940 resultados para corneal transplant
BACKGROUND: Nitrosative stress takes place in endothelial cells (EC) during corneal acute graft rejection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential role of peroxynitrite on corneal EC death. METHODS: The effect of peroxynitrite was evaluated in vivo. Fifty, 250, and 500 microM in 1.5 microL of the natural or denatured peroxynitrite in 50 microM NaOH, 50 microM NaOH alone, or balanced salt solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rat eyes (n=3/group). Corneal toxic signs after injection were assessed by slit-lamp, in vivo confocal imaging, pachymetry, and EC count. The effect of peroxynitrite was also evaluated on nitrotyrosine and leucocyte elastase inhibitor/LDNase II immunohistochemistry. Human corneas were incubated with peroxynitrite and the effect on EC viability was evaluated. A specific inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (iNOS) was administered systemically in rats undergoing allogeneic corneal graft rejection and the effect on EC was evaluated by EC count. RESULTS: Rat eyes receiving as little as 50 microM peroxynitrite showed a specific dose-dependent toxicity on EC. We observed an intense nitrotyrosine staining of human and rat EC exposed to peroxynitrite associated with leucocyte elastase inhibitor nuclear translocation, a noncaspase dependent apoptosis reaction. Specific inhibition of iNOS generation prevented EC death and enhanced EC survival of the grafted corneas. However, inhibition of iNOS did not have a significant influence on the incidence of graft rejection. CONCLUSION: Nitrosative stress during acute corneal graft rejection in rat eyes induces a noncaspase dependent apoptotic death in EC. Inhibition of nitric oxide production during the corneal graft rejection has protective effects on the corneal EC survival.
PURPOSE: To compare the effect of a rat anti-VEGF antibody, administered either by topical or subconjunctival (SC) routes, on a rat model of corneal transplant rejection.METHODS: Twenty-four rats underwent corneal transplantation and were randomized into four treatment groups (n=6 in each group). G1 and G2 received six SC injections (0.02 ml 10 µg/ml) of denatured (G1) or active (G2) anti-VEGF from Day 0 to Day 21 every third day. G3 and G4 were instilled three times a day with denatured (G3) or active (G4) anti-VEGF drops (10 µg/ml) from Day 0 to Day 21. Corneal mean clinical scores (MCSs) of edema (E), transparency (T), and neovessels (nv) were recorded at Days 3, 9, 15, and 21. Quantification of neovessels was performed after lectin staining of vessels on flat mounted corneas.RESULTS: Twenty-one days after surgery, MCSs differed significantly between G1 and G2, but not between G3 and G4, and the rejection rate was significantly reduced in rats receiving active antibodies regardless of the route of administration (G2=50%, G4=66.65% versus G1 and G3=100%; p<0.05). The mean surfaces of neovessels were significantly reduced in groups treated with active anti-VEGF (G2, G4). However, anti-VEGF therapy did not completely suppress corneal neovessels.CONCLUSIONS: Specific rat anti-VEGF antibodies significantly reduced neovascularization and subsequent corneal graft rejection. The SC administration of the anti-VEGF antibody was more effective than topical instillation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective To describe the technique of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) with Descemet's membrane (DM) exposure in horse eyes. Also, to compare the efficacy and safety of viscodissection and big-bubble techniques for DALK. Animals studied Thirty-four ex vivo horse eyes. Procedure Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty was performed in 34 ex vivo horse eyes. Two groups (Group V - viscodissection - 2% sodium hyaluronate; Group A - air - big-bubble) of 17 eyes were studied. Other than the substance used, the surgical technique was similar for both groups. Nonperforated eyes were submitted for light microscopic histologic evaluation and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis. Results Group V - Perforations occurred in 18% of the eyes during surgery. Light microscopy revealed exposure of DM in 28% of the eyes with mean thickness of the remaining stroma being 70.4μm. Group A - Perforations occurred in 42% of the eyes. Light microscopy revealed exposure of DM in 60% of the eyes with mean thickness of the remaining stroma being 23.3μm. No significant differences in safety, efficacy and thickness of the remaining stroma (including all eyes or excluding those with DM exposure) were observed. SEM of the surgical site revealed a more even surface in those eyes with DM exposure compared to eyes with thicker remaining stroma in both groups. Conclusions We describe two DALK techniques (viscodissection and big-bubble) for use in horses. No significant differences in safety, efficacy and thickness of the remaining stroma were observed. However, a nonsignificant trend toward the big-bubble technique being more efficacious but less safe was observed. © 2012 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A number of neurodegenerative diseases caused by prions have been described recently. These include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, scrapie in sheep and BSE in cows. Patients with CJD may suffer a range of visual problems including eye movement deficits and visual hallucinations. In addition, it is possible that CJD may be acquired via corneal transplant and that prions may be transmitted by reusable contact lenses.
Regenerative potential of corneal endothelium from patients with fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy
La dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD, pour l’abréviation du terme anglais « Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy ») est une maladie de l'endothélium cornéen. Sa pathogenèse est mal connue. Aucun traitement médical n’est efficace. Le seul traitement existant est chirurgical et consiste dans le remplacement de l’endothélium pathologique par un endothélium sain provenant de cornées de la Banque des yeux. Le traitement chirurgical, en revanche, comporte 10% de rejet immunologique. Des modèles expérimentaux sont donc nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre cette maladie ainsi que pour le développement de traitements alternatifs. Le but général de cette thèse est de développer un modèle expérimental de la FECD en utilisant le génie tissulaire. Ceci a été réalisé en trois étapes. 1) Tout d'abord, l'endothélium cornéen a été reconstruit par génie tissulaire en utilisant des cellules endothéliales en culture, provenant de patients atteints de FECD. Ce modèle a ensuite été caractérisé in vitro. Brièvement, les cellules endothéliales cornéennes FECD ont été isolées à partir de membranes de Descemet prélevées lors de greffes de cornée. Les cellules au deuxième ou troisième passages ont ensuite été ensemencées sur une cornée humaine préalablement décellularisée. Suivant 2 semaines de culture, les endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD (n = 6) ont été évalués à l'aide d'histologie, de microscopie électronique à transmission et d’immunomarquages de différentes protéines. Les endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD ont formé une monocouche de cellules polygonales bien adhérées à la membrane de Descemet. Les immunomarquages ont démontré la présence des protéines importantes pour la fonctionnalité de l’endothélium cornéen telles que Na+-K+/ATPase α1 et Na+/HCO3-, ainsi qu’une expression faible et uniforme de la protéine clusterine. 2) Deux techniques chirurgicales (DSAEK ; pour « Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty » et la kératoplastie pénétrante) ont été comparées pour la transplantation cornéenne dans le modèle animal félin. Les paramètres comparés incluaient les défis chirurgicaux et les résultats cliniques. La technique « DSAEK » a été difficile à effectuer dans le modèle félin. Une formation rapide de fibrine a été observée dans tous les cas DSAEK (n = 5). 3) Finalement, la fonctionnalité in vivo des endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD a été évaluée (n = 7). Les évaluations in vivo comprenaient la transparence, la pachymétrie et la tomographie par cohérence optique. Les évaluations post-mortem incluaient la morphométrie des cellules endothéliales, la microscopie électronique à transmission et des immunomarquage de protéines liées à la fonctionnalité. Après la transplantation, la pachymétrie a progressivement diminué et la transparence a progressivement augmenté. Sept jours après la transplantation, 6 des 7 greffes étaient claires. La microscopie électronique à transmission a montré la présence de matériel fibrillaire sous-endothélial dans toutes les greffes d’endothelia reconstruits FECD. Les endothélia reconstruits exprimaient aussi des protéines Na+-K+/ATPase et Na+/HCO3-. En résumé, cette thèse démontre que les cellules endothéliales de la cornée à un stade avancé FECD peuvent être utilisées pour reconstruire un endothélium cornéen par génie tissulaire. La kératoplastie pénétrante a été démontrée comme étant la procédure la plus appropriée pour transplanter ces tissus reconstruits dans l’œil du modèle animal félin. La restauration de l'épaisseur cornéenne et de la transparence démontrent que les greffons reconstruits FECD sont fonctionnels in vivo. Ces nouveaux modèles FECD démontrent une réhabilitation des cellules FECD, permettant d’utiliser le génie tissulaire pour reconstruire des endothelia fonctionnels à partir de cellules dystrophiques. Les applications potentielles sont nombreuses, y compris des études physiopathologiques et pharmacologiques.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection posttransplant. However, the risk factors for and the impact of UTIs remain controversial. The aim of this study was to identify the incidence of posttransplant UTIs in a series of renal transplant recipients from deceased donors. Secondary objectives were to identify: (1) the most frequent infectious agents; (2) risk factors related to donor; (3) risk factors related to recipients; and (4) impact of UTI on graft function. This was a retrospective analysis of medical records from renal transplant patients from January to December 2010. Local ethics committee approved the protocol. The incidence of UTI in this series was 34.2%. Risk factors for UTI were older age, (independent of gender), biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes, and kidneys from deceased donors (United Network for Organ Sharing criteria). For female patients, the number of pretransplant pregnancies was an additional risk factor. Recurrent UTI was observed in 44% of patients from the UTI group. The most common infectious agents were Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, for both isolated and recurrent UTI. No difference in renal graft function or immunosuppressive therapy was observed between groups after the 1-year follow-up. In this series, older age, previous pregnancy, kidneys from expanded criteria donors, and biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes were risk factors for posttransplant UTI. Recurrence of UTI was observed in 44%, with no negative impact on graft function or survival.
PURPOSES: 1) To verify the impact of the creation of the Single Technical Record (STR) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) Hospital das Clínicas, on the preservation period of corneas which were used in elective penetrating keratoplasties, and 2) to compare the primary failure incidence in cornea penetrating keratoplasties regarding the periods before and after the creation of STR. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted at the Unicamp Hospital, which evaluated 15 consecutive cornea penetrating keratoplasties between January 1st and April 30th, 2000 and 24 consecutive penetrating keratoplasties between May 1st and September 20th of the same year (corneas under the control of the STR), totaling 39 keratoplasties. RESULTS: The mean time between cornea preparation and transplantation was 3.8 days (±1.78) in the period before STR creation, and 6.0 days (±2.97) after STR creation, representing a 36.7% increase in the preservation time. There was a statistically significant difference (p=0.02) between the two groups. No corneal primary failure was observed among the 39 transplanted patients in both groups. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that this new concept of the State Transplantation System has caused a statistically significant increase in the conservation period of corneas, which may reduce the period of a clear transplant due to an increased loss of endothelial cells, as well as increase the primary failure incidence or result in a high number of corneas that cannot be used due to having exceeded the preservation time recommended by the literature.
PURPOSE: Evaluate the bone tissue recovery following transplantation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bone marrow and human immature dental-pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) in ovine model of induced osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH). METHODS: Eight sheep were divided in three experimental groups. First group was composed by four animals with ONFH induced by ethanol through central decompression (CD), for control group without any treatment. The second and third group were compose by two animals, six weeks after ONFH induction received transplantation of heterologous ovine MSC (CD + oMSC), and hIDPSC (CD + hIDPSC), respectively. In both experiments the cells were transplanted without application of any type of immunosupression protocol. RESULTS: Our data indicate that both cell types used in experiments were able to proliferate within injured site providing bone tissue recovery. The histological results obtained from CD+hIDPSC suggested that the bone regeneration in such animals was better than that observed in CD animals. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal stem cell transplant in induced ovine osteonecrosis of femoral head by central decompression technique is safe, and apparently favors bone regeneration of damaged tissues.
PURPOSE: The main goal of this study was to develop and compare two different techniques for classification of specific types of corneal shapes when Zernike coefficients are used as inputs. A feed-forward artificial Neural Network (NN) and discriminant analysis (DA) techniques were used. METHODS: The inputs both for the NN and DA were the first 15 standard Zernike coefficients for 80 previously classified corneal elevation data files from an Eyesys System 2000 Videokeratograph (VK), installed at the Departamento de Oftalmologia of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo. The NN had 5 output neurons which were associated with 5 typical corneal shapes: keratoconus, with-the-rule astigmatism, against-the-rule astigmatism, "regular" or "normal" shape and post-PRK. RESULTS: The NN and DA responses were statistically analyzed in terms of precision ([true positive+true negative]/total number of cases). Mean overall results for all cases for the NN and DA techniques were, respectively, 94% and 84.8%. CONCLUSION: Although we used a relatively small database, results obtained in the present study indicate that Zernike polynomials as descriptors of corneal shape may be a reliable parameter as input data for diagnostic automation of VK maps, using either NN or DA.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the corneal vascularization (CV) and the clinical aspects induced by interlamellar graft with native (NCM) and anionic (ACM) collagen membranes in rabbits corneas. METHODS: An interlamellar graft with a 0.25 x 0.25 cm NCM (group 1) or ACM (group 2) fragment was performed in the right eye (treated eye). In the left eye, an estromal tunnel was done (control eye). Sixteen rabbits were used, and they were subdivided into two experimental groups of eight animals each. The clinical evaluation was performed at the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15th and 30th postoperative days. Corneal vascularization analysis was performed after 30 days by the Images Analizator System Leica Qwin-550®. RESULTS: After 7 days, corneal vascularization was observed at about 2.25 ± 0.71 mm (NCM) and at about 1.0 ± 1.69 mm (ACM), respectively, from the limbus in direction to the central cornea. After 15 days, CV increased in both groups (5.25 ± 1.03 mm - NCM; 2.0 ± 2.39 mm - ACM) and then progressively decreased until day 30 (2.25 ± 2.10 mm - NCM; 0.75 ± 2.12 mm - ACM). The statistical analysis indicated that the averages of the distances from the limb vessels to the grafts observed after 7 and 15 days had not differed statistically (p=0.17), and after 15 and 30 postoperative days had a tendency to differ statistically (p=0.09). The control eyes did not present any changes. CONCLUSION: The interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes induced corneal vascularization when applied to rabbit corneas, but anionic collagen membrane induced a smaller corneal vascularization when compared to native collagen membrane. Although further studies are required, the results found in this study demonstrated the usefulness of interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes in keratoplasties. These membranes consists in one more graft option for the surgical treatment of corneal repair in rabbits and others animals, when other forms of medical and surgical treatment are not effective.
The aim of this study was to examine the endothelial surface morphology and perform a morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells of ostrich (Struthio camelus) using scanning electron microscopy. Polygonality, mean cell area, cell density and coefficient of variation of mean cell area were analyzed. The normal corneal endothelium consisted of polygonal cells of uniform size and shape with few interdigitations of the cell borders. Microvilli appeared as protusions on the cellular surface. The average cell area was 269±18µm² and the endothelial cell density was 3717±240cells mm-2. The coefficient of variation of the cell area was 0.06, and the percentage of hexagonal cells was 75%. The parameters evaluated did not differ significantly between the right and the left eye from the same ostrich. The results of this study showed that the ostrich corneal endothelial cells appear quite similar to those of the other vertebrates.
Objective: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of prostaglandin analogs and prostamide on central corneal thickness (CCT). Methods: A prospective analysis was done of CCT in glautomatous patients submitted to monotherapy with prostaglandin analogs (latanoprost 0.005% or travoprost 0.004%) or prostamide (bimatoprost 0.03%) during an 8-week period. A control group of patients without any ocular medication was also evaluated. CCT measurements were performed with a commercially available ultrasound pachymeter. A total of 73 patients were included in this study. Mean age was 68.5 +/- 9.2 (range, 48-85) years old. Results: A statistically significant reduction in CCT was observed in all groups, except the control group (n = 21): Bimatoprost 0.03% group (n = 21): 544.41 +/- 35.4 vs. 540.35 +/- 35.9 mu m (P = 0.039); travoprost 0.004% group (n = 17): 538.47 +/- 32.0 vs. 532.25 +/- 30.4 mu m (P = 0.009); latanoprost 0.005% group (n = 14): 548.57 +/- 32.4 vs. 543.88 +/- 35.6 mu m (P = 0.036). Conclusion: Topical therapy with prostaglandin analogs and bimatoprost is associated with CCT reduction over a period of at least 8 weeks.
Mycophenolic acid is an immunosuppressant administered as a bioavailable ester, mycophenolate mofetil. The pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid have been reported to be variable. Accurate measurement of concentrations of this drug could be important to adjust doses. The aim of this study was to compare the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT [Dade Behring; San Jose, CA, U.S.A.]) for mycophenolic acid with a high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay using samples collected from renal transplant recipients. The HPLC assay used solid phase extraction and a C18 stationary phase with ultraviolet (UV) detection (254 nm). The immunoassay required no manual sample preparation. Plasma samples (n = 102) from seven patients, collected at various times after a dose, were analyzed using both methods. Both assays fulfilled quality-control criteria. Higher concentrations were consistently measured in patient samples when using EMIT. The mean (+/- standard deviation [SD]) bias (EMIT-HPLC) was 1.88 +/- 0.86 mg/L. The differences in concentrations were higher in the middle of a dosage interval, suggesting that a metabolite might have been responsible for overestimation. Measurement of glucuronide concentrations by HPLC demonstrated only a weak correlation between assay differences and glucuronide concentrations. If the crossreacting substance is active, EMIT could provide a superior measure of immunosuppression; if inactive, further work is needed to improve antibody specificity. In conclusion, it was found that EMIT overestimates the concentration of mycophenolic acid in plasma samples from renal transplant recipients compared with HPLC analysis.