972 resultados para crop system
Agro-hydrological models have widely been used for optimizing resources use and minimizing environmental consequences in agriculture. SMCRN is a recently developed sophisticated model which simulates crop response to nitrogen fertilizer for a wide range of crops, and the associated leaching of nitrate from arable soils. In this paper, we describe the improvements of this model by replacing the existing approximate hydrological cascade algorithm with a new simple and explicit algorithm for the basic soil water flow equation, which not only enhanced the model performance in hydrological simulation, but also was essential to extend the model application to the situations where the capillary flow is important. As a result, the updated SMCRN model could be used for more accurate study of water dynamics in the soil-crop system. The success of the model update was demonstrated by the simulated results that the updated model consistently out-performed the original model in drainage simulations and in predicting time course soil water content in different layers in the soil-wheat system. Tests of the updated SMCRN model against data from 4 field crop experiments showed that crop nitrogen offtakes and soil mineral nitrogen in the top 90 cm were in a good agreement with the measured values, indicating that the model could make more reliable predictions of nitrogen fate in the crop-soil system, and thus provides a useful platform to assess the impacts of nitrogen fertilizer on crop yield and nitrogen leaching from different production systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The law's project n.676/2000 approved the collecting of billing water for farmers in a maximum foreseen value of US$ 0.01 m(-3) of extracted water in the São Paulo State. As the irrigated agriculture is the activity that consumes more water, the farmers profitability can be affected. This work was to analyze the economic impact of billing water in the aspersion irrigated bean crop to consider the system of conventional production and no tillage system in the Paranapanema municipal district, São Paulo State, Brazil. The indicators used to analyze the economic results were unit variable cost, market price and unit profitability. The results showed that for the aspersion irrigated bean crop in conventional system, the participation of cost to the recourse water in cost variable totality was of 2.5% and in no tillage system the participation was of 2.2%. The fall of profitability just the billing water in conventional crop system and in no tillage system was US$ 0.01 kg(-1).
Sustainable water use is seriously compromised in the North China Plain (NCP) due to the huge water requirements of agriculture, the largest use of water resources. An integrated approach which combines the ecosystem model with emergy analysis is presented to determine the optimum quantity of irrigation for sustainable development in irrigated cropping systems. Since the traditional emergy method pays little attention to the dynamic interaction among components of the ecological system and dynamic emergy accounting is in its infancy, it is hard to evaluate the cropping system in hypothetical situations or in response to specific changes. In order to solve this problem, an ecosystem model (Vegetation Interface Processes (VIP) model) is introduced for emergy analysis to describe the production processes. Some raw data, collected by investigating or observing in conventional emergy analysis, may be calculated by the VIP model in the new approach. To demonstrate the advantage of this new approach, we use it to assess the wheat-maize rotation cropping system at different irrigation levels and derive the optimum quantity of irrigation according to the index of ecosystem sustainable development in NCP. The results show, the optimum quantity of irrigation in this region should be 240-330 mm per year in the wheat system and no irrigation in the maize system, because with this quantity of irrigation the rotation crop system reveals: best efficiency in energy transformation (transformity = 6.05E + 4 sej/J); highest sustainability (renewability = 25%); lowest environmental impact (environmental loading ratio = 3.5) and the greatest sustainability index (Emergy Sustainability Index = 0.47) compared with the system in other irrigation amounts. This study demonstrates that application of the new approach is broader than the conventional emergy analysis and the new approach is helpful in optimizing resources allocation, resource-savings and maintaining agricultural sustainability.
Objectives of this project were to study corn nitrogen (N) fertilization requirement and corn-soybean yield response when grown in a rye cover cropping system. Multiple rates of N fertilizer were applied, with measurement of corn yield response to applied N and soybean yield with and without a fall planted winter rye cover crop. The study was conducted at multiple research farms, with the intent for comparison of with and without a cover crop system across varying soil and climatic conditions in Iowa.
The 30 × 12 × 96 ft (W × H × L, 2,880 ft 2 ) high tunnel was planted and maintained as part of a high tunnel production budget project funded by a Specialty Crop Grant through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Six growers throughout the state participated in the project with the objectives of creating an enterprise budgeting tool that estimates the costs and revenues associated with producing specific crops in a high tunnel, either as a single crop or multi-crop system. The budgeting tool will estimate the production cost and net profit per square foot in a high tunnel from mono-culture (one crop per tunnel) or multi-cropping, successionplanted systems. This report summarizes the findings from the high tunnel at the ISU Horticulture Research Station. The plantings in this high tunnel were used to collect labor and yield data as well as demonstrate a continuous, multi-cropping production system. A publication containing the enterprise budgeting tool, using this data and data collected from the other six farms, will be available through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in the fall of 2012.
利用在黄土旱塬上布置的 13年小麦连作肥料定位试验资料 ,研究了旱地冬小麦氮磷的自然供给能力和吸收来源于肥料和土壤的氮磷相对比例。结果表明 ,旱地冬小麦氮素的自然供给能力为 2 6 6 8~ 2 7 4 9kg/hm2 ,平均为 2 7 2kg/hm2 ;磷素自然供给能力为 5 2 1~ 8 4 9kg/hm2 ,平均为 7 31kg/hm2 。小麦吸收氮素有 51 9%~ 76 8%来自氮肥 ,平均为 6 6 6 % ;而来自土壤为2 3 2 %~ 4 8 1% ,平均 33 4 %。小麦吸收磷素来源于肥料的为 13 6 %~ 4 7 8% ,平均为2 8 7% ;来源于土壤为 52 2 %~ 86 4 % ,平均为 71 3%。同一肥底基础上 ,随肥料用量的增加 ,小麦吸收氮或磷素来源于肥料的比例也增大 ,而来源于土壤的比例逐渐减少。本试验条件下 ,氮肥利用率变幅为 32 6 %~ 6 6 0 % ,平均为 51 1% ;磷肥利用率变幅为 1 72 %~ 14 0 2 % ,平均为 7 0 %
Many efforts are undertaken for sustaining urban agriculture in African cities. This study therefore investigated nutrient management practices in urban vegetable gardens of Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso (West Africa). Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and carbon (C) fluxes were quantified and nutrient balances calculated for three gardens representing the typical commercial gardening + field crops and livestock system (cGCL) and three gardens representing the commercial gardening + semi-commercial field crop system (cGscC). Nutrient and C balances were similarly positive in both production systems reaching annual averages of 688 kg N ha -1, 251 kg P ha-1 yr-1, 189 kg K ha-1, and 31 t C ha-1. Inputs in all gardens exceeded the amounts recommended by the extension service. Gaseous emissions of N and C represented important pathways of N and C losses. The highest emission rates occurred during the hottest periods of the day and the peaks were observed after fertilizer applications. Management recommendations should be geared towards increasing nutrient use efficiencies by better tailoring nutrient availability to crop demand and adjusted fertilization techniques to mitigate N losses.
Este trabalho buscou estudar um sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária com diferentes alturas de pastos, no período de inverno, e seus reflexos sobre a dinâmica da pastagem e o desempenho animal. O experimento foi conduzido em uma pastagem de aveia + azevém manejada sob diferentes intensidades de pastejo. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro tratamentos (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm de altura de manejo) e três repetições. Utilizaramse terneiros de corte de cruzamento industrial com idade e peso médio inicial de 10 meses e 210 kg, respectivamente. O método de pastejo foi contínuo com lotação variável. A adubação de base foi de 400 kg/ha de superfosfato simples e de 90 kg/ha de N em cobertura. As alturas do pasto afetaram a massa de forragem (MF), onde para cada cm de aumento na altura acima de 10 cm, houve incremento na matéria seca da pastagem em cerca de 86 kg/ha de MS. O aumento no ganho médio diário (GMD) foi condicionado pelo incremento na qualidade e/ou na quantidade de forragem disponível, e o modelo de resposta do GMD em relação às alturas do pasto, resultou em valores de 0,73 e 1,14 kg/animal/dia nos tratamentos de maior e menor GMD, respectivamente, que foram de 10 cm e 30 cm de altura. No rendimento de carcaça não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos, uma vez que todos os valores ficaram em torno de 51%. Quanto ao peso de carcaça quente e fria, peso de costilhar, escore de condição corporal e grau de acabamento, observou-se comportamento muito similar à evolução do ganho médio diário dos animais.
On tomato production in Brazil, around two/thirties is designated to consume "in nature". Thus, the skin aspect and its quality became an important factor on buying decision. Tomato presents high mass of water, and its quality depends on temperature and humidity variation. Water loss brings weight and fruit aspect loss, affecting the quality. This work aimed to verify the influence of harvest season on the fruit quality grown in alternative, organic and biodynamic systems. It was evaluated tomato quality characteristics, including mass loss, texture, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids. The cycle stage of the tomato plant interferes on fruit quality. The third, fourth and fifth harvests were those which showed the highest values to quality parameters, with more fresh mass fruit. The sixth harvest showed fruits with high total soluble solids and sugar contents. on the evaluation of mass loss on the three harvest seasons, it was observed that on the first harvest there was a smaller loss. The period of harvest cycle interferes on the time of storage, and fruitd harvested on the first have more conservation time in relation to the other ones.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de plantas de cobertura e da calagem sobre a produtividade da soja e as características químicas do perfil do solo, após implantação do plantio direto. O experimento foi realizado em campo por dois anos, em Latossolo Vermelho‑Amarelo. A área era explorada como pastagem há cinco anos. Avaliaram-se três sistemas de cultivo: soja/pousio/soja, soja/Pennisetum glaucum/soja e soja/Urochloa ruziziensis/soja, com aplicação de calcário à dosagem de 0, 0,5, 1,0 e 2,0 vezes a quantidade necessária para elevar a saturação de bases (V) a 50%, na camada de 0-20 cm. O calcário foi incorporado ao solo, a 20 cm de profundidade, previamente à implantação dos sistemas de cultivo. Aos 490 dias após a calagem, foram coletadas amostras de solo das profundidades de 0-10, 10-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm. Avaliaram-se o estado nutricional das plantas, as alterações das características químicas do solo e a produtividade da soja. As plantas de cobertura associadas à calagem promovem melhorias nos parâmetros de acidez do solo - sobretudo quando a dose aplicada é igual ou mais elevada do que a recomendada para V 50% -, e aumentam o teor foliar de P e a produtividade da soja, independentemente da calagem. Quanto maior a dose de calcário, maior é o avanço da frente alcalina no solo e a produtividade de grãos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade de quatro genótipos de cana-de-açúcar, ao glifosato aplicado para a erradicação de soqueiras de duas idades, em dois sistemas de colheita, em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico. O produto foi aplicado na dose de 2.400 g ha-1 de i.a., aos 40 e 55 dias de idade da touceira, depois do terceiro corte. Para quantificar a ação do glifosato, foram contados os perfilhos vivos e mortos aos 30, 45 e 60 dias depois da aplicação do produto. em relação à porcentagem de morte dos perfilhos, ocorrem diferenças entre os genótipos quanto à suscetibilidade ao glifosato. A dose aplicada não foi suficiente para erradicar 100% dos perfilhos, mas para os genótipos IAC87-3184, RB835486 e SP87-344 o controle foi superior a 80%, tendo sido considerados sensíveis/intermediários, enquanto o IAC91-5155 foi considerado tolerante. O sistema de colheita da cana-de-açúcar não interferiu na eficiência do glifosato na eliminação da soqueira, entretanto, a aplicação feita aos 40 dias da touceira apresentou a maior porcentagem de perfilhos mortos.