650 resultados para deformed austenite
The study of spectral behavior of networks has gained enthusiasm over the last few years. In particular, random matrix theory (RMT) concepts have proven to be useful. In discussing transition from regular behavior to fully chaotic behavior it has been found that an extrapolation formula of the Brody type can be used. In the present paper we analyze the regular to chaotic behavior of small world (SW) networks using an extension of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble. This RMT ensemble, coined the deformed Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (DGOE), supplies a natural foundation of the Brody formula. SW networks follow GOE statistics until a certain range of eigenvalue correlations depending upon the strength of random connections. We show that for these regimes of SW networks where spectral correlations do not follow GOE beyond a certain range, DGOE statistics models the correlations very well. The analysis performed in this paper proves the utility of the DGOE in network physics, as much as it has been useful in other physical systems.
A niobium single crystal was subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at room temperature after orienting the crystal such that [1 -1 -1] ayen ND, [0 1 -1] ayen ED, and [-2 -1 -1] ayen TD. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to characterize the microstructures both on the transverse and the longitudinal sections of the deformed sample. After one pass of ECAP the single crystal exhibits a group of homogeneously distributed large misorientation sheets and a well formed cell structure in the matrix. The traces of the large misorientation sheets match very well with the most favorably oriented slip plane and one of the slip directions is macroscopically aligned with the simple shear plane. The lattice rotation during deformation was quantitatively estimated through comparison of the orientations parallel to three macroscopic axes before and after deformation. An effort has been made to link the microstructure with the initial crystal orientation. Collinear slip systems are believed to be activated during deformation. The full constraints Taylor model was used to simulate the orientation evolution during ECAP. The result matched only partially with the experimental observation.
The S phase, known as expanded austenite, is formed on the surfaces of austenitic stainless steels that are nitrided under low temperature plasma. A similar phase was observed for nitrided ferritic stainless steels and was designed as expanded ferrite or ferritic S phase. The authors treated samples of austenitic AISI 304L and AISI 316L and ferritic AISI 409 stainless steels by plasma nitriding at different temperatures and then studied the structural, morphological, chemical and corrosion characteristics of the modified layers by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy and electrochemical tests. For both austenitic AISI 304L and AISI 316L stainless steels, the results showed that a hard S phase layer was formed on the surfaces, promoting an anodic polarisation curve displacement to higher current density values that depend on the plasma nitriding temperature. A layer having a high amount of nitrogen was formed on the ferritic AISI 409 stainless steel. X-ray diffraction measurements indicated high strain states for the modified layers formed on the three stainless steels, being more pronounced for the ferritic S phase.
Effects of particle abrasive sizes on wear resistance of mottled cast iron with different retained austenite contents were studied. Abrasive wear tests using a pin test on alumina paper were carried out, using abrasive sizes between 16 mu m and 192 mu m. Retained austenite content of the matrix was determined by X-ray diffraction. The wear surface of samples and the alumina paper were examined by scanning electron microscopy for identifying the wear micromechanism. The results show that at lower abrasive sizes the mass loss was similar for the iron with different austenite contents. However, at higher abrasive sizes the samples with higher retained austenite content presented higher abrasion resistance. For lower abrasive sizes tested, samples with higher and lower retained austenite content both presented microcutting. On the other hand, the main wear micromechanism for the samples with higher retained austenite content and higher abrasive sizes was microploughing. The samples with lower retained austenite content presented microcutting and wedge formation at higher abrasive sizes. Higher abrasive size induced more microcutting in samples with lower retained austenite. The iron with lower retained austenite content presented wider grooves for the different abrasive sizes measured. SEM on the abrasive paper used on samples with higher retained austenite showed continuous and discontinuous microchips and the samples with lower retained austenite showed discontinuous microchips at 66 and 141 mu m. This research demonstrates the relation between abrasive size, wear resistance, groove width and wear micromechanism for mottled cast iron with different retained austenite contents. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A Fe-22.5%Cr-4.53%Ni-3.0%Mo duplex stainless steel was solution treated at 1,325 A degrees C for 1 h, quenched in water and isothermally treated at 900 A degrees C for 5,000 s. The crystallography of austenite was studied using EBSD technique. Intragranular austenite particles formed from delta ferrite are shown to nucleate on inclusions, and to be subdivided in twin-related sub-particles. Intragranular austenite appears to have planar-only orientation relationships with the ferrite matrix, close to Kurdjumov-Sachs and Nishyiama-Wassermann, but not related to a conjugate direction. Samples treated at 900 A degrees C underwent sparse formation of sigma phase and pronounced growth of elongated austenite particles, very similar to acicular ferrite.
This paper presents the results of the in-depth study of the Barkhausen effect signal properties for the plastically deformed Fe-2%Si samples. The investigated samples have been deformed by cold rolling up to plastic strain epsilon(p) = 8%. The first approach consisted of time-domain-resolved pulse and frequency analysis of the Barkhausen noise signals whereas the complementary study consisted of the time-resolved pulse count analysis as well as a total pulse count. The latter included determination of time distribution of pulses for different threshold voltage levels as well as the total pulse count as a function of both the amplitude and the duration time of the pulses. The obtained results suggest that the observed increase in the Barkhausen noise signal intensity as a function of deformation level is mainly due to the increase in the number of bigger pulses.
A general graded reflection equation algebra is proposed and the corresponding boundary quantum inverse scattering method is formulated. The formalism is applicable to all boundary lattice systems where an invertible R-matrix exists. As an application, the integrable open-boundary conditions for the q-deformed supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are investigated. The diagonal boundary K-matrices are found and a class of integrable boundary terms are determined. The boundary system is solved by means of the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. As a sideline, it is shown that all R-matrices associated with a quantum affine superalgebra enjoy the crossing-unitarity property. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
New classes of integrable boundary conditions for the q-deformed (or two-parameter) supersymmetric U model are presented. The boundary systems are solved by using the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and Bethe ansatz equations are derived. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Integrable Kondo impurities in two cases of one-dimensional q-deformed t-J models are studied by means of the boundary Z(2)-graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as nontrivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, these models are solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
The q-deformed supersymmetric t-J model on a semi-infinite lattice is diagonalized by using the level-one vertex operators of the quantum affine superalgebra U-q[sl(2\1)]. We. give the bosonization of the boundary states. We give an integral expression for the correlation functions of the boundary model, and derive the difference equations which they satisfy.
The use of X-ray imaging to assess variability in ceramic fabrication is common in archaeological studies aimed at examining ancient pottery technologies. In this paper, a method based on the measurement of individual pores orientation is presented. This method is successfully applied to ceramic specimens of known origin whose structure signified different deformation histories.
Eyebrow positions differ in many ways. They vary in shape, thickness, length, and distance between the eyebrows, making the face more or less harmonious. When a large distance exists between the eyebrows and the medial brow is slanting downward, the glabellar area is larger, giving the face an awkward appearance. To correct this deformity, the authors propose using two Z-plasties to allow transposition of flaps in the region of the medial brow. The Z-shaped flap is outlined at the medial third of the brow, in the glabellar region, with the eyebrow centered in the lower portion of the ""Z"" and the hairless skin in the upper portion. The flaps then are transposed and sutured. Transposition of the flaps, lifting the brow flap to the glabellar region, results in horizontal positioning of the medial and central third of the eyebrow. The proposed transpositioning of ""Z"" flaps in this region corrects this type of deformity of the medial and central portions of the eyebrows, with an aesthetically satisfactory result.
This is a reply to the comment by P Schlottmann and A A Zvyagin.
Convergent beam Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationships (ORs) between austenite and martensite, and between austenite and granular bainite in two Fe-Ni-Mn-C alloys. Both martensite and granular bainite have the same crystallographic characteristics with the OR: (111)(A)parallel to(101)(F), [1 (1) over bar0](A) 2.5degrees +/- 2degrees from [1 (1) over bar(1) over bar](B).
The computation of the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene is discussed within the framework of quantum field theory in curved spaces. The analytical solutions of the Dirac equation in an arbitrary static background geometry for one dimensional periodic deformations are computed, together with the corresponding Dirac propagator. Analytical expressions are given for the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene associated with both intra and interbrand transitions. The special case of small deformations is discussed and the result compared to the prediction of the tight-binding model.