922 resultados para difficult sequences
In spite of all progressive efforts aiming to optimize SPPS, serious problems mainly affecting the assembly of aggregating sequences have persisted. Following the study intended to unravel the complex solvation phenomenon of peptide-resin beads, the XING and XAAAA model aggregating segments were labeled with a paramagnetic probe and studied via EPR spectroscopy. Low and high substituted resins were also comparatively used, with the X residue being Asx or Glx containing the main protecting groups used in the SPPS. Notably, the cyclo-hexyl group used for Asp and Glu residues in Boc-chemistry induced greater chain immobilization than its tert-butyl partner-protecting group of the Fmoc strategy. Otherwise, the most impressive peptide chain immobilization occurred when the large trytil group was used for Asn and Gln protection in Fmoc-chemistry. These surprising results thus seem to stress the possibility of the relevant influence of the amino-acid side chain protecting groups in the overall peptide synthesis yield. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The genus Codium comprises c. 125 species widely distributed in marine coastal environments throughout the world. Due to morphological plasticity, the taxonomic delimitation of Codium species can be difficult. Sequences of the first exon of the large subunit of RUBISCO (rbcL) have been used in the molecular delimitation of species and for phylogenetic purposes. In the present study, we complement previous morphological work on Brazilian Codium species with molecular systematics. Based on the partial rbcL sequences, seven species are recognized along the Brazilian coast: C. decorticatum, C. intertextum, C. isthmocladum, C. profundum, C. spongiosum, C. taylorii and the new species Codium pernambucensis. Ten unique sequences were obtained among the samples examined, which we used in combination with previously published sequences to infer molecular phylogenies using various methods. The resulting trees showed three principal monophyletic groupings: Clade A with species having a prostrate habit, not branched, and mostly with small, grouped utricles; Clade B primarily consisting of upright species with cylindrical branches and large individual utricles; and Clade C composed of upright species with cylindrical branches that are slightly flattened, and have intermediate-sized individual utricles. The Brazilian species grouped with morphologically similar taxa from other geographic localities, and are present in all three main clades. A new sprawling species, Codium pernambucensis is described based on morphology and molecular analyses.
Small juveniles of the nine species of scombrids in Australian waters are morphologically similar to one another and, consequently, difficult to identify to species level. We show that the sequence of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene region is a powerful tool for identification of these young fish. Using this method, we identified 50 juvenile scombrids collected from Exmouth Bay, Western Australia. Six species of scombrids were apparent in this sample of fish: narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), leaping bonito (Cybiosarda elegans), and kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis). The presence of Indian mackerel, frigate tuna, leaping bonito, and kawakawa is the first indication that coastal waters may be an important spawning habitat for these species, although offshore spawning may also occur. The occurrence of small juvenile S. commerson was predicted from the known spawning patterns of that species, but other mackerel species (Scomberomorus munroi, Scomberomorus queenslandicus, Scomberomorus semifasiciatus) likely to be spawning during the sampling period were not detected among the 50 small juveniles analyzed here.
Protein functional annotation relies on the identification of accurate relationships, sequence divergence being a key factor. This is especially evident when distant protein relationships are demonstrated only with three-dimensional structures. To address this challenge, we describe a computational approach to purposefully bridge gaps between related protein families through directed design of protein-like ``linker'' sequences. For this, we represented SCOP domain families, integrated with sequence homologues, as multiple profiles and performed HMM-HMM alignments between related domain families. Where convincing alignments were achieved, we applied a roulette wheel-based method to design 3,611,010 protein-like sequences corresponding to 374 SCOP folds. To analyze their ability to link proteins in homology searches, we used 3024 queries to search two databases, one containing only natural sequences and another one additionally containing designed sequences. Our results showed that augmented database searches showed up to 30% improvement in fold coverage for over 74% of the folds, with 52 folds achieving all theoretically possible connections. Although sequences could not be designed between some families, the availability of designed sequences between other families within the fold established the sequence continuum to demonstrate 373 difficult relationships. Ultimately, as a practical and realistic extension, we demonstrate that such protein-like sequences can be ``plugged-into'' routine and generic sequence database searches to empower not only remote homology detection but also fold recognition. Our richly statistically supported findings show that complementary searches in both databases will increase the effectiveness of sequence-based searches in recognizing all homologues sharing a common fold. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structural annotation of proteins with no detectable homologs of known 3D structure identified using sequence-search methods is a major challenge today. We propose an original method that computes the conditional probabilities for the amino-acid sequence of a protein to fit to known protein 3D structures using a structural alphabet, known as Protein Blocks (PBs). PBs constitute a library of 16 local structural prototypes that approximate every part of protein backbone structures. It is used to encode 3D protein structures into 1D PB sequences and to capture sequence to structure relationships. Our method relies on amino acid occurrence matrices, one for each PB, to score global and local threading of query amino acid sequences to protein folds encoded into PB sequences. It does not use any information from residue contacts or sequence-search methods or explicit incorporation of hydrophobic effect. The performance of the method was assessed with independent test datasets derived from SCOP 1.75A. With a Z-score cutoff that achieved 95% specificity (i.e., less than 5% false positives), global and local threading showed sensitivity of 64.1% and 34.2%, respectively. We further tested its performance on 57 difficult CASP10 targets that had no known homologs in PDB: 38 compatible templates were identified by our approach and 66% of these hits yielded correctly predicted structures. This method scales-up well and offers promising perspectives for structural annotations at genomic level. It has been implemented in the form of a web-server that is freely available at http://www.bo-protscience.fr/forsa.
The complete internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), 5.8S ribosomal DNA, and ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA from 60 specimens belonging to two closely related bucephalid digeneans (Dollfustrema vaneyi and Dollfustrema hefeiensis) from different localities, hosts, and microhabitat sites were cloned to examine the level of sequence variation and the taxonomic levels to show utility in species identification and phylogeny estimation. Our data show that these molecular markers can help to discriminate the two species, which are morphologically very close and difficult to separate by classical methods. We found 21 haplotypes defined by 44 polymorphic positions in 38 individuals of D. vaneyi, and 16 haplotypes defined by 43 polymorphic positions in 22 individuals of D. hefeiensis. There is no shared haplotypes between the two species. Haplotype rather than nucleotide diversity is similar between the two species. Phylogenetic analyses reveal two robustly supported clades, one corresponding to D. vaneyi and the other corresponding to D. hefeiensis. However, the population structures between the two species seem to be incongruent and show no geographic and host-specific structure among them, further indicating that the two species may have had a more complex evolutionary history than expected.
Cette thèse étudie des modèles de séquences de haute dimension basés sur des réseaux de neurones récurrents (RNN) et leur application à la musique et à la parole. Bien qu'en principe les RNN puissent représenter les dépendances à long terme et la dynamique temporelle complexe propres aux séquences d'intérêt comme la vidéo, l'audio et la langue naturelle, ceux-ci n'ont pas été utilisés à leur plein potentiel depuis leur introduction par Rumelhart et al. (1986a) en raison de la difficulté de les entraîner efficacement par descente de gradient. Récemment, l'application fructueuse de l'optimisation Hessian-free et d'autres techniques d'entraînement avancées ont entraîné la recrudescence de leur utilisation dans plusieurs systèmes de l'état de l'art. Le travail de cette thèse prend part à ce développement. L'idée centrale consiste à exploiter la flexibilité des RNN pour apprendre une description probabiliste de séquences de symboles, c'est-à-dire une information de haut niveau associée aux signaux observés, qui en retour pourra servir d'à priori pour améliorer la précision de la recherche d'information. Par exemple, en modélisant l'évolution de groupes de notes dans la musique polyphonique, d'accords dans une progression harmonique, de phonèmes dans un énoncé oral ou encore de sources individuelles dans un mélange audio, nous pouvons améliorer significativement les méthodes de transcription polyphonique, de reconnaissance d'accords, de reconnaissance de la parole et de séparation de sources audio respectivement. L'application pratique de nos modèles à ces tâches est détaillée dans les quatre derniers articles présentés dans cette thèse. Dans le premier article, nous remplaçons la couche de sortie d'un RNN par des machines de Boltzmann restreintes conditionnelles pour décrire des distributions de sortie multimodales beaucoup plus riches. Dans le deuxième article, nous évaluons et proposons des méthodes avancées pour entraîner les RNN. Dans les quatre derniers articles, nous examinons différentes façons de combiner nos modèles symboliques à des réseaux profonds et à la factorisation matricielle non-négative, notamment par des produits d'experts, des architectures entrée/sortie et des cadres génératifs généralisant les modèles de Markov cachés. Nous proposons et analysons également des méthodes d'inférence efficaces pour ces modèles, telles la recherche vorace chronologique, la recherche en faisceau à haute dimension, la recherche en faisceau élagué et la descente de gradient. Finalement, nous abordons les questions de l'étiquette biaisée, du maître imposant, du lissage temporel, de la régularisation et du pré-entraînement.
Abstract Background The metabolic capacity for nitrogen fixation is known to be present in several prokaryotic species scattered across taxonomic groups. Experimental detection of nitrogen fixation in microbes requires species-specific conditions, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive census of this trait. The recent and rapid increase in the availability of microbial genome sequences affords novel opportunities to re-examine the occurrence and distribution of nitrogen fixation genes. The current practice for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation is to use the presence of the nifH and/or nifD genes. Results Based on a careful comparison of the repertoire of nitrogen fixation genes in known diazotroph species we propose a new criterion for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation: the presence of a minimum set of six genes coding for structural and biosynthetic components, namely NifHDK and NifENB. Using this criterion, we conducted a comprehensive search in fully sequenced genomes and identified 149 diazotrophic species, including 82 known diazotrophs and 67 species not known to fix nitrogen. The taxonomic distribution of nitrogen fixation in Archaea was limited to the Euryarchaeota phylum; within the Bacteria domain we predict that nitrogen fixation occurs in 13 different phyla. Of these, seven phyla had not hitherto been known to contain species capable of nitrogen fixation. Our analyses also identified protein sequences that are similar to nitrogenase in organisms that do not meet the minimum-gene-set criteria. The existence of nitrogenase-like proteins lacking conserved co-factor ligands in both diazotrophs and non-diazotrophs suggests their potential for performing other, as yet unidentified, metabolic functions. Conclusions Our predictions expand the known phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen fixation, and suggest that this trait may be much more common in nature than it is currently thought. The diverse phylogenetic distribution of nitrogenase-like proteins indicates potential new roles for anciently duplicated and divergent members of this group of enzymes.
At issue is whether or not isolated DNA is patent eligible under the U.S. Patent Law and the implications of that determination on public health. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents on DNA since the 1980s, and scientists and researchers have proceeded under that milieu since that time. Today, genetic research and testing related to the human breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 is conducted within the framework of seven patents that were issued to Myriad Genetics and the University of Utah Research Foundation between 1997 and 2000. In 2009, suit was filed on behalf of multiple researchers, professional associations and others to invalidate fifteen of the claims underlying those patents. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which hears patent cases, has invalidated claims for analyzing and comparing isolated DNA but has upheld claims to isolated DNA. The specific issue of whether isolated DNA is patent eligible is now before the Supreme Court, which is expected to decide the case by year's end. In this work, a systematic review was performed to determine the effects of DNA patents on various stakeholders and, ultimately, on public health; and to provide a legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and the likely outcome of the Supreme Court's decision. ^ A literature review was conducted to: first, identify principle stakeholders with an interest in patent eligibility of the isolated DNA sequences BRCA1 and BRCA2; and second, determine the effect of the case on those stakeholders. Published reports that addressed gene patents, the Myriad litigation, and implications of gene patents on stakeholders were included. Next, an in-depth legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and methods for analyzing it was performed pursuant to accepted methods of legal research and analysis based on legal briefs, federal law and jurisprudence, scholarly works and standard practice legal analysis. ^ Biotechnology, biomedical and clinical research, access to health care, and personalized medicine were identified as the principle stakeholders and interests herein. Many experts believe that the patent eligibility of isolated DNA will not greatly affect the biotechnology industry insofar as genetic testing is concerned; unlike for therapeutics, genetic testing does not require tremendous resources or lead time. The actual impact on biomedical researchers is uncertain, with greater impact expected for researchers whose work is intended for commercial purposes (versus basic science). The impact on access to health care has been surprisingly difficult to assess; while invalidating gene patents might be expected to decrease the cost of genetic testing and improve access to more laboratories and physicians' offices that provide the test, a 2010 study on the actual impact was inconclusive. As for personalized medicine, many experts believe that the availability of personalized medicine is ultimately a public policy issue for Congress, not the courts. ^ Based on the legal analysis performed in this work, this writer believes the Supreme Court is likely to invalidate patents on isolated DNA whose sequences are found in nature, because these gene sequences are a basic tool of scientific and technologic work and patents on isolated DNA would unduly inhibit their future use. Patents on complementary DNA (cDNA) are expected to stand, however, based on the human intervention required to craft cDNA and the product's distinction from the DNA found in nature. ^ In the end, the solution as to how to address gene patents may lie not in jurisprudence but in a fundamental change in business practices to provide expanded licenses to better address the interests of the several stakeholders. ^
Research in stereoscopic 3D coding, transmission and subjective assessment methodology depends largely on the availability of source content that can be used in cross-lab evaluations. While several studies have already been presented using proprietary content, comparisons between the studies are difficult since discrepant contents are used. Therefore in this paper, a freely available dataset of high quality Full-HD stereoscopic sequences shot with a semiprofessional 3D camera is introduced in detail. The content was designed to be suited for usage in a wide variety of applications, including high quality studies. A set of depth maps was calculated from the stereoscopic pair. As an application example, a subjective assessment has been performed using coding and spatial degradations. The Absolute Category Rating with Hidden Reference method was used. The observers were instructed to vote on video quality only. Results of this experiment are also freely available and will be presented in this paper as a first step towards objective video quality measurement for 3DTV.
The homeotic gene complex (HOM-C) is a cluster of genes involved in the anteroposterior axial patterning of animal embryos. It is composed of homeobox genes belonging to the Hox/HOM superclass. Originally discovered in Drosophila, Hox/HOM genes have been identified in organisms as distantly related as arthropods, vertebrates, nematodes, and cnidarians. Data obtained in parallel from the organization of the complex, the domains of gene expression during embryogenesis, and phylogenetic relationships allow the subdivision of the Hox/HOM superclass into five classes (lab, pb/Hox3, Dfd, Antp, and Abd-B) that appeared early during metazoan evolution. We describe a search for homologues of these genes in platyhelminths, triploblast metazoans emerging as an outgroup to the great coelomate ensemble. A degenerate PCR screening for Hox/HOM homeoboxes in three species of triclad planarians has revealed 10 types of Antennapedia-like genes. The homeobox-containing sequences of these PCR fragments allowed the amplification of the homeobox-coding exons for five of these genes in the species Polycelis nigra. A phylogenetic analysis shows that two genes are clear orthologues of Drosophila labial, four others are members of a Dfd/Antp superclass, and a seventh gene, although more difficult to classify with certainty, may be related to the pb/Hox3 class. Together with previously identified Hox/HOM genes in other flatworms, our analyses demonstrate the existence of an elaborate family of Hox/HOM genes in the ancestor of all triploblast animals.
We developed an efficient, cost effective strategy for Fmoc-based solid phase synthesis of 'difficult' peptides and/or peptides containing Asp/Asn-Gly sequences, free of aspartimide and related products, using a peptoid methodology for the preparation of N-substituted glycines.
Previous research into formulaic language has focussed on specialised groups of people (e.g. L1 acquisition by infants and adult L2 acquisition) with ordinary adult native speakers of English receiving less attention. Additionally, whilst some features of formulaic language have been used as evidence of authorship (e.g. the Unabomber’s use of you can’t eat your cake and have it too) there has been no systematic investigation into this as a potential marker of authorship. This thesis reports the first full-scale study into the use of formulaic sequences by individual authors. The theory of formulaic language hypothesises that formulaic sequences contained in the mental lexicon are shaped by experience combined with what each individual has found to be communicatively effective. Each author’s repertoire of formulaic sequences should therefore differ. To test this assertion, three automated approaches to the identification of formulaic sequences are tested on a specially constructed corpus containing 100 short narratives. The first approach explores a limited subset of formulaic sequences using recurrence across a series of texts as the criterion for identification. The second approach focuses on a word which frequently occurs as part of formulaic sequences and also investigates alternative non-formulaic realisations of the same semantic content. Finally, a reference list approach is used. Whilst claiming authority for any reference list can be difficult, the proposed method utilises internet examples derived from lists prepared by others, a procedure which, it is argued, is akin to asking large groups of judges to reach consensus about what is formulaic. The empirical evidence supports the notion that formulaic sequences have potential as a marker of authorship since in some cases a Questioned Document was correctly attributed. Although this marker of authorship is not universally applicable, it does promise to become a viable new tool in the forensic linguist’s tool-kit.
Transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs) are virulence factors, produced by the bacterial plant-pathogen Xanthomonas, that function as gene activators inside plant cells. Although the contribution of individual TALEs to infectivity has been shown, the specific roles of most TALEs, and the overall TALE diversity in Xanthomonas spp. is not known. TALEs possess a highly repetitive DNA-binding domain, which is notoriously difficult to sequence. Here, we describe an improved method for characterizing TALE genes by the use of PacBio sequencing. We present 'AnnoTALE', a suite of applications for the analysis and annotation of TALE genes from Xanthomonas genomes, and for grouping similar TALEs into classes. Based on these classes, we propose a unified nomenclature for Xanthomonas TALEs that reveals similarities pointing to related functionalities. This new classification enables us to compare related TALEs and to identify base substitutions responsible for the evolution of TALE specificities. © 2016, Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.