919 resultados para cultural data


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The universality versus culture specificity of quantitative evaluations (negative-positive) of 40 events in world history was addressed using World History Survey data collected from 5,800 university students in 30 countries/societies. Multidimensional scaling using generalized procrustean analysis indicated poor fit of data from the 30 countries to an overall mean configuration, indicating lack of universal agreement as to the associational meaning of events in world history. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified one Western and two non-Western country clusters for which adequate multidimensional fit was obtained after item deletions. A two-dimensional solution for the three country clusters was identified, where the primary dimension was historical calamities versus progress and a weak second dimension was modernity versus resistance to modernity. Factor analysis further reduced the item inventory to identify a single concept with structural equivalence across cultures, Historical Calamities, which included man-made and natural, intentional and unintentional, predominantly violent but also nonviolent calamities. Less robust factors were tentatively named as Historical Progress and Historical Resistance to Oppression. Historical Calamities and Historical Progress were at the individual level both significant and independent predictors of willingness to fight for one’s country in a hierarchical linear model that also identified significant country-level variation in these relationships. Consensus around calamity but disagreement as to what constitutes historical progress is discussed in relation to the political culture of nations and lay perceptions of history as catastrophe.


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Human generated environmental problems are significant issues of global concern. Despite this, varying attitudes towards environments continue to exist across the globe, impacting on environmental decision-making and action at local, national and international levels. This paper probes some of the similarities and differences in environmental attitudes amongst pre-service teachers in Australia, Republic of Maldives and Indonesia. Data were collected using an established environmental attitude questionnaire and individual interviews. The three communities exhibited a similar range of environmental attitudes using the established questionnaire but significant differences emerged when the interview data were analysed phenomenographically. These differences reflect diversity within and across cultural groups that cannot be satisfactorily explained by the theory underpinning the established questionnaire. Consequently, a revised conceptual framework is proposed.


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Musical preference has long been a research interest in the field of music education, and studies consistently confirm the importance of musical preference in one’s musical learning experiences. However, only a limited number of studies have been focussed on the field of early childhood education (e.g., Hargreaves, North, & Tarrant, 2006; Roulston, 2006). Further, among these limited early childhood studies, few of them discuss children’s musical preference in both the East and the West. There is very limited literature (e.g., Faulkner et al., 2010; Szymanska, 2012) which explores the data by using a data mining approach. This study aims to bridge the research gaps by examining children’s musical preference in Hong Kong and in South Australia by applying a data mining technique – Self Organising Maps (SOM), which is a clustering method that groups similar data objects together. The application of SOM is new in the field of early childhood education and also in the study of children’s musical preference. This paper specifically aims to expand a previous study (Yim & Ebbeck, 2009) by conducting deeper investigations into the existing datasets, for the purpose of uncovering insights that have not been identified through data mining approach.


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This paper describes a creative industries research project that has applied quantitative approaches commonly used in scientific research to the study of international cinema performance. Using film screening data collected over a two year period, this paper discusses analysis of a global dataset using Appadurai's "-scapes" framework. We have identified several of these "-scapes" that help us investigate film industry behaviour. Concentrating on Appadurai's "Technoscape" an investigation into the geographic spread and distribution of a new and emerging technology, High Frame Rate cinema, has been made. HFR films have screened around the world to mixed reviews. Geographic distribution of HFR technologies and change in this distribution has also been uneven.


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Complex data is challenging to understand when it is represented as written communication even when it is structured in a table. How- ever, choosing to represent data in creative ways can aid our under- standing of complex ideas and patterns. In this regard, the creative industries have a great deal to offer data-intensive scholarly disci- plines. Music, for example, is not often used to interpret data, yet the rhythmic nature of music lends itself to the representation and anal- ysis of temporal data.Taking the music industry as a case study, this paper explores how data about historical live music gigs can be analysed, extend- ed and re-presented to create new insights. Using a unique process called ‘songification’ we demonstrate how enhanced auditory data design can provide a medium for aural intuition. The case study also illustrates the benefits of an expanded and inclusive view of research; in which computation and communication, method and media, in combination enable us to explore the larger question of how we can employ technologies to produce, represent, analyse, deliver and exchange knowledge.


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We present some recent trends in the field of digital cultural heritage management and applications including digital cultural data curation, interoperability, open linked data publishing, crowd sourcing, visualization, platforms for digital cultural heritage, and applications. We present some examples from research and development projects of MUSIC/TUC in those areas.


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Intended to bridge the gap between the latest methodological developments and cross-cultural research, this interdisciplinary resource presents the latest strategies for analyzing cross-cultural data. Techniques are demonstrated through the use of applications that employ cross national data sets such as the latest European Social Survey. With an emphasis on the generalized latent variable approach, internationally?prominent researchers from a variety of fields explain how the methods work, how to apply them, and how they relate to other methods presented in the book. Syntax and graphical and verbal explanations of the techniques are included. [from publisher's website]


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This report builds on and extends a diverse literature that examines the location patterns of the arts and creative industries through analysis of a database of arts nonprofit organizations from the New York State Cultural Data Project. We confirm the link between arts organizations and the urban core and creative economy, but challenge the assumption that arts tend to locate in ethnic and disadvantaged neighborhoods. By identifying key neighborhood attributes associated with distinct types of arts organizations, we can better identify potential sites conducive to nurturing additional artistic activity and inform strategies to engage organizations in neighborhoods that are underserved in the arts.


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Policymakers pursue a range of strategies aimed at diversifying neighborhoods despite research indicating the complicated and potentially damaging results of these efforts. One increasingly common approach is to incorporate the arts into planning efforts in the hope of enhancing diversity and catalyzing positive neighborhood change. Using data from the Cultural Data Project, we determine where newly established New York City art organizations locate in terms of neighborhood racial, income and industry diversity. We then analyze how diverse contexts interact with an arts presence to impact neighborhood economic health over time. We find that neighborhoods with high levels of racial diversity and low levels of income and industry diversity benefit most from an arts presence. However, the arts are attracted predominately to neighborhoods with moderate levels of racial diversity and high levels of income and industry diversity. This complicates the use of the arts as a tool in urban revitalization policy.


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En esta ponencia se hace una revisión sobre los contenidos de los Sistemas Nacionales de Información Cultural en Latinoamérica, el contexto histórico de donde provienen, la aplicabilidad y funciones actuales. Se presentan los ejemplos más relevantes y sus carencias. Se plantea entonces la necesidad de su crítica y puesta en marcha de la preparación de profesionales en esta labor y la necesidad de una epistemología de la informática cultural que permita aplicar una correlación a futuro con los procesos educativos y de investigación académica que deberían sustentar los documentos y buena parte de la información que se difunde en las redes informáticas.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to identify school environmental characteristics associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity during school recess, including morning and lunch breaks.

Methods: Accelerometry data, child-level characteristics and school physical activity, policy and socio-cultural data were collected from 408 sixth grade children (mean age 11 years) attending 27 metropolitan primary schools in Perth, Western Australia. Hierarchical modelling identified key characteristics associated with children's recess moderate to vigorous physical activity (RMVPA).

Results: Nearly 40% of variability in children's RMVPA was explained by school environment and individual characteristics identified in this study. Children's higher daily RMVPA was associated with newer schools, schools with a higher number of grassed surfaces per child and fewer shaded grassed surfaces, and the physical education coordinator meeting Australian physical activity guidelines.

Characteristics of the school physical and social environments are strongly correlated with children's MPVA during recess.


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From August 2005 to March 2007, the two seasons (with 12 and 10 episodes respectively) of the award winning miniseries HBO‟s ROME were aired by the Home Box Office (HBO) channel. With screenplay signed by various writers and directors, the TV series was a coproduction of HBO (USA) and BBC (UK) with support from RAI (Italy), and the show was filmed in multiple locations, but mainly in Cinecittà Film Studios in Rome, very famous for having been headquarters also for Federico Fellini‟s movies. In the first season, the miniseries depicts the conquest of Gaul, made by the military genius of Gaius Julius Caesar, and the political trajectory that made him accumulate power to such an extent that this divided Roman citizens into two factions, one supporting and the other opposing him, the latter focused mainly on the historic figure of General Gnaeus Pompey Magnus. The second season shows the period of civil war following the assassination of Caesar, and the future rise to power of his nephew, adopted son and sole heir, Gaius Octavian Augustus, who was destined to overcome his rivals as well as their allies in the triumvirate that had been formed to pursue and punish Caesar‟s assassins. These facts are well known and usually crowd the mind and imagination of every minimally educated person. The HBO series broke new ground not only for the talent of its writers, directors and actors, not only for its visual effects and locations nor for the vibrancy and grandeur of historical scenes – after all, “historical movies” in general do the same – but it has done so also by the (re)construction of historical events from the perspective of a pair of protagonists of whom too little is known: the centurions Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus, who are the only low-rank soldiers mentioned by Caesar in his book Commentaries on the Gallic War (Commentarii de Bello Gallico V.44). Thus, the fictionalization of events also took into account several Roman civilization data which were scattered through historical sources and also those that belong to the modern knowledge of material culture, resulting in a TV series whose filmic aesthetics has rare beauty and creativity. From the survey of textual, historical and cultural data put together in this film, as well as the distance featuring the creative space in the dimension of the gap between them, this paper aims to highlight two pivotal moments of visual and narrative strategies of the show: the opening credits footage and the final scenes of the first season of HBO's Rome.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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La relazione interdisciplinare tra letteratura e fotografia, nella rilettura della storia recente del Mozambico, è l’oggetto di studio della presente tesi. Il presupposto coincide in primo luogo con la disamina interna della dialettica esistente tra archivio coloniale e oralità, modalità narrativa in parte transitata nella estória, declinazione lusofona della forma breve che permette di recuperare l’eredità popolare del racconto tradizionale. Il dialogo tra verbale e visuale consente a sua volta di stabilire nuovi paradigmi interpretativi nel dibattito postcoloniale tra memoria, trauma e rappresentazione. L’analisi comparativa tra la narrativa di João Paulo Borges Coelho e la fotografia di Ricardo Rangel rivela sguardi diversi sul mondo circostante, ma anche convergenze contemplative che si completano nell’incorporazione reciproca delle “omologie strutturali” comuni alle due modalità espressive. La fotografia colma delle lacune fornendoci delle visioni del passato, ma, in quanto “rappresentazione”, ci mostra il mondo per come appare e non per come funziona. Il testo letterario, grazie al suo approccio dialogico-narrativo, consente la rielaborazione museologica della complessa pletora di interferenze semantiche e culturali racchiuse nelle immagini, in altre parole fornisce degli “indizi di verità” da cui (ri)partire per l’elaborazione di nuovi archetipi narrativi tra l’evento rappresentato e la Storia di cui fa parte. Il punto di tangenza tra i due linguaggi è la cornice, espediente fotografico e narrativo che permette di tracciare i confini tra l’indicibile e l’invisibile, ma anche tra ciò che si narra e ciò che sta fuori dalla narrazione, ovvero fuori dalla storia. La tensione dialettica che si instaura tra questi due universi è seminale per stabilire le ragioni della specificità letteraria mozambicana perché, come afferma Luandino Vieira, “nel contesto postcoloniale gli scrittori sono dei satelliti che ruotano intorno ai «buchi neri della storia» la cui forza di attrazione permette la riorganizzazione dell’intero universo letterario.