101 resultados para criminalization
Edkins Jenny, 'The Criminalisation of Mass Starvations: From Natural Disaster to Crime Against Humanity', In: 'The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalisation', (New York: Routledge), pp.50-65, 2006 RAE2008
Anne Merminod de l'Université McGill est récipiendaire du 2ème prix du concours de la bourse d'initiation à la recherche offerte par le Regroupement Droit et changements aux étudiants du baccalauréat en droit.
This paper addresses the movement towards criminalization as a tool for the regulation of work-related deaths in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the last 20 years. This can be seen as reflecting dissatisfaction with the relevant law, although it is best understood in symbolic terms as a response to a disjunction between the instrumental nature and communicative aspirations of regulatory law. This paper uses empirical data gathered from interviews with members of the public to explore the role that such an offence might play. The findings demonstrate that the failures of regulatory law give rise to a desire for criminalization as a means of framing work-related safety events in normative terms.
"January 1996."
The concept of critical criminology – that crime and the present day processes of criminalization are rooted in the core structures of society – is of more relevance today than it has been at any other time. Written by an internationally renowned scholar, Contemporary Critical Criminology introduces the most up-to-date empirical, theoretical, and political contributions made by critical criminologists around the world. In its exploration of this material, the book also challenges the erroneous but widely held notion that the critical criminological project is restricted to mechanically applying theories to substantive topics, or to simple calling for radical political, economic, cultural, and social transformations. This book is an essential source of reference for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Criminology, Criminal Theory, Social Policy, Research Methodology, and Penology.
This paper analyses qualitative data with LGBT young people to think about police-LGBT youth interactions, and the outcomes of these interactions, as pedagogical moments for LGBT young people, police, and public onlookers. Although the data in this paper could be interpreted in line with dominant ways of thinking about LGBT young people and police, as criminalization for instance, the data suggested something more complex. This paper employs a theoretical framework informed by poststructural theories, queer theories, and pedagogical theories, to theorise LGBT youth-police interactions as instruction about managing police relationships in public spaces. The analysis shows how LGBT young people are learning from police encounters about the need to avoid ‘looking queer’ to minimise police harm.
Purpose of this paper: International research identifies transgender people as a vulnerable group in prison systems, with basic needs often being denied. This paper outlines Australian contexts of incarceration, and links between institutional responses and the vulnerabilisation of transgender prisoners. Design/methodology/approach: The paper critically analyses Australian prison policies regarding the treatment of transgender prisoners. Findings: The policy analysis illustrates the links between institutional practices and the increased vulnerability of transgender prisoners. The paper argues that policies further criminalise, and potentially doubly punish, transgender prisoners. Research limitations/implications: This paper analyses the publicly available policies on regulating transgender people’s imprisonment. Given the limited Australian research into transgender prisoner’s lived experiences, there is a gap in relation to policies, their perception, and how corrective services personnel enact the limited procedures available to them in managing transgender prisoners. Practical Implications: Current policies and practices significantly enhance the vulnerability of transgender prisoners. This policy analysis highlights the critical importance of policy and practice reform in relation to housing, safety, health and welfare services, and misgendering. What is the original/value of paper: The policy analysis provides practitioners with an outline of critical issues that arise when transgender people are imprisoned and suggests key areas for future research.
This is a narrative about the way in which a category of crime-to-be-combated is constructed through the discipline of criminology and the agents of discipline in criminal justice. The aim was to examine organized crime through the eyes of those whose job it is to fight it (and define it), and in doing so investigate the ways social problems surface as sites for state intervention. A genealogy of organized crime within criminological thought was completed, demonstrating that there are a range of different ways organized crime has been constructed within the social scientific discipline, and each of these were influenced by the social context, political winds and intellectual climate of the time. Following this first finding, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with individuals who had worked at the apex of the policing of organized crime in Australia, in order to trace their understandings of organized crime across recent history. It was found that organized crime can be understood as an object of the discourse of the politics of law and order, the discourse of international securitization, new public management in policing business, and involves the forging of outlaw identities. Therefore, there are multiple meanings of organized crime that have arisen from an interconnected set of social, political, moral and bureaucratic discourses. The institutional response to organized crime, including law and policing, was subsequently examined. An extensive legislative framework has been enacted at multiple jurisdictional levels, and the problem of organized crime was found to be deserving of unique institutional powers and configurations to deal with it. The social problem of organized crime, as constituted by the discourses mapped out in this research, has led to a new generation of increasingly preemptive and punitive laws, and the creation of new state agencies with amplified powers. That is, the response to organized crime, with a focus on criminalization and enforcement, has been driven and shaped by the four discourses and the way in which the phenomenon is constructed within them. An appreciation of the nexus between the emergence of the social problem, and the formation of institutions in response to it, is important in developing a more complete understanding of the various dimensions of organized crime.
Analisa a pretensão da criminalização primária das ocupações de propriedades públicas e privadas por movimentos sociais, tendo como marco teórico o pensamento de Alessandro Baratta sobre os limites de intervenção penal estatal, especialmente os princípios da “proporcionalidade abstrata” e da “articulação autônoma dos conflitos e das necessidades reais”.
Esta tese analisará a distribuição das águas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro considerando os elementos sociais, jurídicos, políticos, e seus reflexos no direito urbano e ambiental. Nesse aspecto referenciará as medidas de regulação e de organização da estrutura urbana, desde a formação da cidade até os dias atuais, assim como as consequências da exclusão e da ausência das políticas urbanas equitativas. No início, as ocupações irregulares, se distantes do centro e dos bairros elitizados, não despertavam maiores demandas do poder público, porém com o aumento das periferias e as ocupações próximas aos bairros formais, inúmeras medidas adotadas optaram pela remoção, contenção e a destruição dos espaços sem apresentar uma solução, agravando os problemas urbanos. Tais problemas, reconhecidamente sociais, passam a ser denominados urbanos e ambientais, gerando uma complexa criminalização dos moradores das periferias. As intervenções nos espaços são legalizadas pelo instrumento jurídico, as residências suburbanas são classificadas como ilegais e, por consequência, os recursos que deveriam atender a todos na cidade são direcionados apenas para cidade legalizada, criando a celeuma da desigualdade. Assim, amontoados em barracos precários, sem abastecimento de água, energia, esgoto e coleta de lixo, as periferias multiplicam as diversas formas de violência, uma vez que o direito não socorre esses moradores que, abandonados pela lei, vivem a escassez das águas e a especulação dos serviços ilegais de abastecimento. A crise do abastecimento não é causada pelas populações mais empobrecidas, mas pelo mercado que se apropria da maior parte desses recursos, dentro do sistema de uma lógica capitalista, e exclui aqueles que não podem pagar pelo abastecimento regular. Nesse sentido, este trabalho entende que o direito, ainda que tenha se tornado regulatório pode assumir um caráter revolucionário e transformador em que o direito das águas seja um direito da comunidade, por isso, um bem público não estatal, por fim objetiva esse trabalho estudar as leis das águas dentro do paradigma da solidariedade hídrica.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar o Sistema Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro a partir do regime semi-aberto, tendo como campo de análise o Instituto Penal Oscar Stevenson, situado em Benfica, no município do Rio de Janeiro, voltado para um público carcerário feminino. Buscou-se verificar, sob o enfoque das presas, a expectativa e possibilidades de retorno ao convívio social; analisar os aspectos jurídico-institucionais referentes ao regime semi-aberto, no que tange a obtenção dos benefícios, junto a Lei de Execução Penal e identificar quais as parcerias que viabilizam a inserção delas no mercado de trabalho. Para a efetivação desse trabalho utilizou-se, preferencialmente os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da pesquisa quali-quantitativa, pois foi trabalhado não só no nível da objetividade, mas também no significado das ações e relações humanas, sabendo que a realidade prisional é perpassada por questões de cunho opressor, punitivo, em função de preconizar a segurança. Foram realizados também levantamentos de dados bibliográficos e censitários, bem como entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos agentes penitenciários do setor de educação e classificação e principalmente as presas. A análise do material coletado permitiu confirmar as hipóteses da pesquisa: i) que a ausência de oportunidades que garantam às presas os benefícios do regime semi-aberto não se dá por falta de instrumentos legais, mas sim pela burocracia no cadastramento e poucas parcerias de cursos profissionalizantes, empresas privadas que absorvam mão-de-obra das presas do regime semi-aberto; e ii) e que no momento em que as presas ainda estavam no regime fechado, não tiveram oportunidades de se capacitarem e também os vínculos familiares não foram mantidos, com isso dificultando que estas usufruam dos benefícios do regime semi-aberto. E, conseqüentemente, sendo cada vez mais adiado o seu retorno gradativo ao convívio social, através da progressão de regime.