980 resultados para dados técnicos


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Durante treze anos, uma equipe de pesquisadores da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite apoiada por outras instituições nacionais e estrangeiras, acompanhou um grupo de 438 famílias de produtores rurais em Machadinho d´Oeste, Rondônia, na fronteira agrícola da Amazônia Ocidental. Nessas terras recentemente ocupadas por pequenos agricultores, oriundos principalmente das Regiões Sul e Sudeste do país, as atividades de produção familiar foram avaliadas através de métodos e procedimentos modernos, baseados na utilização de imagens de satélite, Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) e tratamento numéricos. As extensas bases de dados, constituídas durante a pesquisa, serviram para análise da evolução e diferenciação da pequena agricultura familiar, em termos da produção agrícola e da manutenção da sua sustentabilidade agroecológica. Procurando sabe as principais razões que diferenciam evolutivamente os lotes amostrados, foram analisados os questionários respondidos por produtores entrevistados em 1986, 1989, 1996 e 1999. As análises permitiram a comparação dos dados técnicos e sua possível utilização na avaliação dos sistemas de produção. O estudo foi complementado com análises explicativas através das variáveis qualitativas. Entre os anos de 1986 e 1999 houve uma evolução significativa, como se esperava, nos sistemas de produção agrícola de Machadinho d´Oeste (RO).


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente


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Analisa os impactos ocorridos pela implantação da intranet em quatro unidades de informação de instituições de ensino superior da Grande Porto Alegre, especificamente a Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), as Faculdades Integradas Ritter dos Reis, a Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA) e a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). O referencial teórico engloba aspectos referentes às tecnologias da informação e do conhecimento, à globalização da informação através das redes, especialmente Internet e intranet, e à função das universidades e de suas bibliotecas na nova Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. Utiliza, para o levantamento dos dados, a técnica do estudo de casos múltiplos. A coleta de dados foi feita através de instrumento de pesquisa, dividido em dois módulos e especialmente criado para tal fim. O primeiro instrumento é um questionário respondido pelos quatro bibliotecários responsáveis pelas unidades de informação investigadas, abordando dados técnicos sobre o uso de redes. O segundo é um questionário, complementado por uma entrevista semi-estruturada, aplicados a 40 bibliotecários que trabalham nestas bibliotecas, abordando dados organizacionais e humanos sobre o uso de intranet. Os dados permitem traçar o estado-de-arte do uso da Intranet nas bibliotecas pesquisadas, o perfil bibliotecário, os produtos e serviços disponíveis em rede, o comportamento dos usuários remoto e local. Levanta, também, a percepção dos profissionais quanto a aspectos como o uso de redes e as novas formas de comunicação. Conclui com a explicitação dos impactos causados pela implantação das redes informáticas e das mudanças que se estão produzindo no perfil do profissional bibliotecário. Recomenda o incremento da comunicação on line, o intercâmbio constante com usuários para detectar suas necessidades de informação e de novos produtos e serviços, o estabelecimento de políticas de gestão da informação on line, a edição e publicação de documentos multimídia e a atualização profissional dos bibliotecários pela aprendizagem contínua através de cursos de formação à distância.


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A utilização de resinas epóxi na fabricação de materiais compósitos vem crescendo substancialmente nos últimos anos. O processo de pultrusão também acompanha esta tendência e a demanda por dados técnicos a respeito desta resina vem crescendo, sendo cada vez mais objeto de pesquisa em universidades e empresas. A pultrusão é um processo contínuo de fabricação de materiais compósitos. O processo consiste basicamente em duas etapas a saber: a impregnação, onde se tem a aplicação da mistura com resina, endurecedor e aditivos sobre as fibras; a cura do perfil, onde o material compósito passa pelo processo de reticulação, adquirindo sua forma final e suas diferentes propriedades mecânicas, físicas e químicas. O interesse deste trabalho reside especialmente sobre este tipo de resina pelo fato de que seu emprego no processo de pultrusão confere excelentes propriedades químicas e elétricas ao perfil fabricado. Dadas às características do processo de pultrusão, o conhecimento do comportamento da resina, do ponto de vista físico e cinético, é requisito básico para a obtenção de produtos de qualidade. Apresentando um comportamento diferenciado de resinas poliéster, as resinas epóxi possuem características especiais que tornam o seu uso no processo de pultrusão bastante desafiador. Através de ensaios térmicos (calorimetria exploratória diferencial – DSC- e análise termogravimétrica – TGA) foi possível verificar o comportamento das resinas epóxi misturadas com endurecedor As resinas estudadas apresentaram boa resistência térmica, com temperaturas de degradação superiores a 1500C. Quando testadas no DSC, as resinas apresentaram diferentes calores de reação para cada um das condições testadas, destacando-se a resina LY-553 como adequada para uso no processo de pultrusão. Testes verificando tempo de gel e viscosidade complementaram os dados, fornecendo informações úteis para o estudo das resinas na área de impregnação no processo de pultrusão. Estes testes confirmaram a aplicabilidade da resina LY-553 no processo de pultrusão, bem como qualificaram a resina GY-281 como uma possível alternativa para a produção de perfis pultrudados.


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The present study deals with the relationship between urban vegetation and climate. The process whereby the Parque das Dunas a 1,172 ha green area in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte exerts influence on the climate of the city is analyzed. The hypothesis on which the present work rests is that the green area referred to acts upon the climate of the city. The study is based on the analysis of climatic factors and elements of this green area and of the city of Natal. In order to give rise to final recommendations, a methodology grounded on a quantitative and qualitative standpoint has been used. The data were collected both within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area. Secondary and primary data resulting from the measurements taken by the researcher and her work group have been used. The aim was to contribute to the understanding of the influence of vegetation on the climate of a city having a warm and humid climate. A historical and environmental characterization of the Parque das Dunas was then sought. The local climatic factors and the elements of the climate have been studied within the scope of the city of Natal. A comparative study between the climatic elements within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area from the survey of technical data and the systematization of the information collected has been made, aiming at proposing a set of bioclimatic recommendations for the urban design in Natal. The results of such work allowed for the validation of the important role that the Parque das Dunas plays in the climate of Natal. This has led to the acknowledgement of the relevance of the green areas on the climate of cities. They bring about important benefits to the process of rendering agreeable the climate in the urban environment by providing pleasant microclimates that give a valuable contribution to the environmental comfort of urban nuclei having the same size of Natal


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This study presents a description of the development model of a representation of simplified grid applied in hybrid load flow for calculation of the voltage variations in a steady-state caused by the wind farm on power system. Also, it proposes an optimal load-flow able to control power factor on connection bar and to minimize the loss. The analysis process on system, led by the wind producer, it has as base given technician supplied by the grid. So, the propose model to the simplification of the grid that allows the necessity of some knowledge only about the data referring the internal network, that is, the part of the network that interests in the analysis. In this way, it is intended to supply forms for the auxiliary in the systematization of the relations between the sector agents. The model for simplified network proposed identifies the internal network, external network and the buses of boulders from a study of vulnerability of the network, attributing them floating liquid powers attributing slack models. It was opted to apply the presented model in Newton-Raphson and a hybrid load flow, composed by The Gauss-Seidel method Zbarra and Summation Power. Finally, presents the results obtained to a developed computational environment of SCILAB and FORTRAN, with their respective analysis and conclusion, comparing them with the ANAREDE


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For many years the silicified sandstone associated of the Botucatu Formation has been the target of interest to researchers and miners, either for understanding the genesis of silicification or for your use as dimension stone and covering on the building industry. If in the first there are several articles available in the geological literature the second there are only technical data marketing available. In the northeast portion of the Paraná State and southwest of the São Paulo State these rocks are mined and traded as covering stones. Not much is known about their intrinsic characteristics and technological properties. To improve the knowledge of the technological behavior of these materials, samples from a quarry from Ribeirao Claro region were petrographically and physically characterized according to the standards established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards to dimension stones. Therefore, two bulk samples of silicified sandstone of the Ribeirão Claro/PR region were studied and characterized following the norms established by Brazilian Association of Technical Standards for dimension stones. The results obtained in the petrographical and technological studies are presented and indicated that, in general, the technological performance presented by sandstone studied induces limitations of use as covering materials, mainly horizontally as pavements, door stone and step ladder.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The transposition of the São Francisco River is considered one of the greatest engineering works in Brazil of all time since it will cross an extensive agricultural region of continental dimensions, involving environmental impacts, water, soil, irrigation, water payment and other multidisciplinary themes. Taking into account its importance, this subject was incorporated into a discipline of UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos - Brazil) named "Pollution and Environmental Impacts". It was noted strong reaction against the project, even before the presentation. To allow a critical analysis, the first objective was to compile the main technical data and environmental impacts. The second objective was to detect the three most important aspects that cause reaction, concluding for the following reasons: assumption that the volume of water to be transferred was much greater than it actually is proposed in the project; lack of knowledge about similar project already done in Brazil; the idea that the artificial canal to be built was much broader than that proposed by the project. The participants' opinion about "volume to be transferred" was raised quantitatively four times: 2-undergraduate students; 1-graduate; 1-outside community. The average resulted 14 times larger than that proposed in the project, significant according to t-test. It was concluded that the reaction to water transfer project is due in part to the ignorance combined with a preconceived idea that tend to overestimate the magnitude of environmental impacts.


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Many changes have taken place in contemporary society causing impacts in its different sectors, making it much more complex and insecure than in past times. The alteration on the decision-making system of the Brazilian society is among the main changes today. The post-modern context contributed to the occurrence of the transfer of state power of the Legislative and Executive Powers to the Judiciary Power, specifically to the Federal Court of Justice, leading to an expansion on the actuation range of this institution mainly through the exercise of the constitutional jurisdiction. This has caused a crisis of legitimacy in society once the Court will now decide the political and social fundamental issues. In this scenario, the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS are highlighted and both are being tried by the Supreme Court. Such emphasis is given, since it is a matter of high complexity and social repercussion that will be decided by a legal institution and not a political one. Thus, this work aims to analyze the role of the Supreme Court in the context of contemporary society on the trial of complex and controversial cases, particularly on the trial of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS. This study has noticed that due to the post-modern context the majority of the Supreme Court Ministers tend to base their votes in constitutional principles and no longer limit themselves to a formal review of the constitutionality of laws, which indicates a substantialist approach. Moreover, it can be noticed the deliberative potential of the Court as well as the influence of the post-modern features, such as risk, uncertainty and insecurity on the elaboration of the Minister‟s votes. Therefore, sometimes, such as the case in study, the Supreme Court has acted as a technocratic agent in Brazilian society once fundamental political and social decisions for society especially when it comes to complex and controversial cases are being taken by the Supreme Court, which is composed by “Law technicians” and such decisions are mainly based in technical data and scientific studies. For the accomplishment of this work, it has been adopted the inductive approach and monographic procedure method and the bibliographical and documentary research technique.


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The present study deals with the relationship between urban vegetation and climate. The process whereby the Parque das Dunas a 1,172 ha green area in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte exerts influence on the climate of the city is analyzed. The hypothesis on which the present work rests is that the green area referred to acts upon the climate of the city. The study is based on the analysis of climatic factors and elements of this green area and of the city of Natal. In order to give rise to final recommendations, a methodology grounded on a quantitative and qualitative standpoint has been used. The data were collected both within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area. Secondary and primary data resulting from the measurements taken by the researcher and her work group have been used. The aim was to contribute to the understanding of the influence of vegetation on the climate of a city having a warm and humid climate. A historical and environmental characterization of the Parque das Dunas was then sought. The local climatic factors and the elements of the climate have been studied within the scope of the city of Natal. A comparative study between the climatic elements within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area from the survey of technical data and the systematization of the information collected has been made, aiming at proposing a set of bioclimatic recommendations for the urban design in Natal. The results of such work allowed for the validation of the important role that the Parque das Dunas plays in the climate of Natal. This has led to the acknowledgement of the relevance of the green areas on the climate of cities. They bring about important benefits to the process of rendering agreeable the climate in the urban environment by providing pleasant microclimates that give a valuable contribution to the environmental comfort of urban nuclei having the same size of Natal


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The present study deals with the relationship between urban vegetation and climate. The process whereby the Parque das Dunas a 1,172 ha green area in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte exerts influence on the climate of the city is analyzed. The hypothesis on which the present work rests is that the green area referred to acts upon the climate of the city. The study is based on the analysis of climatic factors and elements of this green area and of the city of Natal. In order to give rise to final recommendations, a methodology grounded on a quantitative and qualitative standpoint has been used. The data were collected both within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area. Secondary and primary data resulting from the measurements taken by the researcher and her work group have been used. The aim was to contribute to the understanding of the influence of vegetation on the climate of a city having a warm and humid climate. A historical and environmental characterization of the Parque das Dunas was then sought. The local climatic factors and the elements of the climate have been studied within the scope of the city of Natal. A comparative study between the climatic elements within and without the limits of the Parque das Dunas area from the survey of technical data and the systematization of the information collected has been made, aiming at proposing a set of bioclimatic recommendations for the urban design in Natal. The results of such work allowed for the validation of the important role that the Parque das Dunas plays in the climate of Natal. This has led to the acknowledgement of the relevance of the green areas on the climate of cities. They bring about important benefits to the process of rendering agreeable the climate in the urban environment by providing pleasant microclimates that give a valuable contribution to the environmental comfort of urban nuclei having the same size of Natal


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A implementação da outorga do uso da água no Brasil implica no estabelecimento de um balanço hídrico de disponibilidades quali-quantitativas, que permita, ao gestor do recurso hídrico, determinar se existe possibilidade de incluir algum uso novo na bacia hidrográfica ou se é necessário algum tipo de racionamento do uso da água. Este balanço deve garantir que as vazões necessárias para o abastecimento público e para a manutenção dos ecossistemas aquáticos e ribeirinhos sejam mantidas. Nesta tese, discute-se a evolução da ecologia de rios e sua implicação nas metodologias desenhadas para avaliação de vazões ecológicas, demonstrando-se que metodologias sintonizadas com os avanços teóricos da ecologia de rios somente surgem no final do século XX e início do século XXI. Discute-se, também, a necessidade de desenvolvimento de metodologias constituídas com ancoragem ecológica em situações de carência ou ausência de dados, que compõem a realidade da maior parte da rede hidrográfica brasileira. Propõe-se uma metodologia e apresenta-se um programa (FFTSint) para avaliação da significância de pulsos em análise espectral de séries temporais de vazões diárias, com base em séries sintéticas, partindo-se do pressuposto de que processos adaptativos, manifestados em termos de tipos funcionais de plantas, dependem de um grau de previsibilidade dos pulsos (associada a pulsos significativos) A série de vazões diárias, filtrada com utilização do FFTSint, é o hidrograma significativo, que pode, então ser estudado através de programas como o IHA e Pulso. Aplicou-se esta abordagem metodológica na estação fluviométrica Rosário do Sul, rio Santa Maria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, onde verificou-se que o hidrograma significativo, está associado às cotas mais baixas da planície de inundação, enquanto que os componentes aleatórios do hidrograma estão associados às cotas mais altas. Discute-se que processos adaptativos estão associados aos componentes previsíveis, enquanto que processos sucessionais estão mais associados aos aleatórios. Esta observação permitiu a construção de um conjunto de limitações ecológicas ao regime de vazões resultantes do uso na bacia hidrográfica, utilizando-se descritores do regime de pulsos da série não filtrada (original) para as cotas mais altas e descritores filtrados com alta significância para as cotas mais baixas.