992 resultados para cooperativas populares


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At present, the network re appear like alternatives of find forms in arrangements inter-organizational that offer his members better opportunities of modernizes technological, insertion in the market, managerial and at the same time permit the exchange of experiences, information and knowledge for fortify and compete of equal for equal, permitting brighten up the harmful effects of the compete wild. A threat that can be minimized by the organization in net and the use of other forms interorganizational and strategic alliances. Therefore the demonstrates the context of the competitive cooperation in network, seeking criteria of analysis of that phenomenon organizational, on the basis of a study of case of the net ITCPs and in the literature researched, aimed with that criterion and indicator for creation of a model of evaluation in the future (Factor Net) that be prominent for the drawing of those forms organizational you maintained, supportive, competitive and cooperative


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present paper studies the case of cooperatives incubated at Technology Incubator of Popular Cooperatives that belongs to the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Engineering Graduate and Research Institute (COPPE) in the scope of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Is analyzes if occurs the dialogic process in its management endorsed by Habermas's Critic Theory and the Paraecomomic Model of Guerreiro Ramos. For that, the study is based on conceptual frameworks enclosing Critic Theory as well as Solidary Economy, Cooperativism and Incubators. Its historical roots and the movement in Brazil. The paper presented finals conclusions closes with a set of recommendations to extend the research field as well as its applicability.


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Alunos e organizadores da Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares da GV falam sobre os seus projetos


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O estudo tem por objetivo realizar uma análise do processo de incubação, uma tecnologia social voltada à sustentabilidade de empreendimentos econômicos solidários. Trata-se de mostrar a ação da Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares e Empreendimentos Solidários (ITCPES), um programa de ensino, pesquisa e extensão junto à Cooperativa dos Fruticultores de Abaetetuba (Cofruta). Partiu-se da pesquisa exploratória-descritiva sob uma abordagem qualitativa-quantitativa para demonstrar a sustentabilidade a partir das dimensões: econômica, social, política, gestão e formação. Com base nesses indicadores chegou-se ao resultado de que a Incubadora contribui para a sustentabilidade da Cofruta, principalmente, no que diz respeito ao planejamento, ao controle e à necessidade de diversificação da produção.


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Este estudo propõe-se a compreender como o Estado tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento sustentável a partir de seu poder de compra, mais precisamente, ao se comparar práticas e regulamentações no estado de São Paulo e os da região Sul. Quanto ao método de pesquisa, foi utilizada a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, em editais e legislações dos estados supracitados, compreendendo os anos de 2011 a 2013. Verificou-se que os avanços se limitam a questões ambientais e à dimensão social. Avanços, embora tímidos, fortalecem modelos organizacionais não centrados na maximização do lucro, voltados à inclusão social, à justiça distributiva, ao equilíbrio ambiental e ao bem viver coletivo, prerrogativas dos empreendimentos de economia solidária, empresas sociais e cooperativas populares, que podem ser particularmente alavancadas.


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The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance


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The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance


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O estudo tem por objetivo realizar uma análise do processo de incubação, uma tecnologia social voltada à sustentabilidade de empreendimentos econômicos solidários. Trata-se de mostrar a ação da Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares e Empreendimentos Solidários (ITCPES), um programa de ensino, pesquisa e extensão junto à Cooperativa dos Fruticultores de Abaetetuba (Cofruta). Partiu-se da pesquisa exploratória-descritiva sob uma abordagem qualitativa-quantitativa para demonstrar a sustentabilidade a partir das dimensões: econômica, social, política, gestão e formação. Com base nesses indicadores chegou-se ao resultado de que a Incubadora contribui para a sustentabilidade da Cofruta, principalmente, no que diz respeito ao planejamento, ao controle e à necessidade de diversificação da produção.


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This paper aims to report on the University extension activities based on the principles of the Solidarity Economy, developed by teachers and students from several campuses of UNESP, in partnerships with other institutions and the communities involved. In addition to a brief history of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil, and the opportunities and challenges of Technological Incubators for Popular Cooperatives (ITCPs), the paper presents important considerations for an Institutional Program aimed at strengthening and expanding the role of such Incubators at UNESP.


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The goal of this paper is to critically analyze the practices developed by Solidarity Economy and to merge them with social technologies, aiming to achieve social transformation of popular groups. This transformation consists in the empowerment of those groups in means of work organization, considering their self-management and also the development of techniques and technologies utilized. Based on the understanding that technical development has no neutral character and it follows linearity within society, a discussion around the forms and uses of technology is conducted here, aiming at the perspective of changes in technologies’ development and also assigning social character to them. To think of social technology requires us to consider the space in which it is inserted, once it refers to a collective demand that belongs to self-managed groups. Therefore, to intent beyond self-management work, new productive forces are discussed here, and also the analysis and adhesion of an alternative technology for popular cooperatives


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O movimento de cooperativas populares vem crescendo exponencialmente nós últimos anos. Como forma de organização alternativa à crise do desemprego, as cooperativas atendem não só às camadas de base popular, mas também a um contingente expressivo de trabalhadores qualificados e com um bom padrão de vida. O estudo de caso foi realizado em numa cooperativa popular Amigos do Lixo , localizada na cidade de Guaratinguetá SP. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso único, como técnicas de coleta de dados, observação direta, análise de documentos e entrevistas com cooperados e gestor. O objetivo geral foi analisar se a Cooperativa de Trabalho citada atua como geradora de trabalho e renda. Procurou-se descrever os principais conceitos que definem a Economia Solidária e a Cooperativa de trabalho. A questão foi analisada por meio da investigação das percepções das condições de vida dos cooperados antes e após o ingresso nas respectivas cooperativas.


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The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance


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The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance


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A ciência da Agroecologia surge nos anos 70 do século XX como uma crítica ao paradigma que sustenta a agricultura convencional, que ignora os sujeitos sociais vinculados ao manejo dos recursos naturais e traz conseqüências sociais e ambientais gravíssimas. Ela propõe alternativas à divisão disciplinar da ciência positivista incorporando as perspectivas social e ecológica à análise dos sistemas agrícolas. Ela tem uma natureza pluri-epistemológica, utilizando-se de técnicas participativas, nas quais a metodologia utilizada tem uma perspectiva de pesquisa dialética. Tal perspectiva rompe com a estrutura de poder sujeito-objeto da metodologia científica convencional na qual o pesquisador é o sujeito que sabe e o pesquisado é o objeto a ser analisado. Este trabalho busca romper com essa relação de poder e dar voz a uma família de agricultores que participou do projeto desenvolvido pela Incubadora Regional de Cooperativas Populares (INCOOP/UFSCar) no Assentamento Rural Fazenda Pirituba II. Com o objetivo de analisar o processo de transição agroecológica pelo qual passa essa família e no qual esteve inserido este projeto, utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa e suas técnicas de observação participante, estudo de caso e história oral de vida. A desarticulação entre as instituições a não compreensão do contexto sócio-histórico local, a perda de visão do todo e a descontinuidade do projeto mostraram ser fatores determinantes para o insucesso do mesmo. Conclui-se que, financiamentos mais longos a projetos que articulem ações de organizações governamentais, não-governamentais e agricultores, vinculados a uma política pública eficiente de Extensão Rural Agroecológica podem contribuir para a geração de processos sustentáveis e autônomos nas comunidades.