980 resultados para diagnostic screening
In recent years there has been a growing recognition that many people with drug or alcohol problems are also experiencing a range of other psychiatric and psychological problems. The presence of concurrent psychiatric or psychological problems is likely to impact on the success of treatment services. These problems vary greatly, from undetected major psychiatric illnesses that meet internationally accepted diagnostic criteria such as those outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association (1994), to less defined feelings of low mood and anxiety that do not meet diagnostic criteria but nevertheless impact on an individual’s sense of wellbeing and affect their quality of life. Similarly, the presence of a substance misuse problem among those suffering from a major psychiatric illness, often goes undetected. For example, the use of illicit drugs such as cannabis and amphetamine is higher among those individuals suffering from schizophrenia (Hall, 1992) and the misuse of alcohol in people suffering from schizophrenia is well documented (e.g., Gorelick et al., 1990; Searles et al., 1990; Soyka et al., 1993). High rates of alcohol misuse have also been reported in a number of groups including women presenting for treatment with a primary eating disorder (Holderness, Brooks Gunn, & Warren, 1994), individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (Seidel, Gusman and Aubueg, 1994), and those suffering from anxiety and depression. Despite considerable evidence of high levels of co-morbidity, drug and alcohol treatment agencies and mainstream psychiatric services often fail to identify and respond to concurrent psychiatric or drug and alcohol problems, respectively. The original review was conducted as a first step in providing clinicians with information on screening and diagnostic instruments that may be used to assess previously unidentified co-morbidity. The current revision was conducted to extend the original review by updating psychometric findings on measures in the original review, and incorporating other frequently used measures that were not previously included. The current revision has included information regarding special populations, specifically Indigenous Australians, older persons and adolescents. The objectives were to: ● update the original review of AOD and psychiatric screening/diagnostic instruments, ● recommend when these instruments should be used, by whom and how they should be interpreted, ● identify limitations and provide recommendations for further research, ● refer the reader to pertinent Internet sites for further information and/or purchasing of assessment instruments.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We propose a new general Bayesian latent class model for evaluation of the performance of multiple diagnostic tests in situations in which no gold standard test exists based on a computationally intensive approach. The modeling represents an interesting and suitable alternative to models with complex structures that involve the general case of several conditionally independent diagnostic tests, covariates, and strata with different disease prevalences. The technique of stratifying the population according to different disease prevalence rates does not add further marked complexity to the modeling, but it makes the model more flexible and interpretable. To illustrate the general model proposed, we evaluate the performance of six diagnostic screening tests for Chagas disease considering some epidemiological variables. Serology at the time of donation (negative, positive, inconclusive) was considered as a factor of stratification in the model. The general model with stratification of the population performed better in comparison with its concurrents without stratification. The group formed by the testing laboratory Biomanguinhos FIOCRUZ-kit (c-ELISA and rec-ELISA) is the best option in the confirmation process by presenting false-negative rate of 0.0002% from the serial scheme. We are 100% sure that the donor is healthy when these two tests have negative results and he is chagasic when they have positive results.
AIMS: Mutation detection accuracy has been described extensively; however, it is surprising that pre-PCR processing of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples has not been systematically assessed in clinical context. We designed a RING trial to (i) investigate pre-PCR variability, (ii) correlate pre-PCR variation with EGFR/BRAF mutation testing accuracy and (iii) investigate causes for observed variation. METHODS: 13 molecular pathology laboratories were recruited. 104 blinded FFPE curls including engineered FFPE curls, cell-negative FFPE curls and control FFPE tissue samples were distributed to participants for pre-PCR processing and mutation detection. Follow-up analysis was performed to assess sample purity, DNA integrity and DNA quantitation. RESULTS: Rate of mutation detection failure was 11.9%. Of these failures, 80% were attributed to pre-PCR error. Significant differences in DNA yields across all samples were seen using analysis of variance (p
Scientists have injected endotoxin into animals to investigate and understand various pathologies and novel therapies for several decades. Recent observations have shown that there is selective susceptibility to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin in sheep, despite having similar breed characteristics. The reason behind this difference is unknown, and has prompted studies aiming to explain the variation by proteogenomic characterisation of circulating acute phase biomarkers. It is hypothesised that genetic trait, biochemical, immunological and inflammation marker patterns contribute in defining and predicting mammalian response to LPS. This review discusses the effects of endotoxin and host responses, genetic basis of innate defences, activation of the acute phase response (APR) following experimental LPS challenge, and the current approaches employed in detecting novel biomarkers including acute phase proteins (APP) and micro-ribonucleic acids (miRNAs) in serum or plasma. miRNAs are novel targets for elucidating molecular mechanisms of disease because of their differential expression during pathological, and in healthy states. Changes in miRNA profiles during a disease challenge may be reflected in plasma. Studies show that gel-based two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with either matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) are currently the most used methods for proteome characterisation. Further evidence suggests that proteomic investigations are preferentially shifting from 2-DE to non-gel based LC-MS/MS coupled with data extraction by sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment-ion spectra (SWATH) approaches that are able to identify a wider range of proteins. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), and most recently proteomic methods have been used to quantify low abundance proteins such as cytokines. qRT-PCR and next generation sequencing (NGS) are used for the characterisation of miRNA. Proteogenomic approaches for detecting APP and novel miRNA profiling are essential in understanding the selective resistance to endotoxin in sheep. The results of these methods could help in understanding similar pathology in humans. It might also be helpful in the development of physiological and diagnostic screening assays for determining experimental inclusion and endpoints, and in clinical trials in future
Understanding the fundaments of colony losses and improving the status of colony health will require cross-cutting research initiatives including honeybee pathology, chemistry, genetics and apicultural extension. The 7th framework of the European Union requested research to empirically and experimentally fill knowledge gaps on honeybee pests and diseases, including 'Colony Collapse Disorder' and the impact of parasites, pathogens and pesticides on honeybee mortality. The interactions among these drivers of colony loss will be studied in different European regions, using experimental model systems including selected parasites (e. g. Nosema and Varroa mites), viruses (Deformed Wing Virus, Black Queen Cell Virus, Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus) and model pesticides (thiacloprid, tau-fluvalinate). Transcriptome analyses will be used to explore host-pathogen-pesticide interactions and identify novel genes for disease resistance. Special attention will be given to sublethal and chronic exposure to pesticides and will screen how apicultural practices affect colony health. Novel diagnostic screening methods and sustainable concepts for disease prevention will be developed resulting in new treatments and selection tools for resistant stock. Research initiatives will be linked to various national and international ongoing European, North-and South-American colony health monitoring and research programs, to ensure a global transfer of results to apicultural practice in the world community of beekeepers.
Inconsistencies surrounding the prevalence levels of depression in later life suggest that the measurement of depression in older people may be problematic. The current study aimed to map responses to a depressive symptom scale, the Mental Health Index-5 (MHI-5) which is part of the Short form 36 (SF-36, Ware et al., 1993) against the diagnostic screening items of the Composite International Diagnostic Instrument-Short Form (CIDI-SF, Kessler et al., 1998) to examine disagreement rates across age groups. The study examined data from a national random sample of 10,641 participants living in Ireland, 58.8% were female and 19% were over 65 (SLÁN, 2007). CIDI-SF depression screening endorsement was lower in older groups, whereas mean MHI-5 depressive symptoms showed less change across age groups. Results showed that the odds of MHI-5 endorsers aged 18–44 endorsing CIDI-SF screening questions were 5 times and 4.5 times (dysphoria and anhedonia, respectively) greater than the odds of people aged 75 or more endorsing these items. Findings suggest that although the risk of depressive disorder may decrease with age, complex diagnostic screening questions may exaggerate lower rates of depression among older people.
Metarhizium anisopliae is used as a biopesticide for insects that damage agricultural plantations like sugar cane and forage plants. In a previous study the sensitization to this fungus of asthmatic patients coming from sugar cane areas was showed. The aims of this work were: to compare crude extracts obtained with Tris-HCl and Coca liquid from several growth phases of M. anisopliae concerning the total content of proteins and their electrophoretic analysis profile; to evaluate in vivo allergic sensitization in Balb/c mice and allergic patients from a sugar cane area, and to characterize the allergenic fractions in the sera of patients positive for the prick test by means of Western-blotting. The extract obtained with Coca liquid on the 16(th) day was the one that presented the greatest number of proteic fractions, including all those present in the other extracts. Twelve fractions were verified in this extract with approximate molecular weights from 94 to 14 kDa. The allergenicity of the extract obtained on the 16(th) day was proven by the production of IgE antibodies in Balb/c mice, with titres of 200. Prick tests carried out with the extract of the 16(th) day in 79 atopic individuals (from sugar cane area), 35 atopic individuals (from urban area) and 11 non- atopic individuals showed respective positivity of 29%, 9% and 0%. The allergenic characterization in vitro was performed by means of Western blotting, and the fractions that reacted with the positive individuals' sera were those of approximate molecular weights of 67 kDa (95%); 20 kDa (55%); 94 kDa (36%); 34 and 36 kDa (23%); 43 and 48 kDa (14%): 16 kDa (9%) and 54kDa (5%). It was concluded that the crude allergenic extract, obtained with Coca liquid from the 16(th) day growth of Metarhizium anisopliae, contains allergenic fractions and can be used in diagnostic screening tests.
The present study had the objective of evaluating calcium accumulations in muscle fibers and their correlation with the canine muscular dystrophy. After the deaths of the animals (13 dystrophic and 3 non-dystrophic), samples of the skeletal muscles were collected. The material was stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Gomori's modified trichrome and alizarin red S technique (pH 4.3). The histopathological changes were analyzed and the proportions of calcium-positive (CPF) and negative muscle fibers were evaluated. Histopathological changes such as muscle fiber diameter changes, necrosis, hyalinization, presence of inflammatory infiltrate and fatty atrophy were identified in all the dystrophic muscles. Statistically significant differences in numbers of CPF between dystrophic muscles and non-dystrophics were observed for the masseter (6%), brachial biceps (5%) and triceps, sartorius and femoral biceps (4%) muscles. The identifying calcium is of interest as a parameter for helping in diagnostic screening.
Komplementdefizienzen gehen mit einer erhöhten Infektionsanfälligkeit gegenüber bestimmten Krankheitserregern in den ersten Lebensjahren (MBL-Defizienz) und darüber hinaus (C1q- und anderen Komplementdefizienten) einher. Dies unterstreicht die Rolle des Komplementsystems als effektiver Abwehrmechanismus in der Übergangsphase zwischen Verlust des „mütterlichen Nestschutzes“ und Ausreifung der eigenen „erworbenen“ Immunität. Das Auftreten von Autoimmunerkrankungen wie dem SLE-ähnlichen Syndrom bei Defizienzen des Klassischen Weges beleuchten zusätzliche Funktionen des Komplementsystems während der Ausreifung der erworbenen Immunität und als wesentlicher Effektor in der Erkennung apoptotischer Zellen und deren Eliminierung aus dem System.rnHereditäre C1q-Defizienzen gehen mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit mit einem SLE-ähnlichen Syndrom einher. Sie stellen unter den Defizienzen des Komplementsystems eines Seltenheit dar, ihr klinisches „Gesicht“ ist umso eindrucksvoller. Sie sind von der funktionellen C1q-Defizienz im Rahmen eines erhöhten „turnover“ und in der Folge einer C1q-Autoantokörperbildung abzugrenzen. Ursächlich ist ihnen eine Mutation in einem der drei C1q-Gene, die auf dem Chromosom 1 lokalisiert sind. Homozygote Mutationsträger können den Defekt nicht ausgleichen und zeigen eine C1q-Defizienz mit Verlust der gesamthämolytischen Aktivität CH50. Häufungen treten bei Nachkommen von Geschwister- und Verwandtschaftsehen auf.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird der Fall einer Patientin mit einem schweren, frühkindlich einsetzenden, SLE-ähnlichen Syndrom aufgearbeitet. Als Ursache für eine Erkrankung konnte ein hereditärer C1q-Defekt, ohne immunologischem Nachweis eines C1q oer LMQ-C1q, identifiziert werden. Da sich keine der vorab beschriebenen Mutatonsmuster bei der Patientin detektieren ließ, erfolgte die Sequenzierung aller drei C1q-Gene. Dadurch ließ sich ein neues Mutationsmuster darstellen.rnrnDie in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Mutation unterscheidet sich von den bislang beschriebenen Mutationen dadurch, dass es sich nicht um eine Punktmutation, sonder um eine Deletion von 29 Basen (c283_311) im Exon 2 des C1q-B-Ketten-Gens mit einhergehendem Rasterschub und vorzeitigem Stop-Codon (pMet95TrpfsX8) handelt. Durch die Analyse der Eltern und Geschwister der betroffenen Patientin konnte der Vererbungsweg dargestellt werden. Zudem gelang es die Mutation im Rahmen einer Pränataldiagnostik bei einem „ungeborenen“ Geschwisterkind auszuschließen.rn
The detection of autoantibodies is an important cornerstone in the diagnosis of systemic autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune connectivitides and small vessel vasculitides. Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs ) and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c+p-ANCAs) are appropriate diagnostic screening tools for autoimmune connectivitides and small vessel vasculitides. For economic and intellectual/didactic reasons more extensive autoantibody diagnostics should be performed only in particular situations when patients history and clinical exam lead to strong diagnostic suspicion.
We describe a microarray based broad-range screening technique for Escherichia coli virulence typing. Gene probes were amplified by PCR from a plasmid bank of characterised E. coli virulence genes and were spotted onto a glass slide to form an array of capture probes. Genomic DNA from E. coli strains which were to be tested for the presence of these virulence gene sequences was labelled with fluorescent cyanine dyes by random amplification and then hybridised against the array of probes. The hybridisation, washing and data analysis conditions were optimised for glass slides, and the applicability of the method for identifying the presence of the virulence genes was determined using reference strains and clinical isolates. It was found to be a sensitive screening method for detecting virulence genes, and a powerful tool for determining the pathotype of E. coli. It will be possible to expand and automate this microarray technique to make it suitable for rapid and reliable diagnostic screening of bacterial isolates.
Many lines of clinical and experimental evidence indicate a viral role in carcinogenesis (1-6). Our access to patient plasma, serum, and tissue samples from invasive breast cancer (N=19), ductal carcinoma in situ (N=13), malignant ovarian cancer (N=12), and benign ovarian tumors (N=9), via IRB-approved and informed consent protocols through M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, as well as normal donor plasmas purchased from Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (N=6), has allowed us to survey primary patient blood and tissue samples, healthy donor blood from the general population, as well as commercially available human cell lines for the presence of human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) Env viral RNA (vRNA), protein, and viral particles. We hypothesize that HERV-K proteins are tumor-associated antigens and as such can be profiled and targeted in patients for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. To test this hypothesis, we employed isopycnic ultracentrifugation, a microplate-based reverse transcriptase enzyme activity assay, reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cDNA sequencing, SDS-PAGE and western blotting, immunofluorescent staining, confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy to evaluate v HERV-K activation in cancer. Data from large numbers of patients tested by reverse transcriptase activity assay were analyzed statistically by t-test to determine the potential use of this assay as a diagnostic tool for cancer. Significant reverse transcriptase enzyme activity was detected in 75% of ovarian cancer patients, 53.8% of ductal carcinoma in situ patient, and 42.1% of invasive breast cancer patient samples. Only 11.1% of benign ovarian patient and 16.7% of normal donor samples tested positive. HERV-K Env vRNA, or Env SU were detected in the majority of cancer types screened, as demonstrated by the results shown herein, and were largely absent in normal controls. These findings support our hypothesis that the presence of HERV-K in patient blood circulation is an indicator of cancer or pre-malignancy in vivo, that the presence of HERV-K Env on tumor cell surfaces is indicative of malignant phenotype, and that HERV-K Env is a tumor-associated antigen useful not only as a diagnostic screening tool to predict patient disease status, but also as an exploitable therapeutic target for various novel antibody-based immunotherapies.
An LC/MS analysis with diagnostic screening for the detection of peptides with posttranslational modifications revealed the presence of novel sulfated peptides within the -conotoxin molecular mass range in Conus anemone crude venom. A functional assay of the extract showed activity at several neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Three sulfated alpha-conotoxins (AnIA, AnIB, and AnIC) were identified by LC/MS and assay-directed fractionation and sequenced after purification. The most active of these, alpha-AnIB, was further characterized and used to investigate the influence of posttranslational modifications on affinity. Synthetic AnIB exhibited subnanomolar potency at the rat alpha3/beta2 nAChR (IC50 0.3 nM) and was 200-fold less active on the rat alpha7 nAChR (IC50 76 nM). The unsulfated peptide [Tyr(16)]AnIB showed a 2-fold and 10-fold decrease in activities at alpha3beta2 (IC50 0.6 nM) and alpha7(IC50 836 nM) nAChR, respectively. Likewise, removal of the C-terminal amide had a greater influence on potency at the alpha7 (IC50 367 nM) than at the alpha3beta2 nAChR (IC50 0.5 nM). Stepwise removal of two N-terminal glycine residues revealed that these residues affect the binding kinetics of the peptide. Comparison with similar 4/7-alpha-conotoxin sequences suggests that residue 11 (alanine or glycine) and residue 14 (glutamine) constitute important determinants for alpha3beta2 selectivity, whereas the C-terminal amidation and sulfation at tyrosine-16 favor alpha7 affinity.
Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.