535 resultados para disgenesia gonadal
The Y-chromosome-located SRY gene encodes a small testis-specific protein containing a DNA-binding motif known as the HMG (high mobility group) box. However, mutations in SRY are not frequent especially in cases of 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis. Several sex-determining genes direct the fate of the bipotential gonad to either testis or ovary. In addition, heterozygous small deletions in 9p can cause complete and partial XY gonadal dysgenesis without other symptoms. Human DMRT1 gene, which is located at 9p24.3, is expressed in testis and ovary and has been considered, among others, a candidate autosomal gene responsible for gonadal dysgenesis. In this report we describe a nucleotide insertion in DMRT1 3'UTR in a patient of XY partial gonadal dygenesis. The 3'UTR+11insT is located within a conserved motif important for mRNA stabilization.
FISH has been used as a complement to classical cytogenetics in the detection of mosaicism in sex chromosome anomalies. The aim of this study is to describe three cases in which the final diagnosis could only be achieved by FISH. Case 1 was an 8-year-old 46,XY girl with normal female genitalia referred to our service because of short stature. FISH analysis of lymphocytes with probes for the X and Y centromeres identified a 45,X/46,X,idic(Y) constitution, and established the diagnosis of Turner syndrome. Case 2 was a 21-month-old 46,XY boy with genital ambiguity (penile hypospadias, right testis, and left streak gonad). FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 45,X/46,XY karyotype, leading to diagnosis of mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Case 3 was a 47,XYY 19-year-old boy with delayed neuromotor development, learning disabilities, psychological problems, tall stature, small testes, elevated gonadotropins, and azoospermia. FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 47,XYY/48,XXYY constitution. Cases 1 and 2 illustrate the phenotypic variability of the 45,X/46,XY mosaicism, and the importance of detection of the 45,X cell line for proper management and follow-up. In case 3, abnormal gonadal function could be explained by the 48,XXYY cell line. The use of FISH in clinical practice is particularly relevant when classical cytogenetic analysis yields normal or uncertain results in patients with features of sex chromosome aneuploidy. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):545-51
OBJECTIVE: To verify if the frequency of spontaneous pubertal development among girls with Turner syndrome (TS) diagnosed in infancy and childhood is greater than that of patients diagnosed later. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty three girls aged < 10 years at the time of diagnosis were evaluated regarding pubertal development. The frequency of spontaneous puberty was compared with that of girls aged > 13 years diagnosed at the same service. RESULTS: Sixteen of 32 informative patients had signs of spontaneous puberty, a frequency greater than that of patients diagnosed later. In six patients, there was no progression of puberty; menarche occurred in six, and one became pregnant, but the fetus was a stillborn. Spontaneous puberty was absent in all cases with 45,X karyotype. CONCLUSIONS: The greater prevalence of spontaneous puberty in girls whose diagnosis was not based on pubertal delay suggests that, among those diagnosed later, there is a bias towards patients with hypogonadism. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):653-7
BACKGROUND Androgen receptor (AR) gene mutations are the most frequent cause of 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) and are associated with a variety of phenotypes, ranging from phenotypic women [complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS)] to milder degrees of undervirilization (partial form or PAIS) or men with only infertility (mild form or MAIS). OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to characterize the contribution of the AR gene to the molecular cause of 46,XY DSD in a series of Spanish patients. SETTING We studied a series of 133 index patients with 46,XY DSD in whom gonads were differentiated as testes, with phenotypes including varying degrees of undervirilization, and in whom the AR gene was the first candidate for a molecular analysis. METHODS The AR gene was sequenced (exons 1 to 8 with intronic flanking regions) in all patients and in family members of 61% of AR-mutated gene patients. RESULTS AR gene mutations were found in 59 individuals (44.4% of index patients), of whom 46 (78%) were CAIS and 13 (22%) PAIS. Fifty-seven different mutations were found: 21.0% located in exon 1, 15.8% in exons 2 and 3, 57.9% in exons 4-8, and 5.3% intronic. Twenty-three mutations (40.4%) had been previously described and 34 (59.6%) were novel. CONCLUSIONS AR gene mutation is the most frequent cause of 46,XY DSD, with a clearly higher frequency in the complete phenotype. Mutations spread along the whole coding sequence, including exon 1. This series shows that 60% of mutations detected during the period 2002-2009 were novel.
INTRODUÇÃO: pacientes em amenorréia primária com disgenesia gonadal têm níveis elevados de gonadotrofinas e necessitam de avaliação cromossômica. O estudo citogenético (cariótipo) pode ser realizado na gônada ou no sangue periférico. Nos casos de amenorréia primária sem sinal de virilização, a necessidade de investigação adicional do cariótipo da gônada não está estabelecida. OBJETIVO: revisar os cariótipos de gônadas (ovários) de mulheres com amenorréia primária e compará-los com os resultados do cariótipo no sangue periférico, relacionando-os às características fenotípicas das pacientes. MÉTODOS: foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados clínicos e os cariótipos de doze pacientes atendidas no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2003 no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. RESULTADOS: nas pacientes incluídas, quando o motivo da investigação foi amenorréia primária sem sinal de virilização, o cariótipo da gônada foi concordante com o cariótipo do sangue periférico nos oito casos avaliados (sete pacientes com cariótipo 46XX e uma paciente com cariótipo 46XY). A paciente oito foi a única com sinal de virilização (hipertrofia de clitóris) e o único caso de cariótipos discordantes. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo sugere que o cariótipo de gônada não traz informação adicional ao cariótipo do sangue periférico nas pacientes com amenorréia primária sem sinais de virilização. Até o momento todos os trabalhos publicados tiveram número pequeno de pacientes. A análise da relação custo-benefício pode permitir redução de estresse psicológico para paciente e familiares, bem como redução de custos para as instituições.
OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência e as características clínicas de pacientes com amenorréia primária e cariótipo XY avaliadas em nosso Serviço com o intuito de identificar achados que possam auxiliar em seu reconhecimento. MÉTODOS: no período de Janeiro de 1975 a Novembro de 2007, foram avaliadas 104 pacientes com amenorréia primária. Para todos os casos foi realizada a análise pelo cariótipo por bandas GTG. Destas, 21 (20,2%) apresentavam uma constituição 46,XY. Contudo, duas foram excluídas do estudo por terem prontuários incompletos. Das 19 pacientes que compuseram a amostra, a maior parte veio encaminhada pela ginecologia (63,2%). Suas idades variaram entre 16 e 41 anos (média de 22,1 anos). Realizou-se uma coleta de dados sobre sua história familiar e pregressa, exame físico e resultados de exames complementares. Para determinação dos seus diagnósticos levaram-se em consideração essas informações. RESULTADOS: a síndrome de resistência aos androgênios foi o diagnóstico predominante (n=12; 63,2%). Cinco pacientes (26,3%) apresentavam disgenesia gonadal pura XY (DGP XY), uma (5,3%) deficiência de 17-alfa hidroxilase e uma (5,3%) deficiência de 5-alfa redutase. Achados clínicos freqüentemente observados nessas pacientes incluíram desenvolvimento anormal dos caracteres sexuais secundários (n=19), agenesia uterina com vagina em fundo de saco (n=14), história familiar de amenorréia (n=8) e gônadas palpáveis no canal inguinal (n=5). Duas delas apresentavam história de hérnia inguinal. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi diagnosticada somente na paciente com deficiência de 17-alfa hidroxilase, e malignização gonadal, naquela com DGP XY. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência de pacientes com cariótipo XY (20%) foi superior à usualmente descrita na literatura (3 a 11%). Acreditamos que isso tenha relação com a forma de encaminhamento das pacientes ao Serviço. Certos achados da história clínica e do exame físico deveriam ser rotineiramente avaliados em indivíduos com amenorréia primária. Dessa forma, haveria um reconhecimento mais precoce das pacientes 46,XY e, conseqüentemente, um adequado manejo clínico das mesmas.
We have previously demonstrated that blockade of β-adrenoreceptors (β-AR) located in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of rats suppresses formalin-induced TMJ nociceptive behaviour in both male and female rats, but female rats are more responsive. In this study, we investigated whether gonadal hormones modulate the responsiveness to local β-blocker-induced antinociception in the TMJ of rats. Co-administration of each of the selective β1 (atenolol), β2 (ICI 118.551) and β3 (SR59230A)-AR antagonists with equi-nociceptive concentrations of formalin in the TMJ of intact, gonadectomized and hormone-treated gonadectomized male and female rats. Atenolol, ICI 118.551 and SR59230A significantly reduced formalin-induced TMJ nociception in a dose response fashion in all groups tested. However, a lower dose of each β-AR antagonist was sufficient to significantly reduce nociceptive responses in gonadectomized but not in intact and testosterone-treated gonadectomized male rats. In the female groups, a lower dose of β1 -AR antagonist was sufficient to significantly reduce nociceptive responses in gonadectomized but not in intact or gonadectomized rats treated with progesterone or a high dose of oestradiol; a lower dose of β2 -AR antagonist was sufficient to significantly reduce nociceptive responses in gonadectomized but not in intact and gonadectomized rats treated with low or high dose of oestradiol. Gonadal hormones may reduce the responsiveness to local β-blocker-induced antinociception in the TMJ of male and female rats. However, their effect depends upon their plasma level, the subtype of β-AR and the dose of β-blockers used.
Background/Aims. Studies on 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis (PGD) have focused on molecular, gonadal, genital, and hormone features; little is known about follow-up. Our aim was to analyze long-term outcomes of PGD. Methods. Retrospective longitudinal study conducted at a reference service in Brazil. Ten patients were first evaluated in the 1990s and followed up until the 2010s; follow-up ranged from 13.5 to 19.7 years. All were reared as males and had at least one scrotal testis; two bore NR5A1 mutations. Main outcomes were: associated conditions, pubertal development, and growth. Results. All patients had normal motor development but three presented cognitive impairment; five had various associated conditions. At the end of the prepubertal period, FSH was high or high-normal in 3/6 patients; LH was normal in all. At the last evaluation, FSH was high or high-normal in 8/10; LH was high or high-normal in 5/10; testosterone was decreased in one. Final height in nine cases ranged from -1.57 to 0.80 SDS. All had spontaneous puberty; only one needed androgen therapy. Conclusions. There is good prognosis for growth and spontaneous pubertal development but not for fertility. Though additional studies are required, screening for learning disabilities is advisable.
Calomys callosus is a wild rodent found naturally infected with different Trypanosoma cruzi strains. In the work described here, groups of male and female C callosus were subjected to orchiectomy, ovariectomy and sham operation. One month after surgery, animals were inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 4 x 10(4) blood trypomastigotes of the ""Y"" strain of T. cruzi. Parasitemia, triglycerides, nitric oxide (NO) and concanavalin A (ConA)-induced proliferation were evaluated. Parasitemia during the course of infection was significantly higher in infected and sham operated animals as compared to infected orchiectomized animals. The opposite was observed in the ovariectomized and infected group. Orchiectomized and infected animals displayed elevated triglyceride levels, as well as a more vigorous immune response, with higher splenocyte proliferation and elevated concentrations of NO. Ovariectomy resulted in an impaired immune response, as observed by a reduction of splenocyte proliferation and NO concentration. The results suggest a pivotal role for gonadal hormones in the modulation of triglyceride levels and the magnitude of the immune response during the acute phase of T. cruzi infection. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Background: The potential involvement of SRY in abnormal gonadal development in 45,X/46,X,der(Y) patients was proposed following the identification of SRY mutations in a few patients with Turner syndrome (TS). However, its exact etiological role in gonadal dysgenesis in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms has not yet been clarified. Aims: It was the aim of this study to screen for allelic variation in SRY in a large cohort of patients with disorders of sex development due to chromosomal abnormalities with 45, X/46, X, der(Y) karyotype. Patients: Twenty-seven patients, 14 with TS and 13 with mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD), harboring 45, X/46, X, der(Y) karyotypes were selected. Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of all patients and from gonadal tissue in 4 cases. The SRY coding region was PCR amplified and sequenced. Results: We identified only 1 polymorphism (c.561C -> T) in a 45,X/46,XY MGD patient, which was detected in blood and in gonadal tissue. Conclusion: Our results indicate that mutations in SRY are rare findings in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms. Therefore, a significant role of mutated SRY in the etiology of gonadal dysgenesis in patients harboring 45, X/46, XY karyotype and variants seems very unlikely. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
La chinchilla es un roedor autóctono de Sudamérica que ha sido domesticado y seleccionado genéticamente debido a la fineza y valor de su piel, la más cotizada en el mercado peletero mundial. La situación coyuntural tanto a nivel mundial como nacional ha dispuesto circunstancias muy favorables para la expansión de esta actividad especialmente en nuestro país, en función de un costo de producción bajo en pesos, con una demanda mundial creciente y con firmes precios en dólares o euros. En base a estas condiciones y a la alta calidad de las pieles producidas en nuestro país, Argentina se proyecta como uno de los mayores productores mundiales de pieles de chinchillas. Sin embargo, no se ha desarrollado aún una zootecnia acorde con las necesidades locales de producción. Lo que es más, la aplicación de técnicas que permitan maximizar y optimizar la productividad de los establecimientos de cría (como las técnicas de reproducción asistida) aún no ha sido concretada debido a la falta a nivel mundial de información en lo que respecta a las bases de la fisiología de la reproducción de esta especie. Un área de vacancia fundamental es la referente a la fisiología del eje hipotálamo-hipófiso-gonadal de la hembra. Con esto en mente, el objetivo general del presente proyecto es estudiar en Chinchilla lanigera doméstica los procesos fisiológicos que regulan el ciclo sexual natural de la hembra y evaluar la eficacia de diferentes sustancias activadoras del eje hipotálamo-hipófiso-gonadal para el control exógeno del mismo. La identificación de factores relevantes de la fisiología reproductiva en la chinchilla doméstica, es de vital importancia para establecer las bases para la aplicación de técnicas de reproducción asistida y herramientas de manejo que permitan incrementar la eficacia reproductiva y acelerar el mejoramiento genético del plantel animal. Paralelamente, el desarrollo de estas técnicas en la chinchilla doméstica como modelo experimental permitirá la transferencia de conocimientos para el desarrollo de programas de cría ex situ de la especie silvestre y la conservación del recurso natural, actualmente en peligro de extinción (CITES I). Así, el presente proyecto tendría un doble impacto y se generarán conocimientos no disponibles al presente para la comunidad científica ni para los criadores de chinchilla. Este estudio por lo tanto, está relacionado con áreas de investigación de gran interés en la actualidad como la conservación de la biodiversidad, la ecología reproductiva, la biotecnología y el mejoramiento de programas de cría de especies no tradicionales de interés económico. Constituye además un proyecto cuyos resultados podrán ser rápidamente transferibles.
The occurrence of hybrid dysgenesis was investigated in Drosophila sturtevanti Duda, 1927 using diagnostic crosses similar to those used for induction of dysgenics traits in D. melanogaster. Reciprocal test crosses were made, at 27° C, between an old laboratory strain of D. sturtevanti (COL, from Colombia), assumed to be an M'-like strain, and eight freshly collected strains from several natural populations. The gonadal dysgenesis indices were under 10% in most of crosses, except in hybrids of COL with I27, a strain from Minas Gerais (Brazil), in which the index values were moderate in both directions of crosses (25.71 and 12.87). The smallest productivity was also observed in hybrids of females COL mated to I27 males. No causal relationship between the observed gonadal dysgenesis and mobilization of P element or another transposable element could be effectively established.
The recruitment period of Locariichthys platymetopon (Isbrucker & Nijssen, 1979) was investigated. It has been found out, through the data analysis, that the gonadal condition factor is a good indicator of the reproductive period and that the hepatossomatic index is probably related to the storage of reservation for the winter period. The recruitment occurred in November coinciding with the reproductive activity of May.
The stages of gonadal development for the female of "barba-ruça" shrimp (Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888) were characterized based on histological analysis. Four stages (immature, almost mature, ripe and spawned) were determined according to the structure and arrangement of cells in the ovary. Each stage corresponds macroscopically to a characteristic color, except stages I (immature) and IV (spawned), in which colors are very similar and can be distinguished only microscopically. The chromatic scale varies from white/translucent (stage I), neutral green (almost mature) to dark green (ripe). The mean size of cells was 56.9 µm (±3.5) (stage I), 127 µm (±2.6) (stage II) and 183 µm (±1.91) (stage III). The size frequency of cells was polimodal, and different cell stages were observed in ripe ovary, suggesting the occurrence of multiple spawning. The chromatic scale developed is an important tool for laboratory analysis, and can be easily used to identify the gonadal stages.
Para que las medidas de conservación y manejo sean efectivas es necesario el entendimiento del origen y destino de la energía por las cuales compiten los organismos en los diferentes ambientes. Con la hipótesis de que existen diferencias en la energía contenida en los músculos durante el desenvolvimiento gonadal de Salminus brasiliensis (Cuvier, 1816), fueron realizadas colectas entre octubre de 2002 a septiembre de 2003, en el reservatório del río Manso. Después de la obtención de los datos biométricos, de cada individuo se tomaron muestras de la musculatura, las cuales fueron secadas a 60ºC y el contenido calórico (cal/g de peso seco) determinado en una bomba calorimétrica. Los valores del factor de condición y de la Relación Gónada Somática (RGS) fueron comparados con los contenidos calóricos. No fueron identificadas diferencias significativas entre los valores calóricos de machos y hembras de S. brasiliensis. Sin embargo, se pudo constatar diferencias calóricas significativas en los diferentes estados de maduración gonadal tanto en machos como en hembras. Se observaron tendencias diferentes entre los sexos cuando las gónadas de los individuos se encontraban en maduración: para las hembras, la energía aumentó, mientras que para los machos ésta se mantuvo, indicando una mayor variación energética relacionada mas con la maduración gonadal que con el proceso de migración. En ambos sexos, el estado maduro mostró mayor contenido energético en relación con los demás estados. Los valores del factor de condición, para las hembras, fueron mayores que para los machos, siendo que los mayores valores fueron constatados para hembras maduras y para machos esgotados. La RGS fue más elevado para las hembras, que para los machos en los estados maduración y maduro. Se concluye que debido a las variaciones intraespecíficas asociadas a la maduración gonadal, es importante que se tenga información sobre todos los estados del desenvolvimiento gonadal, para ambos sexos. Las condiciones abióticas en que se encuentran los principales cuerpos de agua brasileños también pueden conducir a alteraciones en las concentraciones de energía presentes en los tejidos de los peces. Estudios sobre el uso de la energía pueden ser útiles a las evaluaciones de impacto, sobre todo en lo que respecta a las interferencias antrópicas en el medio acuático, así como a las medidas de administración racional de los recursos a ser explotados.