16 resultados para degrowth


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais


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Regeneration of lost tissues depends on the precise interpretation of molecular signals that control and coordinate the onset of proliferation, cellular differentiation and cell death. However, the nature of those molecular signals and the mechanisms that integrate the cellular responses remain largely unknown. The planarian flatworm is a unique model in which regeneration and tissue renewal can be comprehensively studied in vivo. The presence of a population of adult pluripotent stem cells combined with the ability to decode signaling after wounding enable planarians to regenerate a complete, correctly proportioned animal within a few days after any kind of amputation, and to adapt their size to nutritional changes without compromising functionality. Here, we demonstrate that the stress-activated c-jun-NH2-kinase (JNK) links wound-induced apoptosis to the stem cell response during planarian regeneration. We show that JNK modulates the expression of wound-related genes, triggers apoptosis and attenuates the onset of mitosis in stem cells specifically after tissue loss. Furthermore, in pre-existing body regions, JNK activity is required to establish a positive balance between cell death and stem cell proliferation to enable tissue renewal, remodeling and the maintenance of proportionality. During homeostatic degrowth, JNK RNAi blocks apoptosis, resulting in impaired organ remodeling and rescaling. Our findings indicate that JNK-dependent apoptotic cell death is crucial to coordinate tissue renewal and remodeling required to regenerate and to maintain a correctly proportioned animal. Hence, JNK might act as a hub, translating wound signals into apoptotic cell death, controlled stem cell proliferation and differentiation, all of which are required to coordinate regeneration and tissue renewal.


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Teema: Kansalainen kulutusmarkkinoilla - puheenvuoroja kuluttajakansalaisuudesta.


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Sustainability, in its modern meaning, has been discussed for more than forty years. However, many experts believe that humanity is still far from being sustainable. Some experts have argued that humanity should seek survivable development because it is too late for sustainable one, since 1990s. Obviously, some problems prevented humanity from becoming sustainable. This thesis focuses on the agenda of sustainability discussions and seeks for the essential topics missing from it. For this purpose, the research is conducted on 21 out of 33 books endorsed by the Club of Rome. All of these books are titled ‘a report to the Club of Rome’. The Club of Rome is an organization that has been constantly working on the problems of humankind for the past 40 years. This thesis has three main components: first, the messages of the reports to the Club of Rome, second, academics perceptions of the Club, and third, the Club member perceptions of its evolution, messages and missing topics. This thesis investigates the evolution of four aspects in the reports. The first one is the agenda of the reports. The second one is the basic approaches of the Club (i.e., global, long-term and holistic). The third one is the ways that the reports treat free market and growth ideology. The fourth one is the approach of the reports toward components of the global complex system (i.e., society, economy and politics). The outline of the thesis is as follows. First, the original reports are briefly summarized. After this, the academic perceptions are discussed and structured around three concepts (i.e., futures studies, sustainability and degrowth). In the final step, the perceptions of the experts are collected and analysed, using a variation of Delphi method, called ‘in-depth interviews’, and ‘quality content analysis’ method. This thesis is useful for those interested in sustainability, global problems, and the Club of Rome. This thesis concludes that the reports from 1972 up to 1980 were cohesive in discussing topics related to the problems of humankind. The topics of the reports are fragmented after this period. The basic approaches of CoR are visible in all the reports. However, after 1980, those approaches and especially holistic thinking are only visible in the background. Regarding the free market and growth ideology, although all the reports are against them, the early reports were more explicitly expressing their disagreement. A milestone is noticeable around 1980 when such objections went completely to the background. However, recent reports are more similar to those of 1970s both in adopting a holistic approach and in explicitly criticizing free market and growth ideology. Finally, concerning the components of global complex system, the society is excluded and the focus of the reports is on politics, economy and their relation. Concerning the topics missing from the debate, this thesis concludes that no major research has been conducted on the fundamental and underlying reasons of the problems (e.g. beliefs, values and culture). Studying the problems without considering their underlying reasons, obviously, leads to superficial and ineffective solutions. This might be one of the reasons that sustainability discussions have as yet led to no concrete result.


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La conformación de comunidades alternativas comúnmente se genera tras el abandono voluntario de ciudades occidentales modernas y actualmente está cobrando mayor importancia a nivel mundial. Por lo general las comunidades alternativas se caracterizan por ser asentamientos humanos que buscan integrar todos los aspectos de la vida en un entorno saludable, en el que se promueve la auto-sostenibilidad. Las causas de tipo político, económico y espiritual que motivan esta decisión en ciertos grupos de personas, relejan una posición no solo crítica sino también activa frente a la sociedad contemporánea. El presente estudio de caso pretende identificar estas causas y articularlas para presentar una crítica a la sociedad occidental moderna, sociedad en la cual se le ha dado preponderancia al método científico para explicar incluso el origen de los seres humanos, reconociendo la razón como modo supremo de conocimiento y olvidando por tanto que existe otro modo de conocer superior y previo a la razón.


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This study aims to assess the evolution of the environmental debate, starting by the contextualization of its first appearance, and perform a theoretical and methodological analysis of its ramifications, especially regarding the two main lines of thought in economics: environmental economics and ecological economics. Once confirmed the incompatibility of economic growth per se with the environmental limits, the degrowth proposal will be presented, its theoretical basis and especially the means by which its creators aim to promote a economic, politic and social restructuring. Finally, the challenges regarding the degrowth implementation on both the developed Northern economies and the third-world or emerging Southern countries will be exposed


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La mobilità nelle aree urbane di medie e grandi dimensioni risente di molte criticità e spesso è causa di numerose discussioni. L'utilizzo sempre crescente del mezzo di trasporto privato ha prodotto conseguenze negative: l'aumento del traffico e degli incidenti stradali, dell'inquinamento atmosferico e del rumore sono accompagnati da un forte spreco energetico. Dall'altra parte, il trasporto pubblico locale (TPL) non è riuscito a costruirsi canali preferenziali all'interno dell'immaginario cittadino, poiché sottomesso da un modello economico e un mercato fortemente dipendenti dall'automobile. Una via d'uscita dalla mobilità non sostenibile basata sull'utilizzo di combustibili fossili porta a concepire un trasporto pubblico locale gratuito, fruibile dal cittadino in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Attraverso un'analisi dell'azienda del trasporto pubblico bolognese (ATC) e dei dati provenienti dalla sanità regionale, questa tesi intende mostrare che vi sarà un miglioramento della qualità di vita in aree urbane nel momento in cui la teoria della decrescita venga condivisa da tutti i cittadini. Così sarà possibile liberare i centri urbani dai mezzi privati e quindi dagli alti livelli di inquinamento acustico e atmosferico, e dare ai cittadini la vera libertà di movimento. Mobility in medium and large sized urban areas is critical and often a cause for numerous debates. The use of private transport is in constant increase and has generated negative consequences: congestion and road accidents, air and noise pollutio as well as a considerable waste of energy. On the other hand, the local public transport (LPT) has not succeeded in representing the preferred choice by citizens in the urban imaginary. Its potential has been subdued by economic models and markets that are largely dependant on the production of vehicles. An alternative to the current non sustainable mobility based on the combustion of fossil fuels could be the provision of a free local transport network available to the citizen from anywhere at any time. This dissertation's objective is to show how an improvement of the quality of life in urban areas is connected to a collective awareness on the degrowth theory. I intend to achieve this by analysing thoroughly the system of the public transportation agency in Bologna (ATC) and considering data from the local health department. Only then we will be able to limit private vehicles from city centres and as a result of that drastically decrease air and noise pollution whilst providing a true service for a free moving citizen.


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Il presente lavoro intende analizzare il tema del turista lento che nell’ultimo decennio si è diffuso nel dibattito scientifico e culturale connesso al tema della sostenibilità e della qualità della vita e nel contesto dell’approccio teorico strutturato intorno alle nuove tendenze dello Slow Tourism. In una prima parte la tesi delinea il framework della sostenibilità con particolare attenzione al recente dibattito in corso sulla “decrescita” e l’“a-crescita” come concetti alternativi al paradigma della crescita. Successivamente viene evidenziato il modo in cui le idee di base ed i principi dello sviluppo sostenibile sono stati applicati al turismo e indagato il legame tra sostenibilità e responsabilità e come questo configura l’emergere di un turismo “responsustable”. In tale contesto viene analizzata la relazione tra turismo e lentezza in cui a filosofia slow non deve essere interpretata come un fenomeno del momento o un innovativo prodotto turistico, ma come una filosofia di vita, un movimento sociale e globale che negli ultimi anni ha caratterizzato i diversi ambiti socio-economici delle comunità locali. Successivamente attraverso una review della letteratura nazionale ed internazionale sul tema, la pluralità di prospettive teoriche vengono sistematizzate in tre ipotesi di lettura riconducibili a tre paradigmi: sostenibilità- slow tourism- territorio; benessere – slow tourism – qualità della vita; esperienza – slow tourism – consumo. Nella seconda parte del lavoro viene presentata l’indagine empirica a partire dall’analisi di contesto del territorio in cui si è svolta l’attività di ricerca, i nove comuni del Comprensorio Turistico della Valnerina in Umbria, con particolare riferimento all’analisi dell’offerta e della domanda turistica. Successivamente sono presentati i risultati di un questionario somministrato a 620 turisti attraverso il quale viene analizzato il profilo motivazionale, le esperienze di fruizione turistica e la percezione della qualità territoriale da parte del turista e delineato il profilo del turista slow in Valnerina.


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The data set shows energy consumption per hour of work (in MJ/hour), and labour productivity (in USD/hour) in the PS economic sector (Energy & Mining + Industry + Construction) for the period 1970-2009 and for the following countries: Germany, Spain, USA, Canada, Italy, UK, France, Japan. The intention is to look at the relationship between energy consumption as a driver of improvements in the productivity of labour. This is of particular relevance for the discussion of reducing working time in the context of the 'degrowth' debate, as it is done in the article to which this data is a suplement.


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In Marxist frameworks “distributive justice” depends on extracting value through a centralized state. Many new social movements—peer to peer economy, maker activism, community agriculture, queer ecology, etc.—take the opposite approach, keeping value in its unalienated form and allowing it to freely circulate from the bottom up. Unlike Marxism, there is no general theory for bottom-up, unalienated value circulation. This paper examines the concept of “generative justice” through an historical contrast between Marx’s writings and the indigenous cultures that he drew upon. Marx erroneously concluded that while indigenous cultures had unalienated forms of production, only centralized value extraction could allow the productivity needed for a high quality of life. To the contrary, indigenous cultures now provide a robust model for the “gift economy” that underpins open source technological production, agroecology, and restorative approaches to civil rights. Expanding Marx’s concept of unalienated labor value to include unalienated ecological (nonhuman) value, as well as the domain of freedom in speech, sexual orientation, spirituality and other forms of “expressive” value, we arrive at an historically informed perspective for generative justice.