928 resultados para crittografia, mixnet, EasyCrypt, game-based proofs,sequence of games, computation-aided proofs


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Negli ultimi anni l'avanzamento della ricerca in campo crittografico ha portato alla necessità di utilizzare strumenti software per la verifica delle prove formali. EasyCrypt è un tool, in fase di sviluppo, ideato per dimostrazioni basate su sequenze di giochi. Nella presente tesi viene presentato un caso di studio riguardante l'applicabilità di EasyCrypt alle mixing networks (abbr. mixnets). è presente un'esaustiva rassegna delle mixnets proposte in letteratura ed è descritta la teoria alla base delle dimostrazioni critografiche basate su sequenze di giochi. EasyCrypt viene analizzato nei suoi fondamenti teorici nonché nelle applicazioni pratiche, con riferimento particolare agli esperimenti svolti per la dimostrazione di proprietà di sicurezza delle mixnets.


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As with any new relationship when teachers implement a different or unfamiliar pedagogical approach into the classroom it is often accompanied by a period of unaccustomed behaviour; such as a reluctance for teachers to commit or a wariness from learners to invest or reveal. The challenges that teachers and learners face in the initial stages of this new relationship, if overcome, can be the mainstays of a mutually beneficial learning experience. Yet, as many teachers have experienced, the reverse of this is also true. Failure to adequately invest, plan and commit to the introduction of a new pedagogical approach can bring with it long term consequences that include an unwillingness to ever start a new relationship again.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016


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America’s deficiency in mathematics can be benefitted by an emphasis in mathematics from an early age. An effective math curriculum for preschool should consist of the most important aspects of early childhood mathematics, including number writing and identification, one-to-one correspondence, cardinality, number comparison, ordinality, number sequence, and number bonds.


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D Regulatory information for transcription initiation is present in a stretch of genomic DNA, called the promoter region that is located upstream of the transcription start site (TSS) of the gene. The promoter region interacts with different transcription factors and RNA polymerase to initiate transcription and contains short stretches of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs), as well as structurally unique elements. Recent experimental and computational analyses of promoter sequences show that they often have non-B-DNA structural motifs, as well as some conserved structural properties, such as stability, bendability, nucleosome positioning preference and curvature, across a class of organisms. Here, we briefly describe these structural features, the differences observed in various organisms and their possible role in regulation of gene expression.


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The report has been produced to inform practitioners who are considering using games and simulations in their practice. Towards this end, the work includes a review of the literature and a series of case studies from practice to illustrate the range of uses of games and to synthesise key issues and themes arising from learning in immersive worlds.


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The complete cytochrome b and the control region of mtDNA (about 2070 bp in total) of 10 strains belonging to three subspecies of the common carp, including three wild subspecies (the Yangtze River wild common carp - Cyprinus carpio haematopterus, Yuanjiang River wild common carp Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus and Volga River wild common carp - Cyprinus carpio carpio) and seven domestic strains (Xingguo red carp, Russian scattered scaled mirror carp, Qingtian carp, Japanese Koi carp, purse red carp, Big-belly carp, German mirror carp) were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the 10 strains form three distinct clades, corresponding to C. c. haematopterus, C. c. rubrofuscus and C. c. carpio respectively. Purse red carp, an endemic domestic strain in Jiangxi province of China, showed a higher evolution rate in comparison with the other strains of C. c. haematopterus, most probably because of intensive selection and a long history of domestication. Base variation ratios among the three subspecies varied from 0.78% (between C. c. haematopterus and C. c. rubrofuscus) to 1.47%(between C. c. carpio and C. c. rubrofuscus). The topography of the phylogenetic tree and the geographic distribution of three subspecies closely resemble each other. The divergence time between C. c. carpio and the other two subspecies was estimated to be about 0.9 Myr and about 0.5 Myr between C. c. haematopterus and C. c. rubrofuscus. Based on phylogenetic analysis, C. c. rubrofuscus might have diverged from C. c. haematopterus.


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An improved technique for 3D head tracking under varying illumination conditions is proposed. The head is modeled as a texture mapped cylinder. Tracking is formulated as an image registration problem in the cylinder's texture map image. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. To solve the registration problem in the presence of lighting variation and head motion, the residual error of registration is modeled as a linear combination of texture warping templates and orthogonal illumination templates. Fast and stable on-line tracking is achieved via regularized, weighted least squares minimization of the registration error. The regularization term tends to limit potential ambiguities that arise in the warping and illumination templates. It enables stable tracking over extended sequences. Tracking does not require a precise initial fit of the model; the system is initialized automatically using a simple 2D face detector. The only assumption is that the target is facing the camera in the first frame of the sequence. The formulation is tailored to take advantage of texture mapping hardware available in many workstations, PC's, and game consoles. The non-optimized implementation runs at about 15 frames per second on a SGI O2 graphic workstation. Extensive experiments evaluating the effectiveness of the formulation are reported. The sensitivity of the technique to illumination, regularization parameters, errors in the initial positioning and internal camera parameters are analyzed. Examples and applications of tracking are reported.


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Digital learning games are useful educational tools with high motivational potential. With the application of games for instruction there comes the need of acknowledging learning game experiences also in the context of educational assessment. Learning analytics provides new opportunities for supporting assessment in and of educational games. We give an overview of current learning analytics methods in this field and reflect on existing challenges. An approach of providing reusable software assets for interaction assessment and evaluation in games is presented. This is part of a broader initiative of making available advanced methodologies and tools for supporting applied game development.


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Data generated from next generation sequencing (NGS) will soon comprise the majority of information about arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities. Although these approaches give deeper insight, analysing NGS data involves decisions that can significantly affect results and conclusions. This is particularly true for AMF community studies, because much remains to be known about their basic biology and genetics. During a workshop in 2013, representatives from seven research groups using NGS for AMF community ecology gathered to discuss common challenges and directions for future research. Our goal was to improve the quality and accessibility of NGS data for the AMF research community. Discussions spanned sampling design, sample preservation, sequencing, bioinformatics and data archiving. With concrete examples we demonstrated how different approaches can significantly alter analysis outcomes. Failure to consider the consequences of these decisions may compound bias introduced at each step along the workflow. The products of these discussions have been summarized in this paper in order to serve as a guide for any researcher undertaking NGS sequencing of AMF communities.


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W)reading, wrangling and the rhythm of the text: enhancing the education of young boys with game-based learning Connecting curriculum content to young people's engagement with texts outside of the classroom is increasingly recognised as a method of providing challenging learning environments (Beavis 1999). The introduction of games-based learning in areas such as literacy provides young people with a structural and conceptual framework with which many, particularly young males, may be familiar...