986 resultados para demographic re-composition


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Cities globally and nationally are facing a range of daunting challenges to respond to a suite of emerging imperatives including a low carbon future, oil vulnerability, demographic re-composition, and the prospect of unpredictable economic shocks. To pursue a future that is sustainable and resilient requires substantial transformation of existing urban areas and creation of new mechanisms to guide and manage delivery of physical, economic and social changes.

Mid-sized cities provide legible, nimble test beds for exploring cross-disciplinary models and innovative governance and delivery techniques. Australia’s ‘MidiCities’ – home to 4 million urban dwellers frequently overlooked by urban policy or research effort – are emerging as crucibles of innovation and experimentation. Most of these cities retain that essential key ingredient for sustainable urbanism, economic resilience and community identity: a strong, highly legible city centre with a tightly clustered diversity of facilities and functions – the multi-functional activity centre that metropolitan suburban hubs yearn to grow up to become!

These diverse MidiCities are passing a threshold of self-confident sophistication, and are now providing valuable lessons for each other, which could be adopted or adapted by metropolitan cities where scale and complexity can often overwhelm the search for new and appropriate approaches to delivery of rapid change while maintaining clear guidance toward the vision of a ‘preferred’ future. A network of professionals working with Australian and New Zealand MidiCities is coalescing toward a cross-disciplinary platform for exchange of experiences and information, mutual support, improved research and understanding, capacity-building and the refinement of new specialist skills and structures.


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Acicular monodispersed Fe1-xREx (RE= Nd, Sm,Eu,Tb;x=0, 0.05, 0.10) metallic nanoparticles (60 +/- 5 nm in length and axial ratio similar to6) obtained by reduction of alumina-coated goethite nanoparticles-containing rare earth (RE) under hydrogen flow are reported. Alumina and maghemite thin layers on particle surface were used to protect the goethite particles against sintering and oxidation, respectively. Al and RE additions were obtained by successive heterocoagulation reactions. Aluminum sulfate (10 at.% based on Fe) was dissolved in water and the pH adjusted to 12.5 with NaOH solution. Goethite particles were suspended in this solution and CO2 gas was blown into the slurry to neutralize it to a pH 8.5 or less. Particles were purified and dehydrated to effect transformation to alumina-coated hematite nanoparticles, which were re-suspended in aqueous solution in which RE sulfate (0-0.15 at.% based on Fe) has been dissolved, and the pH increased by ammonia aqueous solution addition. Resulted alumina-coated RE-doped hematite nanoparticles were reduced to metal at 450 degreesC/12 h under hydrogen flow and passivated with nitrogen-containing ethanol vapor at room temperature. Acicular monodispersed metallic nanoparticle systems were obtained and the presence of Al and RE were confirmed by induced-coupled plasma spectrometry analysis. X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and magnetization data are in agreement with the nanosized alpha-Fe core in a bcc structure, having a spinel structure, gammaFe(2)O(3), with thickness similar to1.5 run on particle surface. Main magnetic parameters showed saturation magnetization decreases and significant increasing in the coercive field with the RE composition increases. Magnetic properties of these particles, similar to40% smaller than those commercially available, suggest a decrease in the bit-size for high-density magnetic or magneto-optics recording media application. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Emerging embedded applications are based on evolving standards (e.g., MPEG2/4, H.264/265, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n). Since most of these applications run on handheld devices, there is an increasing need for a single chip solution that can dynamically interoperate between different standards and their derivatives. In order to achieve high resource utilization and low power dissipation, we propose REDEFINE, a polymorphic ASIC in which specialized hardware units are replaced with basic hardware units that can create the same functionality by runtime re-composition. It is a ``future-proof'' custom hardware solution for multiple applications and their derivatives in a domain. In this article, we describe a compiler framework and supporting hardware comprising compute, storage, and communication resources. Applications described in high-level language (e.g., C) are compiled into application substructures. For each application substructure, a set of compute elements on the hardware are interconnected during runtime to form a pattern that closely matches the communication pattern of that particular application. The advantage is that the bounded CEs are neither processor cores nor logic elements as in FPGAs. Hence, REDEFINE offers the power and performance advantage of an ASIC and the hardware reconfigurability and programmability of that of an FPGA/instruction set processor. In addition, the hardware supports custom instruction pipelining. Existing instruction-set extensible processors determine a sequence of instructions that repeatedly occur within the application to create custom instructions at design time to speed up the execution of this sequence. We extend this scheme further, where a kernel is compiled into custom instructions that bear strong producer-consumer relationship (and not limited to frequently occurring sequences of instructions). Custom instructions, realized as hardware compositions effected at runtime, allow several instances of the same to be active in parallel. A key distinguishing factor in majority of the emerging embedded applications is stream processing. To reduce the overheads of data transfer between custom instructions, direct communication paths are employed among custom instructions. In this article, we present the overview of the hardware-aware compiler framework, which determines the NoC-aware schedule of transports of the data exchanged between the custom instructions on the interconnect. The results for the FFT kernel indicate a 25% reduction in the number of loads/stores, and throughput improves by log(n) for n-point FFT when compared to sequential implementation. Overall, REDEFINE offers flexibility and a runtime reconfigurability at the expense of 1.16x in power and 8x in area when compared to an ASIC. REDEFINE implementation consumes 0.1x the power of an FPGA implementation. In addition, the configuration overhead of the FPGA implementation is 1,000x more than that of REDEFINE.


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When learning a difficult motor task, we often decompose the task so that the control of individual body segments is practiced in isolation. But on re-composition, the combined movements can result in novel and possibly complex internal forces between the body segments that were not experienced (or did not need to be compensated for) during isolated practice. Here we investigate whether dynamics learned in isolation by one part of the body can be used by other parts of the body to immediately predict and compensate for novel forces between body segments. Subjects reached to targets while holding the handle of a robotic, force-generating manipulandum. One group of subjects was initially exposed to the novel robot dynamics while seated and was then tested in a standing position. A second group was tested in the reverse order: standing then sitting. Both groups adapted their arm dynamics to the novel environment, and this movement learning transferred between seated and standing postures and vice versa. Both groups also generated anticipatory postural adjustments when standing and exposed to the force field for several trials. In the group that had learned the dynamics while seated, the appropriate postural adjustments were observed on the very first reach on standing. These results suggest that the CNS can immediately anticipate the effect of learned movement dynamics on a novel whole-body posture. The results support the existence of separate mappings for posture and movement, which encode similar dynamics but can be adapted independently.


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A velhice é uma etapa da vida marcada por múltiplas perdas simbólicas e/ou concretas que, embora se apresentem inelutáveis e façam parte integrante do ciclo da vida, são, para o sujeito que as vivencia, experiências penosas que obrigam a novas formas de existir. As sociedades contemporâneas, sociedades hedonistas onde a morte é tabu e o tempo um bem precioso, condicionam amplamente a forma como as pessoas idosas, especialmente as institucionalizadas, lidam com a perda, uma vez que este processo implica a aceitação de uma nova vida e a (re)estruturação da identidade própria. Não alheias ao condicionamento social, a cultura e as mundividências culturais afetam, de forma decisiva, o modo como a adaptação à perda decorre na quotidianidade das instituições de acolhimento para pessoas idosas. A presente investigação, elaborada no âmbito dos Estudos Culturais, assume um carácter qualitativo, com contornos etnográficos, e analisa 15 “mini-histórias” de vida de indivíduos com mais de 75 anos de idade, residentes em estruturas residenciais, e que sofreram uma perda emocional profunda por morte do cônjuge, já na idade adulta avançada. Num momento em que a institucionalização permanente em estruturas de acolhimento é uma das respostas sociais mais utilizadas pelos indivíduos idosos e suas famílias, procuramos, com este estudo, conhecer as condições críticas presentes na interiorização de um perfil adaptativo ou não adaptativo à perda e que, consequentemente, condicionam a forma como se mobilizam as respostas adaptativas na (re)composição do quotidiano do sujeito idoso enlutado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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En el presente trabajo se busca analizar ciertos datos sobre las relaciones sociales que aportaron los empadronamientos de fines 1810 y comienzos de 1814 en Mendoza, en articulación con las reformas administrativas que pretendían optimizar el control de la población en un contexto de acrecentamiento de las urgencias cívicas. Se cree que aun con los defectos "fotográficos" de una mirada sincrónica resulta interesante emprender tal análisis, en cuanto brinda un acercamiento a la realidad con la cual la elite local en proceso de recomposición debió contar para reunir recursos y lograr un disciplinamiento que asegurara la gobernabilidad durante el vuelco independentista.


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En el presente trabajo se busca analizar ciertos datos sobre las relaciones sociales que aportaron los empadronamientos de fines 1810 y comienzos de 1814 en Mendoza, en articulación con las reformas administrativas que pretendían optimizar el control de la población en un contexto de acrecentamiento de las urgencias cívicas. Se cree que aun con los defectos "fotográficos" de una mirada sincrónica resulta interesante emprender tal análisis, en cuanto brinda un acercamiento a la realidad con la cual la elite local en proceso de recomposición debió contar para reunir recursos y lograr un disciplinamiento que asegurara la gobernabilidad durante el vuelco independentista.


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En el presente trabajo se busca analizar ciertos datos sobre las relaciones sociales que aportaron los empadronamientos de fines 1810 y comienzos de 1814 en Mendoza, en articulación con las reformas administrativas que pretendían optimizar el control de la población en un contexto de acrecentamiento de las urgencias cívicas. Se cree que aun con los defectos "fotográficos" de una mirada sincrónica resulta interesante emprender tal análisis, en cuanto brinda un acercamiento a la realidad con la cual la elite local en proceso de recomposición debió contar para reunir recursos y lograr un disciplinamiento que asegurara la gobernabilidad durante el vuelco independentista.


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The Illinois Institute of Technology (iit) campus, Chicago, by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, is often considered as a transitional work, usually acknowledged as significant for the reorientation of his professional career after he emigrated to the United States. Moreover, its favorable recognition today is somehow indicative of its relevance as a model for urban intervention in the contemporary American city and for contemporary city planning in general, not to mention the profound impact that it had on the cityscape of Chicago. However, today we know it was rather the result of a close collaboration between he and Ludwig Hilberseimer —later on, to be completed with Alfred Caldwell— who merged their personal ideas and expertise in the design for the first time. In addition to this, when one tries to locate the design within its own historical context and evaluate the sources of its approach to it, some contradictions arise. The major impact of the images produced by Mies to promote its realization —widely disseminated in most contemporary architectural periodicals— probably outshined the particular circumstances in which the design was conceived. In fact, it would never be materialized as originally presented, but it was, instead, continuously reworked according to land availability in the site —a circumstance often ignored by subsequent architectural critic, that enthusiastically praised the design even before it was fully completed. One of the main consequences of looking at iit from such a standpoint is that, when historically contextualized, one can appreciate that, due to the urban scale of its implementation process, the design had to face a complex reality very different to that initially planned by the architect, often far from his actual possibilities of intervention. Such approach is in contradiction with the common description of the design as a ‘tabula rasa’ that allegedly would have been formulated on the basis of a full denial of its context. On the contrary, the ever-changing circumstances of the design motivated a necessary re-interpretation of the relation between its executed fragments, in order to keep the original identity of the whole in an ever-changing context. This situation implied a continuous transformation of the design by means of a steady re-composition of its elements: as the number of completed buildings increased in its successive stages, their relation to their site-specific context changed, in a very particular process that these lines try to delineate. Requiring decades to be erected, neither of its authors would ever see the design finished as planned, partially because of the difficulties in acquiring the extension of land that it required. Considering the study of this process as able to provide a valuable gateway to understand the urban discourse that the architects entailed, the aim of these lines is to analyze the problems that the iit campus design had to face. As a starting point, a relationship between practice and theory in the activity of the authors implied in iit campus design has been assumed. Far from being interrupted during World War ii, strong historical evidence can be found to infer that both were developed in parallel. Consequently, the historical sequence of the preserved testimonies has been put into context, as well as their transformation while Mies remained in charge for the campus Master Plan. Notably, when seen from this perspective, some ideas already expressed during his previous European practice were still present during the design process. Particularly, Mies's particular understanding of certain architectural concepts — such as those of ‘order’ and ‘structure’—can be traced paralleling the theories about urban planning from his collaborators, a fact that possibly facilitated the campus successful development. The study of the way these ideas were actually redeveloped and modified in the American urban context, added to the specific process of the implementation of iit campus design, sheds a new light for a critical interpretation of the reasons that made it possible, and of the actual responsibility of Mies's collaborators in its overall development and final completion. RESUMEN El campus del Illinois Institute of Technology (iit) de Chicago, obra del arquitecto Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, es a menudo considerado como una obra de transición que, por lo general, ha venido siendo reconocida como relevante para la reorientación de su carrera profesional posterior a su exilio en los Estados Unidos. El reconocimiento del que goza el proyecto es indicativo, de algún modo, de su importancia como modelo para la intervención urbana en la ciudad norteamericana contemporánea y el planeamiento de la ciudad contemporánea en general, sin olvidar el profundo impacto que ha tenido sobre el paisaje urbano de Chicago. Sin embargo, hoy sabemos que el resultado se benefició de su estrecha colaboración con Ludwig Hilberseimer y se completaría más tarde con la de Alfred Caldwell, quienes unieron sus ideas y experiencia profesional en el proyecto por primera vez. Asimismo, cuando se intenta ubicar el proyecto dentro de su propio contexto histórico y evaluar los criterios de su manera de abordarlo, surgen algunas contradicciones. El considerable impacto de las imágenes producidas por Mies para impulsar su ejecución —ampliamente difundidas en la mayoría de publicaciones de arquitectura de la época— probablemente eclipsó las particulares circunstancias en las que el proyecto fue concebido. De hecho, nunca llegó a materializarse tal y como fue inicialmente presentado. Por contra, fue reelaborado de manera continua, de acuerdo a la disponibilidad de suelo en el emplazamiento; una circunstancia a menudo ignorada por la crítica posterior, que elogió con entusiasmo el proyecto antes siquiera de que fuese terminado. Una de las principales consecuencias de contemplar el iit desde semejante punto de vista es que, una vez contextualizada históricamente su puesta en obra, se puede apreciar que el arquitecto tuvo que enfrentarse a una compleja realidad urbana muy diferente a la inicialmente prevista —probablemente debido a la escala del proyecto— a menudo lejos de sus posibilidades reales de intervención. Este enfoque contradice la descripción habitual del proyecto como una ‘tabula rasa’, que supuestamente se habría formulado sobre la base de una negación completa de su contexto. Por el contrario, las circunstancias cambiantes del proyecto obligaron una necesaria reinterpretación de la relación entre sus frag mentos ejecutados, con el fin de mantener la identidad original del conjunto en un contexto en constante cambio. Esta situación implicó una continua transformación del proyecto por medio de una permanente re-composición de sus elementos: según se incrementaba el número de edificios construidos en las etapas sucesivas de desarrollo del conjunto, variaba su relación con el contexto específico en que se emplazaban, en un proceso muy particular que estas líneas tratan de perfilar. Al necesitar décadas para ser levantado, ninguno de sus autores vería el conjunto terminado según lo planificado, en parte debido a las dificultades para la adquisición de la extensión de suelo que demandaba. Asumiendo que el estudio de este proceso es capaz de proporcionar una valiosa puerta de entrada para elucidar el discurso urbano asumido por los Mies, el objetivo de estas líneas es analizar los problemas a los que el proyecto del campus del iit tuvo que enfrentarse. Como punto de partida, se ha supuesto una relación entre la práctica y la teoría en la actividad de los autores implicados en el proyecto del campus del iit. Lejos de interrumpirse durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, existen evidencias históricas sólidas para deducir que ambas vertientes se desarrollaron en paralelo. En consecuencia, se ha contextualizado la secuencia histórica de los testimonios conservados, así como su transformación durante el periodo en que Mies estuvo a cargo del Plan General del campus. Significativamente, al ser contempladas bajo esta perspectiva, algunas ideas ya expresadas durante su práctica europea anterior resultan aún presentes durante la redacción del proyecto. En concreto, se puede trazar un paralelismo entre la comprensión particular de Mies de ciertos conceptos arquitectónicos —como los de ‘orden’ y ‘estructura’— y las teorías sobre el urbanismo de sus colaboradores, hecho que posiblemente facilitó el exitoso desarrollo del proyecto. El estudio de la manera en que estas ideas fueron reelaboradas y modificadas en el contexto urbano estadounidense, sumado al proceso específico de su aplicación en el proyecto del campus del iit, arroja una nueva luz para una interpretación crítica tanto de las razones que lo hicieron posible, como del papel real que los colaboradores de Mies tuvieron en su desarrollo y ejecución final.


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The formation of a complete solid solution between acetylacetonate (acac) complexes of chromium and gallium, (Cr1-x,Ga-x)(acac)(3) for 0.1