986 resultados para coronary driving pressure
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of hemodynamic changes occurring during acute MI in subsequent fibrosis deposition within non-MI. METHODS: By using the rat model of MI, 3 groups of 7 rats each [sham, SMI (MI <30%), and LMI (MI >30%)] were compared. Systemic and left ventricular (LV) hemodynamics were recorded 10 minutes before and after coronary artery ligature. Collagen volume fraction (CVF) was calculated in picrosirius red-stained heart tissue sections 4 weeks later. RESULTS: Before surgery, all hemodynamic variables were comparable among groups. After surgery, LV end-diastolic pressure increased and coronary driving pressure decreased significantly in the LMI compared with the sham group. LV dP/dt max and dP/dt min of both the SMI and LMI groups were statistically different from those of the sham group. CVF within non-MI interventricular septum and right ventricle did not differ between each MI group and the sham group. Otherwise, subendocardial (SE) CVF was statistically greater in the LMI group. SE CVF correlated negatively with post-MI systemic blood pressure and coronary driving pressure, and positively with post-MI LV dP/dt min. Stepwise regression analysis identified post-MI coronary driving pressure as an independent predictor of SE CVF. CONCLUSION: LV remodeling in rats with MI is characterized by predominant SE collagen deposition in non-MI and results from a reduction in myocardial perfusion pressure occurring early on in the setting of MI.
Left ventricular hypertrophy following volume overload is regarded as an example of cardiac remodeling without increased fibrosis accumulation. However, infarction is associated with increased fibrosis within the noninfarcted, hypertrophied myocardium, particularly in the subendocardial regions. It is conceivable to suppose that, as also occurs postinfarction, low coronary driving pressure may also interfere with accumulation of myocardial fibrosis following aortocaval fistula. PURPOSE: To investigate the role of acute hemodynamic changes in subsequent deposition of cardiac fibrosis in response to aortocaval fistula. METHOD: Aortocaval fistula were created in 4 groups of Wistar rats that were followed over 4 and 8 weeks: aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8 (10 rats each) and their respective controls (sham-operated controls - Sh), Sh4 and Sh8 (8 rats each). Hemodynamic measurements were performed 1 week after surgery. Hypertrophy and fibrosis were quantified by myocyte diameter and collagen volume fraction at the end of follow up. RESULT: Compared with Sh4 and Sh8, pulse pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and +dP/dt were higher in aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8, but -dP/dt was similar. Coronary driving pressure (mm Hg), used as an estimate of perfusion pressure, was lower in aortocaval fistula 8 (52.6 ± 4.1) than in Sh8 (100.8 ± 1.3), but comparable between aortocaval fistula 4 (50.0 ± 8.9) and Sh4 (84.8 ± 2.3). Myocyte diameter was greater in aortocaval fistula 8, whereas interstitial and subendocardial fibrosis were greater in aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8. Coronary driving pressure correlated inversely and independently with subendocardial fibrosis (r² = .86, P <.001), whereas left ventricular systolic pressure (r² = 0.73, P = .004) and end-diastolic pressure (r² = 0.55, P = 012) correlated positively and independently with interstitial fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Coronary driving pressure falls and ventricular pressures increase early after aortocaval fistula and are associated with subsequent myocardial fibrosis deposition.
The results observed in this work support the view that coronary perfusion pressure affects ventricular performance independently of metabolic effects; a mechanism operating in beat-to-beat regulation is proposed.
OBJECTIVE To study the hemodynamic effects of exogenously administered endothelin-1 (ET-1), a peptide produced by endothelial cells with potent non-adrenergically mediated vasoconstrictor properties. METHODS A prospective drug intervention study was carried out in a resuscitation research laboratory. Fifteen mixed-breed dogs were anesthetized and instrumented for hemodynamic monitoring. Asphyxia arrest was produced by clamping the endotracheal tube. Hemodynamic data were collected continuously. Following loss of aortic fluctuations monitored by thoracic aortic catheter, the animals remained in pulseless electrical activity (PEA) for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes of no-flow PEA, closed-chest CPR was begun and the animals were randomized to one of three treatment groups (EPI, 0.02 mg/kg epinephrine IV every 3 minutes; ENDO, 100 micrograms ET-1 IV at 0 minutes; and EPI/ENDO, a combination of the EPI and ENDO treatments). RESULTS ENDO and EPI alone produced similar coronary perfusion pressures (CPPs). The EPI/ENDO combination produced significantly improved CPP compared with that of either EPI or ENDO alone. In the EPI group, the best mean CPP was 16 +/- 14 mm Hg and occurred 7 minutes after drug administration. In the ENDO group, the best mean CPP was 28 +/- 7 mm Hg and occurred 13 minutes after drug administration. In the EPI/ENDO combination group, the best mean CPP was 61 +/- 37 mm Hg and occurred 7 minutes after drug administration (p < 0.05 compared with the EPI and ENDO groups alone). CONCLUSION ET-1 is a potent vasoconstrictor. The combination of EPI and ENDO significantly improved CPP compared with that for either agent alone. ET-1 should be investigated further as a vasoconstrictor in cardiac arrest.
AIMS: Myocardial blood flow (MBF) is the gold standard to assess myocardial blood supply and, as recently shown, can be obtained by myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE). The aims of this human study are (i) to test whether measurements of collateral-derived MBF by MCE are feasible during elective angioplasty and (ii) to validate the concept of pressure-derived collateral-flow assessment. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirty patients with stable coronary artery disease underwent MCE of the collateral-receiving territory during and after angioplasty of 37 stenoses. MCE perfusion analysis was successful in 32 cases. MBF during and after angioplasty varied between 0.060-0.876 mL min(-1) g(-1) (0.304+/-0.196 mL min(-1) g(-1)) and 0.676-1.773 mL min(-1) g(-1) (1.207+/-0.327 mL min(-1) g(-1)), respectively. Collateral-perfusion index (CPI) is defined as the rate of MBF during and after angioplasty varied between 0.05 and 0.67 (0.26+/-0.15). During angioplasty, simultaneous measurements of mean aortic pressure, coronary wedge pressure, and central venous pressure determined the pressure-derived collateral-flow index (CFI(p)), which varied between 0.04 and 0.61 (0.23+/-0.14). Linear-regression analysis demonstrated an excellent agreement between CFI(p) and CPI (y=0.88 x +0.01; r(2)=0.92; P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Collateral-derived MBF measurements by MCE during angioplasty are feasible and proved that the pressure-derived CFI exactly reflects collateral relative to normal myocardial perfusion in humans.
AIMS To investigate a pressure-controlled intermittent coronary sinus occlusion (PICSO) system in an ischaemia/reperfusion model. METHODS AND RESULTS We randomly assigned 18 pigs subjected to 60 minutes ischaemia by left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery balloon occlusion to PICSO (n=12, groups A and B) or to controls (n=6, group C). PICSO started 10 minutes before (group A), or 10 minutes after (group B) reperfusion and was maintained for 180 minutes. A continuous drop of distal LAD pressure was observed in group C. At 180 minutes of reperfusion, LAD diastolic pressure was significantly lower in group C compared to groups A and B (p=0.02). LAD mean pressure was significantly less than the systemic arterial mean pressure in group C (p=0.02), and the diastolic flow slope was flat, compared to groups A and B (p=0.03). IgG and IgM antibody deposition was significantly higher in ischaemic compared to non-ischaemic tissue in group C (p<0.05). Significantly more haemorrhagic lesions were seen in the ischaemic myocardium of group C, compared to groups A and B (p=0.002). The necrotic area differed non-significantly among groups. CONCLUSIONS PICSO was safe and effective in improving coronary perfusion pressure and reducing antibody deposition consistent with reduced microvascular obstruction and ischaemia/reperfusion injury.
The present study was designed to evaluate the differences in the coronary vasodilator actions of serotonin (5-HT) in isolated heart obtained from naive or castrated male and female rats that were treated with either estrogen or testosterone. Hearts from 12 groups of rats were used: male and female naive animals, castrated, castrated and treated with 17ß-estradiol (0.5 µg kg-1 day-1) for 7 or 30 days, and castrated and treated with testosterone (0.5 mg kg-1 day-1) for 7 or 30 days. After treatment, the vascular reactivity of the coronary bed was evaluated. Baseline coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was determined and dose-response curves to 5-HT were generated. Baseline CPP differed between male (70 ± 6 mmHg, N = 10) and female (115 ± 6 mmHg, N = 12) naive rats. Maximal 5-HT-induced coronary vasodilation was higher (P<0.05) in naive female than in naive male rats. In both sexes, 5-HT produced endothelium-dependent coronary vasodilation. After castration, there was no significant difference in baseline CPP between hearts obtained from male and female rats (75 ± 7 mmHg, N = 8, and 83 ± 5 mmHg, N = 8, respectively). Castration reduced the 5-HT-induced maximal vasodilation in female and male rats (P<0.05). Estrogen treatment of castrated female rats restored (P<0.05) the vascular reactivity. In castrated male rats, 30 days of estrogen treatment increased (P<0.05) the responsiveness to 5-HT. The endothelium-dependent coronary vasodilator actions of 5-HT are greater in female rats and are modulated by estrogen. A knowledge of the mechanism of action of estrogen on coronary arteries could aid in the development of new therapeutic strategies and potentially decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease in both sexes.
The present study was designed to determine relaxation in response to 17ß-estradiol by isolated perfused hearts from intact normotensive male and female rats as well as the contribution of endothelium and its relaxing factors to this action. Baseline coronary perfusion pressure was determined and the vasoactive effects of 17ß-estradiol (10 µM) were assessed by in bolus administration before and after endothelium denudation by infusion of 0.25 µM sodium deoxycholate or perfusion with 100 µM L-NAME, 2.8 µM indomethacin, 0.75 µM clotrimazole, 100 µM L-NAME plus 2.8 µM indomethacin, and 100 µM L-NAME plus 0.75 µM clotrimazole. Baseline coronary perfusion pressure differed significantly between males (84 ± 2 mmHg, N = 61) and females (102 ± 2 mmHg, N = 61). Bolus injection of 10 µM 17ß-estradiol elicited a transient relaxing response in all groups, which was greater in coronary beds from females. For both sexes, the relaxing response to 17ß-estradiol was at least in part endothelium-dependent. In the presence of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME, the relaxing response to 17ß-estradiol was reduced only in females. Nevertheless, in the presence of indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, or clotrimazole, a cytochrome P450 inhibitor, the 17ß-estradiol response was significantly reduced in both groups. In addition, combined treatment with L-NAME plus indomethacin or L-NAME plus clotrimazole also reduced the 17ß-estradiol response in both groups. These results indicate the importance of prostacyclin and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor in the relaxing response to 17ß-estradiol. 17ß-estradiol-induced relaxation may play an important role in the regulation of coronary tone and this may be one of the reasons why estrogen replacement therapy reduces the risk of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women.
Tamoxifen has been associated with a reduction in the incidence of myocardial infarction. However, the effects of tamoxifen on coronary reactivity have not been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of chronic treatment with tamoxifen on coronary vascular reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Female SHR were divided into four groups (N = 7 each): sham-operated (SHAM), sham-operated and treated with tamoxifen (10 mg/kg) by gavage for 90 days (TAMOX), ovariectomized (OVX), and ovariectomized and treated with tamoxifen (OVX+TAMOX). Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), coronary perfusion pressure (CPP), and coronary vascular reactivity were measured. MAP and HR were reduced (9.42 and 11.67%, respectively) in the OVX+TAMOX group compared to the OVX group (P < 0.01). The coronary vascular reactivity of the OVX+TAMOX group presented smaller vasoconstrictor responses to acetylcholine (2-64 µg) when compared to the OVX group (P < 0.01) and this response was similar to that of the SHAM group. The adenosine-induced vasodilator response was greater in the TAMOX group compared to the SHAM and OVX groups (P < 0.05). Baseline CPP was higher in OVX+TAMOX and TAMOX groups (136 ± 3.6 and 130 ± 1.5 mmHg) than in OVX and SHAM groups (96 ± 2 and 119 ± 2.3 mmHg; P < 0.01). Tamoxifen, when combined with OVX, attenuated the vasoconstriction induced by acetylcholine and increased the adenosine-induced vasodilatory response, as well as reducing the MAP, suggesting beneficial effects of tamoxifen therapy on coronary vascular reactivity after menopause.
The relaxation of coronary arteries by estrogens in the coronary vascular beds of naive and hypertensive rats has been well described. However, little is known about this action in gonadectomized rats. We investigated the effect of 17-ß-estradiol (E2) in coronary arteries from gonadectomized rats, as well as the contributions of endothelium-derived factors and potassium channels. Eight-week-old female and male Wistar rats weighing 220-300 g were divided into sham-operated and gonadectomized groups (n=9−12 animals per group). The baseline coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was determined, and the vasoactive effects of 10 μM E2 were assessed by bolus administration before and after endothelium denudation or by perfusion with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), indomethacin, clotrimazole, L-NAME plus indomethacin, L-NAME plus clotrimazole or tetraethylammonium (TEA). The CPP differed significantly between the female and sham-operated male animals. Gonadectomy reduced the CPP only in female rats. Differences in E2-induced relaxation were observed between the female and male animals, but male castration did not alter this response. For both sexes, the relaxation response to E2 was, at least partly, endothelium-dependent. The response to E2 was reduced only in the sham-operated female rats treated with L-NAME. However, in the presence of indomethacin, clotrimazole, L-NAME plus indomethacin or L-NAME plus clotrimazole, or TEA, the E2 response was significantly reduced in all groups. These results highlight the importance of prostacyclin, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, and potassium channels in the relaxation response of coronary arteries to E2 in all groups, whereas nitric oxide may have had an important role only in the sham-operated female group.
Animal experiments have shown that the coronary circulation is pressure distensible, i.e., myocardial blood volume (MBV) increases with perfusion pressure. In humans, however, corresponding measurements are lacking so far. We sought to quantify parameters reflecting coronary distensibility such as MBV and coronary resistance (CR) during and after coronary angioplasty. Thirty patients with stable coronary artery disease underwent simultaneous coronary perfusion pressure assessment and myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) of 37 coronary arteries and their territories during and after angioplasty. MCE yielded MBV and myocardial blood flow (MBF; in ml · min(-1) · g(-1)). Complete data sets were obtained in 32 coronary arteries and their territories from 26 patients. During angioplasty, perfusion pressure, i.e., coronary occlusive pressure, and MBV varied between 9 and 57 mmHg (26.9 ± 11.9 mmHg) and between 1.2 and 14.5 ml/100 g (6.7 ± 3.7 ml/100 g), respectively. After successful angioplasty, perfusion pressure and MBV increased significantly (P < 0.001 for both) and varied between 64 and 118 mmHg (93.5 ± 12.8 mmHg) and between 3.7 and 17.3 ml/100 g (9.8 ± 3.4 ml/100 g), respectively. Mean MBF increased from 31 ± 20 ml · min(-1) · g(-1) during coronary occlusion, reflecting collateral flow, to 121 ± 33 ml · min(-1) · g(-1) (P < 0.01), whereas mean CR, i.e., the ratio of perfusion pressure and MBF, decreased by 20% (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the human coronary circulation is pressure distensible. MCE allows for the quantification of CR and MBV in humans.
BACKGROUND: The prognostic relevance of the collateral circulation is still controversial. The goal of this study was to assess the impact on survival of quantitatively obtained, recruitable coronary collateral flow in patients with stable coronary artery disease during 10 years of follow-up. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eight-hundred forty-five individuals (age, 62+/-11 years), 106 patients without coronary artery disease and 739 patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease, underwent a total of 1053 quantitative, coronary pressure-derived collateral measurements between March 1996 and April 2006. All patients were prospectively included in a collateral flow index (CFI) database containing information on recruitable collateral flow parameters obtained during a 1-minute coronary balloon occlusion. CFI was calculated as follows: CFI = (P(occl) - CVP)/(P(ao) - CVP) where P(occl) is mean coronary occlusive pressure, P(ao) is mean aortic pressure, and CVP is central venous pressure. Patients were divided into groups with poorly developed (CFI < 0.25) or well-grown collateral vessels (CFI > or = 0.25). Follow-up information on the occurrence of all-cause mortality and major adverse cardiac events after study inclusion was collected. Cumulative 10-year survival rates in relation to all-cause deaths and cardiac deaths were 71% and 88%, respectively, in patients with low CFI and 89% and 97% in the group with high CFI (P=0.0395, P=0.0109). Through the use of Cox proportional hazards analysis, the following variables independently predicted elevated cardiac mortality: age, low CFI (as a continuous variable), and current smoking. CONCLUSIONS: A well-functioning coronary collateral circulation saves lives in patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease. Depending on the exact amount of collateral flow recruitable during a brief coronary occlusion, long-term cardiac mortality is reduced to one fourth compared with the situation without collateral supply.
BACKGROUND Little is known about the vasomotor function of human coronary collateral vessels. The purpose of this study was to examine collateral flow under a strong sympathetic stimulus (cold pressor test, CPT). METHODS In 30 patients (62 +/- 12 years) with coronary artery disease, two subsequent coronary artery occlusions were performed with random CPT during one of them. Two minutes before and during the 1 minute-occlusion, the patient's hand was immerged in ice water. For the calculation of a perfusion pressure-independent collateral flow index (CFI), the aortic (Pao), the central venous (CVP) and the coronary wedge pressure (Poccl) were measured: CFI = (Poccl - CVP)/(Pao - CVP). RESULTS CPT lead to an increase in Pao from 98 +/- 14 to 105 +/- 15 mm Hg (p = 0.002). Without and with CPT, CFI increased during occlusion from 14% +/- 10% to 16% +/- 10% (p = 0.03) and from 17% +/- 9% to 19% +/- 9% (p = 0.006), respectively, relative to normal flow. During CPT, CFI was significantly higher at the beginning as well as at the end of the occlusion compared to identical instants without CPT. CFI at the end of the control occlusion did not differ significantly from the CFI at the beginning of occlusion with CPT. CONCLUSIONS During balloon occlusion, collateral flow increased due to collateral recruitment independent of external sympathetic stimulation. Sympathetic stimulation using CPT additionally augmented collateral flow. The collateral-flow-increasing effect of CPT is comparable to the recruitment effect of the occlusion itself. This may reflect a coronary collateral vasodilation mediated by the sympathetic nervous system.
OBJECTIVE To expand the limited information on the prognostic impact of quantitatively obtained collateral function in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and to estimate causality of such a relation. DESIGN Prospective cohort study with long-term observation of clinical outcome. SETTING University Hospital. PATIENTS One thousand one hundred and eighty-one patients with chronic stable CAD undergoing 1771 quantitative, coronary pressure-derived collateral flow index measurements, as obtained during a 1-min coronary balloon occlusion (CFI is the ratio between mean distal coronary occlusive pressure and mean aortic pressure both subtracted by central venous pressure). Subgroup of 152 patients included in randomised trials on the longitudinal effect of different arteriogenic protocols on CFI. INTERVENTIONS Collection of long-term follow-up information on clinical outcome. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES All-cause mortality and major adverse cardiac events. RESULTS Cumulative 15-year survival rate was 48% in patients with CFI<0.25 and 65% in the group with CFI≥0.25 (p=0.0057). Cumulative 10-year survival rate was 75% in patients without arteriogenic therapy and 88% (p=0.0482) in the group with arteriogenic therapy and showing a significant increase in CFI at follow-up. By proportional hazard analysis, the following variables predicted increased all-cause mortality: age, low CFI, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and number of vessels with CAD. CONCLUSIONS A well-functioning coronary collateral circulation independently predicts lowered mortality in patients with chronic CAD. This relation appears to be causal, because augmented collateral function by arteriogenic therapy is associated with prolonged survival.
Objective To evaluate the effect of heart rate reduction by ivabradine on coronary collateral function in patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods This was a prospective randomised placebo-controlled monocentre trial in a university hospital setting. 46 patients with chronic stable CAD received placebo (n=23) or ivabradine (n=23) for the duration of 6 months. The main outcome measure was collateral flow index (CFI) as obtained during a 1 min coronary artery balloon occlusion at study inclusion (baseline) and at the 6-month follow-up examination. CFI is the ratio between simultaneously recorded mean coronary occlusive pressure divided by mean aortic pressure both subtracted by mean central venous pressure. Results During follow-up, heart rate changed by +0.2±7.8 beats/min in the placebo group, and by –8.1±11.6 beats/min in the ivabradine group (p=0.0089). In the placebo group, CFI decreased from 0.140±0.097 at baseline to 0.109±0.067 at follow-up (p=0.12); it increased from 0.107±0.077 at baseline to 0.152±0.090 at follow-up in the ivabradine group (p=0.0461). The difference in CFI between the 6-month follow-up and baseline examination amounted to −0.031±0.090 in the placebo group and to +0.040±0.094 in the ivabradine group (p=0.0113). Conclusions Heart rate reduction by ivabradine appears to have a positive effect on coronary collateral function in patients with chronic stable CAD.