997 resultados para dam design


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A multivariate analysis on flood variables is needed to design some hydraulic structures like dams, as the complexity of the routing process in a reservoir requires a representation of the full hydrograph. In this work, a bivariate copula model was used to obtain the bivariate joint distribution of flood peak and volume, in order to know the probability of occurrence of a given inflow hydrograph. However, the risk of dam overtopping is given by the maximum water elevation reached during the routing process, which depends on the hydrograph variables, the reservoir volume and the spillway crest length. Consequently, an additional bivariate return period, the so-called routed return period, was defined in terms of risk of dam overtopping based on this maximum water elevation obtained after routing the inflow hydrographs. The theoretical return periods, which give the probability of occurrence of a hydrograph prior to accounting for the reservoir routing, were compared with the routed return period, as in both cases hydrographs with the same probability will draw a curve in the peak-volume space. The procedure was applied to the case study of the Santillana reservoir in Spain. Different reservoir volumes and spillway lengths were considered to investigate the influence of the dam and reservoir characteristics on the results. The methodology improves the estimation of the Design Flood Hydrograph and can be applied to assess the risk of dam overtopping


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Cover title.


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A new Dam Safety Act (494/2009) came into force on 1st October 2009 and a Government Decree on Dam Safety (319/2010) on 5th May 2010. This Dam Safety Guide replaces the Dam Safety Code of Practice (Publication of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 7/1997), removed from circulation on 1st October 2009. The Dam Safety Guide is not binding on the dam owner; the purpose is to complement and elucidate the relevant law and and decree through examples and descriptions. The Guide takes up questions concerning dam design, for instance hydrological dimensioning and technical safety requirements, dam construction and use, the dam break hazard analysis and the dam owner’s emergency action plan, maintenance, use, monitoring as well as the annual and periodic inspections. Dams are classified according to the hazard they pose into class 1, 2 or 3 dams. The classification is not needed, if, according to the dam safety authority, the dam poses no danger. The owner of a classified dam must prepare a monitoring programme, to be approved by decision of the dam safety authority. To establish the hazard caused by a dam, the owner of a class 1 dam must prepare an analysis of the dam hazard to humans and property as well as to the environment. The dam safety authority may also require a dam break hazard analysis for a dam other than class 1 dam if deemed necessary for classification. The owner of a class 1 dam must prepare a plan of measures in case of emergency or operational failure. The plan shall present the dam owner’s state of preparedness to act on their own initiative in the situations described above. In each case, the rescue authorities make a separate assessment for the need to prepare a plan as set out in the Rescue Act. The dam owner must provide the information specified in the Dam Safety Decree to be entered into the dam safety information system. The dam safety authority and the owner of the dam must keep up-to-date printouts in their own dam safety files from the information system for each dam as well as other important documents connected with dam safety to ensure that these are readily available in case of disturbance.


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Uusi patoturvallisuuslaki (494/2009) tuli voimaan 1.10.2009 ja valtioneuvoston asetus patoturvallisuudesta (319/2010) 5.5.2010. Tämä patoturvallisuusopas korvaa patoturvallisuusohjeet (MMM:n julkaisuja 7/1997), jotka poistuivat käytöstä 1.10.2009. Patoturvallisuusoppaassa esitetty ei ole padon omistajaa sitovaa, vaan oppaan tarkoitus on täydentää ja selventää esimerkein ja selostuksin laissa ja asetuksessa esitettyä. Oppaassa käsitellään padon suunnittelua kuten hydrologista mitoitusta ja padon teknisiä turvallisuusvaatimuksia, padon rakentamista ja käyttöönottoa sekä vahingonvaaraselvitystä, padon omistajan turvallisuussuunnitelmaa sekä padon kunnossapitoa, käyttöä, tarkkailua, vuosi- ja määräaikaistarkastuksia. Padot luokitellaan vahingonvaaran perusteella luokkiin 1, 2 ja 3. Luokittelua ei tarvitse kuitenkaan tehdä, jos patoturvallisuusviranomainen katsoo, että padosta ei aiheudu vaaraa. Jokaiselle luokitellulle padolle on padon omistajan laadittava tarkkailuohjelma, jonka patoturvallisuusviranomainen hyväksyy päätöksellään. Padosta aiheutuvan vahingonvaaran selvittämiseksi 1-luokan padon omistajan on laadittava vahingonvaaraselvitys padosta ihmisille, omaisuudelle ja ympäristölle aihetuvasta vahingonvaarasta. Myös muusta kuin 1-luokan padosta voi patoturvallisuusviranomainen määrätä tehtäväksi vahingonvaaraselvityksen luokittelua varten. Padon omistajan on laadittava 1-luokan padolle turvallisuussuunnitelma onnettomuus- ja häiriötilanteiden varalle. Suunnitelmassa esitetään padon omistajan omatoiminen varautuminen em. tilanteiden varalle. Pelastusviranomainen arvioi tapauskohtaisesti pelastuslain mukaisen suunnitelman laatimistarpeen. Padon omistajan on toimitettava patoturvallisuusviranomaiselle tietojärjestelmään vietäväksi patoturvallisuusasetuksessa mainitut tiedot. Patoturvallisuusviranomaisen ja padon omistajan on säilytettävä kustakin luokitellusta padosta ajantasaiset tulosteet tietojärjestelmästä sekä muut padon turvallisuuden kannalta tärkeät asiakirjat patoturvallisuuskansiossa siten, että ne ovat mahdollisissa häiriötilanteissa nopeasti saatavilla.


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La adecuada estimación de avenidas de diseño asociadas a altos periodos de retorno es necesaria para el diseño y gestión de estructuras hidráulicas como presas. En la práctica, la estimación de estos cuantiles se realiza normalmente a través de análisis de frecuencia univariados, basados en su mayoría en el estudio de caudales punta. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de las avenidas es multivariada, siendo esencial tener en cuenta características representativas de las avenidas, tales como caudal punta, volumen y duración del hidrograma, con el fin de llevar a cabo un análisis apropiado; especialmente cuando el caudal de entrada se transforma en un caudal de salida diferente durante el proceso de laminación en un embalse o llanura de inundación. Los análisis de frecuencia de avenidas multivariados han sido tradicionalmente llevados a cabo mediante el uso de distribuciones bivariadas estándar con el fin de modelar variables correlacionadas. Sin embargo, su uso conlleva limitaciones como la necesidad de usar el mismo tipo de distribuciones marginales para todas las variables y la existencia de una relación de dependencia lineal entre ellas. Recientemente, el uso de cópulas se ha extendido en hidrología debido a sus beneficios en relación al contexto multivariado, permitiendo superar los inconvenientes de las técnicas tradicionales. Una copula es una función que representa la estructura de dependencia de las variables de estudio, y permite obtener la distribución de frecuencia multivariada de dichas variables mediante sus distribuciones marginales, sin importar el tipo de distribución marginal utilizada. La estimación de periodos de retorno multivariados, y por lo tanto, de cuantiles multivariados, también se facilita debido a la manera en la que las cópulas están formuladas. La presente tesis doctoral busca proporcionar metodologías que mejoren las técnicas tradicionales usadas por profesionales para estimar cuantiles de avenida más adecuados para el diseño y la gestión de presas, así como para la evaluación del riesgo de avenida, mediante análisis de frecuencia de avenidas bivariados basados en cópulas. Las variables consideradas para ello son el caudal punta y el volumen del hidrograma. Con el objetivo de llevar a cabo un estudio completo, la presente investigación abarca: (i) el análisis de frecuencia de avenidas local bivariado centrado en examinar y comparar los periodos de retorno teóricos basados en la probabilidad natural de ocurrencia de una avenida, con el periodo de retorno asociado al riesgo de sobrevertido de la presa bajo análisis, con el fin de proporcionar cuantiles en una estación de aforo determinada; (ii) la extensión del enfoque local al regional, proporcionando un procedimiento completo para llevar a cabo un análisis de frecuencia de avenidas regional bivariado para proporcionar cuantiles en estaciones sin aforar o para mejorar la estimación de dichos cuantiles en estaciones aforadas; (iii) el uso de cópulas para investigar tendencias bivariadas en avenidas debido al aumento de los niveles de urbanización en una cuenca; y (iv) la extensión de series de avenida observadas mediante la combinación de los beneficios de un modelo basado en cópulas y de un modelo hidrometeorológico. Accurate design flood estimates associated with high return periods are necessary to design and manage hydraulic structures such as dams. In practice, the estimate of such quantiles is usually done via univariate flood frequency analyses, mostly based on the study of peak flows. Nevertheless, the nature of floods is multivariate, being essential to consider representative flood characteristics, such as flood peak, hydrograph volume and hydrograph duration to carry out an appropriate analysis; especially when the inflow peak is transformed into a different outflow peak during the routing process in a reservoir or floodplain. Multivariate flood frequency analyses have been traditionally performed by using standard bivariate distributions to model correlated variables, yet they entail some shortcomings such as the need of using the same kind of marginal distribution for all variables and the assumption of a linear dependence relation between them. Recently, the use of copulas has been extended in hydrology because of their benefits regarding dealing with the multivariate context, as they overcome the drawbacks of the traditional approach. A copula is a function that represents the dependence structure of the studied variables, and allows obtaining the multivariate frequency distribution of them by using their marginal distributions, regardless of the kind of marginal distributions considered. The estimate of multivariate return periods, and therefore multivariate quantiles, is also facilitated by the way in which copulas are formulated. The present doctoral thesis seeks to provide methodologies that improve traditional techniques used by practitioners, in order to estimate more appropriate flood quantiles for dam design, dam management and flood risk assessment, through bivariate flood frequency analyses based on the copula approach. The flood variables considered for that goal are peak flow and hydrograph volume. In order to accomplish a complete study, the present research addresses: (i) a bivariate local flood frequency analysis focused on examining and comparing theoretical return periods based on the natural probability of occurrence of a flood, with the return period associated with the risk of dam overtopping, to estimate quantiles at a given gauged site; (ii) the extension of the local to the regional approach, supplying a complete procedure for performing a bivariate regional flood frequency analysis to either estimate quantiles at ungauged sites or improve at-site estimates at gauged sites; (iii) the use of copulas to investigate bivariate flood trends due to increasing urbanisation levels in a catchment; and (iv) the extension of observed flood series by combining the benefits of a copula-based model and a hydro-meteorological model.


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En España existen del orden de 1,300 grandes presas, de las cuales un 20% fueron construidas antes de los años 60. El hecho de que existan actualmente una gran cantidad de presas antiguas aún en operación, ha producido un creciente interés en reevaluar su seguridad empleando herramientas nuevas o modificadas que incorporan modelos de fallo teóricos más completos, conceptos geotécnicos más complejos y nuevas técnicas de evaluación de la seguridad. Una manera muy común de abordar el análisis de estabilidad de presas de gravedad es, por ejemplo, considerar el deslizamiento a través de la interfase presa-cimiento empleando el criterio de rotura lineal de Mohr-Coulomb, en donde la cohesión y el ángulo de rozamiento son los parámetros que definen la resistencia al corte de la superficie de contacto. Sin embargo la influencia de aspectos como la presencia de planos de debilidad en el macizo rocoso de cimentación; la influencia de otros criterios de rotura para la junta y para el macizo rocoso (ej. el criterio de rotura de Hoek-Brown); las deformaciones volumétricas que ocurren durante la deformación plástica en el fallo del macizo rocoso (i.e., influencia de la dilatancia) no son usualmente consideradas durante el diseño original de la presa. En este contexto, en la presente tesis doctoral se propone una metodología analítica para el análisis de la estabilidad al deslizamiento de presas de hormigón, considerando un mecanismo de fallo en la cimentación caracterizado por la presencia de una familia de discontinuidades. En particular, se considera la posibilidad de que exista una junta sub-horizontal, preexistente y persistente en el macizo rocoso de la cimentación, con una superficie potencial de fallo que se extiende a través del macizo rocoso. El coeficiente de seguridad es entonces estimado usando una combinación de las resistencias a lo largo de los planos de rotura, cuyas resistencias son evaluadas empleando los criterios de rotura no lineales de Barton y Choubey (1977) y Barton y Bandis (1990), a lo largo del plano de deslizamiento de la junta; y el criterio de rotura de Hoek y Brown (1980) en su versión generalizada (Hoek et al. 2002), a lo largo del macizo rocoso. La metodología propuesta también considera la influencia del comportamiento del macizo rocoso cuando este sigue una ley de flujo no asociada con ángulo de dilatancia constante (Hoek y Brown 1997). La nueva metodología analítica propuesta es usada para evaluar las condiciones de estabilidad empleando dos modelos: un modelo determinista y un modelo probabilista, cuyos resultados son el valor del coeficiente de seguridad y la probabilidad de fallo al deslizamiento, respectivamente. El modelo determinista, implementado en MATLAB, es validado usando soluciones numéricas calculadas mediante el método de las diferencias finitas, empleando el código FLAC 6.0. El modelo propuesto proporciona resultados que son bastante similares a aquellos calculados con FLAC; sin embargo, los costos computacionales de la formulación propuesta son significativamente menores, facilitando el análisis de sensibilidad de la influencia de los diferentes parámetros de entrada sobre la seguridad de la presa, de cuyos resultados se obtienen los parámetros que más peso tienen en la estabilidad al deslizamiento de la estructura, manifestándose además la influencia de la ley de flujo en la rotura del macizo rocoso. La probabilidad de fallo es obtenida empleando el método de fiabilidad de primer orden (First Order Reliability Method; FORM), y los resultados de FORM son posteriormente validados mediante simulaciones de Monte Carlo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante ambas metodologías demuestran que, para el caso no asociado, los valores de probabilidad de fallo se ajustan de manera satisfactoria a los obtenidos mediante las simulaciones de Monte Carlo. Los resultados del caso asociado no son tan buenos, ya que producen resultados con errores del 0.7% al 66%, en los que no obstante se obtiene una buena concordancia cuando los casos se encuentran en, o cerca de, la situación de equilibrio límite. La eficiencia computacional es la principal ventaja que ofrece el método FORM para el análisis de la estabilidad de presas de hormigón, a diferencia de las simulaciones de Monte Carlo (que requiere de al menos 4 horas por cada ejecución) FORM requiere tan solo de 1 a 3 minutos en cada ejecución. There are 1,300 large dams in Spain, 20% of which were built before 1960. The fact that there are still many old dams in operation has produced an interest of reevaluate their safety using new or updated tools that incorporate state-of-the-art failure modes, geotechnical concepts and new safety assessment techniques. For instance, for gravity dams one common design approach considers the sliding through the dam-foundation interface, using a simple linear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion with constant friction angle and cohesion parameters. But the influence of aspects such as the persistence of joint sets in the rock mass below the dam foundation; of the influence of others failure criteria proposed for rock joint and rock masses (e.g. the Hoek-Brown criterion); or the volumetric strains that occur during plastic failure of rock masses (i.e., the influence of dilatancy) are often no considered during the original dam design. In this context, an analytical methodology is proposed herein to assess the sliding stability of concrete dams, considering an extended failure mechanism in its rock foundation, which is characterized by the presence of an inclined, and impersistent joint set. In particular, the possibility of a preexisting sub-horizontal and impersistent joint set is considered, with a potential failure surface that could extend through the rock mass; the safety factor is therefore computed using a combination of strength along the rock joint (using the nonlinear Barton and Choubey (1977) and Barton and Bandis (1990) failure criteria) and along the rock mass (using the nonlinear failure criterion of Hoek and Brown (1980) in its generalized expression from Hoek et al. (2002)). The proposed methodology also considers the influence of a non-associative flow rule that has been incorporated using a (constant) dilation angle (Hoek and Brown 1997). The newly proposed analytical methodology is used to assess the dam stability conditions, employing for this purpose the deterministic and probabilistic models, resulting in the sliding safety factor and the probability of failure respectively. The deterministic model, implemented in MATLAB, is validated using numerical solution computed with the finite difference code FLAC 6.0. The proposed deterministic model provides results that are very similar to those computed with FLAC; however, since the new formulation can be implemented in a spreadsheet, the computational cost of the proposed model is significantly smaller, hence allowing to more easily conduct parametric analyses of the influence of the different input parameters on the dam’s safety. Once the model is validated, parametric analyses are conducting using the main parameters that describe the dam’s foundation. From this study, the impact of the more influential parameters on the sliding stability analysis is obtained and the error of considering the flow rule is assessed. The probability of failure is obtained employing the First Order Reliability Method (FORM). The probabilistic model is then validated using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Results obtained using both methodologies show good agreement for cases in which the rock mass has a nonassociate flow rule. For cases with an associated flow rule errors between 0.70% and 66% are obtained, so that the better adjustments are obtained for cases with, or close to, limit equilibrium conditions. The main advantage of FORM on sliding stability analyses of gravity dams is its computational efficiency, so that Monte Carlo simulations require at least 4 hours on each execution, whereas FORM requires only 1 to 3 minutes on each execution.


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The Barriga Dam (Burgos, Spain) is a unique case study because its trapezoid spillway is located on the dam body and is composed of wedge-shaped concrete blocks (WSB) that include certain relevant improvements. This note summarizes the main features of the studies, the key aspects of the final design of the WSB and their placement on the dam, and important details of the spillway design. The design team concluded the study by showing the suitability of this enhanced technology for application to small dams and ponds in the short term, even with unit flows above 5 m2/s.


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This executive summary report summarizes the results of an alternative evaluation and preliminary design study for improvements to, or removal of, the Glen D. Palmer Dam in Yorkville, Illinois. This study was conducted to recommend the best method of improving the hydraulic conditions at the downstream face of the dam, reconnect the river with respect to fish movement, and provide safe canoe passage through the dam site. The recommended alternative was developed by working with a Citizen Advisory Committee to involve the public throughout the study.


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In recent years, the design flows of many dams were re-evaluated, often resulting in discharges larger than the original design. In many cases, the occurrence of the revised flows could result in dam overtopping because of insufficient storage and spillway capacity. An experimental study was conducted herein to gain a better understanding of the flow properties in stepped chutes with slopes typical of embankment dams. The work was based upon a Froude similitude in large-size experimental facilities. A total of 10 configurations were tested including smooth steps, steps equipped with devices to enhance energy dissipation and rough steps. The present results yield a new design procedure. The design method includes some key issues not foreseen in prior studies : e.g., gradually varied flow, type of flow regime, flow resistance. It is believed that the outcomes are valid for a wide range of chute geometry and flow conditions typical of embankment chutes.


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This thesis proposes a methodology for modelling business interoperability in a context of cooperative industrial networks. The purpose is to develop a methodology that enables the design of cooperative industrial network platforms that are able to deliver business interoperability and the analysis of its impact on the performance of these platforms. To achieve the proposed objective, two modelling tools have been employed: the Axiomatic Design Theory for the design of interoperable platforms; and Agent-Based Simulation for the analysis of the impact of business interoperability. The sequence of the application of the two modelling tools depends on the scenario under analysis, i.e. whether the cooperative industrial network platform exists or not. If the cooperative industrial network platform does not exist, the methodology suggests first the application of the Axiomatic Design Theory to design different configurations of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms, and then the use of Agent-Based Simulation to analyse or predict the business interoperability and operational performance of the designed configurations. Otherwise, one should start by analysing the performance of the existing platform and based on the achieved results, decide whether it is necessary to redesign it or not. If the redesign is needed, simulation is once again used to predict the performance of the redesigned platform. To explain how those two modelling tools can be applied in practice, a theoretical modelling framework, a theoretical Axiomatic Design model and a theoretical Agent-Based Simulation model are proposed. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology and/or to validate the proposed theoretical models, a case study regarding a Portuguese Reverse Logistics cooperative network (Valorpneu network) and a case study regarding a Portuguese construction project (Dam Baixo Sabor network) are presented. The findings of the application of the proposed methodology to these two case studies suggest that indeed the Axiomatic Design Theory can effectively contribute in the design of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms and that Agent-Based Simulation provides an effective set of tools for analysing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of those platforms. However, these conclusions cannot be generalised as only two case studies have been carried out. In terms of relevance to theory, this is the first time that the network effect is addressed in the analysis of the impact of business interoperability on the performance of networked companies and also the first time that a holistic approach is proposed to design interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms. Regarding the practical implications, the proposed methodology is intended to provide industrial managers a management tool that can guide them easily, and in practical and systematic way, in the design of configurations of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms and/or in the analysis of the impact of business interoperability on the performance of their companies and the networks where their companies operate.