en Colombia. Esta difiere del supuesto tradicional de la racionalidad de los individuos en la toma de decisiones financieras, ya que pueden ser influenciadas por sesgos cognitivos y emocionales que la teoría ortodoxa no tiene en cuenta en sus supuestos. Esta investigación busca indagar, desde el punto de vista conceptual y mediante el análisis de resultados de estudio de campo con operadores del mercado bursátil colombiano, sobre la posible presencia de elementos comportamentales en las decisiones de inversión. Los sesgos que se evaluaron fueron: disonancia cognitiva, heurístico de disponibilidad y sesgo de confirmación. Para la recolección de fuentes primarias, una encuesta fue enviada a los operadores Colombianos, categorizados en operadores con experiencia y operadores jóvenes. Después del filtro, 142 encuestas fueron seleccionadas para el análisis. Los principales hallazgos fueron que los jóvenes son más propensos a experimentar disonancia cognitiva y heurístico de disponibilidad y en ambas categorías, los sesgos analizados influencian medianamente la toma de decisiones de inversión.


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This study jointly examines herding, momentum trading and performance in real estate mutual funds (REMFs). We do this using trading and performance data for 159 REMFs across the period 1998–2008. In support of the view that Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) stocks are relatively more transparent, we find that stock herding by REMFs is lower in REIT stocks than other stock. Herding behavior in our data reveals a tendency for managers to sell winners, reflective of the “disposition effect.” We find low overall levels of REMF momentum trading, but further evidence of the disposition effect when momentum trading is segregated into buy–sell dimensions. We test the robustness of our analysis using style analysis, and by reference to the level of fund dividend distribution. Our results for this are consistent with our conjecture about the role of transparency in herding, but they provide no new insights in relation to the momentum-trading dimensions of our analysis. Summarizing what are complex interrelationships, we find that neither herding nor momentum trading are demonstrably superior investment strategies for REMFs.


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This thesis deals with the synthesis and the conformation analysis of hybrid foldamers containing the 4-carboxyoxazolidin-2-one unit or related molecules, in which an imido-type function is obtained by coupling the nitrogen of the heterocycle with the carboxylic acid moiety of the next unit. The imide group is characterized by a nitrogen atom connected to an endocyclic and an exocyclic carbonyl, which tend always to adopt the trans conformation. As a consequence of this locally constrained disposition effect, these imide-type oligomers are forced to fold in ordered conformations. The synthetic approach is highly tuneable with endless variations, so, simply by changing the design and the synthesis, a wide variety of foldamers with the required properties may be prepared “on demand”. Thus a wide variety of unusual secondary structures and interesting supramolecular materials may be obtained with hybrid foldamers. The behaviour in the solid state of some of these compounds has been analyzed in detail, thus showing the formation of different kinds of supramolecular materials that may be used for several applications. A winning example is the production of a bolaamphiphilic gelators that may also be doped with small amounts of dansyl containing compounds, needed to show the cellular uptake into IGROV-1 cells, by confocal laser scanning microscopy. These gels are readily internalized by cells and are biologically inactive, making them very good candidates in the promising field of drug delivery. In the last part of the thesis, a particular attention was directed to the search of new scaffolds that behave as constrained amino acid mimetics, showing that tetramic acids derivatives could be good candidates for the synthesis and applications of molecules having an ordered secondary structure.


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This report focuses on the effects of cholesterol on the expression and function of the ATP-binding cassette (ABCB1, ABCG2 and ABCC2) and solute-linked carrier (SLCO1B1 and SLCO2B1) drug transporters with a particular focus on the potential impact of cholesterol on lipid-lowering drug disposition. Statins are the most active agents in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. However, considerable interindividual variation exists in the response to statin therapy. Therefore, it would be huge progress if factors were identified that reliably differentiate between responders and nonresponders. Many studies have suggested that plasma lipid concentrations can affect drug disposition of compounds, such as ciclosporin and amphotericin B. Both compounds are able to affect the expression and function of ABC transporters. Although still speculative, these effects might be owing to the regulation of drug transporters by plasma cholesterol levels. Studies with normo- and hyper-cholesterolemic individuals, before and after atorvastatin treatment, have demonstrated that plasma cholesterol levels are correlated with drug transporter expression, as well as being related to atorvastatin`s cholesterol-lowering effect. The mechanism influencing the correlation between cholesterol levels and the expression and function of drug transporters remains unclear. Some studies provide strong evidence that nuclear receptors, such as the pregnane X receptor and the constitutive androstane receptor, mediate this effect. In the near future, pharmacogenomic studies with individuals in a pathological state should be performed in order to identify whether high plasma cholesterol levels might be a factor contributing to interindividual oral drug bioavailability.


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AIMS: A large interindividual variability in plasma concentrations has been reported in patients treated with donepezil, the most frequently prescribed antidementia drug. We aimed to evaluate clinical and genetic factors influencing donepezil disposition in a patient population recruited from a naturalistic setting. METHODS: A population pharmacokinetic study was performed including data from 129 older patients treated with donepezil. The patients were genotyped for common polymorphisms in the metabolic enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP3A, in the electron transferring protein POR and the nuclear factor NR1I2 involved in CYP activity and expression, and in the drug transporter ABCB1. RESULTS: The average donepezil clearance was 7.3 l h(-1) with a 30% interindividual variability. Gender markedly influenced donepezil clearance (P < 0.01). Functional alleles of CYP2D6 were identified as unique significant genetic covariate for donepezil clearance (P < 0.01), with poor metabolizers and ultrarapid metabolizers demonstrating, respectively, a 32% slower and a 67% faster donepezil elimination compared with extensive metabolizers. CONCLUSION: The pharmacokinetic parameters of donepezil were well described by the developed population model. Functional alleles of CYP2D6 significantly contributed to the variability in donepezil disposition in the patient population and should be further investigated in the context of individual dose optimization to improve clinical outcome and tolerability of the treatment.


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Previous research has shown that richer people are more likely to engage in an environmentalcause. We extend it by considering the joint effect between subjective income and a set of macroeconomicvariables. For doing so, we employ the fifth wave of the World Values Survey (WVS).This study provides clear evidence that even when both factors matter, people´s attitudes cruciallydepend on the interaction effect. Hence, those measures that affect the characteristics of thecountry would also change the disposition to be involved.


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Hepatotoxicity is the main concern during tuberculosis chemotherapy with the first-line drugs isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RMP) and pyrazinamide (PYR). Since these hepatotoxic events have been associated with INH metabolites, the study aimed to measure the area under curve (AUC) parameter for INH and its metabolites acetylisoniazid (AcINH), hydrazine (Hz) and acetylhydrazine (AcHz), when groups of rats were pre-treated for 21 days with INH alone or in combination with RMP and/or PYR, in the following amounts per kg body weight: INH 100 mg; INH 100 mg + RMP 100 mg; INH 100 mg + PYR 350 mg; INH 100 mg + PYR 350 mg + RMP 100 mg. It was found that co-administration of RMP, PYR and RMP + PYR caused a significant decrease in the AUC for INH. Co-administration of PYR was the only treatment that caused a significant increase in the AUC for Hz and a decrease in the AUC for its acetylated product AcHz. The AUC for AcINH was not significantly altered in any experimental group. In conclusion, the increased metabolism of INH in all the drug combinations and the significantly higher production of Hz in the group INH + PYR might be linked with exacerbated hepatotoxic effects of these drug associations. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Tuberculosis chemotherapy involves combination of the drugs isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RMP) and pyrazinamide (PYR) for a 6-month period. The present work investigated the influence of RMP and PYR on the pharmacokinetic parameters of INH when groups of rats were pre-treated for 21 days with INH alone or in combination with RMP and/or PYR, in the following amounts per kg body weight: INH 100 mg; INH 100 mg + RMP 100 mg; INH 100 mg + PYR 350 mg; INH 100 mg + PYR 350 mg + RMP 100 mg. It was found that the co-administration of PYR caused an increase in the INH distribution volume (V-d/F), half-life of elimination t(1)/2(beta)) and clearance (Cl-T/F), and a decrease in the area under curve 0 to 24 h (AUC). Co-administration of RMP caused an increase in the Cl-T/F and a decrease in the AUC. The combination INH + PYR + RMP caused an increase in the Cl-T/F and a decrease in the AUC. These significant pharmacokinetic interactions between the tuberculostatic drugs might be related to differences in the therapeutic and toxic effects. Copyright 0( 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The present study evaluated the effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on pen-implant bone healing. A total of 9 mongrel dogs received 36 dental implants with sandblasted acid-etched surface in lower jaws in a split-mouth design: in the PRP group (n = 18 implants) the implants were placed in association with PRP, and in the control group (n = 18 implants) the implants were placed without PRP. Biopsies were obtained and prepared for histologic and histometric analysis after 15, 30, and 55 days of healing. The biopsies retrieved at 15 days showed delicate bone trabeculae formed by immature bone with presence of numerous osteoblasts for both groups. At 30 days the trabeculae presented reversal lines and evident lamellar disposition, where some thread spaces were filled by bone and dense connective tissue. At 55 days, bone healing was not altered in the control group, and histologic aspects were variable for the group treated with PRP. There was no significant difference between the groups for bone-to-implant contact (P > .05). PRP did not enhance bone formation around sandblasted acid-etched implants.


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Rifampicin, a poorly soluble drug, has great importance in therapeutics as it is the main drug used to treat tuberculosis. The characterization of its permeability and the factors that influence it represent an important tool for predicting its bioavailability. Caco-2 cell monolayers were used as models of the intestinal mucosa to assess the uptake and transport of rifampicin and the effects of various experimental conditions were investigated, in order to establish the influence of these variables on rifampicin permeability. Different pHs (5.8, 6.8 and 7.4) in the apical medium, the presence or absence of mucin (3.0% w/v) in the donor site and the presence or absence of bovine serum albumin (4.0% v/v) in the receptor chamber were the evaluated conditions. The quantification of rifampicin in the apical or basolateral chambers was performed by a validated HPLC-UV method. The change in the donor chamber pH showed that permeability values were greater at pH 6.8, although this increase does not result in an alteration of the qualitative classification of rifampicin, which has high permeability. Mucin and bovine serum showed no effects on the permeability of rifampicin at the concentration tested. Overall, the current study suggests that pH, artificial mucin and bovine serum proteins have no influence on rifampicin permeability. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Ketamine is widely used as an anesthetic in a variety of drug combinations in human and veterinary medicine. Recently, it gained new interest for use in long-term pain therapy administered in sub-anesthetic doses in humans and animals. The purpose of this study was to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPk) model for ketamine in ponies and to investigate the effect of low-dose ketamine infusion on the amplitude and the duration of the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR). A target-controlled infusion (TCI) of ketamine with a target plasma level of 1 microg/ml S-ketamine over 120 min under isoflurane anesthesia was performed in Shetland ponies. A quantitative electromyographic assessment of the NWR was done before, during and after the TCI. Plasma levels of R-/S-ketamine and R-/S-norketamine were determined by enantioselective capillary electrophoresis. These data and two additional data sets from bolus studies were used to build a PBPk model for ketamine in ponies. The peak-to-peak amplitude and the duration of the NWR decreased significantly during TCI and returned slowly toward baseline values after the end of TCI. The PBPk model provides reliable prediction of plasma and tissue levels of R- and S-ketamine and R- and S-norketamine. Furthermore, biotransformation of ketamine takes place in the liver and in the lung via first-pass metabolism. Plasma concentrations of S-norketamine were higher compared to R-norketamine during TCI at all time points. Analysis of the data suggested identical biotransformation rates from the parent compounds to the principle metabolites (R- and S-norketamine) but different downstream metabolism to further metabolites. The PBPk model can provide predictions of R- and S-ketamine and norketamine concentrations in other clinical settings (e.g. horses).


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This longitudinal panel study investigated predictors of career adaptability development and its effect on development of sense of power and experience of life satisfaction among 330 Swiss eighth graders. A multivariate measure of career adaptability consisting of career choice readiness, planning, exploration, and confidence was applied. Based on Motivational Systems Theory four groups of predictors were assessed: positive emotional disposition, goal decidedness, capability beliefs and social context beliefs. Influence of gender, age, immigration background, parental educational level, and college-bound or vocational education plans were also assessed. Perceived social support and positive emotional disposition, non-immigration background, and continuing to vocational education were single significant predictors of more career adaptability development over the school year. Supporting the connection of career adaptability and positive youth development, increase in career adaptability over time predicted increase in sense of power and experience of life satisfaction.