843 resultados para digital material representation


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Development of a digital material representation (DMR) model of dual phase steel is presented within the paper. Subsequent stages involving generation of a reliable representation of microstructure morphology, assignment of material properties to component phases and incorporation of the model into the commercial finite element software are described within the paper. Different approaches used to recreate dual phase morphology in a digital manner are critically assessed. However, particular attention is placed on innovative identification of phase properties at the micro scale by using micro-pillar compression tests. The developed DMR model is finally applied to model influence of micro scale features on failure initiation and propagation under loading conditions.


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Development of the methodology for creating reliable digital material representation (DMR) models of dual-phase steels and investigation of influence of the martensite volume fraction on fracture behavior under tensile load are the main goals of the paper. First, an approach based on image processing algorithms for creating a DMR is described. Then, obtained digital microstructures are used as input for the numerical model of deformation, which takes into account mechanisms of ductile fracture. Ferrite and martensite material model parameters are evaluated on the basis of micropillar compression tests. Finally, the model is used to investigate the impact of the martensite volume fraction on the DP steel behavior under plastic deformation. Results of calculations are presented and discussed in the paper.


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In recent years, metal foams are becoming more and more popular due to their high energy absorption ability and low density, which are being widely used in automotive engineering and aerospace engineering. As a design guide, foams can be characterised by several main geometric parameters, such as pore size, pore shape, spatial distribution and arrangement and so on. Considering most foam materials have random distributions of cell size and cell shape, the digital material representation and modelling of such materials become more complex. Cell size and shape effects on mechanical behaviours of metal foams have been found and investigated numerically and experimentally in authors' previous studies in which the authors have developed a digital framework for the representation, modelling and evaluation of multi-phase materials including metal foams. In this study, 2-/3-D finite element models are both developed to represent metal foams with random cell distributions and then a series of digital testing are simulated to investigate the mechanical behaviours of such foams. For validation and verification purpose, the results obtained from 2-/3-D models have been compared and good agreement has been found which demonstrated the effectiveness of the digital framework developed for metal forms. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa


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One of the main tasks of the mathematical knowledge management community must surely be to enhance access to mathematics on digital systems. In this paper we present a spectrum of approaches to solving the various problems inherent in this task, arguing that a variety of approaches is both necessary and useful. The main ideas presented are about the differences between digitised mathematics, digitally represented mathematics and formalised mathematics. Each has its part to play in managing mathematical information in a connected world. Digitised material is that which is embodied in a computer file, accessible and displayable locally or globally. Represented material is digital material in which there is some structure (usually syntactic in nature) which maps to the mathematics contained in the digitised information. Formalised material is that in which both the syntax and semantics of the represented material, is automatically accessible. Given the range of mathematical information to which access is desired, and the limited resources available for managing that information, we must ensure that these resources are applied to digitise, form representations of or formalise, existing and new mathematical information in such a way as to extract the most benefit from the least expenditure of resources. We also analyse some of the various social and legal issues which surround the practical tasks.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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With the rapid increase in low-cost and sophisticated digital technology the need for techniques to authenticate digital material will become more urgent. In this paper we address the problem of authenticating digital signals assuming no explicit prior knowledge of the original. The basic approach that we take is to assume that in the frequency domain a "natural" signal has weak higher-order statistical correlations. We then show that "un-natural" correlations are introduced if this signal is passed through a non-linearity (which would almost surely occur in the creation of a forgery). Techniques from polyspectral analysis are then used to detect the presence of these correlations. We review the basics of polyspectral analysis, show how and why these tools can be used in detecting forgeries and show their effectiveness in analyzing human speech.


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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This paper presents the digital imaging results of a collaborative research project working toward the generation of an on-line interactive digital image database of signs from ancient cuneiform tablets. An important aim of this project is the application of forensic analysis to the cuneiform symbols to identify scribal hands. Cuneiform tablets are amongst the earliest records of written communication, and could be considered as one of the original information technologies; an accessible, portable and robust medium for communication across distance and time. The earliest examples are up to 5,000 years old, and the writing technique remained in use for some 3,000 years. Unfortunately, only a small fraction of these tablets can be made available for display in museums and much important academic work has yet to be performed on the very large numbers of tablets to which there is necessarily restricted access. Our paper will describe the challenges encountered in the 2D image capture of a sample set of tablets held in the British Museum, explaining the motivation for attempting 3D imaging and the results of initial experiments scanning the smaller, more densely inscribed cuneiform tablets. We will also discuss the tractability of 3D digital capture, representation and manipulation, and investigate the requirements for scaleable data compression and transmission methods. Additional information can be found on the project website: www.cuneiform.net


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Forensic imaging has been facing scalability challenges for some time. As disk capacity growth continues to outpace storage IO bandwidth, the demands placed on storage and time are ever increasing. Data reduction and de-duplication technologies are now commonplace in the Enterprise space, and are potentially applicable to forensic acquisition. Using the new AFF4 forensic file format we employ a hash based compression scheme to leverage an existing corpus of images, reducing both acquisition time and storage requirements. This paper additionally describes some of the recent evolution in the AFF4 file format making the efficient implementation of hash based imaging a reality.


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This study was undertaken by UKOLN on behalf of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the period April to September 2008. Application profiles are metadata schemata which consist of data elements drawn from one or more namespaces, optimized for a particular local application. They offer a way for particular communities to base the interoperability specifications they create and use for their digital material on established open standards. This offers the potential for digital materials to be accessed, used and curated effectively both within and beyond the communities in which they were created. The JISC recognized the need to undertake a scoping study to investigate metadata application profile requirements for scientific data in relation to digital repositories, and specifically concerning descriptive metadata to support resource discovery and other functions such as preservation. This followed on from the development of the Scholarly Works Application Profile (SWAP) undertaken within the JISC Digital Repositories Programme and led by Andy Powell (Eduserv Foundation) and Julie Allinson (RRT UKOLN) on behalf of the JISC. Aims and Objectives 1.To assess whether a single metadata AP for research data, or a small number thereof, would improve resource discovery or discovery-to-delivery in any useful or significant way. 2.If so, then to:a.assess whether the development of such AP(s) is practical and if so, how much effort it would take; b.scope a community uptake strategy that is likely to be successful, identifying the main barriers and key stakeholders. 3.Otherwise, to investigate how best to improve cross-discipline, cross-community discovery-to-delivery for research data, and make recommendations to the JISC and others as appropriate. Approach The Study used a broad conception of what constitutes scientific data, namely data gathered, collated, structured and analysed using a recognizably scientific method, with a bias towards quantitative methods. The approach taken was to map out the landscape of existing data centres, repositories and associated projects, and conduct a survey of the discovery-to-delivery metadata they use or have defined, alongside any insights they have gained from working with this metadata. This was followed up by a series of unstructured interviews, discussing use cases for a Scientific Data Application Profile, and how widely a single profile might be applied. On the latter point, matters of granularity, the experimental/measurement contrast, the quantitative/qualitative contrast, the raw/derived data contrast, and the homogeneous/heterogeneous data collection contrast were discussed. The Study report was loosely structured according to the Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles, and in turn considered: the possible use cases for a Scientific Data Application Profile; existing domain models that could either be used or adapted for use within such a profile; and a comparison existing metadata profiles and standards to identify candidate elements for inclusion in the description set profile for scientific data. The report also considered how the application profile might be implemented, its relationship to other application profiles, the alternatives to constructing a Scientific Data Application Profile, the development effort required, and what could be done to encourage uptake in the community. The conclusions of the Study were validated through a reference group of stakeholders.


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A disponibilidade gratuita na Internet de imagens de satélite e SIG somada à facilidade dos alunos no manuseio de multimídia através dos seus smartphones criam possibilidades para trabalhar com geotecnologias e recursos de multimídia no ensino de Cartografia. Nesta pesquisa foram avaliadas as contribuições, os limites e as possibilidades da inserção da tecnologia espacial, geoprocessamento e recursos de multimídia nas aulas de Geografia do sétimo ano da rede pública municipal de São Gonçalo/RJ; foi desenvolvida uma metodologia em meio digital, por meio da Internet, denominada Mapeando Meu Rio (MMR) cuja temática abordada foi a Percepção Socioambiental do Rio Alcântara. Observaram-se o interesse e o envolvimento dos alunos no decorrer das atividades propostas, por meio do uso de recursos de multimídia e geotecnologias como materiais de apoio à Educação Ambiental. Os resultados da avaliação do MMR mostraram que os alunos chegaram ao final do sétimo ano com dificuldades em relação à alfabetização cartográfica; isso foi constatado tanto na produção dos mapas mentais como também pela utilização do GPS, Google Earth e do ArcGIS Online. Os alunos tiveram dificuldades em utilizar os conhecimentos básicos da Cartografia para elaborar uma representação espacial, mais especificamente, legenda, coordenadas geográficas e orientação espacial. A alfabetização cartográfica não deve ser considerada como conteúdo que se restringe ao 6 ano, mas uma linguagem de comunicação para o entendimento da dinâmica espacial no decorrer do Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio. As atividades geográficas deve permitir ao aluno melhorar a compreensão do espaço geográfico de uma maneira mais significativa para construir abstrações a partir da própria realidade, ou seja, do espaço vivido.