953 resultados para digital text


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Reading and writing are being transformed by global changes in communication practices using new media technologies. This paper introduces iPed, a research-based pedagogy that enables teachers to navigate innovative digital text production in the literacy classroom. The pedagogy was generated in the context of a longitudinal digital literacy intervention in a school that services low-socioeconomic and ethnically diverse students. iPed synthesizes four key pedagogies that were salient in the analysis of over 180 hours of lesson observations – Link, Challenge, Co-Create, and Share. The strengths of the pedagogy include connecting to students’ home cultures, critical media literacy, collaborative and creative digital text production, and gaining cosmopolitan recognition within global communities.


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This paper explores the relationship between discourse and action in practices involved in making and consuming texts. Texts are produced through the process of ‘entextualization’ in which strips of action and discourse are extracted from their original contexts and recontextualized into other situations. Different technologies for turning actions into texts affect the kinds of social actions and social identities that are made possible both at moments of entextualization and at future moments of recontextualization. In particular, I focus on how digital technologies affect the practices and participation structures around entextualization. Digital photography and video have had a profound effect on social practices and relationships around the making of texts. Specifically, they have made processes of entextualization more immediate, more contingent and more communal. Implications of these features of digital text making are discussed in light of previous work on literacy and orality.


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Online writing plays a complex and increasingly prominent role in the life of organizations. From newsletters to press releases, social media marketing and advertising, to virtual presentations and interactions via e-mail and instant messaging, digital writing intertwines and affects the day-to-day running of the company - yet we rarely pay enough attention to it. Typing on the screen can become particularly problematic because digital text-based communication increases the opportunities for misunderstanding: it lacks the direct audio-visual contact and the norms and conventions that would normally help people to understand each other. Providing a clear, convincing and approachable discussion, this book addresses arenas of online writing: virtual teamwork, instant messaging, emails, corporate communication channels, and social media. Instead of offering do and don’t lists, however, it teaches the reader to develop a practice that is observant, reflective, and grounded in the understanding of the basic principles of language and communication. Through real-life examples and case studies, it helps the reader to notice previously unnoticed small details, question previously unchallenged assumptions and practices, and become a competent digital communicator in a wide range of professional contexts.


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"Behind the world of virtual university is more than a method or system of work, you need to own, develop and master a connectivity structure of both technological and content development in multimedia digital text and then implement teaching methods line. "


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In the 21st century young people live and learn in a technological world that is fast paced and in a constant state of change. As technology becomes more and more accessible outside of the classroom,educators are challenged to re-consider the literacy skills required to be successfully literate. Enacting literacy teaching and learning in and for the 21st century requires teachers to update their pedagogicalknowledge, skills and contextual understanding of the world children live and learn in. This chapter offers a brief overview of the Australian Curriculum, locating it within a 21st century learning discourse.The authors interpret and analyse one young student’s creation of a digital text in a movie modality. Attention is paid to how the case study teacher created meaningful digital literacy learning experiences and opportunities for children to create and interact in social, multimodal textual environments, both within and beyond the school.


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Whisper Our Futures was an invited design proposal to produce a major public artwork for the State of Queensland’s 150th Anniversary Celebrations. It involved a network of 100 individual scrolling digital text boxes each with individual audio systems arranged together in a tessellated format. This form (specified by the originating brief) both mimicked the soaring gothic arches typical of Queensland cathedrals and was also suggestive of their stained glass windows. Each text module presented a message in both visual and audible forms for Queenslanders living 150 years hence - spoken both by the general public aw well as prominent figures. In this way the work was designed as a focus of future hope, historical reflection and inspiration to visitors to Queensland cathedrals throughout the entire year of celebrations (2009). The work was planned to premiere at Brisbane’s main Anglican Cathedral and then tour to nine other state cathedrals throughout 2009.---- Two staged proposals and budgets were invited throughout 2007. After the second successful proposal stage the State Premier and cabinet changed, ultimately leading the public art components to be dropped from the program. The proposal currently remains on file at the Queensland Premiers Office.


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This is a critical review of the scope of the literacy curriculum in the twenty-first century, uncovering the strengths, controversies, and silences that have divided literacy researchers and educators. It conceptualizes the literacy curriculum as a particular set of socially organized symbolic practices that are always selective, and which are inextricably connected to the function and organization of schooling. We trace the political, historical, and ideological antecedents of literacy curriculum and schooling as a form of cultural apparatus of the nation-state, before tracing some of the major interpretive paradigms that have influenced the shape of the literacy curriculum in many parts of the world. These include debates about skills-based approaches, whole language, systemic functional grammar, and critical literacy. It then draws attention to noteworthy advances and shifts in the field over recent decades: debates about the role of orality in the literacy curriculum, home-school community literacy practices, teacher and student knowledge of language and grammar, and the role of curriculum area literacies. It anticipates the future of the literacy curriculum in online textual environments and the changing sensorial and material nature of literacy practices, while acknowledging that curriculum innovation is always limited in complex ways by historically established pedagogic discourses of schooling.


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Digital text benefits a wide range of learners, particularly disabled learners. For those with a visual impairment, it can be magnified or read out loud using synthetic speech. It can be navigated by heading and subheading levels, and text colours and backgrounds can be altered, both useful features for dyslexic learners. Definitions of unfamiliar words can be checked without leaving the text.


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Nos dias de hoje, podemos constatar o crescimento das formas de linguagem mediadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação. É em torno dessa constatação e nesse contexto que esta dissertação se insere. Seu tema é a caracterização do par post/comentário à luz da noção de gêneros textuais. Nosso objetivo é refletir sobre o referido, a fim de responder os seguintes questionamentos: (a) se post e comentário são dois gêneros textuais ou partes de um mesmo fenômeno de comunicação/gênero; (b) se são gêneros, como caracterizá-los e diferenciá-los; (c) não sendo o post um novo gênero textual, que especificidades podem caracterizá-lo como ferramenta e quais os aspectos que o vinculam ao gênero comentário. A fim de respondê-los, nossa opção metodológica foi por um estudo documental de cunho qualitativo. Este consistiu na coleta de publicações feitas no perfil da pesquisadora na rede social Facebook por diferentes sujeitos, no período pré e pós eleições brasileiras de 2014, especificamente no mês de outubro. Os posts e comentários selecionados referem-se exclusivamente à temática das eleições presidenciais. Entendemos que as redes sociais têm sido grandes incentivadoras à produção escrita e, consequentemente, promotoras de atividades de compreensão leitora. E, no que concerne em particular ao tema escolhido, acolheram e fomentaram intensos debates. As reflexões sobre leitura, portanto, perpassam este trabalho porque, ao pensarmos no nascimento e uso de um gênero, pensamos, também, em sua recepção, logo, nos processos leitores envolvidos. Para analisar os dados, utilizamos a proposta de Donato (2014), discutindo os quatro pilares constituintes do gênero função comunicativa, forma, conteúdo e suporte, e também pensando em três níveis: o da produção, recepção e contextualização. Como base teórico-metodológica seguimos a perspectiva da sociocognição, calcada especialmente nos estudos de Marcuschi (2005, 2008, 2010), Koch (1996, 2003) e Koch e Elias (2008, 2013), assim como fundamentos de Bakhtin (1997) sobre o caráter sócio-histórico dos gêneros. A título de conclusão, segundo nossas análises, salientamos a interdependência dos elementos do par estudado. No entanto, defendemos a delimitação do post enquanto gênero textual eminentemente digital e não apenas uma ferramenta ou parte do gênero comentário


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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During the last decades the growth and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have led us to a new social paradigm that reflects a deep change not only in an individual but also in a social behavioural pattern. All these changes define the so-called knowledge and information society. This social evolution has had different textual states and types as its main core and instrument of transformation therefore scholars and specialists in the field of Humanities have not missed the opportunity of studying recent phenomena, which have come from the current setting given by new technologies. Researchers in Humanities have had to reconsider their own traditional working method based on printed text in order to analyse how nowadays we search for data, select them, analyse them and the ways we create and spread new information and knowledge. Having in mind this scenario where humanist works, the concept of Digital Humanities has arisen conditioned by the existence of cyberspace, digital text, hypertext, on-line text, implementation of new ways of communication, global access to information and various elements which build a common methodology for all humanistic disciplines. Most of these changes have affected the educational system and education as an academic and humanistic discipline.