996 resultados para deaf culture
In Australia, there is only one, newly established, dedicated mental health service catering specifically for the signing *Deaf community. It is staffed by four part-time hearing professionals and based in Brisbane. There are currently no Deaf psychologists or psychiatrists and there is no valid or reliable empirical evidence on outcomes for Deaf people accessing specialised or mainstream mental health services. Further compounding these issues, is the fact that there are no sign language versions of the most common standardised mental health or psychological instruments available to clinicians in Australia. Contemporary counselling literature is acknowledging the role of the therapeutic alliance and the impact of 'common factors' on therapeutic outcomes. However, these issues are complicated by the relationship between the Deaf client and the hearing therapist being a cross-cultural exchange. The disability model of deafness is contentious and few professionals in Australia have the requisite knowledge and understanding of deafness from a cultural perspective to attend to the therapeutic relationship with this in mind. Consequently, Deaf people are severely disadvantaged by the current lack of services, resources and skilled professionals in the field of deafness and psychology in this country. The primary aim of the following program of research has been to propose a model for culturally affirmative service delivery and to provide clinicians with tools to evaluate the effect of their therapeutic work with Deaf people seeking mental health treatment. The research document is presented as a thesis by publication and comprises four specific objectives formulated in response to the lack of existing services and resources. The first objective was to explore the use of social constructionist counselling techniques and a reflecting team with Deaf clients, hearing therapists and an interpreter. Following the establishment of a pilot counselling clinic, indepth semi-structured interviews were conducted with two long-term clients following the one year pilot of this service. These interviews generated recommendations for the development of a new 'enriched' model of counselling to be implemented and evaluated in later stages of the research program. The second objective was to identify appropriate psychometric measures that could be translated into Australian Sign Language (Auslan) for research into efficacy, effectiveness and counselling outcomes. Two instruments were identified as potentially suitable; the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), a measure of global functioning, and the Session Rating Scale (SRS), a measure of therapeutic alliance. A specialised team of bi-lingual and bi-cultural interpreters, native signers and the primary researcher for this thesis, produced the ORS-Auslan and the SRS-Auslan in DVD format, using the translation and back-translation process. The third objective was to establish the validity and reliability of these new Auslan measures based on normative data from the Deaf community. Data from the ORS-Auslan was collected from one clinical and one non-clinical sample of Deaf people. Statistical analyses revealed that the ORS-Auslan is reliable, valid and adequately distinguishes between clinical and non-clinical presentations. Furthermore, construct validity has been established using a yet to be validated sign language version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 items (DASS-21), providing a platform for further research using the DASS-21 with Deaf people. The fourth objective was to evaluate counselling outcomes following the implementation of an enriched counselling service, based on the findings generated by the first objective, and using the newly translated Auslan measures. A second university counselling clinic was established and implemented over the course of one year. Practice-based evidence guided the research and the ORS-Auslan and the SRS-Auslan were administered at every session and provided outcome data on Deaf clients' global functioning. Data from six clients over the course of ten months indicated that this culturally affirmative model was an effective approach for these six clients. This is the first time that outcome data have been collected in Australia using valid and reliable Auslan measures to establish preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of any therapeutic intervention for clinical work with adult, signing Deaf clients. The research generated by this thesis contributes theoretical knowledge, professional development and practical resources that can be used by a variety of mental health clinicians in the context of mental health service delivery to Deaf clients in Australia.
O percurso histórico das representações da surdez, da educação de surdos e do estatuto da língua de sinais aponta para a necessidade de uma reflexão sobre as relações entre língua, cognição e cultura. Um estudo direcionado à identificação das estruturas conceptuais subjacentes à língua falada pelos surdos -a Libras- pode contribuir com algumas considerações pertinentes sobre a questão surdez/cultura, além de contribuir para desmistificar possíveis preconceitos relacionados à língua de sinais. A linguística cognitiva (LC), ciência que engloba os aspectos cognitivos envolvidos na significação, a influência do contexto para a compreensão/produção da linguagem e a forma como o mundo é experienciado individualmente e culturalmente, revela-se como um embasamento teórico adequado ao desenvolvimento de tal reflexão, uma vez que abarca dentre suas áreas de interesse o estudo dos mecanismos cognitivos de conceptualização e expressão da realidade, dentre os quais se inserem os modelos cognitivos e culturais, a metáfora e a metonímia conceptuais. Levando-se em conta que na LC a concepção de metáfora, estabelecida pela Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual (TMC), à luz de Lakoff e Johnson (2002[1980]) e Kövecses (2002, 2003, 2005), considera a metáfora como um mecanismo conceptual em que os seres humanos empregam um domínio experiencial mais concreto, estreitamente ligado à experiência com o próprio corpo e o mundo em que vivem, para compreender/conceptualizar um domínio mais abstrato; buscou-se, neste estudo, verificar a aplicabilidade de tal teoria na língua brasileira de sinais (Libras), hipotetizando-se que as metáforas conceptuais podem ser identificadas em qualquer língua, mesmo uma língua visuo-espacial, e que as manifestações metafóricas encontradas na Libras podem refletir as especificidades da cultura surda, bem como aspectos provenientes da cultura ouvinte devido à influência cultural gerada por sua inserção nesta cultura. A pesquisa realizada desenvolveu-se sob abordagem qualitativa/descritiva, com análise de um corpus heterogêneo da Libras, composto por sinais isolados, vídeos e transcrições de interações terapêuticas. Os resultados apontam não só para a manifestação da metáfora conceptual na Libras, como também para a manifestação de aspectos semânticos e fonológicos subjacentes à iconicidade cognitiva nos termos de (Wilcox, P. 2004) da Libras. Trata-se de um levantamento inicial, mas que fornece elementos para alguns questionamentos sobre o aspecto conceptual e cognitivo da iconicidade e sobre o alcance da TMC e sua relação com língua e cultura
As expressões cultura e identidade surdas têm se legitimado, principalmente, pela defesa da língua de sinais como sendo a língua natural dos surdos. Essa defesa se faz por meio de uma inversão teórica que toma a língua, num primeiro momento, como determinada pelas práticas e interações sociais e, num segundo, faz dela a definidora dessas mesmas práticas. Este artigo discute os mecanismos de legitimação dessa inversão e suas implicações sociais e teóricas.
Com esta pesquisa objetivou-se investigar os saberes em ação na prática docente no ensino de Matemática a alunos surdos incluídos em uma escola com alunos ouvintes. Direcionados pela pergunta norteadora que saberes os professores desenvolvem para incluir o aluno surdo nas aulas de Matemática com alunos ouvintes na Escola Regular? Buscaram-se respostas nos dados coletados em uma escola que atua nas séries iniciais, no Município de Belém-Pa, em uma turma de 4ª série, com 25 alunos, 20 ouvintes e 05 surdos incluídos. Os sujeitos informantes foi a professora regente da turma (PR), a professora itinerante que atende a turma (PI) e 03 futuros professores de Matemática (FP), alunos da Licenciatura em Matemática da UFPA também envolvidos no processo a partir de um trabalho colaborativo com a pesquisadora e o orientador da pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico em que foram realizadas: observação participante sistemática e assistemática durante 08 meses, entrevista não estruturada com os 05 sujeitos e análise documental de plano anual, livro didático de Matemática, atividades de aula e diário de bordo dos futuros professores, que foram trianguladas originando eixos de análises para cada sujeito e seus saberes e ainda 03 episódios de sala de aula durante as aulas de fração dos quais foram extraídas 03 categorias que subsidiaram as análises sendo elas: (1) o saber da Língua nas aulas de matemática para alunos surdos incluídos com alunos ouvintes em que os resultados apontam para a importância dos saberes disciplinares / específicos, os curriculares, os experienciais e o saber da reflexão – na - ação como saber público validado evidenciando o saber da língua de sinais como o diferencial da cultura surda, gerou-se 02 subcategorias: 1ª a Língua de Sinais como saber necessário e a Língua Portuguesa Oral como imposição de saber e poder cultural e assim foi possível sinalizar para o conflito de culturas no processo de ensino de Matemática para alunos surdos incluídos na escola de ouvintes; (2) o saber inclusivo, o impacto entre a cultura surda e a cultura ouvinte no mesmo ambiente de aprendizagem, o que sinalizou para a existência de duas escolas no mesmo espaço e situações de aulas que propiciaram a inclusão e a exclusão dos alunos surdos no contexto; (3) o saber da reflexão – na - ação durante as aulas de Matemática a alunos surdos com alunos ouvintes enquanto o constituinte do habitus profissional desde a formação inicial como forma de propiciar a assimilação da diversidade cultural na prática docente.
Brazilian Sign Language signature in the pedagogy courses curricula. In 2002, the Law nº 10.436 was published determining the obligation of offering the Brazilian Signal Language (Libras) signature in all teaching graduation courses. Considering this measure, it was searched to characterize how the public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the States of Paraná and São Paulo are organizing the signature in Pedagogy courses. The curriculum analysis developed showed that most of the public HEI’s in the State of Paraná provides its inclusion, while in the State of São Paulo the estimate is 60%. Most of the syllabus covers topics including deaf students, deaf culture and Libras linguistic aspects.
La hipoacusia se define como la disminución de la percepción auditiva, la cual constituye la vía habitual para la adquisición el lenguaje. Se trata de un problema relevante en la infancia temprana, dado que el logro de capacidades y habilidades intelectuales y sociales están ligados a un desarrollo adecuado de la audición como principal vía de aprendizaje. La audición, junto con el resto de los sentidos permite el establecer relaciones sociales y del individuo con su entorno. Es uno de los principales procesos fisiológicos que posibilita a los niños el aprendizaje, siendo de suma importancia para el desarrollo del pensamiento. Por ello es importante analizar las diferentes aristas que intervienen en la prevención, promoción y atención primaria y secundaria de dicha afección. A continuación analizaremos el Programa Nacional de Detección Temprana de Hipoacusias (su legislación, gestión y funcionalización), la importancia de una adecuada información a los padres o responsables del niño hipoacúsico, la perspectiva de la cultura sorda y la perspectiva de la oralización de pacientes sordos mediante el implante coclear en la infancia.
Esta pesquisa se propõe a investigar qual a compreensão que autores Surdos e não surdos tem diante das conquistas dos Surdos, apontadas no contexto educacional, de forma a examinar os diferentes elementos e aspectos envolvidos indicando quais os principais atores e autores deste cenário. A Pesquisa Bibliográfica foi o procedimento metodológico adotado, com análise dos conteúdos coletados em livros de autoria de Surdos ou não surdos. O parâmetro cronológico para esta pesquisa está localizado nos últimos quinze anos, período em que as novas determinações da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional LDB / 96 tem desacomodado questões relacionadas à educação de pessoas com deficiências. Aparentemente por conta de determinações e regulamentações do Decreto nº 5.626 de DEZEMBRO / 2005, as discussões a respeito dos Surdos e da Língua de Sinais tem ocupado um espaço diferenciado na sociedade, em especial nas escolas regulares e na formação de professores. Num primeiro momento, parece tratar-se de reflexos das discussões postas pelas Políticas de Educação Inclusiva, no entanto, a questão relacionada aos Surdos tem para muitos se destacado quanto à dimensão de suas conquistas e, por vezes parece se referir a uma invenção da atualidade: o Surdo e a Língua de Sinais.
Corwin and Wilcox (1985) sent surveys to more than 100 American colleges and universities to determine the policies on the matter of accepting American Sign Language (ASL) as a foreign language. Their results indicated that 81% of those surveyed rejected ASL as a foreign/modern language equivalent. The most frequently stated opposition to ASL was that it lacked a culture. Some of the other objections to ASL were: ASL is not foreign; there is no written form and therefore no original body of literature; it is a derivative of English; and it is indigenous to the United States and hence not foreign. Based on the work of Corwin and Wilcox this study sent surveys to 222 American colleges and universities. Noting an expanding cognizance and social awareness of ASL and deafness (as seen in the increasing number of movies, plays, television programs, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and related news stories), this study sought to find out if ASL was now considered an acceptable foreign language equivalent. The hypothesis of this study was that change has occurred since the 1985 study: that a significant percent of post secondary schools accepting ASL as a foreign/modern language equivalent has increased. The 165 colleges and universities that responded to this author's survey confirmed there has been a significant shift towards the acceptance of ASL. Only 50% of the respondents objected to ASL as a foreign language equivalent, a significant decrease from the 1985 findings. Of those who objected to granting ASL foreign language credit, the reasons were similar to those of the Corwin and Wilcox study, except that the belief in an absence of a Deaf culture dropped from the top reason listed, to the fifth. That ASL is not foreign was listed as the most frequent objection in this study. One important change which may account for increased acceptance of ASL, is that 16 states (compared to 10 in 1985) now have policies stating that ASL is acceptable as a foreign language equivalent. Two-year colleges, in this study, were more likely to accept ASL than were four-year colleges and universities. Neither two- nor four-year colleges and universities are likely to include ASL in their foreign language departments, and most schools that have foreign language entrance requirements are unlikely to accept ASL. In colleges and universities where ASL was already offered in some department within the system, there was a significantly higher likelihood that foreign language credit was given for ASL. Respondents from states with laws governing the inclusion of ASL did not usually know their state had a policy. Most respondents, 84%, indicated their knowledge on the topic of ASL was fair to poor. ^
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada, 2015.
A sample of deaf/hard of hearing students and hearing students ages 11-14 were surveyed to examine social perceptions about intellect and popularity related to popular culture knowledge. Participants also provided descriptive responses to their popular culture favorites.
Romana Mazerova. The Culture of the Deaf Community in the Czech Republic Mazerova set out to discover if the deaf community in the Czech Republic can be said to have its own culture and if so what this is. She began with a comprehensive survey of the history of the deaf from 1786 to the present day, identifying a major turning point in the exclusion of sign language from the education of the deaf around 1930, a move then reinforced in the communist period to the extent that teachers of the deaf had to sign a commitment not to use sign language in their lessons. She also noted the difference between so-called signed Czech, which is an exact translation of the spoken language, and Czech sign language, which has its own structure and even dialects. Following the historical research, Mazerova studied a range of Czech and foreign materials relating to the culture of the deaf, interviewed deaf people about their experiences in school, their participation in the activities of associations for the deaf, and their experiences as a deaf person in a hearing society (these interviews are recorded on video), and visited various associations, clubs and schools for the deaf throughout the country. She concluded that while deaf people share certain behaviours which are quite distinct from those of hearing Czechs, there is little sense of a community as such. The vast majority of deaf people were not born into the deaf community and while feel that they belong together, they do not identify themselves as part of a deaf community and do not work together as a community to achieve their goals.
William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker was staged at the Brisbane Powerhouse June 2009 by Crossbow Productions. In this adaption, people with hearing impairment were privileged through the use of shadow-signing, unscripted signing and the appropriation of signing as a theatrical language in itself. 250 people living with hearing impairment attended the production, 70 had never attended a theatrical event before. During the post-performance discussions hearing audience members expressed feelings of displacement through experiencing the culture of the deaf society and not grasping some of the ideas. This paper argues that this inversion enhanced meaning making for all and illustrates a way forward to encourage the signing of more theatrical events.
IN BRAZIL, recent regulations require changes in private and public health systems to make special services available to deaf patients. in the present article, the researchers analyze the perceptions of 25 sign language using patients regarding this assistance. The researchers found communication difficulties between these patients and health services staff, as well as a culture clash and a harmful inability among the service providers to distinguish among the roles of companions, caretakers, and professional translator/interpreters. Thus, it became common for the patients to experience prejudice in the course of treatment and information exchange, damage to their autonomy, limits on their access to services, and reduced efficacy of therapy. The researchers conclude that many issues must be dealt with if such barriers to health access are to be overcome, in particular the worrying degree of exclusion of deaf patients from health care systems.
There are about 650,000 people with hearing problems in Switzerland, 10,000 of whom use sign language. About 100,000 people are hard of hearing. Deaf patients require special treatment in the dental office as they have specific communication needs. This community, like many other minority groups, has a sign language and a culture of its own. To prevent misunderstandings it is therefore very important to provide solutions for an enhanced communication. However, guidelines for the communication with deaf dental patients are still missing. Successful communication between deaf patients and dentist is essential for effective care. This paper is concerned with providing background information and introducing recommendations for unrestricted dentist-patient communication. The aim of this article is to improve dentists' knowledge of the appropriate communication with this patient group.